Busty Mom & the Bullies, Bk.#3 - Cover

Busty Mom & the Bullies, Bk.#3

Copyright© 2019 by rmdexter

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The bullies, and the son, continue to put Busty Mom through her paces, using her for their own perverse pleasure. She loves every second of it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

Elliott’s alarm went off a half hour earlier than usual, as his mother requested. It was Monday, the first day of the school week, and with what had happened between his mother and his three bullies on the weekend, as he came awake, he wondered what their life was going to be like moving forward. He was hoping for more of the same. With anticipation, he threw off the covers and made his way to his mother’s room, only to find her sitting propped up against the headboard, the light from her bedside table illuminating her in a warm glow. She was still wearing the chemise she’d worn as a nightgown, her big tits absolutely filling the soft satin cups.

“Perfect timing, sweetheart,” she said as she drew the covers off her body. Elliott stood there just inside the door, his heartrate increasing as her knees came up and her thighs rolled open.

He happily made his way to school, with a spring in his step that made him feel like he was walking on air. He and his mother had gone through the same routine as the day before, when she’d commented that they should start every day that way. He’d eaten her until she climaxed, then he’d jerked off all over her flushed pussy, and then he’d lowered his mouth to her cum-covered snatch and cleaned her up, as he was expected to do, bringing her to another toe-curling orgasm along the way.

Elliott saw his bullies in the hallway before school started, and he knew they’d seen him, but they didn’t acknowledge his presence in any way other than Jamal giving him a brief nod. Elliott knew better than to go up and try and start any kind of conversation with them, as if they were all of a sudden best buddies. No, that brief nod from Jamal let him know that was all he was going to get, at this point anyway.

Gunner and Zeke were in his first period math class, and that was the only one he shared with them. Jamal was in two of his classes, English in second period and history in period five, the last class of the day. In math, he noticed Zeke paying attention for a change, and he wondered if maybe his tutoring lesson was in any way responsible for that. Zeke even put his hand up to offer an answer for a question from the teacher, and when Zeke got it right, Elliott couldn’t help but smile as the boy turned and gave Gunner a fist bump across the aisle.

English class was just as interesting, with Jamal offering an opinion about a section they’d been required to read in Oedipus Rex. Of course, he had his own way of stylizing his answer, with a fair amount of street jargon mixed in, but his opinion of Oedipus’s thoughts and desires was fairly incisive, and Elliott saw that the teacher was just as impressed as he was.

But it was his fifth period class that Elliott was anticipating more than any other. History, with Mrs. Tremblay. She was the teacher that the boys had been fucking, as recently as Saturday night. They’d left his house after Mrs. Tremblay had texted Jamal that her husband was going out. Jamal had said that, with the husband away at his monthly poker night, the three of them had taken turns poking her. And then they’d come back to Elliott’s house to make use of his mother’s mouth, making her clean the history teacher’s cunt-juice from their cocks as she sucked them off.

Elliott had never really thought about Mrs. Tremblay like that, but now knowing about these apparently ongoing transgressions with his three bullies, he was interested to take a closer look at the woman. With all that in mind, Elliott walked into history class with his eyes forward, checking out the woman who was busy scribbling down a note at her desk. She flicked her eyes up as the new platoon of students walked into her class, and he saw a warm quiet smile come over her face as she spotted Jamal take his seat near the back of the room. From where Elliott sat off to the other side and closer to the front, he could turn slightly sideways in his seat and have a view of both of them.

When Mrs. Tremblay got up and perched herself on the edge of her desk to speak to the class, Elliott took a good close look at her. She was definitely older than his mother, probably in her mid-fifties. That would be about right, because he’d heard that she had grown up kids, a couple of which had already finished college. Mrs. Tremblay had a nice face, he thought. It wasn’t a sexy face, like his mother’s, but friendly and what Elliott thought of as trusting. The way you’d expect an older woman’s face to be. There wasn’t an ounce of meanness in that face, like some teachers he’d had over the years. She had what Elliott thought of as ‘maturity lines’ on her face, once again comparing her to his 40-year old mother. She had the beginnings of crows-feet at the corners of her eyes, and noticeable smile lines at the corners of her mouth, which he knew people developed as they got older. But those little wrinkles suited her, and Elliott realized that he found her face to be quite attractive, in a grandmotherly sort of way.

Her hair was a soft brunette color, and she currently had it pulled up in a soft bun. Whether that was her true color or not, Elliott had no idea, but she’d been that same color since he’d been going to that school, and it looked good on her.

She was taller than his mother by a few inches, and definitely heavier. She had some extra pounds on her that he was sure she hadn’t had in her younger years. She wasn’t what you’d call fat by any means, just a well-filled-out mature woman, with that extra weight distributed evenly over her full, rounded body. She was wearing a conservative-looking skirt that ended just below her knees, with low-heeled shoes, which he figured she’d need, what with her being a teacher that was on her feet all day long. What he could see of her legs left a good impression. Her calves were full and fleshy, like the rest of her, but he could see that her ankles were trim, as were her knees.

But it was Mrs. Tremblay’s chest that really drew Elliott’s attention. She was wearing a simple white blouse beneath an open cardigan that matched the skirt she was wearing. Although neither the cardigan nor the shirt was tight, he could definitely make out some sizable tits beneath her attire. When she turned slightly from her perch on the edge of her desk, he spotted a white bra between a gap in the buttons of her blouse. And he focussed in on the way her breasts moved beneath the sweater as she changed positions. They were definitely big all right, not as big as his mother’s, but more than generous.

All around, Elliott came to the conclusion that she looked pretty damn good for her age. A good ten years at least older than his mom, and a little bit chubby, but she carried herself with a certain grace, and she still had a great set of tits, which Elliott knew counted for a lot, and not just with the likes of Jamal and his buddies, but with nearly all men.

As the lesson got underway, Elliott noticed that Mrs. Tremblay purposely avoided looking in Jamal’s direction, which he figured she was doing on purpose. At one point she asked the class to each read from a section in the textbook. She took a seat at her desk as the students opened their books and set to it. They’d barely started reading when Elliott noticed Jamal get up from his seat and make his way across the room towards him, finally stopping next to his chair.

“Mrs. Tremblay, do you mind if I ask Elliott about something here I don’t understand?” Jamal said as Mrs. Tremblay looked over at him, clearly confused by seeing him next to one of her star students. “He’s tutoring me and I thought I’d ask him first rather than bother you.”

“Of course, Jamal, that would be fine. If Elliott doesn’t mind?” She looked at Elliott questioningly.

“Uh no, that’s fine. I’m happy to help,” Elliott said, wondering what Jamal was up to.

Jamal leaned over and put his textbook on Elliott’s desk, his fingers inserted in the book to the page in question. As he bent over, he made sure his body was between Elliott and the students behind and beside his desk. “What do you think this means, Elliott?” Jamal asked quietly as he opened the book, the front cover blocking everyone else’s view of the page in question.

Elliott almost gasped out loud as he looked down at Jamal’s book. Between the pages that Jamal had been keeping open with his thick fingers was a condom, a used one! Elliott couldn’t believe what he was seeing, but there it was. He was about to say in black in white, but actually clear latex and white. Jamal kept the book tipped slightly up, the barrel of the condom beneath his fingers, the receptacle end hanging down. And fuck, Elliott thought, was it ever full! Over the last few days he’d seen the loads Jamal was capable of shooting, but seeing a full load encased within the condom almost took his breath away. The amount of cum was unbelievable, and like those first ones he’d seen the boy shoot onto his mother’s table, this one was brilliantly white as well. The stuff had to be chock full of billions of sperm, enough to populate a whole country. After getting over the initial shock, Elliott looked up at Jamal wide-eyed, unsure of what he was expected to do. Jamal was just looking down at him, a shit-eating grin on his face.

“That’s okay, Elliott, I’ll just ask Mrs. Tremblay,” Jamal said as he closed the book against his fingers and stood up, the book held close to his chest. With the other students all engrossed in their reading, Elliott watched as Jamal sauntered over and stood right next to Mrs. Tremblay. As the youth approached, she instinctively looked up. Elliott saw her noticeably gulp as Jamal stopped right next to her chair, the bulge of his jeans mere inches from her face.

“Mrs. Tremblay, I’m wondering if you could help me with this,” Elliott heard Jamal say quietly as he sat the book down on the desk in front of her and carefully lifted back the part he had grasped in his hand. The woman looked down and Elliott saw her eyes open wide. She looked out over the class to make sure no one was watching, and then carefully brought her hand up and placed her fingers over the loaded condom, Jamal letting go as she gathered it in her palm.

“I’ll have to think about what that’s all about, Jamal,” she said quietly as she carefully slid her cupped hand off the desk and brought it to her lap. “I’ll have to get back to you after I ... after I digest what the author is trying to say.”

Elliott saw a smile come over Jamal’s face. “Take your time, Mrs. Tremblay. There’s a lot there I need you to look at. I haven’t given you too much to take in at one time, have I?”

“No, Jamal, I think I’ll be able to handle it.” Elliott saw the flushed look of excitement on the woman’s face as she gave Jamal a knowing smile in return.

With a final nod, Jamal turned and walked back to his seat, flashing a quick wink in Elliott’s direction on the way. Elliott’s attention was drawn back to the teacher as he saw her open one of the desk drawers and take out her purse, which she carefully placed on her lap, hidden from view beneath the top of the desk. From the corner of his eye, Elliott saw her hands working on the purse, and then she stood up. With one hand holding the top of the purse, she tucked it under one arm, the hand remaining at the top. He could see that the two sides of the purse were open, and he knew that hand she was holding at the top was holding onto the open end of the condom, letting the heavily-weighted end hang down into the purse.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes, class,” Mrs. Tremblay said as she started towards the classroom door. “Just keep reading that section.”

As soon as she left, Elliott turned in his seat and looked over at Jamal. With a lewd smile on his face, the black youth raised his hand and pointed his thumb at his mouth. He tipped his head up and Elliott saw his throat contract a few times, as if he was slugging back a drink. His act made it quite clear to Elliott what Mrs. Tremblay was going to do once she left the classroom.

A few minutes later, Mrs. Tremblay returned. Elliott noticed that her face was flushed, and her lips were shiny. She took her seat and stuffed her purse back into the drawer. Elliott could see that the top of the purse was now securely fastened.

“Jamal, now that I’ve been able to take in and digest that question you had for me earlier, I think it’s something that we should discuss after class,” the middle-aged teacher said as she looked out over the class to the black youth.

Elliott looked over to see Jamal slowly shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I can’t make it today. I have an appointment after class.”

Elliott saw the look of disappointment on the teacher’s face. “Oh, that’s too bad. I thought that was a very interesting topic you wanted to discuss with me.”

“Maybe tomorrow? I could stop by on my lunch break, if that works for you, Mrs. Tremblay?”

Elliott saw a smile come over Mrs. Tremblay’s face after Jamal said that.

“That would be fine, Jamal, that way we’ll have time to discuss this topic on a ... on a deeper level.”

Although both Jamal and Mrs. Tremblay were keeping the intent of their discussion secret from the other students, Elliott could see small knowing smiles on each of their faces.

“That’s perfect, Mrs. Tremblay,” Jamal said with a final nod. “I’ll be ready with some hard questions for you tomorrow.”

Elliott saw the woman flush as Jamal’s suggestive words registered. Needing to change things up, she called on the class to give her their attention and continued with the lesson. Elliott noticed that she surreptitiously looked in Jamal’s direction periodically, and a couple of times when Elliott followed her gaze, he noticed Jamal’s hand quietly running over the inside of his upper thigh, where Elliott knew that long tube of flesh was lying waiting.

Other than that, there were no further interactions between Mrs. Tremblay and Jamal for the rest of the class. The period ended, and with it being the last class, school was done for the day.

“Meet us at my van in the parking lot,” Jamal said to Elliott as the younger boy stood in front of his locker. “You can ride with us to your place. I’m really looking forward to today’s tutoring session.” Elliott looked up to see the big black youth smiling down at him. “And I think you’re going to enjoy the lesson I’m gonna let you watch today too.”

Elliott had a blank look on his face as Jamal casually sauntered off. Once again, Elliott was jealous of the carefree, confident swagger with which Jamal carried himself. Not wanting to keep the boys waiting, he gathered up what he needed to take home and raced to the school parking lot. Gunner and Zeke were already leaning against the side of Jamal’s beat-up blue van. As Elliott walked towards them, he saw Jamal approaching from another of the school’s doors.

“Hop in, Smallcox,” Zeke said as he opened the back door and nodded inside.

Elliott climbed into the van, and sat on the far side of the fabric-covered bench seat. The van was pretty old, with no head rests on the back seat. The front had two separate seats for the driver and passenger, with a gap at the floor console between them. Elliott took a look over his shoulder, checking out the back of the van. It was empty, with just the dirty metal floor visible.

“I’ve been waiting for this all day,” Gunner said from the passenger seat once Jamal dropped the van into gear and headed out of the parking lot. “What have you got in mind for the MILF today? I’ve got a lot of cum to give her again.”

“I’ve got a little something special in mind today,” Jamal replied. “Elliott’s going to be giving us our lessons, so I figured it’s time we repaid their hospitality by giving her one too. Don’t worry, you’ll like it, and you’ll be able to get rid of as much cum as you want. Yeah, we’re gonna do some serious dumpin’ into that woman again.”

On the short drive to the house, Elliott wondered what Jamal had in mind. He had no idea, but he knew it could only be good, especially since Jamal had already told him he’d get to watch. That little interplay between Jamal and Mrs. Tremblay had gotten him excited earlier, but thinking about what they might have in store for his mother next had his cock pushing against the confines of his underwear already.

Elliott used his key to open the door once they arrived at the house. It felt natural for him to stand aside and let the other boys lead the way, with him pulling up the rear. Jamal walked straight into the great room, where Tanya stood next to the granite-topped island, obviously expecting their arrival.

When Elliott first saw her, he wondered if she’d just come from a business meeting. She was wearing a white blouse with lapels and little cap sleeves. Her generous bust had the material of the shirt stretched taut across the bosom. Through the tight fabric, Elliott could make out the outline of a lacy white bra beneath. The material of the blouse was opaque, yet he could make out something white beneath it that fed down from her bust into the waistband of the skirt she was wearing. He wondered if she was wearing a corset of some kind.

Her skirt was a tightly-fitted light beige pencil skirt. The skirt nipped in tightly at her narrow waist, and then flared out over her womanly hips. The pencil skirt then followed the lines of her shapely legs downward. The soft-looking material hugged her thighs all the way down to just below her knees, where it was very narrow, almost like a hobble skirt he’d seen on fetish sites online. Elliott wondered how she was able to walk in such a thing. His question was answered when she turned slightly and he was able to see a slitted vent in the back that rose from the bottom of the hem to the middle of the backs of her thighs. She came around the corner of the island, and his eyes immediately went to that slit, which was both practical, and incredibly sexy.

Elliott’s eyes were drawn below the hem of the skirt to her legs, which were adorned with white nylons, which looked beguilingly sexy with the beige skirt and white blouse she was wearing on top. On her feet she wore bone-colored slingbacks, with sharp pointy toes and sky-high heels. The shoes were an exact color match with her skirt, and complemented the rest of the outfit perfectly.

Elliott finally looked up at her. Her blonde hair was down and shone lustrously, framing her lovely face like a movie star. Her fair hair caught the light magically, and Elliott knew that because of her, he’d always have a soft spot in his heart for blondes. He looked at her face, which was stunningly made up. With the formal business wear, his mother had done her makeup to match. Her eye shadow was done up in bewitching bronzy reddish tones, and with her mascara and eye-liner, the whole look worked nicely with the subtle light tones of her outfit, yet still made her warm blue eyes look alluringly provocative. She was wearing the wet-look lipstick that Jamal had insisted on. Her lips shone wetly, and Elliott thought her full mouth painted with the glossy lipstick made it look like it was ready to take a cock at a moment’s notice. She looked glamorous, confident, and yet incredibly sexy at the same time.

“There she is. There’s my favorite cocksucker,” Jamal said as he stepped over to the MILF and took her in his arms. He wrapped her up in his long arms and kissed her, his full lips pressed against hers. Elliott noticed that his mother had learned her lesson from yesterday as her hand immediately went to the front of Jamal’s pants, her fingers searching out his big slab of meat.

“C’mere, blondie,” Gunner said next as he moved in for his kiss. She groped him as well, a soft moan escaping her lips as the blonde youth thrust his tongue deep into her mouth.

Zeke was last, his long arms encircling her as he pulled her close. He cupped one of her big breasts as they kissed, her own hand busy over the front of his pants, just as Jamal had instructed.

“After a long day of school, a Red Bull would go nicely right now. Don’t you think so, guys?” Jamal asked as he stepped over to the fridge and opened the door.

“Can’t think of anything better,” Gunner replied as he took one of the cans Jamal had for him and Zeke. As he popped open the can, he blatantly looked Tanya up and down, a lecherous smile coming over his face. “Well, almost nothing.”

“I uh, I made you boys some chili,” Tanya said. She pointed to a slow cooker sitting on the counter. “I figured you might be hungry.”

“Well, isn’t that sweet,” Jamal said with a toothy grin. “You feed us, and we feed you.” He blatantly reached down and groped himself, which made Tanya blush.

“Did I, did I do okay with this outfit?” Tanya asked Jamal as she tried to change the subject. “Is this what you wanted to see?”

“It’s perfect. Just like the picture I sent you.” Jamal gave a hearty nod, letting Tanya know he was pleased.

Tanya was thrilled that the black youth was happy with her. She’d received a text shortly after Elliott had left for school. Jamal had mentioned the picture he’d sent her, but the text had actually contained two pictures as attachments. The wording of the text itself was short and sweet: I want to see you in this today. Be sure to open both.

Excited to have received the message, and very curious, Tanya had clicked on the first attachment. It was a picture of a model in business clothing, quite different than the overtly-suggestive nurse’s costume Jamal had brought her to wear the day before. No, this outfit of a blouse and past-the-knee pencil skirt was the type of thing Tanya often wore herself to meetings with clients. As she looked at the picture, she smiled to herself, definitely picturing herself in the elegant-looking blouse and trim skirt. The whole light-colored outfit looked very sophisticated, and Tanya loved the look of the complete ensemble.

Along with the outfit, she’d have to get herself some new shoes, along with the white nylons shown. The bone-colored slingbacks the model was wearing looked really nice, and the pointy toes and towering heels made the girl’s legs look great, and incredibly sexy. Yes, Tanya would be only too happy to wear an outfit like that, but it did surprise her that Jamal would pick something so understated, so sophisticated, especially after that episode the day before. She figured the boy was likely full of surprises, and this was one that she was happy about.

She opened the second attachment, and the picture almost took her breath away. It was a lingerie shot. The model was blonde, like her, but not nearly as busty. But Jamal had sent the picture for her to see what the model was wearing, and Tanya looked over the picture closely, feeling that itchy feeling start deep in her cunt as she looked at the sexy undergarments.

All the lingerie the model was wearing was brilliant white, and Tanya guessed that it was from a section of a website that dealt with bridal lingerie. And everything the young woman was wearing was incredibly glamorous, deliciously feminine and so pretty. Tanya loved it.

She got dressed and was at the mall as soon as it opened. She made the rounds of the required stores to pick up everything Jamal had shown in the pictures he’d sent. She spent a long time in the lingerie store, looking over all the beautiful things they had before moving towards the bridal section. She figured Jamal would have her visiting the store many times. She justified her purchases with the knowledge that if she could keep Jamal and the other two boys happy, they wouldn’t be bullying Elliott. Yes, she had no problem spending money on clothing like this if it kept her sweet boy safe and happy.

“Yes, that outfit looks great. Nothing like a sexy businesswoman to make your cock hard,” Jamal said as he hungrily looked Tanya up and down. He turned to Gunner and Zeke. “You guys have always wanted to fuck a beautiful, sophisticated business woman, haven’t you?”

“Fuckin’ right,” Gunner replied while Zeke nodded in agreement. Elliott could see that both of them were almost drooling with anticipation as they ate up his mother with their eyes. He couldn’t blame them—she looked absolutely stunning.

“Let’s see you walk around a little bit.” Jamal held his hand out and made a walking gesture with his fingers.

Tanya did as she was asked. She turned and walked partway across the room, did a slow pirouette, and then walked back towards them, her broad hips shifting provocatively from side to side.

“Fuck, that tight skirt looks fantastic,” Zeke said, his hand rubbing over the front of his pants.

“And that shirt looks like it’s about to burst open,” Gunner added, his eyes locked on the MILF’s huge tits straining against the front of the elegant blouse.

“Gunner’s right,” Jamal said. “We don’t want to ruin that shirt, do we, sweetheart? Why don’t you pop open a couple of those buttons and let those babies of yours breathe a little?”

Tanya reached up and undid the two buttons at the top of the open neckline. She felt the material seem to relax once the buttons were open, the panels of the blouse encompassing her chest pushing open and sliding outwards slightly. She could feel her breasts filling the gap she’d created, the swells of her tits on display for the boys to see.

“There, that’s better. That’s what we like to see,” Jamal said as he nodded to his two pals, a big grin on his face.

Elliott’s eyes almost popped out of his head as he zeroed in on his mother’s enormous boobs. He could see a portion of a white bra, part of the cups visible above the buttons that were still done up. The bra was intricately lacy, and looked gorgeous against the soft smooth skin of her breasts.

“I think we’d like to see even more. Don’t you think so, Zeke?” Gunner said, tapping his friend on the arm.

“Fuck yeah. Let’s get a full look at those big tits.” Zeke’s hand kept sliding over the front of his pants, where a noticeable bulge was now present.

Tanya looked at Jamal questioningly.

“You heard the man. Take that blouse right off, but leave the skirt on.”

Tanya hesitated for only a second before undoing the next button. She pulled the tail of the blouse out of the skirt’s tight waistband, and then undid the rest of the buttons. She twisted her shoulders as she drew off the blouse entirely, setting it down on top of the kitchen island.

“Oh fuck, what a gorgeous set of tits,” Zeke mumbled as his eyes ravished Tanya’s exposed chest.

Elliott was thinking the same thing. Her tits looked incredible in the beautifully feminine, white, half-cup bra. The cups barely covered her nipples, and he could see that it was heavily reinforced, pushing her big tits together and up spectacularly. Based on what he could see through the blouse earlier, he’d originally thought his mother was wearing some kind of corset. Now that her top was bare, he could see that she was wearing the beautiful lacy bra, and then an inch or two below the bottom of the bra, he could see what appeared to be a matching waist cincher. It was the same brilliant white as the bra, with the same intricate lacy pattern. Vertical reinforced ribs separated the various panels of the garment, which followed the contours of her enticing hourglass figure. The part of the cincher that he could see molded itself to her body from the waist up to just beneath her breasts. Moving down from there, it nipped in waspishly at her trim waist, where it also disappeared from view beneath the high waistband of her slim-fitting skirt. Elliott thought the matching bra and cincher looked fantastic, especially with that little teasing gap of her smooth golden skin between the two pieces. And with her still wearing the tight knee-length skirt along with the white nylons and high heels, she looked teasingly sexy. He imagined the boys were looking at her the same way, as a powerful woman coming home from the office at the end of the day and getting undressed. And from their point of view, he was sure they were thinking the reason she was doing so was to get ready to be fucked by big, hard, teenage cocks.

“They are definitely gorgeous,” Jamal said as his eyes feasted on Tanya’s breasts as well. “C’mere, sweetheart.”

Tanya took the few steps over as Jamal opened his arms, and then drew her in for another kiss. As his lips met hers, her hand immediately went to his groin, where she found his sizable member swelling as it pressed against her fingers. While she massaged his stiffening prick, he ran his hand up the front of her body. He squeezed and hefted her bra-covered tits as he kissed her, his tongue duelling with hers.

“Fuck, those are heavy,” he said as he pulled back from the kiss, leaving her breathless, her mouth gaping open. “Check it out.”

He passed her off to Gunner, who quickly pressed his lips to hers. Like Jamal, his big mitt roamed over her chest, groping and mauling her voluminous tits. And as she’d done with Jamal, Tanya’s hand automatically went to the front of the blonde youth’s pants, stroking his burgeoning cock.

Gunner let Zeke take his place, the third in a row to have his way with her chest as he kissed her.

“Fuck, what a handful,” Zeke said as he finally stepped back.

Elliott saw his mother lean against the island, her bosom heaving as she breathed raggedly. He could tell she was aroused by her flushed face. “Should we, should we start one of the tutoring lessons now?” he asked, hoping to divert their attention away from her.

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