A Library Book - Cover

A Library Book

by Bossyboots

Copyright© 2024 by Bossyboots

Erotica Sex Story: The lights need fixing in the basement of the Library.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mind Control   Fiction   Oral Sex   .

It was an uncontrollable urge; she could not control herself; it was a compulsion, an itch that she had to scratch...

The maintenance man stood at the desk in the university library as Julia Moore, the head librarian, came over to talk to him.

‘At last!’ She said sarcastically.

The maintenance man looked away from her face. Miss Moore was well known for her sharp tongue and caustic remarks.

‘I just work here lady.’ He said

‘The light in the basements keeps going on and off. This is the third time I have had to have you people come and fix them. I want them fixed, not just for a week but for good. Do your job!’ She tongue-lashed the poor man.

‘Lead the way... ‘ He said, picking up his toolbox.

She marched him to the door to the basement, flicked the light switch, and several old fluorescent tubes illuminated the corridors and shelves of the books held in storage. The maintenance man stood looking bemused.

‘It looks fine to me.’ He said.

‘Just come with me.’ She said and marched away between the bookshelves. The maintenance man followed with a sigh.

The old tube lights began flicking on and off as they got deeper between the shelves. Julia stopped, turned around, put her hands on her hips, and glared at him.

‘See now!’ She snarled at him.

‘Yes. I got the picture.’

‘Well, fix it!’ She snapped at him.

Nervously, the maintenance man went to the fuse box, opened it, and inspected the wires and electrical connections. There appeared to be nothing wrong.

‘Em, maybe the lights are just old and plain worn out.’ He said as a possible solution to the lights flickering on and off.

‘Fuck it!’ Julia said under her breath.

He heard her and suggested he replace some of the lights with more reliable modern lights.

‘How about I replace some of these old lights with new ones.’ He said.

This idea seemed to placate Julia.

‘You can do that?’ She asked.

‘Sure... ‘ he began.

All the lights went out and, this time, stayed out. It left them both standing in the semi-darkness, with only the light coming onto the basement from the open door basement doorway.

‘Fuck it!’ Julia said. This time out loud.

‘Oops!’ Said the maintenance man.

Standing there in the semi-darkness, there was a sudden change of atmosphere; a strange feeling came over both of them.

Julia moved towards the maintenance mand and kissed him full on the lips. He responded, kissing her back. They embraced and kissed harder. Their arms and hands were holding onto each other. Pressing their bodies hard against each other.

Julia pulled back and dropped to her knees. She unzipped his trousers and fished out his stiffening cock from his pants with her hand. She then opened her mouth and sucked on his cock. She sucked and sucked, making it hard and filling her mouth. Her tongue licked and teased his cock. He moaned as he felt her warm, wet mouth moving back and forth on his cock.

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