Babe the Bountiful - Cover

Babe the Bountiful

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2018 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Lovely young wife lives up to her nickname to her husband's chagrin.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Sharing   Wife Watching   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   .

She was his “Babe” now, he thought as they rode away from the wedding reception. He could hardly wait to strip her and stuff her now-married pussy with his eager cock. No doubt she’d be eager too after all the tension and hubbub of the wedding.

She’d always been eager to fuck him. On the second date she was the one who suggested they find “someplace private”. She loved the nice hotel room with aJacuzzi he chose and screwed his brains out. He was hooked.

Jeff’s bride got her nickname as a ten-year-old with the quite notable swelling of her chest. As she matured it became even more applicable so she took it as her everyday name, not liking her legal one nearly as much. As he took her clothes off in that hotel room where they were going to spend their wedding night, she stood revealed as five-foot-five of blond loveliness. Her tits were firm and cantaloupe sized, her waist almost Barbie-like and her pubes were blond also, neatly trimmed. What he especially liked were her inner pussy lips that hung out teasingly below her outer ones, even visible from the back in the space between her thighs.

He had quickly discovered as they began dating that she was also eager to fuck other guys and was quite popular, having “made” many male friends in high school and now at work. To compete for this prize, he joined a fitness club, got a Cialis prescription and spruced up his luxury apartment. As a self-made tech millionaire at twenty-two, he knew he could outspend most any rival.

He got aggressive in his dating, scheduling enticing activities long in advance and telling her to “bring a toothbrush”. The first time on one of these “big dates” they returned to his apartment and he could tell she was impressed. Even more so when he asked her to go into the bedroom and change. She found an expensive peignoir on the bed and came back wearing it and a huge smile. Her availability rapidly improved as subsequent dates were equally top notch.

He couldn’t get a clue how much she was fucking other guys so he hired an agency to shadow her. They came back with an estimate that at least one guy coupled with her almost every day. Some days possibly more. He looked at the schedule they had compiled for the past week and realized that he’d been the second on at least two days.

With all the opportunities, she had become a master of deception, keeping a little douche syringe in her purse. On more than one occasion, even in high school, she’d banged a guy after school, gone out on a Friday night date to the football game with hot parking afterwards, and then enjoyed the neighbor boy who lived behind them after she got home. None of them realized that they weren’t the only vaginal visitor that day.

Her husband-to-be had struggled with that, not wanting to confront her which would likely cause her to shun him. Competition was the only thing he knew to do and he began booking as much of her time as he could, offering her a job in his company at an irresistible salary, and finding lots of things to do together. She seemed to like all the attention and perks.

The agency said that her “other” activity had decreased a lot but wasn’t all gone. What to do now?

Jeff tried asking her to live with him and she sweetly declined, saying she wasn’t ready for that. He interpreted “that” to be monogamy. He was stuck with accepting the situation for a while. That wasn’t so bad as she was still as avidly passionate in bed as ever and seemed to be “into” him the rest of the time.

One day, as he was puzzling this problem, he hit himself on the forehead with the heel of his hand. “Stupid me! Why am I doing all his manipulative stuff when I should just talk to her about it directly.”

The next time they were in bed he approached the issue head on. “I’ve never asked but I’m pretty sure you are dating other guys since you’re not always available to be with me.”

She nodded so he continued, “I have developed some very strong feelings for you and I think that you have some for me, from what I can tell. I guess I’m asking you to date me exclusively from now on.”

She had dealt with this situation repeatedly during her extensive sex life. “Yes, I do care an awful lot for you but I’m not ready to be tied down to any one man at this point. I do have other lovers but I can say that they in no way diminish how I feel or act towards you. I hope that you are mature enough to understand and accept this.”

He pushed the issue, “Is there any way that I could get you to be focused just on me?”

She smiled and said quietly, “A ring with a diamond on it might do the trick if I was in the right mood.” With that the topic was changed and soon they were focused on bringing each other pleasure again.

A week later, on a Monday night when they had gone to an event and were enjoying each other in his apartment, he said, “On Saturday night I insist that you have dinner with me. It will be a very important occasion. Also, may I borrow one of your rings for sizing.” She took off her mother’s wedding ring from her right fourth finger and gave it to him.

Jeff continued, “That will give you the rest of the week to say goodbye to anyone one else that you are intimately involved with.” She had no comment on that, feeling it was pretty mature of him.

Saturday afternoon, she was with her longtime mentor, an older man who had been the first one to show her how a penis fit into that slot between her thighs. It happened when she was well below legal age but she never regretted that decision. They would get together a few times each month to talk over things in both of their lives and to renew their physical commitment to each other. The engagement was a serious discussion item with the impending decision that very evening.

After lots of questions and answers, he told her that he thought it would be good for her to accept the ring. “I think it’s time for you to see how well you can develop an emotional commitment to one person other than me. You’ve never been monogamous by choice since we started so that will also be a personal challenge for you. He certainly seems devoted to you and has the means to give you a very enjoyable life as well. I will look forward to the wedding and will give you away if you ask.”

That night, after the entrée, a bottle of champagne was delivered and poured and he presented her with the ring, a beautiful three carat solitaire diamond. It was so romantic she began tearing up and leaned across the table to kiss him, a big tit knocking over one of the champagne glasses and making them both laugh.

In their special hotel room, the one where they’d had sex for the very first time, when her new fiance’s strong spurts of sperm splashed the depths of her pussy she glowed with the warm thought that her mentor’s were still in there to welcome them. She never rinsed out her special friend’s gift.

Her fiancé wasn’t taking any chances and began the wedding plans immediately. She didn’t want one of the big ornate ceremonies, having heard that the more you spend on the wedding, the shorter the marriage. It was nice and informal with all the important people there. Her father had passed so her mentor was introduced and walked her down the aisle. She had no idea where they were going for their honeymoon after spending their wedding night in that same special hotel room.

As they took a cab down to the docks, he told her it was going to be a cruise, something that she had been on a few times with some lovers and certainly enjoyed well enough. She was so surprised to find out that this was an adults-only and clothing optional boat ride.

In spite of the risks involved in having Babe parade her amazing body around without clothing, his ego wanted to show her off and, less obvious, he wanted to test her character in what might be a challenging situation. He noticed she had no qualms about stripping and heading out on the decks when the clothing optional announcement was made. After the ship left the dock and before it reached that point, he dumped everything he had inside her so that his own pecker would stay better under control.

They did have lots of fun enjoying the activities aboard ship and a special thing that she showed him, without explaining how she knew it, was to hang her tits over the railing on the little porch outside their room while he fucked her from behind in the dark. They could see other couples doing the same thing on another balconies. The second day she did it in the daytime and noticed that were some other exhibitionists out there too. He encouraged all of her playing and sent her off to activities without him tagging along, although he did follow discreetly to see how she would behave.

Of course, like moths to the flame, she drew lots of attention from the few single guys on the cruise and even some of the married ones. As he watched, one of them gave her a drink and she followed him to a somewhat secluded corner of the deck. His cock was at least half filled as he sat down. Putting his drink down he grabbed her hips, twisted her around and sat her in his lap. He heard her squeal a little bit but then sit still. This guy was getting pretty friendly with his hands roaming but not making overt attempts to hold her tits.

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