Helen’s Ultimate Surrender (Part 1) - Cover

Helen’s Ultimate Surrender (Part 1)

Copyright© 2023 by Vukefalos

Chapter 4

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Sometimes a person's passion and the curiosity to explore all avenues to satisfy one's secret desires can lead to a path from which there is no escape and leads to one's ultimate fall into the abyss of depravity and enslavement

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Fisting  

When her first customer had left, Helen curled like a child on the couch, bringing her knees close to her chest and despite the large amount of sperm seeping out of her pussy and down her legs, she slowly drifted into sleep.

Later on, the massive black bodyguard came and picked her up like a child and took her down to the basement with the marble pool, and gently lowered her in it’s shallow end. The warm water revived her a bit and after a while a different whore came to her and washed her and then gently fucked her in her ass and brought her off to a mild orgasm, then she guided her to her room which was of amazing luxury and she lied on an enormous bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

It was true that they took great care of her, for the next three days she was pampered and massaged and washed with scented oils but every time she was bathed by a different whore, she was fucked in the ass by her. At one time she thought to herself,

I can’t believe I acted like I did with my first customer, giving myself so completely to him, she did not feel any shame but wondered, is this place doing something to me, is it not having any choice that turns me on so much?

On the fourth day, after she had been bathed, fucked in the ass and made up by a different whore, the woman told her that she was going to meet her next customers, there were two of them.

She was led to the same large salon where she had had her first customer but did not stop there, but passed through it into another chamber that was totally different, the entire floor was laid with a hard black material like polished steel, every few feet, all around the perimeter of the floor there was a five-foot-tall pod with a glass sphere on their top. Helen was led to the centre of the room were there was a chain hanging from the ceiling and a six foot long metal bar on the floor, the escorting whore took Helen’s wrists and wrapped around them the leather straps attached to the end of the chain and then went to a switch on the wall and pressed on it and the chain started lifting Helen’s arms, just when she was lifted a few inches off the floor, the whore came to her and tied the straps at one end of the metal rod to her left ankle and then spread her legs wide and strapped her right ankle to the straps on the other end of the steel rod, then she pressed the switch again and lifted Helen a few inches more off the ground, then she left and Helen was alone hanging in this awkward position. She found herself once again tingling with anticipation as what was going to be done to her, she thought: That machine, a few days ago really blew my mind, although after a while it felt as though it would turn me inside out, in the end it offered me more intense feelings than any of those stupid sessions which my husband took me, funny to still think of him as my husband, he is free and I am becoming a whore because of him. There was no regret in her thoughts, it was obvious now there was no way out of her present predicament, so she might as well enjoy what came her way.

After being suspended for a long time, two short very strange men entered the chamber, they were oriental in their features with black oiled hair pulled back into pony tails, with heavy shoulders and massively muscled arms they were in their middle thirties, their entire bodies were covered in intricate tattoos, they must be Japanese Yakuza bosses, Helen thought, I heard about them and how ruthless and sadistic their sessions are. Her ex husband had told her about them and how they tormented the women that had been naïve enough to accept to participate in their sessions. Although the anticipation of things to come continued to tingle in her loins, she was now genuinely afraid.

The two men approached her and started exploring her body with very rough hands, they were wearing loincloths around their waist and they stood in front of her and took them off, revealing two massive penises each at least 12 inches long with massive heads and covered in tattoos. When they saw the surprise in her eyes, as she had never seen any penises so big, they laughed and talked between them in a language she could not understand. They kept feeling her body for sometime exploring her pussy and anus, then they went near one of the pods and brought a few things with them.

One of them brought close to her left nipple a nasty looking steel clip with a small metal ball at it’s end he fitted it around her nipple and closed the lock shut making it close on the nipple so tightly it almost pierced it.

-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggghhhhhhhhhh ... nooooooooooooooo..., Helen screamed from the pain, this time she was not fitted with a gag, as these two monsters wanted to hear her scream.

Then they fitted her other nipple with s similar clip and she screamed again. They then brought a larger clip but similar to the ones on her breasts and fitted it on her clit and locked the two ends so tight they almost connected through her clit.

-Noooooooooo ... aaaaaaaagggggggggggggghhhhhhh ... ta ... take it ... off ... pleeeeeaase..., she screamed again, but to no avail.

Then they moved behind her and one of them put his rough hands on her big ass and spread the cheeks open, while the other one started lubricating with KY jelly an eight inch long heavy butt plug made out of solid steel and which also at it’s back had a small round ball, and started pushing it in her anus which resisted it only for a moment and then slipped inside her.

-Uuuunnnggghhh ... what ... did you ... do ... what is ... inside me? She pleaded with them, but they paid no attention to her pleas.

One of them went to the switch on the wall and lowered the chain until her feet touched the ground and stopped so that her arms were still held high, while the other came close to her and slapped her breasts hard to make sure the clips were properly fastened, thus causing her more pain and making her whimper. The other Yakuza came behind her and slapped her big ass cheeks several times very hard to see how the butt plug quivered, causing more whimpering from her. They then proceeded to release her from all her bonds and when done they pushed a piece of paper in her face for her to read, it said:

“These gentlemen do not speak your language, they will sit some distance from you and you must try to run out of the steel floor area and out side the perimeter of the pods, if you succeed, you will be freed from this place”

The tattooed men left her standing in the middle of the steel floor and moved out side the perimeter of the pods, picked up what looked like a control box and sat on the floor, then one of them nodded to her to start her desperate attempt to freedom.

Helen looked at them and saw them grinning with evil glee, wondering what was the trap they had set up for her, she would soon find out.

She turned to run towards the direction of the door she had entered the chamber and had managed to run four steps, when from two pods each on opposite sides of the room, a lightning bolt of electricity sliced through the air and connected with the metal clips on each of her nipples. Helen was stopped dead in her tracks, a massive explosion of pain exploded inside her breasts and seemed to stretch over her entire chest.

-Aaaaaaagggggggggnhhh ... noooooooooooo, she let out a scream like never before, she thought her breasts had been burned to a crisp, but she looked down and there was no marks on them.

She collected what strength she had and made another run for the door, two steps later another lightning bolt sliced through the air and hit the metal clip on her clit and she felt like her clit was on fire and an explosion of pain inside her belly, so powerful was the pain that she could only gasp and she fell on her hands and knees,

as soon as she touched the floor in this position an even more powerful bolt of electricity hit the steel butt plug in her ass making her throw her head back and scream as the explosion of pain went up her spine and hit the back of her head.

How stupid I was to think they would ever give me a chance to escape from this place, these two monsters are slowly killing me with their game.

She slowly gathered herself and managed to start moving towards the door on her hands and knees, but could not see the sadistic grin on the faces of the two Yakuza as they turned the level of the electricity power to it’s maximum red level on the control box one of them held.

Suddenly a tremendous jolt sliced the air, coming from all the pods around the metal floor and lighting up the chamber, hit her at all four metal contacts on her body simultaneously, lifting her for a second off the floor and then she collapsed and blacked out. She was out only for a few minutes and when she started coming to, she felt the metal clips being removed from her body and the steel butt plug slowly pulled out of her.

She tried to move but her muscles had received such a drain of power from the powerful electrical discharge, that she was as though made out of jelly. Then she was rolled on her back and her legs were lifted up and bent over her head, then spread and then bent some more on each side of her shoulders and then pushed under her shoulder blades were her ankles were tied together with a latex rope, then her hands were pulled on each side of her, pressing behind her thighs, pushed to the small of her back and also tied up with similar rope. She was now bent completely in two in a most uncomfortable and utterly helpless position, she felt completely exposed to these men.

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