Bake Shop - Cover

Bake Shop

Copyright© 2019 by Armera Llsehi

Chapter 4

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Chance and Jill have pursued their dream to open up a bake shop together. And even though they have met with success, they learn that they can't keep that secret of success secret for long.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Workplace   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oral Sex  

Chance barely dries himself off before he is pulling on his clothes. Then he rushes for the front of the store. “Sorry for the wait,” he says, stepping out to stand behind the counter.

The man, who looks like he has been doing more window shopping in the glass display than waiting, looks up and smiles. “I was wondering if you forgot to put up the out to lunch sign.”

Chance grins. He feels that there is more behind the words. “Yeah, things took longer in back than I expected.”

The man looks Chance over and grins. “That wife of yours keeps you bus, yeah?”

Turning a slight shade of red, Chance fights to control it. He just as quickly attempts to change the subject. “Is there anything in particular that I can help you with? Whatever we don’t have on display, we have a catalogue, or we can make whatever you like.”

The man laughs. “My daughter shops here all the time. I get a variety of what you have to offer.” Suddenly he reaches out over the counter and introduces himself. “My name is Chris Shatto.”

Chance takes the man’s hand, giving it a firm shake. And then he realizes who he is talking to. “You’re the Chris Shatto of Shatto Enterprises.”

“The one and only, son,” the man says. “That’s a great handshake by the way.”

“Uh ... thanks,” Chance stutters. “What can I, uh, do for you then, sir?”

“Please, no sir,” the man begs.

“Oh, no problem,” Chance says. “I know the whole sir is my father thing, Mr. Shatto.”

The man shakes his head. “Just call me Chris. People thing I should be put on some kind of pedestal for some reason.”

“People tend to do that with the rich and famous,” Chance agrees. “But I mean with you, you are an innovator. You’ve built an empire from nothing.”

Chris chuckles. “Well, I wouldn’t say, nothing. I’ve merely built a company by buying up other companies and organizing them to run efficiently.”

“I heard a rumor that Shatto Enterprises is joining in on the space race,” Chance digs, hoping to learn if the rumors are true.

“Just between you and me,” Chris says, leaning forward over the counter. He waits for Chance to come close before continuing. “We are.”

Both men pull away. Chris has a serious expression while Chance is at a loss for words. But when that expression cracks and the man laughs, Chance relaxes and joins in on the laughter.

“I guess it’s a no brainer for you,” Chance remarks.

“In the sense that we’re not going to open a space center anytime soon, then yes,” Chris replies. “The trick is buying out the right company to do it for us.”

“So what can we help you with then?” Chance asks. “You’re not planning on buying us out, are you?”

Chris chuckles and says, “No, nothing of the sort.”

“Would you tell us if you were?”

“I would actually,” the man says. “But no, I’m not interested in baked goods—at least not with production and sales.”

“You may be after we expand and go global,” Chance quips.

“We’ll see at that point then,” Chris says with a smirk. “No, what I’m here for is to see if you cater.”

“We have on occasion,” Chance confirms.

“I have a Christmas party coming up for my headquarters,” the man explains.

Seeing dollar signs and a chance to push his plan forward, Chance simply nods, betraying nothing. “I think that could be something we can handle. What all are you looking for?”

“That’s something I’ll let my secretary handle,” Chris says. “I am here personally to ask for a bit of a favor. I expect nothing less than a fee for it added to the final bill, of course.”

“So long as it isn’t anything illegal...”

“Nothing even close to bordering on legality, I assure you,” Chris says. “I understand that you have a remarkable product. I have certainly enjoyed your goods.”

“That’s great to hear,” Chance remarks with a smile, his curiosity piqued. “But where are you going with this?”

“I figure that if you are going to cater, would you be willing to play Santa?” the man asks, then adds, “Of course, if your wife is willing to be Mrs. Claus.”

A sly smile creeps up on Chance’s face. In his mind he can see all the possibilities that could come out of an opportunity like this. “I don’t think that would be a problem. I mean what’s a Christmas party without Santa? And what’s Santa without the misses?”

“I’ll have my secretary call and set it all up with you,” Chris says. “And before I go, my daughter told me the specials are in the back.”

“That they are,” the shop owner agrees.

“I’d like one of the cream filled eclairs then.”

“One Creampie coming right up,” Chance says before disappearing in the back. Within seconds he is back, handing over the pastry and taking the man’s money.

“And if you speak to your sister, ask her to come along,” Chris offers.

“You know Rory?” Chance asks, not believing it.

“Of course I do,” the man says with a grin. “She designed my building for me. “I only ask that you ask so it doesn’t seem too personal inviting her to a party.”

“Yeah,” Chance agrees. “I’ll let her know.”

When the door closes and the shop becomes empty and silent again, Jill steps out from the back and says, “Looks like we nailed a big job.” She leans against the display case, looking out the store’s large windows.

“That we did,” Chance concurs. “It’s interesting that his daughter knows about us.”

“He doesn’t have a daughter,” Jill reveals.

“But he said he did,” Chance argues.

“No, he doesn’t,” she counters. “I can attest to that. He orders from us all the time.”

Chance narrows his eyes at her. “So that’s where you’ve been going when you go uptown.”

“Yep,” she confesses, popping her lips when she says the word. “He’s into role play, and apparently nothing turns him on more than a delivery girl making a delivery.”

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