Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth - Cover

Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Copyright© 2020 by Zak

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - I did a good deed and got rewarded for it, and what a reward it was !!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

It was Saturday morning, and I had a list of things that needed doing, the main thing was to get in some food, my cupboards were as always bare.

So, I got up and after a quick shower I went shopping, the local hypermarket is always empty first thing in the morning at the weekends, and I find it the best time to go shopping. I soon had the car filled with bags full of groceries and I drove home. I restocked the refrigerator, the freezer, and all the cupboards. I was just about to treat myself to a post-shopping cup of tea and slice of toast when the front doorbell rang.

It was Gail, all dressed up for a day’s riding, her jodhpurs showed off her strong thighs and her tight t-shirt showed off her big full tits, my cock twitched as soon as I opened the door.

Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she had little makeup on. Not that it mattered as she looked stunning. I looked around for a horse, but she had come in her four by four that was parked up at the end of my drive.

“Hello Zak, I hope I didn’t wake you, “she said, giving me a million-dollar smile. The sort of smile that made me go weak at the knees, and my cock twitch in my boxers.

“Good morning Gail, wake me? no, I have already been into town!” I said returning her smile. “how are you and how is Gemma doing?”

“I am fine thanks and Gemma is making improvements every day,” she said with a beaming smile.

“Would you like a cuppa?” I asked. “I was just about to brew up”

She paused but smiled and nodded.

“That would be great thanks,” she said with a smile.

I led her into the kitchen and filled the kettle.

“Would you prefer tea or coffee “I enquired, she opted for tea, milk no sugar.

I made two teas, I can take tea or coffee.

“I am sorry I have not been around it’s just been hectic, going up and down to the hospital to see Gemma and her good for nothing father is not making life easy” she sighed.

“Hey, I guessed you would be busy, so don’t worry about it,” I said as I set the cups of tea down. I glanced at her impressive chest. I seemed to be heaving and shimmering under the thin fabric of her t-shirt. She was older than I was by ten years, but she was a feast for the eyes and one hundred per cent solid Milf material.

I could see the pattern on her bra, and I wanted to feast myself on her jugs. I was trying not to make it to obvious I was scoping her jugs out, but I am sure she caught me once or twice.

So as we drank our tea she told me about Gemma and how she was getting along, what treatment she was having etc. it seemed all was going well and she would be able to go home in a couple of weeks.

“So, are you going up to the hospital today to visit her? “I enquired.

“No ... No, her father will be going at lunchtime so I shall stay out of the way, “she almost snarled, and I could sense animosity in her voice.

“I take it that’s not a good thing?” I replied.

“He has become a right dick since he got back and then her mates are going tonight” she sighed,

“He’s been away?” I asked, trying not to sound too inquisitive

“Sorry yes we are getting a divorce” Gail said sadness in her voice, “He prefers a younger model these days, so he is living with her in the city”

“Seriously he must be mad,” I said, the words were out of my mouth before I had a chance to think.

A silence hung between us for a few seconds...

“What makes you say that,” she said, a little blush spreading across her face.

“Well, you’re ... Erm, how do I put this without getting my face slapped,” I said, and I was sure I felt myself starting to blush.

“You’re a very sexy lady,” I spluttered, I was about as subtle as a bull in a china shop, I thought to myself.

“That’s kind of you to say but I know you don’t mean it” she sighed.

“Trust me I mean it Gail, any man would be proud to been seen out and about with you, “I said, again the words just tumbled out of my mouth. The room fell silent for a few agonising seconds before Gail broke the silence.

“Do you mean that Zak?” she asked, her face had taken on a serious look. I sensed a make or break moment coming up.

“Well of course I do” I replied truthfully.

“In that case can I ask you a huge favour” she beamed at me and my head started to fizz. Was she going to ask me to take her upstairs and fuck her doggy style, was she going to ask me to take her upstairs and eat her quim all afternoon? Please god, either of those would be amazing.

“Sure, ask away,” I said my voice full of nerves

“That good for nothing excuse of a husband is taking his young floozy out to the local pub tonight,” she said, “Would you take me for a drink so he can see us having fun together, I want him to see it’s not bothering me”

“Even though it is? “I asked, to be fair I already knew the answer it was written all over her face.

“Even though it is!” she replied, a sense of sadness was clear in her voice.

“In that case, I would be honoured,” I said and gave her a cheeky wink. The idea of turning up at the local boozer with a stunning MILF on my arm was quite appealing.

“That’s amazing, thank you, thank so much,” she said, “Can we meet here at sixish?”

“That sounds good to me” I replied with a smile.

“I will come by taxi then we can both have a couple of drinks” she smiled.

Then she drained her cup, stood up, and kissed me on the cheek. I watched her drive off with only one thought in my mind, I hoped I would get to sample her ample charms this evening.

I spent the afternoon wisely; I did my normal run and my exercise routine and then had a shave and shower. Normally I would have had a wank, just to make sure things lasted longer, but a week with my sexy police officer meant there was no need to do that.

I picked out a nice pair of jeans and a shirt, splashed a bit of aftershave around and was ready to go at a quarter to six. I heard the taxi pull up so went out and jumped in. Gail looked stunning, the driver dropped us at the local bar, I paid the fare and we both got out.

Gail was wearing a summer dress that showed off her curves to the max. Her hair was down and looked like it had just been styled, her nails were freshly painted, and her perfume was making my balls jingle. The dress was short enough to show a little leg and low enough to show a hint of cleavage, but in a classy way if you know what I mean. It left you wondering, and I always find that a bit sexy.

“You look stunning Gail,” I purred, she smiled at me,

“I know you are only saying that but thanks, anyway, so do you” she replied.

“Trust me I am not just saying it,” I said, and trust me she looked like sex on a stick.

She blushed and gave me a smile that made my balls twitch.

“So how do we play this?” I asked before we got any further, I wanted to know the rules of the game so to speak.

“He will be in there if you could hold my hand, put your arm around my waist maybe whisper in my ear every now and then?” she asked, “if that’s okay with you, I just want to make him a little jealous”

“Not a problem for me, “I said and took her hand and led her into the pub. It was really English country village oldie worldie, all beams and brasses. I had been in once or twice but was far from a regular.

We stood at the bar, I asked Gail what she fancied, and I notice she bit her lower lip before she answered. Was it a sign or was I reading too much into it?

“I will have a G&T please, ice and a slice” she responded, I should have known that I mean what else would a posh lady like Gail drink.

I ordered two large gin and tonics and as the barman was making them, she subtlety nudged me.

“He’s in the corner, standing with his tart,” she whispered, a hint of venom obvious in the remark.

I turned and had a subtle glance over my shoulder. He was a prat that was obvious, and she was a tart either that or a Let’s start with him, pink chino shorts, a denim shirt with a designers crest on the breast pocket and with his jumper dangling over his shoulders. What little hair he had was gelled up and he had one of those silly leather man bags over his shoulder. I guess he was older than I was by ten or fifteen years.

She was mid-twenties, peroxide blonde and wearing enough make up to stock the local chemist. What the fuck did she see in him, her dress was too short and too low for a visit to the village pub, she was everything that Gail was not, cheap-looking, and tarty. There was not an ounce of class between her and the silly old git she was standing beside.

I saw her say something to him and he started to turn toward us, I put my arm around Gail’s waist, pulled her close to me, and bent my head down to her ear, from a distance it would be hard to know if I was whispering in her ear or kissing her.

“So where did they meet, “I asked Gail, my lips almost touching her earlobe.

“She just some little gold digger that worked at his London office,” she said, you really could taste the venom in her words.

“His London office?” I replied.

“Yes, he owns three or four companies, he’s into property development “she replied, “Blondie obviously thinks he’s worth a pound or two”

“Oh, look out he’s coming over, “I told her, and she moved closer to me, her hip touching mine. My cock twitched and the smell of her perfume had my saliva glands working overtime.

He started to walk over to us, stopping at the odd table to pass on greetings and pats on the backs of his cronies. It was all an act, it was all a show, all bull and bluster ... The barman gave us our drinks a few seconds before ‘he’ arrived, we clinked glasses and I slipped my arm around her waist again. I felt her tense and then relax as my hand slipped onto her hip.

“Hello Gail, “he said with a growl, “So are you going to introduce us to your friend”

I thrust my hand out, he took it and tried too out squeeze me, and he failed.

“Zak is the name,” I said, he was about my height but twice my weight; his skin had an unhealthy pallor to it. His palm felt sweaty, his bloodshot eyes, and the red yew to his nose told me he was a bit of a drinker.

“Eric ... Eric Hampden –Smith” he told me and introduced his ‘friend’ as Tasha; she smiled at me and looked Gail up and down, obviously assessing her. Tasha was wearing the most noxious perfume, it was assailing my nostrils and filling the bar, she must have bathed in it.

“So, you’re the guy that saved my Gemma,” he said with a look that I guess was meant to scare me.

“Yes and meeting this gorgeous lady must have been the reward” I squeezed her closer.

“I must thank you properly,” he said and pulled out his wallet. It was one of those wallets that rich people have full of gold and platinum cards and a great wad of cash.

“Please Eric I don’t need your money, so please don’t insult me,” I said forcefully, and he did not argue, he shoved his wallet back in his man bag. I think it was a token gesture.

“I have been rewarded enough by getting to spend time with your gorgeous wife,” I said with a wink and pulled Gail closer.

His face reddened and he bridled a little, I took a sip of my drink and smiled at him, He glared at me as if I was out of place in the pub and out of place being in there with his wife.

“So, do you live in the village,” he asked, I knew why he was asking, it was an awfully expensive place to buy a property. He was trying to suss me out.

“Yes, I own wood view cottage,” I told him.

He raised an eyebrow, he looked surprised at that statement, perhaps he thought I was living in a tent in the woods...

“Wow very nice, you must have been some mortgage to buy that place” he grinned.

“I have no idea Eric, “I said, “I paid cash for it and the renovations”

Okay, it was a little white lie, but hey, I needed him to think I was rich to make him jealous, as I knew that is what Gail wanted to happen.

“Very nice, “he said and took a sip of his drink.

I was hoping we would not have to make small talk, as it is not my thing and that was taken care of when four noisy couples entered the bar, they looked around, saw Eric, and came over. They were all carbon copies; older people that were all dressed for a round of golf and happy to show off their trophy wives. Gail knew some of them and introductions and air kisses filled the void. It turned out he had invited a few work chums, as he put it, out for a few drinks and meal.

We made our excuses and headed out to the pubs small garden, we took a seat and Gail took a huge gulp of her gin.

“Are you okay?” I asked and reached for her hand.

“Yes, it’s just still a bit painful seeing him and his tart and our old friends all out together” she squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

“Thanks for playing the game,” she said and winked at me, “they are watching us from the window”

“Then let’s give them something to see,” I said and returned her wink. I stood up and moved around to her side of the garden table, I sat close and ran my hand up her back, she shivered at my touch, my hand was stroking her hair and I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She gasped and for a second was unsure what to do. Then she kissed me back, it was not a snog, but it lasted long enough to feel good. She tasted good as well, expensive lipstick I guest.

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