Patience - Cover


Copyright© 2018 by Clumsy.Oger

Chapter 1

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Eric meets Anna, and then he meets Anna's lover. Can they become what each other needs? To find out, they are going to need some patience. Generously edited by Landrious

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   School   MaleDom   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   White Male   Oriental Female   Analingus   Oral Sex  

I met Anna at the beach. The Stanford Alumni threw a beach party at the start of the new school year for students as a way to meet and greet fellow students.

I went for the free food.

It was a pleasant afternoon and evening of food, music, and some simple games. After a few incidents of testosterone fueled machismo, I found a place to sit back away from the Pacific so I could enjoy the show, when a vision of a child like frame that moved like a siren came into view. I focused on this vision, and saw she was moving towards me, though to be honest, it looked more like she was floating. When she was just a few feet from me, she stopped.

She reminded me of a Japanese cartoon I had seen, tiny and perfectly proportioned with large expressive eyes and radiating a kind of raw, innocent sexuality. She was wearing a bikini that carefully covered her small breasts, and a sarong wrapped around her waist. Her hair had been dyed a deep red with blue streaks, and there appeared to be about a half inch of black hair showing at her roots.

“Is this seat taken?” she asked, her voice had an odd accent that I did not recognize, but sounded like honey to my ears. I shook my head to indicate the negative, and then she gathered up the wrap that draped down her legs from her waist, and floated into my lap.

“Whoa!” I exclaimed, softly gulping, “Uh, something going on?” I found myself wrapping my arms around her waist to help steady her.

She turned her head to look at me, an eyebrow arched, the unspoken question asking if this was acceptable. I just looked confused.

“Hello, my name is Anna,” she offered,

“Not that I am complaining, but do you often sit in the laps of strange men?”

She giggled softly, and it sounded like little crystal wind chimes.

“Maybe if I get to know you better, I might explain,” she said, her little smiling faltering a moment before returning, then her face took on a thoughtful look, “Please don’t mistake my intentions, I am mostly a lesbian, so don’t think this means you are getting lucky tonight,”

I sighed softly, though mentally questioned the “mostly” part of her statement. One part of me wondering what game she was playing, but another part thought that when goddesses decide to rest in your lap, you simply enjoy.

“Hummm,” I answered dryly, “While I’m curious as to why you are doing this, I’m not going to attack you, besides, I am fairly sure that if I need to, I can pick you up off of my lap,” I gave her an curious, though amused smile.

Tension that I never knew was there suddenly melted from her, and she rested her head on my chest, seeming to revert to a child in my arms. I found myself carefully wrapping an arm around her shoulder, my other resting in her lap. I didn’t know if she was a master manipulator, or if something else was going on, but I didn’t feel like I was in danger, not to mention her presence in my lap made me look good.

“Thank you,” she said, “I promise, I’ll explain in a bit,”

I nodded. “My name is Eric,” I offered, it helps people to get to know you better when they know your name.

We spent the next few hours talking. She was four years younger than I was, and was a communications major. I could easily see her as a PR representative for some company. All she would have to do is smile and the press would love her. I also learned that her mother was a model from Poland, where she had been born, while her father was a Japanese executive who had been in Poland on business. Her mother had moved them to a suburb of Tokyo when she was five, and had grown up there until her father had been transferred to L.A. to oversee one of the divisions of the company. Her father had returned to Japan while she stayed here to continue her education. She was surprised to learn that we both spoke German, though she was a little rusty in the language.

She didn’t make our conversation easy for me though. Every now and then, she would deliberately wiggle around in my lap making my cock grow hard beneath her. When she felt it pressing against her, she would stop and look at me expectantly. I didn’t know exactly what the game was, but I knew that winning meant not taking advantage of the situation, though it reminded me of the games I was tortured with when I was eleven, and just discovering girls for the first time. Fortunately, years later and being much more experienced, I wasn’t tongue tied like I had been at that age.

When ten o`clock rolled around, I looked at her and told her I had to get home.

“Are you sure?” she asked in a playful little girl’s voice.

“Quite,” I answered with a dry smile. She told me what she thought of that by pouting for a moment.

“I suppose I can understand, and I have been a terrible tease to you this entire time,” she said, sighing, but not getting up, “This is difficult for me, but I am trying to do something my therapist told me to do,”

“Sit in a stranger’s lap?” I quipped. She giggled again.

“Noooo!” she answered, “Dr. Taky told me that I should try just talking to a guy I didn’t know. Not just any guy, yes? But to see if I could find one that I thought I could trust, and talk to him. I can’t explain why, so please don’t ask, but I felt drawn to you. You were like a Buddha sitting and watching the ocean,” she said looking into my eyes, “But I only know one way to really trust guys,” she continued, here eyes looking down, “Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you,” she said, looking at me again, “I thought I could trust you, and you proved that I could,”

I looked at her, my eyebrow arched, my mind whirling though the implications of what she just said.

“Yes, I have some ... issues,” she added softly, her voice sad. I shrugged.

“My father used to say that we are the product of the tools we were born with, and the events that shape us,” I said in what I hoped was an encouraging voice, “So, if anything, you are most likely the normal result of a fucked up situation,” She smiled softly at that.

“If I see you on campus again, I hope you will let me sit with you like this again. I feel safe here, and that is precious to me,” she said before getting up.

“I don’t think I will have a problem with that,” I answered, “I think I understand at least a little bit about what you were trying to do, and I will try not to abuse that trust,”

“Oh, don’t worry too much about that,” she grinned, “It might be fun if you abused it just a little bit. I find flirting fun, and I am only mostly lesbian you know,” her eyes were filled with mischief, “There is something very attractive about strong, confident men. It makes my tummy go pitter patter,” she giggled, then her eyes widened upon seeing just how much taller I was than her.

I had slowly stood up, brushing the sand off of me. It was the first time I had a chance to get a measure of just how small Anna was. I found out later that she was just shy of five foot two inches, and barely over a hundred pounds, in comparison to my six foot four inch frame. I wondered if I was becoming a dirty old man.

I carefully took her hand in mine, examining how small they were in my own, before bowing slightly and kissing the back of her hand, saying, “Then when the time is right, we can both explore abusing our trust a bit,” offering her a teasing grin before I headed back to my car, and then home.

I didn’t go looking for her. I felt that would have been vulgar. Whatever experiences she needed to work though wouldn’t be helped by pressing her. For all I knew, having experienced something as simple as a man with manners may have been a break though for her. Still, only a few days later, a tiny Anna found her way into my lap again.

I sat against one of the many trees snacking between classes as I reviewed a chapter. Anna, carefully lifted the book, and wrapped her tiny legs and arms around me, giving me a full body hug that almost cracked a rib before swinging around and sitting in my lap like she had last time, with her head resting against my chest.

My arms found a natural position around her shoulders and waist, as if I were cradling her.

“Hello!” her voice shy, playful.

“Hello to you too,” I smiled, as I marked my place, and closed the text. I popped the last of my granola bar into my mouth to keep it from crumbling on her.

“So, miss me?” her voice child like.

“Maybe,” I hedged, grinning softly, “I might miss you more if I knew you better,”

“I think you will,” she nodded, “I did a search on you, and you didn’t come up as a bad guy,”

I managed to swallow before I laughed. Spraying granola over a tiny goddess would not be good.

“Oh? And what did come up?” I asked curiously. I wasn’t surprised that she had done a background check on me; many of the students here were related in some way to very high profile individuals from around the world, if they were not such people themselves.

“Nothing really, your father was a professor, your mother a regional bank manager. I am very sorry to learn of the recent death of your father, Eric,” she offered, looking me in the eyes. Yes, that bit still stung sharply.

“And may I offer you a happy belated birthday as well,” I shrugged, and nodded, “You were very kind to a silly girl in a time of grief. It speaks a great deal about the kind of man you are,” she added, before continuing, “Then your military service, spent most of your time in Germany, worked with the State Department in Germany before resigning and starting classes here,

“Actually, you are quite the enigma,” she wound down.

“Which service did you use?” I asked. I was curious if it was a local service, or something more significant.

“One that my father’s company uses,”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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