Helen’s Ultimate Surrender (Part 1) - Cover

Helen’s Ultimate Surrender (Part 1)

Copyright© 2023 by Vukefalos

Chapter 3

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Sometimes a person's passion and the curiosity to explore all avenues to satisfy one's secret desires can lead to a path from which there is no escape and leads to one's ultimate fall into the abyss of depravity and enslavement

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Fisting  

They went several floors down to a basement which was also luxuriously decorated with hand woven thick carpets and paintings on the wall, large chairs and couches spread around and in the centre of them there was a strange device, it looked like a cupboard with a whole on it’s top and apparently it could be split in the middle, as it had hinges in what went for it’s back side. Ann led Helen to the centre of the sitting area were all the comfortable chairs lay and were there was a chain hanging down from the ceiling. She took both Helen’s arms and pulled them behind her and wrapped around each of her wrists a leather restrain which were attached to the end of the chain.

-Is this necessary? Asked Helen.

-It’s the rules of this place, and in any case you like being helpless honey.

When Helen’s wrists were securely tied, Ann pulled a hidden lever and the chain started rising, pulling Helen’s arms backwards and upwards, thus making her bent forward, it stopped just as she felt she might be lifted off the ground and tumble over.

Her hair hangs deliciously over her head and Ann came and kneeled in front of her and kissed her lightly on the lips, then asked her to open her mouth wide and produced a very large ball gag. Helen had to strain her mouth open to accept the ball inside her, with Ann pushing gently, it finally fitted in her mouth and then the straps were tied securely around the back of her head.

-Now listen honey, Ann said to her, these customers might not only want to try their machines on you, they might want to fuck you too, so you will offer yourself to them and make them enjoy themselves, remember you’re a whore now, don’t even think of refusing anything they want from you, Master O’s punishment for any such show of displeasure by a customer is death, now honey I have to go.

She kissed Helen lightly on the lips again and left her alone in the large basement.

I wonder what is going to happen next, Helen thought, what kind of person is my first customer? She didn’t have long to wait.

She heard soft footsteps coming close and she lifted her head and saw an awful looking man standing naked in front of her, he was short with a bulging belly, a round head with heavy jowls, receding hairline, beady eyes, thin lips and two features that made him utterly repelling to her, he had so much hair all over his body, he actually looked more like a gorilla than a human, the other feature was his penis, it was very long, almost ten inches and was covered with hair all the way to it’s head. He was sweating profusely making his body hair shine. He was so short; when he stood in front of her his chest was the same height as her head, he put his chubby hand under her chin and lifted her head and looked into her beautiful eyes and told her.

-I waited a long time for someone as beautiful as you, I spent a fortune designing and building my machine, and therefore I use only exceptionally pretty women to try it out, I must give credit to GB, every single one of the women she picks up is stunning, I only wish she put away her obsession with English women and got us some American or Russian girls.

He now kneeled in front of her and put his hairy hands on her heavy breasts and started massaging them.

-Your nipples are soft and sensitive; they’re made to fit my machine perfectly.

He then went behind her and kneeled facing her big ass, he caressed it for a while and then using two fingers of his left hand parted them at the area of her anus, then licked the middle finger of his right hand and slowly inserted it in her anus.

-Mmmmmfff, moaned slightly Helen, I can’t stand this horrible man touching me, she thought.

-Yessss, just perfect, you have been quite active anally, your anus has been stretched exactly right to fit my machine like a glove. He took his finger out of her anus, left her for a moment and then returned and kneeled behind her one more time, he had a small syringe in his hand filled with 100cc of a special ky jelly, inserted the nozzle into her anus and pushed the lever of the syringe emptying all the jelly inside her.

-Ummmmffff, Helen moaned feeling the cream inside her.

The short man lowered the chain holding her wrists and untied the straps from the chain but left them holding her wrists together, then he walked her to his machine.

There was a control panel on the side of the strange looking cupboard and by pressing a button, it started slowly opening in half revealing inside a small hollow seat and many tubes and complicated harnesses. Helen saw all this and part of her quivered in anticipation and part of her was afraid, as she had never seen anything like it, What is this thing going to do to me, she thought, it’s like nothing I have seen before, in all the old sessions my husband took me, it was only small contraptions, this thing looks menacing.

But she did not have time to complete her thoughts, the hairy man untied her wrists and turned her around and slowly sat her on the hollow chair, as she was being lowered on the hollow seat, she had to spread her legs wide open around it so she could sit, as she was lowered even more, she felt a wide protrusion pressing on her anus and as he pressed her to sit on it, it stretched her anus and slid in.

-Uuuummmmmfffff..., she cried through the gag from the pain of the entry as the steel tube sank several inches deep inside her.

Finally, when she was sitting firmly on the seat, he produced a tube with a strange protrusion at it’s end and two wide spoon like extensions, several inches wide, fanning out away from each other and each curved upwards for ten inches in length, at the end of which were latex straps. He fitted firmly the protrusion at the entrance to her pussy and the one spoon like extension reached her navel and the opposite one went between her legs and rested on the small of her back, he then brought the straps of both extensions and tied them to each other making them hold her tightly in a steel grasp.

He then kneeled down and took each of her feet and fitted the stiletto heel of the custom made shoes into a hole that was designed to fit exactly the length and width of the heel and inserted each of them into the holes, then he started tying each of her legs to the many straps attached to the machine, over her ankles, just under her knees, over her knees, on her thighs, around her lower belly, around her stomach, just under her breasts, then he pulled her arms and stretched them out on each side and tied them at the wrists, just before the elbows, after the elbows, and finally just before the shoulders. When she was completely immobilized, he took from the side of the machine two long wide tubes padded with soft sealing material around their ends, many different coloured smaller tubes extended from the back of the large tubes and went off to different parts of the machine.

I wonder what all these things will do to me, thought Helen, so much preparation, whatever it is it must be intense, and she found herself secretly getting aroused by the anticipation but a little afraid too.

The hairy man brought one of the tubes and fitted it on the nipple of her left breasts and pressed something on the side of the tube, instantly there was a terrific vacuum in the tube and her nipple and a small part of her breast was sucked into the tube and taking its shape becoming elongated.

-Mmuuuuuffffhhmm..., Helen screamed into the gag from the sudden pain she felt.

Without paying the slightest attention to her discomfort, he proceeded and fitted the other tube to her right nipple which was also sucked into this tube making her scream again. When everything he had to do was finished, he stood back, admired his work for a few minutes, then walked to the control panel on the side of the strange cupboard and pressed a button, the cupboard started closing shut, and when the two sides finally locked against each other, Helen’s head was the only part of her body that was out of the cupboard, he then told her:

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