What Dreams Are Made of - Cover

What Dreams Are Made of

Copyright© 2018 by littlefrog454

Chapter 5

Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Artificial Intelligence Singularity sends back copy to change world's future. Recruits genetically engineered sex slaves from 2222 to recreate Master's Harem, for man who helped invent machine that caused it all. Discover that aliens were really responsible for it all. Track down interstellar sentient Mother Ship.

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Space   Time Travel   Light Bond   Harem   Oral Sex  

Back at the Moon

<OK, you do realize that this ... this Organization of Assassins you brought home is wired up to each other, and I mean that quite literally Harry.> Pam one of the Nerd Squad that Ann had more or less drafted into our program said on our private channel the nanees provided us. We were all back at Fort Harris and Pam and the Girls were all fascinated by the five representives of the OA we had brought back with us.

<I knew there was something there Pam, but no, I had no ideal they were that wired. Is that even possible?> I questioned, while looking at the MRI image on the computer monitor’s screen.

“Oh it’s possible, but crude. I mean compared to our nanees this is stone age work. They must have come up with a hell of a immune system suppresser to make these implants acceptable to that body.” She explained.

“What do you think they do?” I finally asked the Girls seated around the table.

“I suggest you ask them Harry.” Pam directed me.

“Ok I can do that.” I chuckled.

Sex Slave Meets AE3 Assassins

When I walked into their suite of rooms I got directly to the point.

“Inquiring minds want to know what your implants do Mister Lee.” I bluntly asked. If I had thought to shock him, or the women with him, I was sorely disappointed. I didn’t even get a twitch from the group. In fact I felt they had been waiting for my question.

“Look can you quit calling me Mister Lee already. My father was Mister Lee. Call me Robert, or Bob, or Roy, hell call me Lee, but not Elroy. I don’t answer to Elroy. Now as to the implants, that’s rather complicated. Where do you want me to start?” He laughed.

“Where ever you want.” I laughed.

“So at the end of the Civil War President Grant needed some assassins to clean up his loose ends. He hired a, I guess you would have to call him a Russian Mystic. Well Sensei had his own ideals on what it took to be a group of assassins and set us up with his take on the Hashshashin. You know that group of fanatics that Genghis Khan wiped out in the 13th Century. And by the way, as a side note, old Genghis was the first to use biological warfare. He released the Steppe Plague, Rinderpest, on Europe before he invaded. The first group was established as one man and four females, and yes they were his sex slaves and damn good assassins too. Sensei was very good at brainwashing, but the trick is in the old adage, “you can’t make a person do bad acts under hypnosis”, you can’t change his or hers nature. True you can’t get a good girl to do bad acts, but you could get a bad girl to continue to do bad acts and use her Master to control her through her love for him. So...

I broke in.

“So your telling me that your the Master of a group of women psychopaths...

“If you’ll let me finish ... Ok, Sensei found that men can’t form an attachment to just one woman, it’s not in their nature. Women on the other hand can. Therefore he came up with the “Fairy Tale Treatment” and hypnosis, drugs, and a few other things to permanently bond the woman to the man. This worked well. In fact he found that he could bond four women to every man, and...

“What’s this got to do with the implants.” I broke in again.

“I’m getting there, give me a little time, Ok. After WW II electronics took off along with medicine and the study of the human brain. My group had ... no have ... a great interest in those studies and enough money to fund them and the power to see some of the more, let’s say, unethical experiments of their’s carried out on test subjects...”

“What your saying is you did human experimentation.” I interrupted him again.

“Yes, we are assassins after all, “It’s just our nature”, ha, ha. Anyway I was the first Ginnie Pig for the implants. Well me and my girls really. We are all connected by our implants. We can communicate through our implants on a UHF frequency, and before you ask, right now we have quit because we were sure you could detect our transmissions. We also have a socket in the back of our necks that allow us all to be connected 24/7 to the multiplexed data we generate and transmit to each other. We spent enough time after the operations connected up by those patch cables to be able to read each others minds now without them. My brain implants in theory give me the ability to override their implants, but I have never consciencely done that to any of my Girls. Anyway we are ONE now.” Robert finished up.

“I guess I can tell you that everyone here has had the full course of nanobots and the implants they construct in our brains. Yes, we have your presto telepathy, or something real close to it too if I had to guess.” I saw no reason to withhold information.

“What are we talking here, Von Neumann self-replicating robots or what?” Robert asked.

“Von Neumann thought in terms of mechanical and scale. Little robots building littler robots, getting smaller and smaller. I guess that you could call our nanees, well nanobots, machines, but it would depend on how you define machine. Yes, our nanees are organic machines.

“Then you should know that we have been attacked through those same open ports that allow us to communicate with each other, they go directly into our brain.” Robert broke in.

I hadn’t really thought about that, but it makes sense now that I did think about it. Unless you really do believe in mental telepathy there had to be a carrier wave frequency, and if you found that frequency you could jam it, or worse if you really knew what you were doing.

<Did you hear that Girls?> I broadcast for everyone on the link to hear.

<We had never thought about it Master, but it seems obvious now that I think about it.> Ann shot back on that same link.

<We’re working on it Sir.> Pam, one of my super smart curvy science nerds, joined Ann’s and some of the other Girls in a discussion of what should be done about it. I tuned out on their technical discussion of the problem. I had never noticed before that I could tune them out when I wanted to.

“Now that we’ve shown you ours, what’s your story? I mean it’s obvious your Girls are not exactly normal. Then throw in the portals, working spaceships, and contact with ancient aliens. I mean what’s the story?” Robert asked.

“We were invaded by alien entities, well artificial intelligence’s, that we call the Slavers. They were created by an alien civilization that is long extinct, killed off by the actions of their own personal computers, the Slavers. My original Pod, of sex slaves was created by another AI that time traveled back here to this time to fix our future. We overcame the Slaver in charge of Earth and defeated it, and discovered Bob his self aware interstellar spaceship. Then we discovered the ancient Builders were not all dead and enlisted their help. They gave us this portal tech and here we are Ok.” I ran down.

“No, but I guess that’ll have to do. Now what about our problem?”

“We’re waiting for our ride to the Builder’s world now. When Bob gets here we’ll be on our way. I just hope you are able to explain this Event and Object thing to them.”

To Meet the Builders

This time when we arrived insystem at the Builder’s system we found several Bobs orbiting their world. Thanks to our nanees we were in touch with the Builders almost at once, and no we did not share nanees with the OA. The Event and Object was a black hole that was discovered by the HUBBLE telescope when it went on line, and yes we had checked and we didn’t have the same problem. No rogue dark matter headed our way.

After talking it over the Builders decided they needed much more information and provided us with a solution to part of our problem. They had discovered some of their younger children wanted to go exploring too. They had even already recalled some of the Bobs that still survived with intentions to use them for that purpose. Now that we had shown up they could give us a couple and send us back with several of their children to study AE3’s problem in their own universe. No right off hand they didn’t know a way to destroy or alter the path of a black hole, but with a Junior they could construct more Bobs to handle the eventual evacuation of Earth if necessary.

The older Builders saw it as a win win situation. They helped us and got the chance to keep a handle on their youth, plus they gained useful intelligence on the alternate universe. Were there Builders in it? Were there Slavers? It all would keep their youth out of trouble they reasoned.

The Builders did discover one interesting thing about the OA team with us. Their blunt force approach to brain implants, though effective, had inadvertently given them the “Fountain of Youth”, which the Builders wanted to study. They offered to remove the implants, replacing their crude CPU and attached implants with nanees, but the OA refused, saying that they were satisfied with what they had. I couldn’t really blame them, but it didn’t satisfy our need for them to communicate with us and the Builders. So the Builders came up with a translation device, another nanee fix that entered the brain to constructed a tiny implant. An implant that allowed them now to understand and communicate with us and the Builders.

The OA didn’t like it, but they were realist enough to accept that they had to be able to use these new resources, plus the new nanee would allow them to give this ability to the rest of the OA and anybody else they chose to bring in.

We also, since we had more than one Bob now, had to establish a naming convention for them. That also went for the Builders themselves. Did we just call them Bob or Bill or did we call him Bob One or what.

Ok I guess it’s time for introductions. I’m Brenda of the B Pod of Harry’s Girls. Bee, Betty, Beth, Bretha finish out my Pod. Harry put me in charge of this mission to AE3 since Captain Archer and her crew had not worked out so well the last time. I had my own Bob now, we had decided, after a vote to name him Ted. My crew consisted of my other four sisters, two more Area 51 Girls, Karla and Karen, plus two more of Molly’s super smart science nerds, Jane and Bell with their nanee boost. Besides having Ted the ship/AL we had two young Builders that chose to name themselves Jack and Joe, young if you consider five hundred years young.

Our job was to go through the portal and investigate. We had already established that on our side of the rabbit hole the Object was not moving at all. Yes, it was expanding, but not moving. Something or someone had started it to moving and we were to investigate why it was moving toward this Earth. That wasn’t all of our mission, but it was a primary goal. We were also taking Robert, Mister Lee’s team back too. It was not yet decided if they would become a part of the permanent crew of my ship.

Ted, like Bob refused to be armed relying instead on his shield and cloak to keep him out of trouble, but the six shuttles in Ted’s hold were armed. We had a new gun in our armory now a gun that we chose. It was an AA12 CQB (Close Quarters Battle) weapon, at 18 inches and 10 pounds unloaded, it packed quite a punch at close range. Since my small army consisted of women just like me, I had chosen, with Harry’s approval, the AA12 because it was basically a mean fully automatic, gas operated, recoilless scatter gun that even the smallest member of my team could handle. It was made out of extremely light and super strong stainless steel that required little or no maintenance. Basically it was a gas operated recoilless 12 gage shotgun with a choice of 8 round clips, 20 round drums, or a 2,000 round belt feed system. On full auto it could deliver 300 rounds per minute and had a full range of ammunitions to choose from. You had a choice of ammunitions that covered everything from rock salt for crowd control, to double 0 buckshot, rifled slugs with carbide dart centers, to termite charges that could burn a hole through one inch thick steel armor plate. It could be carried or mounted on vehicles or the shuttles to take advantage of the 2,000 round belt feed system.

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