A Master Comes Calling
Copyright© 2018 by niteowluk2003
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - After months of cross Atlantic emails, Master Roy gets a strange email which launches an American adventure.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Heterosexual Fiction Cuckold Slut Wife Wife Watching Humiliation Group Sex
I received an unexpected email, from your email account and as I opened the message it became clear it was from your husband and probably by its content without your knowledge.
It read:
Master Ray, you don’t know me by name but you have been emailing my wife about her slutty nature. Whilst I only recently learned of your existence, I have enough information about you to approach you directly, for I have read all the emails which have passed between Bess and yourself. I would like to invite you to a special occasion which is on the near horizon, in six months Bess and I will have been married for twenty-five years and I thought that maybe you and I could make this really special for my sweet hearted little slut.
I am aware of the things you have demanded she do, and I must confess to being intrigued as to what you could achieve if you were here, by the way the things you made her do had me as horny as hell and I must add explains a lot about why my little slut has been running hot with new sexual dander. Any way back to my suggestion I thought that if we put you up for a week, you and I could run the little horny bitch haggard and culminate it in the anniversary week end by surprising her with a mainly male party. Naturally we would have to invite the people who helped her complete your three dares and my one dare, so she would not be the only female present.
Let me know what you think, by return email if possible.
Best regards
I checked my passport and then responded:
Hi Rob,
I think your idea is an excellent one, though I do have one or two reservations, not about Bess, but about you. I know from experience that Bess would do as she was told but you, I am obviously dominant but I could see problems if you too seek to be dominant. You cannot have two masters in control because conflicts of demands.
So the question is could you take orders from a stranger and still see and respect your wife afterwards?
If you can truly answer yes then I would be happy to visit, if you can’t then best I stay here in England.
So your idea now depends on your own honest answer! I await your reply.
Master Ray.
I then sent the reply.
Two days later I received the final email from Rob.
Master Ray,
I would deem it an honor to accommodate you for ten days around our 25th anniversary week end, I truly believe my love for Bess would be even stronger after your visit if that was possible. I must confess here and now that there could never be any conflict in demands because I do not feel I am truly dominant. If I was completely honest then I would say I am as submissive as Bess but have never been tested like you tested her.
Your obedient servant,
My next email to Rob,
Hi Rob,
I would also deem it an honor to attend, I think your suggestion of ten days would be quite sufficient but I would point out that I would need to stay beyond a day or two after the party. This is purely to ensure that you have no long term issues with whatever Bess was required to do.
Now the ball likes in your court, if you are agreeable then I would book my tickets to arrive one week before the party and stay four days after the party.
Let me know if this is acceptable.
Master Ray.
Less than thirty minutes later I got the reply.
Master Ray,
I think your idea and reasoning is very admirable and I have no hesitation in agreeing whole heartedly, further more I would be honored if you saw fit to give me a test or two whilst we wait for the anniversary date.
Your obedient servant,
I sent one more email after reading his posting and suggested he set up a new email address for himself and send me the details so I could test him without giving the game away to Bess. I received his new email address later that day.
Everything was kept from Bess and although I gave her subtle hints like demanding she shave her cunt once a day for seven days, twice a day for the next seven days and finally three times a day for a final seven days, with this last seven days coinciding with my arrival or from her perspective ending just seven days before her 25th anniversary.
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