It Wants What It Wants
by DevlinCarnate
Copyright© 2019 by DevlinCarnate
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Romantic, BiSexual, Heterosexual, Fiction, Cheating, Oral Sex, Slow,
Romantic Sex Story: Former lovers meet after several years apart. Life has moved on. Have they?
This is a far more character-based and told from multiple perspectives. I tried to give each character a unique voice. It didn’t always work, but it’s a start...
The end of the story contains text from DMs between two characters. The character’s perspective telling that story has unformatted DM message text. The DMs from the character responding are in italics to help differentiate between the two. I hope this gets preserved.
This story is much more “vanilla” and real (vs. fantastic). Genre-wise, this has far less of the fetish aspect of my first stories, and is more of a slow build and tease, so don’t complain that there’s no bodies slapping in the first few pages. But it does get going. I promise.
Parts of this are taken from a real story I heard, but obvious liberties have been taken in this retelling.
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