Coming Home — Book 1 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 1

Copyright© 2021 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - This story follows the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their four children, David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. The story is set in 2031, eighteen years after the end of my previous story featuring Kyle, Lost and Found. It is not necessary to have read Lost and Found before you read this, though incidents and characters from that story will appear frequently in this one.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   School   Sports   First  

Wednesday, February 12, 2031 – NovaCare Complex –Philadelphia, PA

The receptionist buzzed Kyle in his office. Jeremy North was on the line.

“Jeremy, it’s good to hear from you,” Kyle announced enthusiastically.

“I have an issue with you, buster!” Jeremy growled.

“What?” Kyle asked innocently. Had he pushed his friend too far?

“Having your daughter wave horses in front of my girls’ faces while my family tries to decide about your job offer,” Jeremy said. “That’s not fighting fair.”

“This is the NFL,” Kyle answered smoothly. “We don’t fight fair. We play to win. You know that.”

“Can’t argue with you there, Coach,” Jeremy said. “You nearly sold me when you told me you would have Coach C mentor me. Who wouldn’t want to learn the tricks of the trade from one of the best defensive coordinators in the league in the past quarter century?”

Jeremy laughed. “My wife was a harder sell.”

“What does Kathy need?” Kyle asked. “She will be able to hook up with Penny and [Ed’s wife, ] Rosa, just like in the old days.”

“Specifically, she wants the deal to include horses for Katie and Allison,” Jeremy said.

“I don’t know if I can get that in your Eagles contract,” Kyle replied. “Can you accept my word that I will pay for the girl’s horses?”

“And ... and the stable fees too,” Jeremy added. “I could go broke paying upkeep for these animals.”

“Do you need veterinary coverage too?” Kyle teased. “I could probably arrange that.”

“That is OK,” Jeremy said. “I know Penny. If Katie or Allison calls and says her horse isn’t feeling well, Penny will be over to check it out in a flash.”

“True,” Kyle agreed. “Do we have a deal then?”

“We have a deal, Coach,” Jeremy agreed.

“OK, now I have a question,” Kyle responded. “If you work for me, why are you sitting on your ass in South Bend? Get it out here to Philly, tout suite!”

“Yes sir, Coach! Right away, Coach!” Jeremy answered, laughing. “Are the other coaches staying a particular hotel?”

“Hotel Martin in Landenberg,” Kyle replied. “You’ll have to flip with Ed for the top bunk in Danny and Robbie’s room. The other rooms are filled by itinerant homeless coaches helping me get started here at the Eagles. If you can get here by dinnertime, come to the NovaCare Complex in Philly. You can ride back to my house with Larry, Ed and Ryan. Otherwise, text me and I will get you the address for my place. You can rent a car at the airport and drive out to meet us tonight.”

“I need to give my boss the word, Coach,” Jeremy said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

1:30 PM, February 12, 2031 – NovaCare Complex, Philadelphia, PA

“I am proud to announce the hiring of our assistant head coach and defensive coordinator, Larry Czarwinski,” Kyle said proudly from the podium in the press room. He stepped aside as he motioned for Coach C to step to the front.

“Thank you, Coach,” Coach C said as he stepped to the front. “It is a pleasure and an honor to be here today in Philadelphia. I am looking forward to the challenge of building a strong defense for this team. Questions?” He pointed at one of the reporters who had a hand up.

“Coach Czarwinski, you said you were done with football two years ago when you retired,” Zach Berman commented. “You planned to spend time with your wife and play with your grandchildren. Did that not work out the way you hoped?”

“I love spending time with my Phyllis,” C replied. “I love playing with the grandkids too, but they are in school and are not around all the time. Honestly, I think I got under foot too much for my wife’s tastes. She had no issue with me going back to coaching when Coach Martin called. I am on a short leash. I have two years for some fun and then it back to retirement.”

“Coach Martin played at Penn State when you were a senior staff member,” another reporter asked. “Any problems working for a head coach a generation younger than you?”

“Problems calling Coach Martin ‘Coach’?” C laughed. “I have been calling Coach Martin ‘Coach’ since he was in college. The nickname was not a joke. He has been coaching guys how to play football for decades while he played and since he retired. I expect this old dog will learn a few new tricks from Coach Martin while I am here.”

“Coach Czarwinski, who will be doing the hiring for defensive assistants?” another reporter asked.

“Coach Martin delegated me to hire the defensive assistants,” C answered. “Of course, I will be leaning on Coach Martin for advice.” He looked over at Kyle as he leaned away from the microphones and asked, “Can we talk about last night’s hire?”

“Sure,” Kyle replied. “He gave me his word. Travel arrangements are set and he will be here tomorrow. I think it is safe to announce it.”

“Jeremy North, the fine defensive coordinator at University of Notre Dame has agreed to join our staff,” C said. “He will be assisting me in running the defensive staff as well as coaching our linebackers. Of course, Coach North was an outstanding linebacker for the Bears for over a decade. He will bring a wealth of knowledge to our linebacking corps.”

“Coach North should be available for a press conference tomorrow after lunch,” Kyle added.

“Who else will be joining you, Coach Czarwinski?”

“We are lining up interviews for other staff,” C replied. “We will be filling out the defensive staff over the next few weeks.”

“Coach Martin, any news on offensive coaches?” an ESPN reporter asked.

“Pretty much the same as C said for the defensive staff,” Kyle replied. “We are lining up interviews and will be selecting the offensive staff soon.”

“Will any of the old coaching staff be staying?” Zach Berman asked.

“I have a few on my interview list,” Kyle said smiling. “Whether they stay or not, I cannot say. We will see how their interviews go. That is it for today. We will do another press conference at 1:30 PM tomorrow to introduce Coach North as well as any other hires that may happen before then. Thanks for coming.”

Wednesday Evening, February 12, 2031 – Martin Residence, Pittsburgh, PA

The Martin family, less Kyle, was gathered around the dinner table, having just finished their dinner. Penny announced, “Attention everyone. Thank you for all your efforts so far getting ready for Saturday’s move. Our family needs one more night of hard work to be ready. Danny, I want you to take care of the supper dishes.”

“Mom!” Danny exclaimed. “It’s Jessie’s turn. Making me do it isn’t fair!”

“Jessie will take your next turn after we move,” Penny said. “She is going to help David.” Penny turned towards David and Jessie. “After dinner run down to the Walmart and grab every box the two of you can get and bring them back here. Everyone needs to pack their personal items from their rooms tonight, so they are ready for the move. If we get this work done tonight, I have a special treat for all of you. We are going downtown to Primanti’s tomorrow for supper.” The group gave a big cheer for dinner at the popular downtown sandwich shop.

Penny gave Dave a wink, so the other kids couldn’t see it. “I am sure you will be swamped with finishing homework tomorrow night, David. I will leave you money to grab a sandwich or something locally.”

“OK,” David agreed, slightly confused at why his mom expected him to have a lot of homework the night before his last day at Fox Chapel High School.

“It will be all right if you want to invite one friend over to help you with the work,” Mom continued. “I expect we will leave before 6:00 PM. If we do a little window shopping and grab a bedtime snack before we come home, I expect you won’t have anyone to disturb your homework before 8:30 PM at the earliest. Is that OK?”

The light bulb clicked on in David’s head and he realized what his mom was promising. Two and a half hours of an empty house – the perfect time for him and Arianna to make love one last time before they had to say goodbye.

“That’s wonderful, Mom,” David agreed. “Thank you.”

Danny and Robbie were clueless as to the real nature of the conversation. Jessie, well, she followed the gist of the underlying discussion and was affronted at a privilege David was being given that she didn’t get too.

“Robbie, help Danny get the table cleared,” Penny ordered. “David and Jessie, get going!” Penny tossed the minivan keys to her oldest son. “Boxes ... I need lots and lots of boxes.”

“You got it, Mom,” David responded. “Let’s book, sis.” Jessie followed David out to the family minivan. David took off for the Walmart, about four miles south of their Fox Chapel house.

“It just isn’t fair!” Jessie insisted once they were on the road.

“What’s not fair?”

“You get to invite Arianna over tomorrow night and have hot, sweaty goodbye sex with her,” Jessie said. “I get stuck hanging out with the little kids. Why can’t I stay home too?”

“Um ... a couple things spring to mind, sis,” David said. “First, you broke up with your boyfriend, Brody [Squitiere], a month ago. Second, to the best of my knowledge, and Mom’s too, you still have your cherry. You haven’t had sex with anyone.”

“I could have,” Jessie insisted. “Brodie and I almost did it.”

“Is that why you broke up with him?” David asked. “Did that twerp try to pressure you into sex?”

“It was mutual agreement that we would do it,” Jessie said. “But I chickened out when it came time to do it. We had a fight about it and that is why we broke up.”

“Serves the punk right,” David said.

“Still, it isn’t fair you get to have Arianna over for sex and I can’t invite a boy over too,” Jessie said. “I am sure I could find a boy that was willing.”

“I bet you could find twenty or thirty ninth and tenth grade boys willing to screw you silly tomorrow night,” David said, “ ... but that isn’t what you want. You want your first time to be special.”

“Was yours?” Jessie asked.

“It was,” David replied. “It was with my first serious girlfriend, Mia Soriano. It was wonderful and I will always treasure the memory of it.”

“I wonder what Mom’s first time was like,” Jessie said. “And Dad’s too.”

“Duh! It was with each other,” David said. “I suspect but can’t prove it happened on Valentine’s Day when they were both in ninth grade, the first time they dated.”

“How do you know that?” Jessie asked.

“About three or four years ago I had to pee during the night of Valentine’s Day,” David explained. “I went past Mom and Dad’s room a little after midnight. It was obvious that they were having sex. Mom was moaning about how it felt almost as good as their first time twenty-some years ago that night.”

“Really?” Jessie said. “Making love for the first time on Valentine’s Day. That’s romantic.”

“Our parents are almost sickeningly in love with each other,” David replied. “Personally, I think that is great that they are still totally, passionately in love with each other after almost eighteen years of marriage and twenty-five years since they started dating. Their example is why you should hold out for the right guy. You don’t want your first time to be with some guy you hooked up with at school for a quickie boink before you move.”

“I guess you’re right,” Jessie agreed. “I guess after as many girlfriends as you’ve had, I never suspected that you were a romantic.”

“I like to think of myself as a serial monogamist,” David said. “Not a guy who goes through a lot of girlfriends.”

David and Jessie collected about twenty empty boxes at Walmart. They took them home so everyone could put their clothes, accessories, books, electronics and other small items in their own boxes. By Robbie’s 8:30 PM bedtime, nearly every small item in the household was boxed, stacked by the door of the room they belonged in and labeled for easy identification. David called Arianna to arrange for Thursday night’s “study” session.

Thursday, February 13, 2016 – NovaCare Complex – Philadelphia, PA

Ed Fritz reported back to Kyle about the QB from Cornell.

“Aiden is an Economics major with a 3.89 GPA,” Ed reported. “He is minoring in International Trade and Development.” He handed Kyle a memo to review.

“He’s smart,” Kyle commented. “We suspected that. He didn’t get into Cornell on his looks or skills with a football. Is he attending the Combine?”

“He is,” Ed confirmed.

“We probably won’t get to steal the guy, if he’s any good,” Kyle commented.

“The rest of the teams will do their due diligence on the guy if he shows up at the Combine,” Ed agreed.

“Maybe we try to peel Darius Howard away from the Steelers,” Kyle said. “Do you think Zack would be willing to let him go?”

“Not a chance,” Ed replied, “ ... now we might be able to get Brandon Evans cheap.” Brandon was the second year, third string quarterback Ed and Kyle worked with at the Steelers. “I could work with him for a year or so if we decide to start rebuilding with our offensive line. You know how I feel about that.”

“I know,” Kyle agreed. “Protection first and worry about the quarterbacks later. You and Zack both.”

“I feel it in my bones, Kyle,” Ed responded.

“I know you do,” Kyle said. “I don’t disagree with you. If none of the QBs this year are the guy we want, we go o-line [offensive line].”

“It’s one way to go,” Ed agreed.

Friday Evening, February 14, 2031 – Fox Chapel – Martin Home

“Hurry up Robbie,” Penny called out. “We are almost ready to go.”

“Can I have a Pittsburgher with cheese and lots of fries?” Danny asked his mom.

“That would be fine,” Penny allowed.

“All Primanti’s sandwiches come with fries, you chowder head,” Jessie added.

“I want lots of them,” Danny insisted. Jessie shook her head and rolled her eyes at her little brother.

Penny had a different reaction. Where had her little Danny gone? Last year he was a sweet little boy. Now he was into his growth spurt, was insatiable and acting like a teen-aged boy, which he wouldn’t be officially for another six months.

Robbie, her five-and-a-half-year-old, dashed to the front door to meet the rest of his family.

“Robbie, tie your shoe,” Penny said as she looked down and saw his left sneaker with dangling shoestrings. Robbie bent down and tried for about fifteen seconds. At this age he was about fifty-fifty whether he would succeed or not.

“I got you, buddy,” Danny said as he stooped down and explained again the proper way to tie a shoe as he took care of his brother’s dangling laces.

“Thanks, Danny,” Robbie said gratefully. Robbie felt himself fortunate to have David, Danny and Jessie to look after him. They might tease him a little, but they did take care of him too.

“Do you have money for dinner, David?” Penny called out as Jessie helped Robbie get his coat on.

“I already spent it,” David called back from the kitchen. “I’m eating dinner right now.”

“Have fun and be very careful,” Penny warned. Danny thought it a funny comment to make. Have fun doing homework and be careful. Did Mom think David was going to get a paper cut or something?

“I will have fun and I will be careful,” David called back. “I always am.”

David understood the Martin family code phrase, “be very careful.” It meant don’t get your girlfriend pregnant.

“We will be back soon after 8:30 PM,” Penny added as she herded the kids out the door. “Make sure everything is cleaned up, spic and span.”

“Will do, Mom,” David promised. “Thanks again for tonight. I owe you, big time.”

“Yes, you do,” Penny responded. “Remember that on Saturday when I need heavy things moved. You owe me.”

David heard the car doors slam and his mom pull onto the street and drove away. He had his big house to himself for two and a half hours. He texted Arianna immediately to come over.

“Be very careful,” echoed in his mind. David and Arianna had no worries about pregnancy or other sexual problems from this night’s hook-up. David and Arianna went to the local clinic to be tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when they started sleeping together a month ago. Arianna was very careful to take her birth control pill every morning. Every sexual tryst the couple had was bareback, though not unprotected.

Both teens enjoyed bareback far more than sex with rubbers. David had a few opportunities over the past two years to screw without rubbers and he knew how good it felt. Arianna’s previous boyfriend, Mike, had taken her cherry wearing a rubber. All three times the pair had screwed, he had worn rubbers for birth control. After Mike dumped Arianna, she had gone to her mother and gotten on the birth control pill.

David dashed to the front door at the first chime of the doorbell and whipped the door open. Arianna and David embraced when she stepped inside.

“I am so glad you were able to get free one last time,” Arianna said when they broke their deep kiss. “I am going to miss you so much.”

“I will miss you too,” David agreed.

“Do we want to go upstairs and get busy?” Arianna asked. “I wouldn’t want to get caught if they came back early.”

“They won’t,” David promised. “My mom promised she wouldn’t be home until 8:30 PM. We have the whole house to ourselves for two and half hours.”

“I don’t know how you managed to talk your mom into this, but it’s wonderful,” Arianna said.

“That’s just it,” David replied. “I didn’t ask. My mom offered this to me on her own.”

“You have a cool Mom,” Arianna said.

“I do,” David agreed. “Now, while we have loads of time tonight, I’d like to suggest we get our orgy started. We can probably fit in bedroom sex, kitchen sex, family room sex and maybe even shower sex, if we get the show on the road.”

“Somebody’s horny,” Arianna said as she grabbed David’s hand and pulled him towards the stairs.

“Of course, I’m horny,” David responded as he and Arianna dashed up the steps. “I haven’t had you in ten days, not since the party two Saturdays ago.”

The pair helped each other undress as they got ready for their fun. Arianna pulled David into bed on top of her when both were naked. The two kissed and made out for a couple minutes. David played with Arianna’s titties for a bit then went down on her. Arianna moaned in delight as David tongued and licked her womanhood. What was she going to do when David left? Her memories went back to previous sexual encounters.

Her first serious boyfriend, Michael Tresselt, had taken her virginity (and his) in the backseat of his car four months ago. He had worn a rubber. The whole thing was quick and clumsy. After what seemed like several minutes of trying to insert his cock in her, he finally found the spot. It hurt like a bitch when he popped her cherry. Arianna asked Mike to stop moving when he sank all the way in. Instead, he started stroking fast and hard. He kept at it as she begged him to slow down. Finally, he blew his load in his rubber and collapsed on top of her. This was just as his stroking and prodding her insides had started to feel nice.

Michael coaxed Arianna into trying sex the following weekend, in his car’s backseat again. This time he managed to insert his manhood without too much trouble. He lasted longer, like ninety seconds before he blew his load. The second time felt nicer than the first, especially as her boyfriend continued past the one-minute mark. Arianna felt a tingle that hinted at more fun to come just before Mike spewed and collapsed. The good feeling stopped when Mike’s cock shriveled and plopped out.

Michael did Arianna one last time at a party at a friend’s house. This was the only time they managed to do it in a bed. Michael lasted a couple minutes this time. Michael dug into the beers at this party after they screwed. He got drunk and proceeded to flirt with and proposition nearly every single girl at the party. Arianna dumped his ass on the spot and called her mom for a ride home.

David took Arianna out on a couple dates in December. He invited her to his swim team’s New Year’s Eve party that Carter Boone hosted. They danced a bit. David had one beer to drink as the evening started. To Arianna’s pleasant surprise, that is all the alcohol David had. They talked, laughed and danced as the night went on. Their talks kept coming around to the topic of relationships and then would suddenly veer off into something else.

After the third time around, David finally worked up his courage. “Would you be willing to go steady with me, Arianna?”

“I would enjoy that, David,” Arianna agreed. The two embraced and kissed, deeply. They found a place to sit down. The pair began making out. David snuck feels of her titties as they swapped tongues.

Levi Weisenbaugh stopped by with a big grin, escorting his long-time girlfriend Allyssa Morgan. “A bedroom is open,” he whispered to David. Levi gave David a wink before departing.

“Do you want to ... uh...” David stuttered, “ ... maybe get more privacy?”

“I’m not a virgin and this isn’t our first date,” Arianna replied. David’s kissing and feeling her up had Arianna hornier than Michael had ever managed, even when he was fucking her. “Let’s go find this privacy and have some fun, stud.”

“Stud?” David smiled. “OK. Let’s.” They went upstairs at the Boone house and found the empty bedroom recently vacated by Levi and Alyssa. David locked the door and turned to find Arianna had shed half her clothes already. He hurried to catch up before she was totally naked. Arianna got one surprise when David pulled his boxers down.

He was entirely bald down there. “What happened to all your hair?”

“It’s a swim team initiation,” David explained. “Every swimmer on our team shaves their pubes off and keeps things nice and smooth down there. Supposedly the hair increases our drag when we are swimming, so we shave it off. Personally, I think it is just a team building thing to help us bond.”

“It looks pretty wild,” Arianna said. “In one way it makes you look like a little boy again. In another way...” Arianna stared at David’s cock, which was considerably larger than the one Michael had sported. “ ... no one will ever accuse you of being a little boy. How big is your dick?”

“I don’t know,” David replied. “I never really thought about it.” It was a small, white lie. Of course, he wondered if his dick was big enough. He was a guy, like all guys. He’d measured it one time. It was six-and-a-quarter inches long.

The couple lay down naked in the bed and began making out. David soon switched his attention to Arianna’s titties. The boy was so gentle and careful as he felt her up, completely unlike any boy she was with previously. She felt the good tingle as an orgasm approached.

David kissed a trail down her tummy and continued across her crotch. He licked and tongued her down there, rimming her hole, lapping at her labia and then teasing her clitoris. Arianna had never experienced the joys of oral sex before but she knew she loved it. David’s gentle but insistent licking brought her to orgasm.

Arianna found David staring at her when she finally recovered her senses after the most amazing orgasm she had ever experienced. “That was fucking amazing!” Arianna gushed afterward. “Take me now, David. I’ve never been wetter or more ready for fucking.”

“Patience,” David said. He stretched his body forward over Arianna’s. His torso and hard cock rested in the folds of her labia. His chest gently pressed against her titties as he leaned down to kiss Arianna. The two deep kissed and teased each other with their tongues while David hunched his hips and slipped and slid up his cock up and down Arianna’s furrow.

This went on for a couple minutes, driving both teens crazier with lust. Finally, Arianna spouted, “God damn it! Fuck me now, David!”

David pushed his body up so he could see his cock. He thrust forward carefully, hitting Arianna’s hole on the first attempt. She was lubricating more than she had ever experienced. David found Arianna’s pussy to be tight. A couple thrusts buried all his cock in her belly.

David stroked and thrust in and out of his lover. Sometimes the pace was quick. Other times he slowed to savor the feelings. He continued on and on. Somewhere after about three minutes of fucking, David got an alarmed look on his face and stopped moving. His cock was buried to the hilt in Arianna’s belly.

“We need to stop, right now!” David gasped.

“What? There is no way in hell we are stopping now,” Arianna insisted.

“I forgot to put on a rubber,” David responded. “We aren’t protected. I could get you pregnant.”

“You can’t,” Arianna replied. “I am taking birth control pills. We are safe.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely,” Arianna insisted. “Keep fucking me. This is amazing.”

David went back to work. He even added a hip wiggle with some of his thrusts that hit her clitoris just right. Both teens were dripping with sweat as David plowed Arianna’s hole. Finally, the feelings started to overwhelm David. His thrusts became more erratic as he fought to go longer before coming. He bucked his cock hard into Arianna a couple times and spurted his seed into his latest conquest.

Arianna’s eyes flew open as she felt David’s cock swell and blast squirt after squirt of semen and sperm into her belly. “I can feel you coming in me.”

David grunted in response and gave Arianna a half dozen more thrusts before allowing his cock to fall out of her hole. Immediately Arianna felt their combined lubrication and come drip out of her body. The semen and juices ran down across her asshole and dripped from the furrow between her butt cheeks.

“Unprotected sex sure is messy,” Arianna commented.

“Um ... yeah ... it is,” David grunted in his stupor.

“Uhuh ... Uhuh...” David grunted as he stroked his hard cock into Arianna’s pussy, pulled away and then thrust in again. His insistent stroking brought Arianna back to the present. This was the last night she was going to enjoy these feelings. Her amazing boyfriend was moving away in two days.

David was doing the wiggle with his hips as he thrust. It mashed and rubbed her clitoris in just the right way. “Yeah ... like that,” Arianna gasped. She ran her hands down his sweaty sides and held his ass cheeks, one in each hand.

Arianna saw David’s face was flushed and pink was spreading down his neck onto his chest. She knew that was a sign her stud was nearly ready to come. “Harder, baby,” Arianna begged. “Do me harder.” Her hands tried to guide those powerful muscles in his ass cheeks to keep the rubbing going against her clitoris. It was a race to orgasm now.

David gave Arianna a few more strokes. She felt the tingle in her clitoris grow. David grunted and thrust hard one last time before spurting his semen and sperm into Arianna’s pussy. Disappointed at missing her orgasm, all Arianna could do is feel David’s cock throb and pump her full of warmth.

David rolled off Arianna onto his back, pulling his cock free of her pussy. Arianna reached down between her legs with one hand and diddled her clitoris until she came. It was a small orgasm, but it relieved the pressure momentarily.

The pair cuddled for a few minutes before deciding a snack might energize them for round two. They padded downstairs stark naked. David’s home was well shielded by landscaping and distance from prying eyes of neighbors or passers-by. David heated water for hot chocolate and retrieved his mom’s homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Arianna insisted on sitting on David’s lap while they enjoyed their snacks. She plopped down on his lap, nestling his semi-erect cock along her backside crack. David felt the wetness on her backside.

“God, you’re a mess,” David declared.

“Who made me that way?” Arianna retorted. Arianna wiggled her butt against David’s hardening cock while the two nibbled their cookies and sipped hot chocolate.

“Sit still,” David commented. “You are making me hard.” Arianna squirmed some more

“Good!” she declared. “That is how I want you.”

“You’re going to get it if you don’t behave,” David warned. Arianna didn’t relent.

“Promises, promises,” Arianna teased. “Are you up to giving it to me?” She rubbed her ass up and down with David’s erection caught between her butt cheeks. His come and her lube made the process messy and very slippery.

“That’s it!” David gasped. “You’re getting it.”

“Promises...” Arianna teased as David pushed her off his lap. He used one arm to push her forward, so she was leaning over the table. “Promises ... when do I get IT?”

“NOW!” David growled. He used a finger from his free hand to locate Arianna’s hole. He thrust his hips forward, driving his cock deep into his girlfriend. Another prod sank him balls deep into Arianna.

“That is what I want,” Arianna gasped as he impaled her. “Screw me good, lover boy.”

David balled away, poking his cock deep into his lover, withdrawing only to plunge it in again. Arianna moaned in delight at her “punishment.” She rested her upper body on one elbow on the table while her ass stuck out for David’s pleasure. Her breasts dangled and wiggled in time to David’s thrusts. Arianna slipped one hand down between her legs. She slid a finger down onto David’s cock shaft. She felt it slide out of her body and then plunge back in again. Arianna slipped her finger up and began diddle herself again. This time she reached climax before David and his amazing cock were worn out.

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