What Dreams Are Made of - Cover

What Dreams Are Made of

Copyright© 2018 by littlefrog454

Chapter 10

Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Artificial Intelligence Singularity sends back copy to change world's future. Recruits genetically engineered sex slaves from 2222 to recreate Master's Harem, for man who helped invent machine that caused it all. Discover that aliens were really responsible for it all. Track down interstellar sentient Mother Ship.

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Space   Time Travel   Light Bond   Harem   Oral Sex  

The Start of PFEDAMS

You can physically addict anybody to certain drugs, after all they’re only human, and they will do anything you ask, or give you anything they have eventually. Everyone is susceptible to these drugs, but some have a higher tolerance for it than others. Eventually, a nice word, meaning an event that may come to pass in a possible future. Eventually they become addicted to the drug and have to have it. They become physically dependent on it. Most of these addictions, believe it or not, start out as self induced by what we, well society really, still persist in calling “recreational drugs”. Drugs that we intentionally use to alter our mental state.

Some drugs like herion, one of the best known, have been used for centuries to enslave whole populations. Read about the Boxer Rebellion some time. No, neither herion, nor cocaine, or any of the other drugs we were aware of was instantaneous either, but just like the Company’s Slut Maker they were dependable given time. There are a lot of factors that enter into how well the targeted individual behaves to a given drug.

We found out, through reading their computer logs, that Jane’s team was trying to reverse engineer our original Slut Maker. Evidently they had a slave, but no drug, thank God. That could only mean we had missed someone or something when we shut down the Company’s operation involving that particular drug.

Turned out that Hugo and Jane had a thing for white girls that met a certain criteria. Tereisa just happened to fit the bill for their kink. Our checking turned up 35 other girls matching Tereisa’s description, all from Russia, all non English speaking, and all missing from the same general Seattle Washington area too. All of the girls were legally imported into this country, and had been promised pretty good paying jobs taking care of children. Further checking showed that only one young eager female ICE officer had actually submitted a written request to her superiors in their Headquarters in Washington DC for information about the mysterious disappearances. A written request asking about the missing Russian girls. She herself went missing under mysterious circumstances shortly after that request. All of this should have set off all kinds of warning flags and alarms in the law enforcement community, but didn’t. I guess that shows you how screwed up Seattle is.

After Harry tracked where they had taken Tereisa he went back to his cheap motel on the US side of the border and contacted us, showing good judgment for a change. Imagine his surprise the next morning when Helen busted through his door and literally jumped his bones.

<Oh, I’ve missed you so much Master.> she babbled on the link for everyone to hear, as she lip locked him and tongue wrestled, exchanging precious bodily fluids in the slobber contest for the Hive’s enjoyment.

“How did you find me Helen?” He was finally able to ask out loud.

“Oh we’ve been with you on the link the entire time Master.> she innocently divulged.

Well so much for my running away from my responsibilities. The Hive had been following the whole time. Well they had allowed me the allusion of being free for a little while. That showed they were growing up and thinking ahead for themselves.

<Well what have you found out?> I wanted to know, and soon the information was flowing in.

Evidently we had missed at least one Slut Maker Slave and maybe a owner. One of the Cartels had brought this team together to reverse engineer June’s drug. Their notes, yes their computer security was a joke, showed that they had Empirical Proof of what the drug could do, and what the drug had looked like, just no drug. All this implied they had at least one original slave to work with.

“Do we know where Tereisa and these others are Ann?” I questioned.

<In the compound Harry.> Ann confirmed my suspicions.

“Do we call in the cops and have them raid the place or what?” I broached the subject, but knowing what their answer was going to be.

<We do what works.> came back from all the Hive listening in.

“I take it that we’re going to put a shield around it and dump it with the other one Ann.” I laughed.

“It works for me, ha, ha.” Ann broke up laughing.

“KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid.” Helen add.

So that’s what we did. Of course this time we didn’t leave a huge unsightly hole in the ground. Oh no, this time we replaced it with a chunk of Moon rock. Let the locals sort out the mystery of where the estate went. In this case we put the necessary Box, shield, and cloak in our lander, then pulled up close to the wall and turned on the reconfigured shield. Everything went absolutely black inside with the click of the switch. Next we turned on the timer and waited for Bob to get us to our, what was fast becoming anyway, our own personal penal planet. And for all you technical nerds and geeks, there was no inertia, no momentum, we did not feel or experience anything that told us we were moving or standing still for that natter. Other than it going black and the loss of gravity nothing happened. It was like we were outside all the rules and laws of physics for that journey.

Once again we dumped them just offshore in shallow water, making them an island that was easier to defend. Next using loud speakers, we still had power, we demanded their surrender. All this did was bring on a lot of shooting. We had no ideal who, or what for that matter, they were shooting at, as we hovered above them invisible to the world. Waiting a reasonable length of time we gave Robbie’s new pop gun it’s first real world test. You remember me wanting a bigger EMP pulse gun. Well Robbie made me one. It wound up looking like one of those old Bazooka your always seeing on the old war movies. Five and a half feet long, a six inch diameter tube that flared to nine inches at the business end, weighing close to twenty five pounds, and with a handle grip and simple trigger at its balance point. Robbie assured us it would freeze everyone in there.

It was tuned to this one specific area of the human brain that controls movement. When that area of the human brain is hit with an extremely short but intense burst of deep penetration ultra sound it locks up the entire body. It stays that way until it gets hit with a cattle prod which we also carry. The shock from that seems to reset the brain. They remember everything, but just can’t move.

I got the dobious honor of being the first one to christen it, after I did I was impressed. Thing worked like a charm. We were able to walk right in and sort out the garbage, leaving the bad guys frozen and the people we came for awake. Of course after waking up a couple of, what we assumed were the Russian girls, only to have her start screaming at the top of her lungs, we were forced to stop and rethink waking them up here. So in the end we had to reshock and leave them as they were until we could spare them more time to sort out their problem.

Every sole on the now island was connected to the operation and we didn’t figure we owed them any mercy, but we weren’t about to formally put them to death either. In the end we dropped them the same CARE package we left the other colony. Yes, colony, that is what they had become. The CARE package was a couple of drop shipping containers that magically appeared days latter. They were filled with everything necessary to maintain the colony. They were also given a frequency they could make requests on. We made it plain that it was only for requests for things they needed as a colony. There would be no negotiations.

It surprised us that there were forty women they had been experimenting on in the compound. There were also thirty actual experimenters and fifty five staff and security guards. After some debate, we were all surprised when June and Lucy showed up on the courier ship from Landoo to make their case personally about the victims. In the end it was decided that the victims would be brought back and treated at a facility we were going to create back in the good old KSA, with the Kings permission and approval it seemed.

June and Lucy made the argument that the women should be left on the island with Jane and her crew for futher study. Jane broke them, make Jane fix them, they argued. Their argument being that all the Slut Maker victims, meaning them too, still had problems. June and company had come to grips with their demons, but somebody really needed to study how to reverse it, or at least control it’s effects. Being realist June’s group embraced their change. As the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had summed it up years ago when he said, “Was mich nicht umbringt macht mich stärker.”, or “Whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you stronger.” That didn’t mean you couldn’t try to help others though.

In the end we still voted for taking them back to KSA, where Doctors Pat Rizo and Liz Sinclare the original discovers of Slut Maker had already setup a lab. We would try to fix them there and give the ladies a choice when it was over. Well I guess after we had actually diagnosed how much damage had been done to them anyway. In the meantime we all voted to offer Jane and her crew a job.

I know the Hippocratic oath is, “ to do no harm”, but I also know that brilliant young cutting edge doctors like Jane are by nature and definition amoral psychopaths. The creed of such cutting edge doctors is; the edge is so sharp that something’s bound to get cut and bleed. The real test of your skill is to make sure it’s not you that’s doing the bleeding. It’s just the nature of the beast you are dealing with, but they do get results. Oh yes they expand the boundaries of science, but at what a cost?

Jane, and our problem with her, is one of the basic difference between Eastern and Western philosophy. In Western lore Dragons are by their very nature evil destructive creatures. Creatures that have to be killed, as an example take the tale of Saint George and the Dragon. On the other hand in Eastern lore the Dragon is regarded as a force of nature, a force that is neither good nor evil, not all bad or all good, a force that has to be harnessed to do good. It is the duty, or more likely, the destiny of the hero in their tales to harness the Dragon. Make your problem become your solution, but make sure you don’t become a problem too.

After much more discussion it was decided that Jane and the others would be recruited to become the start of our doctors and researchers for what we would call Dangerous Projects. There were many questions we all wanted more information on. Everybody agreed that isolated here on this virtually bare planet, it didn’t even have any heavy metals, they could do little harm. So me and the Girls explained everything to Jane and her group. I mean everything.

Robbie, the nannies, the Ray’s, the Builders, the Bob’s, Landoo, AE3, Slut Maker. Everything. We held nothing back and everybody was in shock when we finished. Many of our prisoners started demanding to be released we weren’t the law.

“Hey asshole, there are no fences on this island. You can leave any time you want, just walk right out any time you want honey.” June directed one 6 foot 4 muscle bound freak. “Of course there is nothing to eat out there, and no place to go, but feel free to go any time you want.”

After that they broke up into their individual groups, and sulked for the rest of the day. By morning they had, for the most part, accepted their fate.

“So we’re never going to leave this planet Mister Evans?” Jane more or less stated the obvious over breakfast in the open air cafeteria we had found in the compound. I must say it did a fantastic breakfast burrito.

“That sums it up Jane, this is our prison planet. There is no appeal from our judgment. No place to escape to. Your here for life. We’ll provide you anything you need to survive and continue your work. We’ll even talk about things to make your stay here pleasant,” I answered.

“I’ll need...” She started.

“Within reason Jane, within reason.” I reminded her.

And so started our very own prison for mad scientists and evil doctors that we discovered out there in the real world. We were the ones that judged them. If we judged them to be too dangerous to be left on their own they wound up here. Here where they could be policed by their own kind. If you ever see PFEDAMS marked on a star chart somewhere, know it stands for Prison For Evil Doctors And Mad Scientists. Not a place to visit lightly.

Tereisa and the others were just as messed up as we had feared. The only one of the bunch that even spoke English, and a spattering of Russian, was the ICE officer, Lieutenant Veronica (Ronnie) James. Lieutenant James had doctoral degrees in Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Linguistics, and Statistical Annalist. Though pretty, she just happened to match the Russian girl’s profile in looks, she was actively hated by her fellow ICE employees and the law enforcement people she was forced to work with. First, she was a lateral entry, meaning she jumped right in as a Lieutenant with no actual field experience because she was a nerd. Her commanding officer was less kind calling her a, “over educated idiot” behind her back. Second she was a know-it-all that refused to let the people around her forget she was an officer and they weren’t. Also she never let them forget she was due another promotion just because she had all those degrees. Lastly she was a actual practicing member of her Church’s chastity club, Virgins For Christ. She even wore a VFC pin on her blouse to work. A virgin no less. Proud to be a virgin. Like it was some kind of badge or something to be worn around until she was married.

It didn’t come as a big surprise to find that Seattle was a major human sex trafficking port, and it also didn’t come as too much of a surprise to find that all the people of the different agencies involved were on the payroll, except poor Ronnie, who was clueless. It was actually her commanding officer that drugged Ronnie and handed her over to Jane’s people. Of course the good Captain had been promised she would be returned, suitably broken and trained as his sex slave, before she was missed. The Captain was still complaining that this violated their agreement and it was causing him no end of official headaches from Washington DC.

We learned all this from their different cell phone conversations, 256 bit encryption was nothing for either Robbie or Bob to crack, and we didn’t need a court approved warrant. In no time we had all the information we needed to act.

Distrust is a wonderful thing when used right. I know that most of my crew would have liked to have gone in there guns blazing and cleaned them all out. I’m not even saying that it wouldn’t have been personally satisfying, trust me it would have been deeply satisfying, but it would have been inefficient. It might have even gotten someone I loved needlessly killed or hurt unnecessarily.

Instead we dropped a dime on all the Agencies with the IRS and good old CNN, Fox News and few of the better Rags first. This resulted in all their assets being frozen, and everybody running to cover his or hers own butt. We followed up with demands, supposedly from the Agents to the Cartels for more money, and threats to turn informer in exchange for immunity if they didn’t get the money.

In no time the Cartels had hired and dispatched teams of mercenaries to kill them and make a high profile example of the Agencies on American soil. We were closely monitoring all of this and ready to move in.

<Ready Bee.> I asked on our link. A link that was encrypted to avoid any interference now thanks to the Builders.

<Ready Sir.> came back. B Pod had been complaining they didn’t get enough action so they got to set up the whole thing. Bee was in a hovering invisible lander overseeing the Cartel’s mercenaries secret envelopment of the secret joint Agency Headquarters for the whole Northwestern United States. Right now all the heads of the different Agencies were in there discussing what they should do about the Cartels and the present situation.

The mercenaries had come up with a simple, yet brilliantly brutal plan. They mined the conference room and were going to set it off and overrun the building at the same time. Nobody was going to survive this raid. It would be a bloody example to others that sought to betray the Cartels for years to come.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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