Kim's Camping Trip - Cover

Kim's Camping Trip

by CW

Copyright© 2018 by CW

BDSM Sex Story: Mistress Kim brings her slaves Lance and Mandy on a summer camping trip

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cuckold   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   .

Editing by: MalenaLynn - BrokenBrumbyGirl

Submission guidance by: secretsxywriter

Lance finished loading the last of the camping gear into the back of his silver Subaru Cross-trek. He closed the hatch, turned around, and sat on the back bumper as he contemplated what Kim might have in store for them that weekend. With all the things Kim had done to them in the recent months, he really had no idea what she had planned this time.

Two months earlier, Lance, a twenty-eight year old software developer and his wife, Mandy, a twenty-seven year old nurse, had enjoyed a reasonably active, but boring and vanilla, sex life. Until, that is, Mandy met Kim.

Kim was an eighteen year old patient of Mandy’s at the hospital. During examination, Mandy noticed that the injuries Kim was in for were ... unusual. Mandy’s first thoughts were that Kim was being abused by her boyfriend. The truth was a lot more shocking to her.

Kim had no boyfriend; her injuries - a variety of rope burns, bruises, and sprains - were all self inflicted as a result of tying herself up in an attempt to experiment with bondage. One of the ropes had cut her deeply and had gotten infected, hence her visit to the hospital for antibiotics. That particular injury had occurred when she’d bound herself to a kitchen chair and masturbated herself to the point of orgasm. Her climax caused her to crash backward on the floor and the rope cut her in the process. But, Kim said, the orgasm was so intense that she still would have done it again. Mandy was stunned by Kim’s openness at talking about that kind of stuff to her. Kim, on the other hand, relished the shocked expression on her nurse’s face. The more she spoke, the redder Mandy’s face became. Mandy had never thought about bondage nor had Lance ever brought it up to her.

“Would you like to try it sometime?” Kim said to her with a wry smile. And then, a few days later, Mandy brought Kim home to meet Lance...

Mistress Kim (for that is what Lance and Mandy were ordered to refer to her as) had called Mandy to tell her that she had planned a camping trip for the three of them and she put Lance in charge of getting all the supplies.

“I’ll text you a list of gear we’ll need,” Kim told Mandy. “Don’t worry about the fun stuff, I’ll take care of those items!” she said.

She didn’t give any further details on the plans, of course. That would have spoiled the surprise.

And, so, twenty minutes after loading their car, Lance and Mandy were picking up Kim from her house. She’d just graduated from high school, so it was actually her mom’s house. That thought always gave Lance a tiny shiver. He knew she was of legal age, yet it somehow felt, well...

Anyway, she hopped in the back of the car with a backpack of her own and slapped her hand on the headrest of Lance’s seat.

“Ok, bitches! Let’s get this camping trip started! Woo!” she cried out. And off they went.

“Alright,” Kim said as they reached the highway. “You guys know the drill. Lose those clothes! Suns out, buns out!”

Mandy turned around in alarm in the passenger seat.

“Um, Mistress ... anyone driving by will be able to see us,” she said nervously. Kim rolled her eyes and laughed.

“Duh! That’s the whole idea! Now lose ‘em!”

“Um, Mistress, should I pull over then?” Lance asked, looking at her in the rear-view mirror. He was acutely aware of all the cars on the road around him on the busy summer weekend.

“Don’t be a wimp,” she said dismissively. “Just get on with it.”

‘Getting on with it’ was much easier for Mandy than Lance. In just a few minutes, Mandy was sitting naked in the Subaru’s fake-leather passenger seat, her clothes in a pile on her lap along with her sandals. Lance had never stripped in a car, much less while driving, and was surprised to discover how difficult of a task it was without, you know, crashing and killing everyone.

He got as far as unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them but couldn’t pull them off his legs without releasing the steering wheel.

“Mandy, give the poor boy a hand over there,” Kim said. Mandy did, reaching over and tugging down her husband’s pants. Luckily, Lance was limber. Getting his pants off his legs would have been pretty much impossible otherwise.

But they did manage it, getting his shoes, pants, shirt, and eventually underwear off. They weaved just a bit as Lance’s field of view was blocked as his shirt came over his head. Once Lance was naked, Kim leaned forward between the seats to examine the two slaves.

“I’ll take those,” she said, gesturing to the two piles of clothing. They both handed them to her and she promptly tossed them on to seat next to her. Then she peered down at the exposed crotches of the two slaves.

“Hmmm...” she said. She reached over and stuck a hand in Lance’s crotch. Lance had known she was there but was unprepared for the sudden fondling; that made them swerve out of his lane which earned him a vicious honk of the horn from the guy whose lane he was trying to overtake. Kim ignored all of that as she rolled his testicles around in her hand.

“I’m glad to see you are both still shaving as I ordered,” Kim said to him. Mistress Kim had a strict policy of no pubic hair on either slave. Mandy and Lance had a ritual of shaving each other bare every three days, even when they didn’t expect Kim to be around. Kim had warned that she just might drop in at any point for an inspection and should she find hair on either slave below the waist, the consequences would be severe.

“I do feel some stray hairs on Lance’s sack, though,” Kim continued. “I won’t punish you this time but don’t make a habit of it.”

“Yes, Mistress. I’m very sorry,” Lance said as he veered back into his own lane. In the tiny corner of the mirror not being blocked by Kim’s body, he could just make out the middle finger of the other driver behind him. Kim plopped herself back down on the seat.

“So,” Kim said. “You guys won’t be needing these again for the remainder of the weekend.” She patted the pile of clothes next to her.

“I intend to keep you guys bare 100% from here on out until we get back home. Understood?”

“Yes, Mistress,” both adults in the front seat responded. They were all startled by the sound of an air-horn coming from the right side of the car.

Looking over, a tractor-trailer had pulled alongside and could clearly see Mandy’s naked body. His grin was ear-to-ear as he gave a thumbs up. Mandy forced a smile back and Lance accelerated to pull ahead.

“Slow back down!” Kim ordered. Lance did so.

“Mandy,” she continued. “Press your tits up against the window for the nice truck driver. Give him something to remember then next time he jerks off.”

The driver watched as the Subaru slowed and pulled back next to him. And then he watched as Mandy squished both of her ample breasts against the glass. Mandy got another blast of the air horn as thanks.

Mandy slouched down in the seat for the remainder of the drive; surprisingly, Kim didn’t object to her hiding. The drive was long; longer than either Mandy or Lance were expecting. Kim didn’t tell them where they were going, instead she just kept giving Lance turn-by-turn instructions as required. First, they left the highway then they ended up on back roads that got progressively more obscure.

“Stop!” Kim shouted abruptly. Startled, Lance slammed on the brakes and would likely have sent everyone through the windshield if he hadn’t slowed as much as he had.

“Sorry!” Kim shouted as she got up off the floor and back onto her seat. Her apology was genuine. “It’s been a while since my dad brought me here and I didn’t see the turn until the last second.”

Lance didn’t even know what turn she was referring to at first; then he saw it. A small dirt path through the trees, barely large enough for the car to fit down. Kim could tell what he was thinking.

“Don’t worry. This place is always deserted, and the road opens up wider just a little way in.”

Sure enough, after a few hundred feet through the trees on the single car-width path, the road opened into a wide clearing.

“You can pull off to the right and park over there,” Kim said, pointing. Lance did so and turned off the car.

“Now what?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at the teenager in the back seat.

“Now we start camping!” Kim pronounced.

Lance and Mandy were hesitant to leave the relative privacy of the Subaru but, as Kim had said, the area appeared deserted. They tentatively opened their doors together.

The clearing was wide and long, surrounded by more trees in every direction. Lance and Mandy looked around as Kim spoke from behind them.

“I know I said you two were to remain naked for the weekend, but I’ll make a small exception and let you guys put your shoes back on. No sense in having a stick through the foot ruin our fun.”

Kim continued as she retrieved their shoes from the car.

“Grab all the gear and cooler; the site where we will set up is just through those trees there.”

Lance opened the hatch and leaned in to pull out the Igloo “Ice Cube” cooler. As he did so, Kim ran a finger up along his ass crack causing him to involuntarily clench his cheeks; Kim’s index finger was momentarily trapped between his globes before she pulled it away.

“What is this place, Kim?” Mandy asked. “Uh, I mean, Mistress Kim,” she corrected a moment later. Kim ignored the slip-up.

“My dad used to take me camping here for one week every summer...” Her words trailed off as she seemed to recall something. She shook her head and led the way through the break in the trees.

It took them a few trips. Well, it took the girls one trip and Lance three, but the campsite was only a couple hundred feet from the clearing. The trees were thick enough that they couldn’t see it from the car, but the site Kim had selected was on a grassy patch just up from a gigantic lake. Mandy was briefly awestruck by the expanse of water in front of her; she could just make out a few scattered houses on the far side of the lake, much too far away to see her or her naked husband. The crystal-clear water was otherwise empty.

Lance pitched the tent solo; Lance hadn’t been camping since he was ten years old and he’d never helped his dad do any of the setting up, so he purchased a tent whose package claimed it could be set up in under thirty seconds and it would just “pop-up” on its own. Much to his surprise, it performed more or less as advertised, springing up into shape almost instantly. Somehow getting it back into the bag it had come from was a problem for much later.

“Huh, I’ll be damned!” he muttered to himself. The only real work was staking the tent down so it didn’t blow into the lake.

“Looking good, guys,” Kim said. She was staring at their bodies rather than the work that they’d done setting up, so what she was complimenting was not entirely clear. But it really didn’t matter either.

“K, Lance, go gather up some firewood. Mandy, find some rocks at the shoreline to make a ring for the fire pit,” Kim said as she dug in her own backpack. Lance was surprised to see her pull out a small folding camping shovel. She opened it and started digging a circle in the ground. Their sexual exploits had never really hinted at Kim being the girl-scout type. Though she certainly did know how to tie a knot...

Half an hour later, Kim had a two-foot diameter circle etched in the ground with the grass in the center dug out and replaced with sand from the beach. One by one, Mandy laid the stones that she gathered around the edge of the circle.

Lance came back with two arms full of sticks, branches, and a couple of small logs. As he was setting them down in a pile on the ground, he got to see his naked wife bent over at the waist straightening a rock. The sight of her bald pussy peeking at him from between her thighs was enough to make him remember how sexy the situation was.

“Well, well, well,” Kim said, noticing him. Lance turned to her to see that her attention was on his crotch. He looked down to see that he’d sprung to attention.

“Took you long enough,” Kim said. “I was starting to think seeing a naked woman was getting too mundane for you now. Glad to see you can still get it up.” She placed a hand on the underside of his member to inspect it. Lance ignored her comments and set the wood on the ground after she released his manhood.

“Now,” Kim continued, “I’m sure you guys noticed this bright sun above us.” Instinctively, Lance and Mandy both looked to the sky as if there was something there to see. There wasn’t.

“And I’m worried that Mandy’s pale white skin is going to get sunburned,” Kim finished. Lance saw that she was smirking and didn’t think she sounded particularly ‘worried.’

“I have some sunscreen in my backpack, Mistress,” Mandy said. But Kim shook her head.

“Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary. I’ve heard that semen makes the best sunscreen in the world,” Kim said, deadpan.

“Is that true?” Lance asked, brow furrowed. Kim rolled her eyes.

“Geez, work with me here, Lance. ANYWAY, as I was saying, if only we had a ready supply of that sunscreen. OH WAIT. We do!”

Kim grabbed Mandy by the wrist and put Mandy’s hand on Lance’s cock. “Start pumpin’, girl,” Kim said. Kim put her hands on her hips and waited.

Mandy looked up at Lance as she curled her fingers around his meat. Slowly at first, then quicker she pumped him.

“Make sure we don’t waste any of the sunscreen!” Kim said over Mandy’s shoulder.

Mandy tugged and pounded on her husband’s crotch in front of the eighteen-year-old. Before long, she noticed Lance beginning to quiver in front of her.

“On your knees, Mandy,” Kim said from behind her. Mandy knelt down on the grass without releasing her grip on Lance or breaking her rhythm. Four more tugs and she heard the tell-tale grunt that warned her of the first splash of cum that hit her chest a second later.

She kept pulling on his manhood as more streams landed on her body. The last one didn’t make it to her, but she was able to catch it in her hand before it hit the ground. She didn’t know if there would have been a penalty for ‘wasting’ the ‘sunscreen’ but didn’t want to find out. Kim knelt down in front of her and surveyed the mess.

“Perfect!” she declared with glee. Mandy jerked back as Kim reached out and placed both hands on Mandy’s breasts. Kim smeared the cum around on Mandy’s skin, first over the top of her chest before moving to her breasts. Kim cupped the underside of one of Mandy’s ample boobs and used her other hand to work it into the soft flesh.

The whole “sunscreen” thing was total B.S., of course. Kim was surprised, though, by how warm Mandy’s skin was to the touch from being out in the sun. And they hadn’t even been outside that long. She might have to put real sunscreen on her slaves after all. There’s nothing whinier than a sunburnt slave. Well, there probably is.

The amount of cum didn’t really leave a lot to go around but that didn’t stop Kim from trying her hardest to cover both tits with Lance’s seed. Mostly, she was just fondling Mandy’s chest for fun. To that end, Kim made sure to tweak and tease Mandy’s nipples between her thumb and forefinger, giving them gentle tugs as she “coated” them.

Once finished, Kim looked down at her semen covered hands. She reached between Mandy’s legs and wiped one hand off on her smooth pussy; that failed to clean anything as Kim discovered that Mandy was even wetter down there than she was on her chest. All Kim succeeded in doing was adding Mandy’s vaginal fluids to the goo on her palm.

“Humph,” Kim said, eyeing the mess on her hand. “Turn around,” Kim barked. Mandy shuffled her knees until her backside was facing Kim. Kim then proceeded to wipe her hands off on Mandy’s ass cheeks instead.

Kim put her hands on her hips and eyed the two slaves. “K, from here on out, I want every drop of seed from that cock,” - she pointed to Lance’s crotch, lest anyone be confused about which cock was in question - “to fall on Mandy’s body. You,” - she pointed at Lance’s face - “are in charge of making sure it gets rubbed in well. I can’t get my hand icky like that every time.” She wrinkled her nose in mock disgust.

“Yes, Mistress,” Lance replied.

“And,” Kim turned to Mandy and continued, “every time Lance here gets erect, you are going to masturbate him to get that skin preserving seed out. No matter where we are. Or who is there. Understood?”

Both slaves nodded.

“Great! Then let’s head out. I have a hike planned so I can show you guys what this place has to offer!”

The trio headed out from their campsite on foot; Kim still fully dressed while her two slaves wore only shoes. Kim led them back into the woods encircling the lake. Fortunately for the nude hikers, the brush wasn’t very thick. Still, Lance got a branch in the ball sack twice during the hike and Mandy had to pull a mess of leaves out from her slit once. She desperately hoped there wasn’t any poison ivy anywhere. She had no idea what that even looked like.

Eventually, the trees broke and led them to another open field.

This field, they saw, was at the top of a cliff overlooking the lake below. The outcrop wasn’t very large, big enough for a few tents maybe, before it was swallowed up again by more trees on the other side. The sight from it, though, was breathtaking. And frightening; the cliff had a sheer drop off that plunged more than one hundred feet to rocks jutting out from the water below. Kim stood in front and took a deep breath of the fresh air.

“My God, it’s beautiful!” Mandy exclaimed. Kim turned and smiled at her.

“I know, right? This is the spot that my father would take me, and we’d have a picnic right here before going back to the campsite. The last time I was here was, oh ... I guess four years ago, just before he passed away.”

Both Lance and Mandy were stunned. They knew that Kim lived only with her mom, but she’d never talked about her father before then.

“Oh, God, Kim,” Lance said. “We’re so sorry.”

Kim’s smile faded a bit and she looked back out at the water.

“It’s ok. You had no way of knowing; I really don’t talk about it. My father died when I was fourteen. Colon cancer, very sudden. Prior to his passing, he and I would go camping here for one week every summer, just the two of us.”

“Man, Kim, I’m so sorry, we didn’t know,” Mandy said. Kim shrugged.

“Thank you. It’s all in the past, though. I’m moving forward. And we are going to celebrate his memory here ourselves with a new tradition.”

She turned back to Lance and Mandy.

“Time to fuck!”

“Uh,” Lance said. “I’m not thinking your dad would appreciate this celebration.”

Despite the somber mood, Kim laughed.

“You are probably right. He always called me Daddy’s Princess. But times change, and Daddy’s Princess grew up.” Kim started undressing in front of the two slaves.

She’d made Mandy and Lance do all sorts of stuff to each other, but she had never actually participated herself. Until now.

Lance had eyed her many times. Since sexual tension was guaranteed whenever she was around, it was inevitable that he’d imagined her naked.

Her shoulder length blond hair blew lightly in the breeze at the top of the cliff. A generous, though not excessive, bosom sprang into view as she pulled her t-shirt up over her head. Lance had noticed her pert nipples poking through the shirt so he wasn’t surprised to see her bra-less. As her shorts and panties came off, Lance saw the small landing strip of neatly trimmed pubic hair above her slit.

Kim walked to the edge of the cliff and stood with her back to Lance and Mandy; Mandy was holding her breath as Kim’s toes were dangling in mid-air over the edge, but Kim didn’t seem to notice or care. After a bit, she turned back to the two adults.

“K, Lance, on your back.” She pointed to a spot in the grass, less than six feet from the edge. Lance laid down as instructed, acutely aware of the edge to his right.

“Mandy,” Kim continued. “kneel on the side of Lance’s crotch and play with his dick. Do NOT let him cum though.”

Mandy obeyed and wrapped her hand around her husband’s member and started slowly stroking, mesmerized by the view before her. A seagull circled off in the distance over the center of the lake.

Kim squatted down over Lance’s mouth and spread her legs. She didn’t bother to give Lance an order since her instructions were obvious.

Lance stuck out his tongue toward Kim’s eighteen-year-old slit. He stretched his neck up but couldn’t reach to do anything more than graze the tip of his tongue over her lips.

Kim helped him out; she leaned forward and stretched out over his head. She supported herself on her forearms which allowed her to spread wider apart and allowed Lance to close the distance to her snatch.

Lance’s tongue slid along her slit, tracing the groove up to the top. Kim steadied herself on one arm as she reached between her legs with her other hand. Using two fingers, she spread her pussy lips apart, exposing her clit to the eager tongue below her. Lance found her button quickly and lapped at it like a puppy.

Lance threw an arm up and around Kim’s hip, grabbing her ass cheek and pulling her tighter against his mouth. Kim moaned above him as the rough bumps on his tongue teased her love button. Meanwhile, Mandy watched on as she pumped her husband.

Kim’s legs began to quiver, and she abruptly lifted herself up and away. She turned around and squatted over Lance’s crotch, facing his feet; Mandy had to pull her hand away to avoid getting squished between them...

“Mandy, kneel in front of me in between Lance’s legs,” Kim directed.

Mandy watched as Kim tried to line her slit up with Lance’s cock. Lance had never had sex with another woman before then. Well, since they’d gotten married, at least. The trio had never explicitly talked about it, but Mandy had assumed this day would come eventually. And now that it had, she found that she was ok with it. More than ok, in fact. She was excited to watch her Mistress mount her husband.

Mandy reached between Kim’s legs and helped to maneuver her husband’s meat into the pussy of their teenage Mistress. Not a word was spoken by anyone.

Kim slid her slender body down, easing Lance’s cock into her. Her liberally flowing juices made for easy entry but she liked savoring the feeling of his flesh pushing inside her.

Kim wasn’t a virgin, but she was young enough that her ‘in-the-flesh’ sexual experience was limited to only two guys from school. The first guy, she just messed around with hand-jobs and heavy petting, but he wasn’t much interested in pleasuring her back, so he got dropped. There was no “One Way” sign on Kim’s street.

The second guy was better and took Kim’s virginity on the first date. They had sex a few times after that (inexperienced, eighteen-year-old sex with lots of fumbling on his part, but sex nonetheless) before Kim grew bored and suggested some kinkier stuff than he was ready for. Much kinkier as in “anal stuff.” And not her anus.

That was enough to freak him out and he left running. Feeling rejected, Kim turned to online where she chatted with adults in online forums. That allowed her to flesh out her fantasies and expand on them. Unfortunately, she only had herself to experiment with, and that was what led to the bondage situation that landed her in the hospital.

She loved talking on those forums with people of similar tastes but it was just that: only talk. Talk without any real people (besides herself) to act out her fantasies with. Until she met Mandy, that is. And then Lance by extension.

Mandy craned her neck so she could watch her husband impale the blond girl. Inch by inch, Lance’s meat disappeared into her. Well, not all that many inches. Lance was only of average size. But an adequate number of inches.

Kim was still bending over to try and see between her legs, so she was unprepared for Mandy’s hand which reached out and rubbed its thumb across her clit.

Kim flinched like she was touched by a live wire.

“Easy, Mistress,” Mandy said with a smile. The pad of Mandy’s thumb gave Kim’s love button another rub and Kim moaned with delight.

Kim resumed her journey down Lance’s shaft until she’d taken all of him inside her.

She had a little difficulty maintaining her balance on her knees with Mandy playing with her clit, but after a little while, Kim managed to push up on her legs to slide herself up and down on Lance’s cock.

“Mistress,” Mandy said, “brace yourself on my shoulders.” Kim did so and found that did make it much easier for her to get a rhythm going.

So, for the next five minutes, Kim fucked Mandy’s husband in front of her, all the while with Mandy masturbating Kim. Lance’s pink flesh alternately appeared then disappeared back inside the teen under Mandy’s watchful gaze; and Mandy loved it.

Kim heard Lance’s breathing quicken behind her. “Mandy, I want you to pinch the base of Lance’s penis. Hard.”

Mandy reached out and did so, using her thumb and forefinger to squeeze his manhood. Mandy’s touch was enough to push Lance over the edge, but he found his orgasm thwarted by Mandy. He felt a strained welling in his groin and he moaned loudly in frustration. Mandy continued the assault on Kim’s clit with her other hand.

“Suck it up,” Kim said. Her eyes were closed as she quivered on Lance’s cock.

“Eee ... eee ... oooohhh!” Kim cried out. Her back arched and she tried to squeeze her legs closed as her orgasm hit. Lance was still groaning from blue balls as Kim squished his legs on either side.

A second wave of pleasure hit, and Mandy’s finger was a blur as it teased the top of Kim’s slit. Kim pulled herself up and off Lance’s member to flee Mandy’s digit as the tingling in her privates grew overwhelming. Kim plopped her ass down on Lance’s chest causing him to heave as air was forced from his lungs; Kim, still in the throes of orgasm, didn’t notice.

As her orgasm subsided, Kim rolled off Lance and onto the grass to his side.

“Mmmmm...” she moaned. “Fuck, that was nice...”

Mandy was sitting on her heels as she watched her mistress revel in post-orgasmic bliss. Her husband, she noted, was still rock hard after squelching his climax. Only a tiny trickle of cum was visible at the tip of his cock. Very interesting, she thought. Very interesting, indeed...

Finally recovered, Kim sat up and turned to Mandy.

“K, Mandy-girl, it’s your turn. On all fours. Face the lake. No, closer to the edge. Closer. Come on, closer, don’t be a wuss.”

Mandy WAS a bit of a wuss. She didn’t have a fear of heights or anything, but it was still hard to not be intimidated by the sheer drop to the water far below. At Kim’s urging, she shimmied closer and closer until the tips of her fingers could touch the air. It was both exhilarating and terrifying. The waves crashed over the rocks below, white froth being left behind after each surge. She couldn’t make out any features, but the water was clear enough for Mandy to occasionally see shadows moving below the surface of fish as they zipped by.

Mandy was so preoccupied with the view that she’d forgotten about her mistress behind her. She lurched forward at the feeling of two fingers burrowing into her pussy from behind.

“Whoa, girl!” Kim said as she wrapped her arm around Mandy’s leg to keep her from tumbling over the edge.

“You know,” Kim said on reflection, “perhaps you should back up a bit, after all.” A slave falling to their death was even worse than a sunburnt slave. Mandy gratefully moved back until her hands were two feet from the edge.

Kim resumed pushing two digits into Mandy. Mandy’s pussy was wet enough that both of her thighs were drenched and glistening in the summer sun. Kim was delighted to see Mandy’s ass clench as Kim’s fingers bottomed out at the hand. She got even more of a reaction as she twisted and turned the two fingers inside her hot slave.

Mandy moaned and twitched at Kim’s touch. Her heart was racing. She breathed in deep lungsful of the country air as the eighteen-year-old’s fingers sloshed around inside her.

Kim withdrew her fingers and eyed them; satisfied with the goo on them, she used her other hand to spread apart Mandy’s cheeks, exposing her rosebud. Mandy gasped as Kim’s slick fingers pressed against her sphincter, but she held her position.

With a gentle push, both digits slipped into Mandy’s butt. Kim worked them in and out, lubing up her slaves’ backdoor in preparation for what she had planned next.

Kim pulled the fingers out, considered for a moment, then loaded them up a second time in Mandy’s slit. A moment later, they were sawing away on Mandy’s ass again.

“K, Lance, I think you know the drill here,” she said. In case he didn’t, Kim pointed at Mandy’s backside.

“Yes, Mistress!” Lance said eagerly. He knelt down behind his wife and reached for her two white globes. Those white globes were getting rather sun-kissed he saw.

The tip of his cock touched her hole; he held it there so Mandy could ready herself.

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