Mom's Magnificent Mammaries - Cover

Mom's Magnificent Mammaries

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Big boobs can really get things going, especially if they're your mom's.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Sharing   Incest   Gang Bang   Big Breasts   .

It struck fifteen-year-old Tommy suddenly and unexpectedly. Mom was leaning over his bed, tucking him in for the night as she had done so many times before. As had often been the case for years, she was topless and her substantial breasts were hanging down in enticing beauty. On an impulse, he put his hand under one and pulled it to his mouth, capturing the nipple with his teeth and sucking on it.

Mom gave a little squeal but did not pull away. Her nipple swelled and his other hand went for the other tit. She began to give little whimpers and moans as he explored those chest treasures for the first time since he was an infant.

She was silent when she finally pulled away and departed. Tommy’s hand went to his crotch and began stroking his hard rod until it blasted off. Then he slept with a head full of dreams. Those breasts infiltrated them, that was for sure. An E-cup, they had classic curves, rode firm on her chest, and were topped by nipples that could project out more than an inch when aroused. They sure had been, he thought.

Nothing was said the next day either, but Mom uncharacteristically kept her top on even in the warm weather. April, his sister didn’t seem to notice anything different. That night Mom did come to say goodnight but with a robe on. It was easy to slip a hand into it though, and more tit fondling and sucking happened. This time Mom’s hand got busy, rubbing his hard rod through his boxers. Finally she pulled away and left him to finish his satisfaction.

Two mornings later Tommy was awakened by a hand gripping and stroking his morning wood and it wasn’t his. Opening his eyes a slit he saw Mom who had come to wake him for breakfast and discovered this swollen man-meat laying on his belly uncovered. Her gaze was rapt as she stroked it and he shot his wad, keeping his eyes closed. She hurriedly got a washrag and cleaned up the pearly mess on his chest.

After breakfast, when April had gone, Tommy broached the subject. “That was nice what you did to me this morning. Do it anytime you want.” Mom turned red and focused on cleaning up the kitchen. But she came back the next morning and Tommy reached for her chest again too. After both had gotten their pleasures, Tommy had to ask “Why?”

Mom explained, “When I got pregnant with you your dad couldn’t handle it and left. On a rebound after you were born I hooked up with another guy who knocked me up with April. I haven’t had anything to do with men since but I’m still a woman. I feel safe with you. It’s that simple.”

Tommy pursued that, “So does all this mean you want sex with me?”

“The nice doctor who delivered April by Caesarean tied my tubes while he was doing it so I can’t get pregnant again. I guess I’m considering it, now that you ask.”

With that agreement the ribald romps began, exploring every place and position they could when they had the house to themselves. Friends of each noted their improved dispositions. Tommy’s size and endurance grew with the frequent and vigorous exercise.

Then April came home early from soccer practice and found Mom in Tommy’s bed with him thrusting between her legs in the good ole missionary position. The copulators became aware of her presence from the loud “Ooooooh ... Noooooo!” as her voice raced away. Mom instigated coitus interruptus as she pushed Tommy off and followed her daughter.

Finding April in the far corner of the basement, Mom wasn’t sure what to say. She finally tried, “I’m sorry you saw that sweetie. We weren’t trying to hurt you.”

April blubbered, “But I wanted to be the first one that did Tommy like that!”

Mom was obviously surprised. Her daughter continued, “We had a sex-ed class and that’s what I wanted. I was almost ready to try it too.”

Mom spoke up, “But you’re too young to be having sex!”

“Mom, I’m fourteen which is legal here. I wouldn’t be out fucking around with boyfriends, just like you aren’t.”

Surprised to hear her daughter using the “F” word, Mom was momentarily silenced. Then she added, “But you might get pregnant. I can’t.”

“I learned about safe days and condoms although I’m too embarrassed to buy those. I was going to figure out something. By the way, my period starts tomorrow so this is a safe day. Would Tommy fuck me now?”

At a loss for words, Mom couldn’t put up an objection and followed April as she sought her brother. He was still naked in his bed and was surprised when April stripped and went for his crotch. He saw Mom in the doorway with a faint smile on her face. His rod was hard and he watched as his “little sister” positioned herself over it and sank down to take it all. “Play with my tits, bro!” he heard.

April tired quickly and rolled them over so he could pound her pussy like he’d been doing their mother’s. She moaned twice as he got her off and then shot her first cunt-creaming. Mom closed the door and went to her own bed to diddle her twat with the fresh memories.

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