Angie's New World Adventure - Cover

Angie's New World Adventure

Copyright© 2018 by niteowluk2003

Chapter 4: ... Finally Angie Loses Her Anal Cherry

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: ... Finally Angie Loses Her Anal Cherry - Angie & Bobby met as teenagers and seemed to hit it off; eventually they marry and finally Angie loses her virginity. A pledge between then says they will agree to experience everything Legal sex has to offer. This is their story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Humiliation  

At six thirty am, Bobby was awoken by a strange sensation; he almost felt as if he was in a dream and someone was gently sucking his cock whilst almost tickling his balls. He opened his and stared down towards his feet, there was Angie on her hands and knees with his cock disappearing into her mouth and her hand working feverishly on his balls. “Good morning, Angel!” he managed to say but Angie never missed a beat sucking his cock as she was and he received only a smile as acknowledgement.

Bobby asked his wife to stop sucking his cock for now because if she did not he would lose control and after yesterday’s huge efforts for him to satisfy two horny fuck sluts, he was afraid it may take him till the afternoon to recuperate. Reluctantly Angie stopped and with a fake scowl of her face she pretended to be annoyed with Bobby. However when she was level with his head he pulled her head towards him and kissed her passionately on the lips, savouring a strange mixture of tastes as she probed his mouth with her tongue. Then he realised what it was after their final leisurely fuck last night neither of them had gone for a shower or bath so he was tasting traces of his own spunk and Angie’s cunt juices which would have dried on his cock and then been re-liquidised by Angie sucking his cock just now.

Now with Angie resting her head on his chest he spoke gently as he explained his revised plan, “First I am going to apply some more Vaseline to your anal ring and then you will take a nice hot bath for about thirty minutes to relax your muscles!” he said “Then before you get out of the bath; you will turn over on to your knees and I will apply another dose of the Vaseline. Where upon you will rest in the bath for a further five minutes while I prepare everything in here and then when I call you; you can come and lose your anal cherry like a good little whore!” he concluded.

Angie almost punched him as she indignantly complained, “I am not a Whore, little or otherwise!” Bobby quickly explained he meant nothing bad by the term but thought a little horny pillow talk would turn her on. Angie then smiled and said, “You can call me anything other than that horrid word ‘whore’ and I will be happy but I once heard my dad say that word to my mother just before he spanked her naked arse in front of me and ever since I have dreaded and hated that word!” Bobby immediately apologised and kissed his beloved Angie. She responded by saying, “other than that though the plan seemed a good one and I will be happy to participate fully!”

So they both went to the bathroom and Angie began running a bath but she also kept a good eye on Bobby as he stood in front of the toilet bowl and released a torrent of piss; it intrigue Angie and turned her on to watch him, she made a point that sometime in the future she would mention this to her husband and see watch reaction he gave. She asked him if she should put bath crystals in the water or should she keep the water clear. He turned his head and could not fail to notice his wife staring at his cock. He pinched his cock between his thumb and index finger stopping the flow of urine and called her over, then taking her hand in his free hand he put it over the top of the hand squeezing his cock. Then he withdrew that hand and allowed Angie to hold and direct the last of his piss, unfortunately though he had all but finished when he swapped his hand for hers and only a little trickle came out.

Angie asked if she had done something wrong and a smiling Bobby explained that like herself he had only a limited amount of piss at any one time, his bladder being no bigger than her own, he promised that the next time he needed to go he would allow her to hold his cock and play with it as he pissed. Angie smiled a big beaming smile as she turned back to the bath, he spoke quickly that she should prepare her bath as she would normally do.

When the bath was run, Angie called for her husband and a few minutes later he entered the bathroom carrying the tub of Vaseline. For the first attempt he had Angie spread her legs then lean towards the bath, then he scooped out some of the Vaseline and applied it between her arse cheeks but whenever he tried to push his finger through her anal ring she would almost topple forward. So he told her to get down on all fours but still keep her legs open. This proved far more successful.

He massaged her sphincter muscle as he coated more of his fingers in the jelly and soon he had four fingers sliding in and out of her anal ring, Angie was already groaning and pushing back to each thrust made by Bobby. Suddenly the fingers were gone and Bobby told her to take her soak in the bath. He stood by the sink and washed his hands however most of the Vaseline covering his fingers being water resistant only came off on the hotel towel. He thought what the heck Mia can change these and no one would need to know.

Now Bobby turned and kissed Angie on the forehead and reminded her that she should soak only for thirty minutes and then picking up the hotel towel he had used to wipe his hands on he left the bathroom. He laid the big hotel towel across the bed at right angles to the length of the bed then adjusted its position so some of it hung over the nearside of the bed. Then he went to the brown bag and removed the two vibrators and the butt plug. Returning to the bed he applied a little Vaseline to all of the toys and then amused himself by reading a few of the tales in the anal magazine.

Then after thirty minutes he went to the bed and picked up the butt plug but made sure that his wife would not see it and then he returned to the bathroom and ordered his wife on to her knees,

Taking another scoop of Vaseline he pushed it into her anal ring with his fingers and then he began to push the large butt plug into her sphincter muscle. Slowly the tight anal ring began to spread as more of the butt plug eased its way into her anal canal. Angie was groaning as the fattest part of the butt plug seemed to stick at the expanded entrance to her arse.

Bobby continued to press only a little harder now as he told her to take big breaths and relax her muscles. Slowly but surely the black object disappeared more and more until suddenly her anal ring eased and gripped the slim retaining column of rubber and the base plate was all Booby could see now of the butt plug. Angie turned her head towards Bobby and asked what had he pushed into her arse, he responded by telling her it was the butt plug they had bought yesterday, she huffed and puffed a little before telling Bobby that her arse felt bloated and full. Bobby simply told her that she had fifteen minutes more of soaking in the bath and then he would see her in the bedroom.

Angie felt it strange to be sitting in the bath with this rubber device pushed inside her anus and she just could not seem to get into a comfortable place. That is until she planted her feet either side of the bath plug and brought her knees up and opened them as wide as she could, this meant she was leaning back against the head of the bath and it removed the pressure against the butt plug.

All too soon though, Bobby called her name and told her to come out here. Strangely enough Angie found it more difficult than she expected to get up to her feet and step over the bath side because her natural reaction was that she kept feeling like she needed to open her bowels and therefore she had strong urges to snap her legs together to prevent accidents.

Eventually Angie shuffled through the bathroom door and over to where Bobby was standing, he told her, “Kneel down against the bed with your upper body on the bed!” When Angie tried this she found the bed was higher than the length of her thighs so her knees were off the floor. Bobby quickly grabbed the four pillows from the bed and propped up her knees on these.

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