The Ark Part 2 - Cover

The Ark Part 2

Copyright© 2018 by REP

Chapter 10

Jon said, "We all know about the bedding problem Captain Bell brought up, so let's deal with that first.

"Leah, Carl told me the other three Companies are or will be having the same problem as Alpha Company. Can you put a couple of Scavenger Teams together to find mattresses and bedding and get the stuff out to the SCCs?"

"I already started that effort, Jon. I assigned Scavenger Team 6 to get bedding for Alpha Company, and I figured the other Companies were likely to have the same problem. So Scavenger Team 12 will be going out as soon as their leader can get her people located and organized. Scavenger Team 6 is almost ready to head to the Transit Station and Scavenger Team 12 should be ready to depart in about thirty minutes.

"Sam said he would arrange for the vehicles we'll need, and I was getting ready to arrange a guard detail for each of my teams when I got your call. My people will be able to get enough mattresses out to the SCCs today to meet their immediate needs, but providing bedding tonight for that many people will be a problem. Just tell me who needs mattresses the most.

Carl said, "Delta Company has the biggest need, Leah. Give me a minute to call Captain Charles to arrange guard details."

While Carl is making his phone call, Jon said, "Leah, Charles's people are scavenging vehicles for Sam. They will need to return to the Freight Yard before they can deploy with your teams. While Carl talks to Charles, why don't you contact your first team and have them wait at the Transit Station until your second team gets there."

"Okay. I'll also call Harriet and have her expedite getting her people and their equipment down to the Transit Station and then I'll let Lisa know to wait for Team 12."

"Tom, Carl Fenton here. Sam tells me your Seal Team 1 is doing a good job providing him with vehicles. Right now, my Companies are having a minor problem. My people's SCCs are getting survivors, but the SCCs don't have any bedding. Leah is sending two of her Scavenger Teams out and they will be heading for the Freight Yard shortly. They are going to collect the mattresses our SCCs need, but both teams will need a guard detail. Leah has arranged for vehicles and I am hoping you can split one of Seal Team 1's Troops between her people.

"No problem, Carl. I'll have Lieutenant Brooks' Troop 1 support Leah's people. Troops 2 and 3 can continue scavenging vehicles for Sam until he tells us he has enough for now. Tell Leah that Troop 1 should be able to get back to the Freight Yard and be ready to go back out in about an hour."

"Thanks, Tom. Bye."

Leah finished her phone call, so Carl said, "Leah, Tom is reassigning Troop 1 of Seal Team 1 to go with your people. It will take a while for them to return to the Freight Yard; so let your people know, Tom's people may need about an hour to get back and be ready to redeploy."

With her phone call over and a smile on her face, Leah said, "Why, Carl. I thought they were a rapid deployment team. What type of organization are you running?"

With a chuckle, Carl said, "Well, Leah, my people are Army and Tom's people are Navy. It's just takes the Navy a bit longer to adapt."

After smiling for a moment, Jon said, "Okay, you two. Let's let the inter-service rivalry die.

"Carl, that should take care of the immediate bedding needs for today. Tomorrow, you and Tom will need to help Leah's people get the rest of the mattresses and all of the bedding that the four Companies will need for the survivors and their people. While I'm thinking about it, it may be a good idea to drop off a couple of dozen mattresses off this afternoon for Charlie Company; just in case they get a few survivors before tomorrow. We also need to expand our laundry capacity and add clean bedding to our scheduled supply runs.

"Next issue. Have we overlooked anything else our people or survivors will need immediately? What about your people, Carl?"

"We should be good, Jon. We have our deployment rations and drinking water and we made arrangements for resupply at regular intervals. Unless something unexpected comes up, we should be good to go."

"Okay, but what about the survivors? I know we've addressed clothes, food, water, sanitation, medical, and now bedding. That should hold everyone for the short-term. But, is there anything else they will need immediately?

"Carl, walk us through what your people do at the SCCs."

"Okay. On arrival, we check the buildings and the immediate area for survivors and safety hazards. If the buildings are damaged and not suitable for housing people, we repair the damage. We post guards on the approaches, set up our Company Headquarters and barracks, and start setting up the buildings to house survivors. We bring in food, water, and medical supplies for the survivors and turn them over to the Negotiators, who stockpile them at the SCCs. That is pretty much all we do, Jon."

"What about the survivors' need for food, water, and medical care during the next day or two?"

"Well, we weren't expecting a lot of people to show up on the first day. It happened to Delta Company, but they have a week's supply of those items for themselves that they can use for the survivors. We can replenish their supply levels later.

Leah asks, "What about toilets, showers, toiletries, and grooming supplies?"

Carl responds, "Sam is supposed to get porta-potties out to us tomorrow. Showers would be nice, but we don't have an adequate supply of water for bathing. Toiletries and grooming supplies would also be nice; but in our planning sessions with your people, everyone decided those items would be in good supply at local stores."

I broke in with, "That's good, Carl. But Delta and Echo Companies are in residential areas with no stores close by. We need to add those items to their resupply runs, and if the need is immediate, they or Leah will have to send out a scavenging party to the nearest stores. What about you, Leah, anything else come to mind?"

"No, nothing else, but if the lack of cleanliness is a problem, we could setup showers and bring in soap, washcloths, towels, and tanker trucks of water."

"That's a good idea, Leah. But in most instances, cleanliness can wait. For the next week or so, I think we should focus on the critical areas. To me, those are shelter, food, water for drinking and cooking, and medical care. If something important does come up, we should be able to get the items out to the SCCs within a day. I think we have all their critical needs addressed, and it won't kill people to do without the comfort items for a few days.

"Before I forget it, Carl; remind everyone about the possibility of dogs going wild, and forming packs. If anyone spots or hears a pack of dogs, they are to report it. I suspect there are a few around, but my personal belief is most of the pets were locked up in homes and yards, and they died of starvation or dehydration.

We seemed to have addressed all of the important items, so I said, "Our Habitation and Recycling Departments will be sending out people to get the water and sewage treatment plants back in operation once the Auburn area is secure, which should be by the end of next week. If there's nothing else, let's get back to work."

Leah said, "Jon, I had a several important items brought to my attention during the meeting I had with my people this afternoon. I intended to come here right after we finished, but I got tied up with the bedding issue.

"The first item that came up was, my people do not think the danger they face is as high as the Ark Army thinks it is. They are telling me that they are willing to go out without escorts. Since military escorts are required and there aren't enough units available to escort each of our Scavenger Teams, I recommend that you consider allowing them to do their jobs without escorts. We can send them out, armed or unarmed, with radios and they can call in if they encounter a problem."

"Alright, Leah. Clara and I will consider your suggestion. If we don't meet any significant resistance in the next day or so, we will probably implement your idea. Last night, Captain Maroun suggested weapons training for people who have to work on the surface and I have someone looking into setting up a short course."

"Good! The other problem pointed out to me is that the Recycling Department's internal schedule does not match the Ark's official schedule. I'm not sure how it happened, but many of our key milestones and revised task durations were not incorporated into the official schedule. I examined the official schedule, and I also found a number of schedule integration errors.

"Leah, how is this going to affect the official schedule?"

"I can't give you a complete answer, Jon. What I do know is my group's portion of the Stage 1 effort will take a lot longer to complete than currently indicated. Since my group has not performed an analysis of what will be needed of us for the other stages, we told the planners to assume our effort for those stages to be the same as what we submitted for Auburn. I suspect the duration of the effort for Stages 2 through 7 will be much greater than what the official schedule reflects."

Looking to Mike, Jon said, "We need to continue our Stage 1 efforts and put the rest of the stages on hold until we can assess just how bad the impact these items will have on our plans and the official schedule.

"I'm beginning to suspect the person I had create our official schedule was not an expert with the MS Project program. Mike, I want Major Vannes people to take the overall responsibility for the official schedule. They will need to examine the individual schedules for missing data, unrealistic task durations, and integration errors.

"Staff Sergeant Previn helped me a while back with integrating one of my plans with another groups' plans. I believe she is an expert with MS Project. Have Major Vannes assign her the responsibility for fixing the schedule. I want her to analyze the current official schedule and fix any errors. Someone needs to be assigned to assess the individual schedules, before Previn updates them. Previn is to then update the official schedule to reflect our support groups internal schedules. As each group's internal schedule is integrated, they are to stop using their internal schedule. From that point on, any schedule changes they wish to make are to be made to the official schedule. I will let Previn specify how she wants the changes given to her.

"Sergeant Previn is going to be very busy, so she will need help. As each department's internal schedule is integrated, I want the people who are maintaining that department's schedule to interface and work with Major Vannes' Intelligence and Planning Group. They are to assist Sergeant Previn in whatever capacity she may need help with. If she needs it, they can be her gofers.

"Major Rivera's Logistics Group is to coordinate our support needs with Leah, Mary, and Sam's groups. Since most of the support effort will be done by Leah's group, I want her group to take the overall lead position in coordinating the movement of resources between the Ark and Auburn, and within Auburn.

"The most important thing to make clear to everyone is that from this point on there will be only one schedule, and all of the changes to that schedule will go through Sergeant Previn.

Leah said, "One last thing, Jon. Have you made a decision on the situation of the degrading fuel?"

"Yes, but I haven't had time to address it. Mike, get with Leah and Wyatt and develop a plan for advancing the restoration of the Benicia Refinery with an as early as possible start date."

"Alpha 1, Charlie 1, Delta 1, and Echo 1, this is Ark 3. Over."

"Ark 3, Alpha 1. Over."

"Ark 3, Charlie 1. Over."

"Ark 3, Delta 1. Over."

"Ark 3, Echo 1. Over."

"Scavenger Teams are being deployed to get survivors enough mattresses for tonight plus a few spares. If your needs change, let me know. Tomorrow the Scavenger Teams will get enough mattresses and bedding to each of you for your survivors and your troops. Box springs, bedframes, and bedroom furniture will be supplied at a later date.

"Starting tomorrow, the resupply point will be open from 0800 to 1200 daily. The on-hand stock will be limited, so they will only issue a two-day supply of food and medical supplies. Clean bedding will be issued once a week. If you have additional bedding needs or if you have a special need, leave a list of what you need at the resupply point. The Recycling Department will deliver your order as soon as they can assemble what you require.

"The Construction Department is building a water truck for each SCC. The water trucks and a one-week supply of rations for survivors will be ready for pickup at 1000 tomorrow. Each water truck is a flatbed truck with three palletized water tanks. When your water supply runs low, bring the truck in and they will swap out the water tanks.

"Ark 1 asked that everyone be reminded about the possibility of dog packs, and for you to report any you see or hear. Ask the survivors if they have any knowledge of dog packs.

"If you have questions, ask them as you sign off. Ark 3 over."

"Seal 1-1, Seal 1. Over."

"Go, Seal 1. Over."

"Have you arrived at the mattress supply location, and if so, what is the supply of mattresses at your location? Over."

"We arrived fifteen minutes ago, Seal 1. The supply seems adequate for Alpha 1's current need and to fill part of Delta 1's needs. Our Scavenger Team's leader told me she has additional locations she can go to. Over."

"Roger, Seal 1-1. Seal 1 out."

Harriet Campbell, the leader of Scavenger Team 12, and Ensign Mac Allen (Seal 1-1), the officer in command of Seal Team 1's Troop 1, were standing beside Harriet's truck when Mac received the radio call. Mac said, "I guess we need to head for your alternate supply point, Harriet."

"Yeah, we will, if necessary. Let me check with Lisa Afsar to see if Team 6 has enough mattresses for everyone at their location. Leah wants us to clear out one supply point before we start on another, so it doesn't make sense for us to start on a third location today. I suspect we will clear out Lisa's supply point by the end of tomorrow and be working on our third or fourth location by the time everyone has enough mattresses. Then we can start on sheets, blankets, bedframes, box springs, and furniture."

Keying her walkie-talkie, Harriet said, "Lisa, this is Harriet. As we expected, the supply of mattresses at this location was minimal. Do you have enough at your location for Delta Company's needs?"

"Yeah, Harriet, more than enough, but our delivery truck won't carry that many."

"That's okay, Lisa. I'll drop what I have off at Alpha Company's SCC, and then reload at your location. If we don't get to your location before you're loaded, go ahead and we'll meet up at the high school."

"Sure thing, Harriet. I'll see you there."

Before heading to his gun truck, Mac said, "Alright, Harriet. I gather we are headed for Alpha's SCC, so let's get going."

As the gun truck headed for the SCC, Ensign Allen turned to the Senior NCO of Seal Platoon 1, Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Justin Race, and said, "You know, Chief, it is really strange listening to civilians talking on a radio. They just don't have any radio discipline. I don't think it really matters, since we aren't going up against an enemy that has an Intelligence Section that could use names and locations to plan a military operation against us."

"Yes, Sir. I noticed their lack of radio discipline and you're right about us not having an enemy that could use poor Communications Security practices against us, but it still isn't good tradecraft. Do you think they would be open to a few suggestions like using call signs and using the phonetic alphabet?"

"Possibly, but some of these civilians are a bit touchy. I'll suggest it to the Lieutenant and let him decide if our superiors want to pass a few suggestions on to the civilian's bosses."

Seal Team 1's commander Lieutenant Alexander Brooks (Seal 1), who is in the warehouse with his men, finishes his radio transmission to Ensign Allen. Lieutenant Brooks turned to the Senior NCO of Troop 1's Seal Platoon 2, CPO Orion Tapp (Seal 1-1-2), and said, "Chief, Mistress Afsar told me her team has a full load of mattresses for Delta Company and should be ready to leave in about ten minutes. Let your men know so they can relieve themselves and be ready to move out."

"Might I suggest twenty minutes, Lieutenant, all this clothing and gear makes taking a piss a time consuming process."

After walking back to Lisa Afsar, Alex said, "My people will be ready to head out in about twenty minutes, Lisa. What about box springs, bedframes, sheets, and blankets?"

"For tonight, they will have to make do with just the mattresses. We don't have time to go find sheets and blankets for them, and they probably don't have the time to assemble the bedframes for box springs. It will take a good fifteen minutes to put each bed's framework together and adjust it to fit the box spring.

"Tomorrow, our two teams can get more mattresses for the SCCs and sheets and blankets for everyone; bed frames and box springs are going to have to wait. Leah said we may need to get chairs and tables for the SCCs, but those are even lower priority items. For the next week or two, we are going to be overworked just collecting and distributing necessities."

"Yes, I know. I suspect my Seal Team will be pulling guard duty for your Scavenger Teams once we finish scavenging vehicles for the construction crews. My Seal Team has two Troops and each Troop has two Seal Platoons of fourteen people each. If we don't encounter hostiles, I can probably split each of my six Seal Platoons in half and that would allow us to escort eight Scavenger Teams. If necessary, I suppose some of Division 1 and 3's people can be drafted also."

Lisa said, "I thought a Seal Division had three Seal Teams. Won't the other two be helping you?"

"No, two of my Division's Seal Teams will be deploying the day after tomorrow to set up two of the Blocking Posts. Two of Division 3's Seal Teams are setting up the other two Blocking Posts. So that leaves Seal Teams 1 and 4 and whoever can be spared from Division 1 to support your people.

"Lisa, when we finish unloading and get back to the Ark, do you have plans for dinner tonight?"

"Nothing special on my calendar, Alex. Were you thinking of something besides dinner?"

"Well, dinner for now and we can see how things go."

"Tell me, Lieutenant Brooks, how many women are there in your Bond Group?"

"Ah ... I've been rather busy and haven't gotten around to finding anyone, so at the moment it is just me."

"Humm! I happen to have a good-looking roommate and we are very good friends. She has a pretty face, a slender build, and her tits are just slightly bigger than mine. She and I have talked about finding a good man and moving in with him. Would you be interested in having dinner with two big-titted women this evening?"

With a smile on his face Alex said, "That sounds like a good idea, Lisa. I think we need to get a move on it so we can get back at a reasonable hour or your friend may have eaten dinner without us."

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