Helen’s Ultimate Surrender (Part 1) - Cover

Helen’s Ultimate Surrender (Part 1)

Copyright© 2023 by Vukefalos

Chapter 2

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Sometimes a person's passion and the curiosity to explore all avenues to satisfy one's secret desires can lead to a path from which there is no escape and leads to one's ultimate fall into the abyss of depravity and enslavement

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Fisting  

There had been no more discussion about this, he simply told her that he had already made all the arrangements and he was committed and these were dangerous people one did not want to lose faith with. She would simply have to go and meet this mysterious pimp called Master O. She wandered how it would feel crossing that invisible line and from a pampered and luxurious life, suddenly become the property of someone she had never seen and he would make her a whore, suddenly she felt a fleeting shiver in her loins and was surprised to feel a secret thrill at such a dangerous predicament.

She wanted to impress, so she dressed to kill, wearing a silk shirt with a deep V so a lot of her large breasts were exposed, a ultra tight short black leather skirt that made her ass look even bigger than what it already was, no nylons as she regularly waxed all her body and wanted the milky white colour of her superb legs to contrast with the skirt and the shiny black stiletto heeled shoes. Combed her long black hair to perfection, put on deep shiny red lipstick and left the house in a cab.

When she gave the cab driver the address, he looked at her and asked if it was correct, she said it was but wondered why he asked, but as they came closer to their destination, she realized why he had asked, they were moving in the sleaziest part of town were all the nude dancing bars and porno establishments were. What kind of person was she going to meet in such an area, she thought, and when the cab stopped outside a dimly lit entrance, the only one in a dark alley, he became nervous and wanted his money and then left in a hurry.

Helen found herself in front of a dimly lit entrance to what was advertised as nude waitress bar, it was the only lit place in that dark alley, “well” she thought, “I’ve come all the way here I might as well see what’s waiting for me inside”, hoping it was not another stupid encounter.

She pushed through the door and entered a derelict lobby were a peroxide blond old woman was sitting behind what looked like a counter.

-I’m looking for Master O, my name is Helen, she asked.

-Yes you are the new girl, he is expecting you, the older woman said, go straight in and head for the office behind the stage.

“What a strange person” thought Helen, “and so, now I am the new girl”, She passed through some bead curtains into an absolutely decadent atmosphere, in a world she had never visited before. The large room was immersed in a thick sweet-smelling cloud of smoke which cut visibility down to a few feet. There were large mirrors evenly spaced surrounding the circular stage and there was a slow deep impact rhythmical music playing and she realized she just wanted to start dancing slowly and sensually to it, “It must be something in the smoke, in this room, I’m inhaling” she thought.

There was a large bar on one side and most of the stools were occupied by almost naked women, pretty women. She made her way behind the stage were she found a big door, more like the door of a safe, guarded by a gigantic black man nearly seven feet tall and full of amazing muscles. She felt so fragile standing in front of him.

-I have an appointment with Master O, she said.

-Yes I know, you’re the new whore, said the massive black man, you’re very pretty, he likes you. He is busy now, sit at the bar and I will call you when he is ready to see you.

Helen was stunned, it was the first time in her life someone had called her a whore and actually mean it, and how did Master O know what she looked like, then she thought that her husband must have played for him some of the videos of past sessions.

She made her way, through the thick smoke, to the bar and sat on one of the hi stools, a weird looking older woman with hair straight up in the air came and brought her a drink without anything having been said. Helen tried it and found it was very strong spirit. While she was waiting, another pretty young girl came next to her, she had long red hair, slightly over weight but in all the right places, and was completely naked except for silk g-string panties and very high heel shoes. Helen noticed that she had two deep lines one on each corner of her mouth and her breasts were too low on her chest for someone that young, as though they had somehow been stretched.

-You’re the new girl, she heard the woman say, Master O was right, you’re very pretty, I have the most points of all the other girls, so he said I will be the first one to fuck you, I am looking forward to that, you’re so fresh, let me kiss you.

Helen had started to say something, but before she had time to do so the other woman was kissing her on her mouth and her tongue had slipped deep into her, tenderly exploring.

Helen at first thought of pulling away, but she had been inhaling the thick smoke since she entered this large room, she had begun to feel light headed and her reflexes were slowing down, by now the woman had her arms around her, gently feeling her and touching her breasts over her thin shirt, not knowing what to do or expect, Helen let the kiss go on for a while until the woman pulled back and told her: You’re special, your mouth tastes soooo sweet.

Before she could respond to what the woman had said, the giant black man appeared through the thick mist and told her Master O would see her now.

She followed him behind the elevated platform and through a massive steel door and entered an enormous room luxuriously decorated, part office part bedroom with a bed big enough for ten people to sleep comfortably on it. Behind the office stood the most handsome man she had ever seen, he was tall, fit had light brown skin, some kind of ethnic mix, she thought, dark blond hair plaited, and blue eyes harder than steel. Without any greeting he told her in an equally hard deep voice.

-You are late, you ‘re even more beautiful than the videos your husband showed me,

I paid him a lot of money for you and I have a paper here signed by you willingly stating that you are now my property, it has been processed and it’s very legal.

-I never signed such a paper, she said to him.

-I know, your husband provided us with a sample of your signature and I had an expert copy it, nobody can tell the difference, and in any case you’re here now and you’re not allowed to leave.

Helen was astonished at the treachery of her husband and all this just to satisfy his addiction to watching her being used on video.

-You mean I am your prisoner? She asked.

-Call it what you like, bottom line, you are now a techno whore, you will be auctioned to the highest bidder to use you in their inventions, which are by the way, like nothing you can ever imagine, you will make a lot of money for me and then one day I will sell you to someone else. You are nothing more than a piece of property. Now, here are some rules, you will always take care of yourself to look your best, the other whores will take turns to bath you and make you up and they have the right to fuck you when each one takes care of you, the only clothing you will wear is the designer stiletto shoes I will give you and nothing else, no matter who is around, you have been waxing your body and that’s the way you will keep it. Now take off your clothes and let me see you naked.

Helen thought for a few seconds that all this was unreal, but it was real, she glanced at the giant black man standing on her side and thought of the consequences if she refused to obey, then started undressing in that sensual way that came naturally to her. Both men were staring intensely at her and when she had taken off her last piece of clothing and stood completely naked in front of them she couldn’t help feeling a tingle of excitement in her loins from the lust she saw in both men’s eyes.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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