New Teacher's Welcome - Cover

New Teacher's Welcome

Copyright© 2018 by Friskee_cpl

Chapter 5: Fucking the president

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Fucking the president - Julian arrives in the country town all ready for a conservative greeting, but alas this country town has more secrets than the CIA, and they're all dirty.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Facial   Oral Sex   Teacher/Student  

It wasn’t my alarm clock that woke me, it was the sound of something scratching in the ceiling that roused my naked torso.

Glancing at my alarm clock I was stunned to find that I had managed to achieve a massive four hours of sleep. My final memory from the night before was stumbling out of a room full of sex crazed middle-aged Rotarians, stumbling into the shower and falling dead asleep.

Now I was in that sweet zone where I had two and a half hours before my school day began. This ordinariness was preceded by the promise of an early morning liaison at a riverside beach with the horny Erin.

With that in mind I attempted to leap out of bed, but it turned into nothing more than a sickening lurch as the impacts of a night of alcoholic excess cursed through my veins.

I was almost tempted to fall back into bed and crash out, but after missing out on a quick feel the night before, that young slut wasn’t going to get away with it today.

I threw my cycling gear on and washed down two painkillers with about a litre of water.

When I checked where the beach was it confirmed my decision to ride there as it was only three kilometres from the centre of town. Plus from experience I know there’s not much better than a quick pedal to sweat the toxins out from a night of drink, and a three K sprint is exactly what I needed.

I also wanted to show off my physical fitness to the young nymph, so the bicycle it was.

I wrestled the bike out of my room and down the stairs, conscious of the fact that many of the rooms were booked out, and not wanting to alert any of the Rotarians who may have wanted an extra serving of dick for breakfast.

After double checking the direction I needed to go in I threw a leg over and spun off down the road. The clear country air really did begin to clear my head and as I came around the roundabout I saw out of the corner of my eye the old Toyota Hilux ute from the pub coming down the main drag. Erin, surely that must be Erin. my cock came alive at just the idea of it.

I cautiously looked back over my shoulder and noticed that there was not one, but two people in the ute. When it passed I saw that Erin had brought Georgie along for the ride. My cock was now getting uncomfortable, moreso after they circled around the next roundabout, went back to the previous one, went around it and this time slowly cruised alongside me.

“Hi sir,” Georgie called out, I looked around before lowering my head and stared at Erin, who had that devilish smile then said “Joining us at the beach?”

“I hope to, if Erin doesn’t run me off the road.”

“Nah, she wouldn’t do that. She loves her Mr Hornyman.”

Before I could respond Erin giggled and accelerated away, leaving me to continue on for at least two kilometres.

It was certainly the quickest two k’s that I’d pedalled in my life, but not so fast that on my way there I didn’t notice that I was heading in the direction of my immediate supervisor and head teacher Sharon’s place. The home where I witnessed an orgy similar to the one I’d been an active participant in only the night before.

In Coolamein the roads are straight and flat and I could see that the girls had turned off the main highway towards the river. Although the side road to the river was a dirt track, I was sure that my road bike would manage it well enough.

It did slow my progress a touch, but as soon as I came over the rise and down into the tree lined picnic area, my heart bounded in joy.

There stood Erin and Georgie, both topless with the early morning summer sun shimmering through their long hair. I nearly stacked my bike as I rolled down the dodgy track onto the beach.

I could feel the sweat trickling down my back as I performed a gracious dismount and leaned my bike against the Hilux.

Their perfectly formed, pert young breasts, complete with soft pink nipples, were mesmerising and I clearly missed the looks on their faces as I moved closer.

“Eww sir,” Georgie said, “You’re all sweaty.”

“Well” I said as I motioned closer, “We’ll all be sweaty soon enough.”

“Not unless you strip off and wash all that eww off you.”

“You two are going to join me?”

Erin grabbed a large towel and spread it on the river sand. When she dropped to her knees and rubbed my cock through my pants, he made the decision for me.

“I’ll be right back,” he said.

I ripped my t-shirt right off my head, kicked my riding shoes off and slowly rolled my shorts down and off.

“Are you sure you don’t want a little feel now,” I said, on behalf of my dick.

“River, now!” Erin said. “Your pubes are all wet, and it’s not from our pussy juice.”

Georgia giggled and said, “Maybe he’s been entertaining Lin again this morning.”

“Ohh, double eww,” Erin laughed. “Get in the fucking water.”

I ran across the sand and dived headlong into the surprisingly cold, but ultimately revitalising water. What really took me by surprise was how strong the current was, and how many roots and branches there were in the water.

What took me most by surprise though was that of the sound of a car door slamming closed.

When I spun around I was greeted by the sight of Georgie lifting my bike into the back of the ute and Erin tossing my clothes and the towel in with it.

“Oi!” I screamed out, “What the fuck are you two doing?”

There was no answer other than just laughter and a wave as I struggled to drag myself out of the river.

Within seconds they were tearing up the track, my bike and clothes sliding around the tray.

“Fuck, fuck, fuckkkkk,” I screamed at the cockatoos that had been unsettled by the ute ripping down the road.

To add insult to injury, a Kookaburra began laughing.

“Oh you can fuck right off,” I demanded of it.

I simply could not believe what was happening. A part of me wanted to believe that it was just a joke, that the girls would be further up the hill, in a special lair, naked and waiting for me.

I finally dragged myself out of the water and tore up the hill to where they’d parked. All that was left were my riding shoes, graciously left behind. They took my socks of course, and every other item that I could use to cover myself.

Being caught naked with two girls I could have lived with. Being caught alone in a public area ... that will destroy you.

Hope does spring eternal, especially when you’re naked, and as I pulled my shoes on I decided to chance a quick run up the track to see if the girls had stopped halfway. They hadn’t, and as I solemnly walked back to the river bank, I pondered my options.

Walking up to the highway was out of the question. I couldn’t ring anyone nor could I just sit there and wait. The only option came to me as I sat watching the river flow past me.

Somewhere further downstream, maybe a kilometre or two, was the road to the home of my head teacher Sharon Hogan and her husband Marcus.

I knew the layout of their home and maybe, just maybe, they wouldn’t be home and I could nick some of Marcus’s gear and take it from there.

It was a risky move because their home wasn’t on the river, but further in an estate.

At that moment the possibility of my drowning in the river was very real, it happens, but baking in the sun wasn’t an option.

I eased myself, with shoes on, back into the water and I was pleasantly surprised with how quickly it carried me further downstream. At one point I considered letting it drag me all the way to South Australia and into the mouth of a Great White shark.

It wasn’t long after that I could see in the distance the remains of an old bridge and a carpark next to it. Using only my internal compass I decided to alight from my watery taxi and try to get better bearings on my locale.

The bank of the river was actually better than where I previously was and I managed to quite easily wander up into an abandoned camping area. I fruitlessly searched for something to wear, but there was nought.

Looking down the road I was pleased to see what looked like the roofline and driveway of the Hogan house. It was the opposite angle to how it looks coming from the town, but I was pretty convinced it was theirs.

There was one other home on my right, about 50 metres down the road, but it did look unkempt and I was hoping it was somebody’s holiday home.

I decided to make a run for it. The Hogans’ house was about 400 metres away, a distance that I would normally struggle with, but with the added bonus of adrenaline I made quick time.

As soon as I came closer to the driveway I patted myself on the back and formulated a plan as to how I would enter their property, steal some clobber, and make my way back into town.

Trying to snake onto someone’s property, in the nude, is not something I’d tried before so I took the least obvious path on the southern side of the driveway. Ducking low along the pittosporum hedge I finally came up to the carport and I was disappointed to find both of their cars in the drive, and no bikes to steal.

I was even more disappointed when I noticed that there were no clothes on the clothesline, and not even a spill sheet in the carport. For the first time in my life I was left wondering where all the world’s fabric was.

I could see what looked like a shed or a studio further down the yard so I decided to try that for luck. As I snuck along the side of the house I could hear a shower running inside and footsteps going down the hall in the direction I was heading.

At least I would only have one pair of eyes to avoid.

When I reached the end of the house I could also see a pair of board shorts and a few towels hanging off the pool fence. If the shed was void of anything worthy to wear, I would bide my time in there until they both left for work, then grab the boardies, maybe even go into their home and ring a taxi.

Suddenly I was a criminal, or at least planning to be.

With the shed only about 10 metres away I once more got down low, and almost in a crab-like fashion made my way across the open lawn.

What I heard next pulled me up like a horse that has seen a snake. It wasn’t a gun cocking, or a shriek. It was my name, spoken with that lifting end, as if it was a question.


I took about another two steps forward before accepting my fate. I was just about to be totally humiliated by Marcus, the husband of my head teacher, Sharon.

“What the fuck are you doing out here?” He asked, with a distinct level of jocularity to his voice.

“And why are you naked?”

I dared not turn around, preferring to pretend that there was nothing to see.

“I’m,” was all I could say. Mind you I could have said “I have on a card a video of you and a bunch of people all fucking in your lounge room and I thought I might come visit,” but I didn’t.

“In our yard, naked.”

I just nodded.

“You need to come inside before the horse flies bite your old fella.”

I looked back over my shoulder and Marcus was standing at the doorway, wearing a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt, sipping on a cup of coffee.

“I saw you coming down the drive from the kitchen window,” he continued. “I nearly choked on my toast.”

Without saying a word I turned around, covered the old boy, and accepted his invitation. At least he wasn’t angry and had left his shotgun in the gun safe.

As I ascended the four steps he stood aside to let me pass. “Take those stupid shoes off then keep going down the hall into the kitchen. I’ll make you a coffee. I can’t wait to hear you explain this away,” he said good naturedly.

I used my feet to ease my shoes off before beginning the slow walk down the hallway. I passed the study that I had hidden in once before and I could hear the shower being turned off just as I passed the bathroom door.

I had assumed that Sharon was in there so I relaxed a tad hoping that I would find something in the lounge room, a pillow for example, to offer a better means of at least pretending to display a modicum of decency. I really don’t understand why I was being so coy, I mean I’d filmed Sharon herself being filmed by a police officer, whose cock she was sucking as her husband Marcus fucked her from behind, so really I may as well have just whipped it out and told her to suck on it.

A clock on the wall revealed that it was 8:15. I, like many others including Sharon, were due to commence work in 15 minutes. Or, at least I thought we were.

As I turned the corner into the large lounge / dining and kitchen, otherwise known as the orgy room, I immediately turned, looking for cover, towards a sofa.

“Julian?” There it was again, coming from a corner of the kitchen, my name as a question. This time it was spoken by Sharon.

I turned towards her and her eyes went straight to my hand covered groin.

Dressed in only a short Japanese patterned dressing gown, she was clearly not on her way to work, not yet anyway. She sipped her tea, looked and smiled at Marcus, then looked back at me.

“Stop searching for something to cover up Julian, I’ve already seen you running down the driveway. I just couldn’t see your face clearly.” She spun an iPad around to me which, thanks to a security camera, was displaying a loop of me running down the driveway.

“We’re used to seeing cattle and Kangaroos, not cocks,” she said.

“This is not, umm,” I began. “Not what you may think, umm. Fuck.”

Marcus laughed hysterically. “My god, come on mate, you turn up, quite bizarrely, naked bar a pair of cleats, on a Friday morning...”

“Well,” I interrupted, as an abridged version of the morning’s event filled my imagination.

“I went for a morning ride and thought it would be nice for a swim so I pulled into Robertson’s beach, I think it is, and rather than get my riding gear wet, I decided, you know, to skinny dip.”

Once more Marcus began to laugh and Sharon joined him.

“By yourself you say? Your clothes and bike just disappeared?” Marcus asked.

“No, this car came down and took it all, a ute.”

“But left you the shoes?”

I just nodded and looked at Sharon, who turned off the looping video and stepped out from behind the kitchen bench.

“He’s been Roboed,” she said, to which Marcus grunted agreement.

“Roboed?” I had to ask.

“A lady or even two invite a new arrival out to the beach, get them to strip off and jump in the water nude, then nick their gear and drive back into town,” he said.

“Usually blokes just wander up onto the highway with branches and things to hide their dicks, but you’re the first to float downstream and come running down our driveway.”

I was about to ask how often it occurred when I heard footsteps coming down the hall. When the person appeared under the archway, it was my turn to use a name as a question.

“Raul?” I said to the swarthy Spaniard I’d shared Gill with less than 24 hours earlier.

“You, my friend, what are you doing here?”

“So,” Sharon said with heightened excitement. “You two know each other then do you? How would that be, I wonder?”

“You know how yesterday I fuck Gill with another man?” he asked of Sharon. “This is the man. Sorry, I forget your name?”

Marcus nearly pissed himself laughing. “Oh this is too much. It’s unbelievable. This is Julian. He just got Roboed and that’s not something I’m going to explain.”

I was dumbstruck. For an English teacher being unable to form a sentence, at least an even slightly incoherent one, was almost as embarrassing as my situation. I shouldn’t have been so coy because I did know exactly just what kind of people Marcus and Sharon and Raul were, and no doubt what they’d been up to during the night before.

“Raul kind of hung around Gill’s for a bit too long yesterday and was caught out by Jack,” Sharon said as she walked towards me. “So, he’s here now for me to enjoy until he leaves.”

Without realising I took a small step backwards which added nicely to my reluctant demeanour. In reality I was aching for her to drop her kimono, drop to her knees and then suck me off.

It wasn’t long before she was doing just that.

“Raul, Marcus, I think he’s feeling intimidated by the fact that you both have clothes on. Is that right Julian?”

As the two of them disrobed all I could muster was a question directed at my slowly approaching head teacher, who had developed a real hunger in her eyes.

“What about work?” I muttered, “I’m only new, and you know, under assessment.”

“That’s easy,” she said, taking her phone out of her dressing gown pocket and calling a saved number.

“Hi Julie, it’s Sharon again. It seems something’s going through our staff room as Julian just called in sick as well.” She nodded a few times before continuing. “I told him to call the office in future, not me. Thanks Julie, bye.”

“Remember I have to be at that inspection at 10,” Marcus said as he pulled on his hardening cock. “I won’t be holding back.”

“I have all fucking day,” Raul said gleefully. “I fucking love Australia.”

As Sharon walked past me she opened her kimono dressing gown and let it fall to the ground. Looking back over her shoulder she looked down towards my hands which I allowed to open finger by finger, revealing my rousing cock.

Marcus nudged me as I stood there in awe of her beauty. I had seen her naked before of course, but that was at a distance. Here was one of the finest, petite, natural women I’d seen in years.

“You’re not shy, so why pretend,” Marcus said to me.

“Fair call,” I said as I winked to Raul. “Just odd to be here, you know.”

Sharon grabbed a large cushion off the sofa, placed it on the floor, looked directly at me and said, “Get over her you lying fucker, I’ll get the true story out of you by the end of the day.”

I didn’t budge until Marcus nudged me towards his wife. As I stumbled forward she dropped to her knees and focussed on my ever expanding cock. She slid her hand down to her pussy and rubbed it before reaching up and grabbing first her husband’s and then my stiffening rod.

“I knew it would be nice,” she softly spoke as she ran her hand down its length. “Didn’t I say that the new guy in our staff room would have a nice cock?”

“Hey!” Raul exclaimed, “What about mine?”

“Really?,” she said with that teacher’s tone. “I’ve been sharing you around town for months.”

They were her last words for quite a few minutes as she began the work of sucking each of our cocks whilst using both her hands to wank the one not in her mouth.

“Suck their cocks baby, think about sucking his cock at work in the book room,” Marcus cooed as he pulled away and Raul stepped in. “Suck that Spanish cock, deep-throat him.”

“Oh fuck yeah,” she mumbled softly before Raul managed to slide his sizeable cock deep down her throat.

Marcus held the back of her head and pumped it up and down Raul’s cock, her passivity was a surprise to me as it’s not the woman I see in the staffroom.

Sharon made a gurgling sound as she bottomed out on Raul’s hard-on. “Oh fuck,” he moaned, “Those vibrations...”

When she withdrew a long tendril of spit, and most likely precum, drooled out of her mouth.

“Look at him,” Marcus ordered her, “Look at him when he fucks your face.”

My boner had never been harder and she could feel it stretching into her tight grip.

Raul was saying fuck, fuck, fuck, over and over as she deep-thoated his length.

“Now the new boy,” Marcus said. “Get on the lounge Julian, I want to fuck her before I go.”

I immediately jumped back on the leather sofa and held my cock high and proud.

Sharon was right behind me and as soon as she wrapped my right leg between hers, rubbing her wet pussy on my shin, she began the process of holding my ball bag and fellating my member.

“Yeah that’s it baby, get that new cock down your throat, fill yourself with it,” Marcus urged her on. “So many cocks for you this morning, pity I have to make money, but I’m sure these two will keep you entertained.”

Raul high-fived Marcus and I before Marcus knelt on the lounge behind Sharon and slid his cock into her hole. “Fuck, fuck,” she sighed in delight. “Give me that cock baby, yeah fuck my dirty pussy.”

Again, I was kind of shocked by what I was seeing and hearing, but maybe it was all part of the game, a role-play of sorts that they perform whenever they’re fucking.

Raul was standing nearby, wanking his cock, but it didn’t take long for him to find somewhere to put it because Marcus, true to his word, wasn’t holding back.

“Come on baby,” with one leg standing on the edge of the sofa he pulled her back and she instinctively opened her mouth waiting for his jizz.

“Oh fuck you love cum so much,” Marcus mewed, “These boys will fill you up today, won’t you lads?”

“Fuck yeah,” Raul said as I lay their silently watching her swallow his load like a champion.

“Might need to call the president of the Boat Club,” Sharon said seductively. “Introduce a few new possible members.”

The last time I’d heard of the Boat Club was on my first day at school, now here it was again.

“I’ll do that,” Marcus said, “In the meantime Raul, you know what she likes, just like last night, hey Raul?”

‘Of course we will, hey Julian let’s fuck her hey, fill her with cock.”

“Oh God yes,” Sharon said as she fell back onto me before sliding onto the floor between my legs.

“Good lads!” Marcus said as he wandered away towards his bedroom.

Once more Sharon was sucking my cock as if it was the most delicious thing on earth.

Raul squatted down behind her and plunged his cock deep into her pussy, eliciting a slight yelp of delightful pain as he bottomed out.

“Oh, fuck yeah that’s it, fuck my cunt, fuck me hard.”

Raul grabbed her by her slender waist and began really banging away hard, the sweet sound of a gushing wet pussy filled the room and Sharon used my stiff rod as a way of supporting herself through Raul’s onslaught.

“I fuck you all day, I fuck you all night,” he said. “But first he fuck you as well, we both fuck you together.”

Sharon knew what that meant and she lifted herself up between my legs. As soon as she was up I clapped my knees together and she mounted my cock.

She effortlessly filled her cunt with my cock and shook her tits in my face, beckoning me to suck her extended nipples.

Her cunt was a true delight to have wrapped around my member. Her pussy contractions were in sync with her sensual hip movements.

Raul stood up on the lounge and Sharon instinctively took his cock in her hand and guided it to her mouth. With his balls hanging low she cupped them firmly, eliciting a groan of delight from the randy Frenchman.

Her cunt was oozing wetness as she coated Raul’s cock with her saliva, no doubt preparing it for an anal invasion.

With it slick with spit Raul hopped back down and Sharon stared straight and deep into my eyes.

I was expecting a repeat of Raul’s and my liaison with Gill, but when I felt his cock pushing up against my own, I had to protest.

“Careful there mate,” I said around Sharon’s shoulder, “I’m not sure...” Sharon had planted her lips on mine and her tongue ventured into my mouth as Raul pushed his cock alongside mine.

“What the fuck,” I was able to mumble through closed lips.

“This is fucking,” Raul cooed, “Filling her cunt with cock.”

Sharon just moaned with an animal’s utterance as Raul pushed his cock in against mine.

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