Back to the Resort - Cover

Back to the Resort

Copyright© 2021 by John Thursday

Chapter 1: John's tale

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: John's tale - The author is taken back in time, he visits a nudist resort he had been to decades before. But he has not just grown older, now he has completely different company, friends of his wife have invited him....

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Heterosexual   Spanking   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Nudism  

I never imagined I would end up here again. Since my wife died I’ve never gone anywhere, I prefer working in my garden in summer, growing my own vegetables. Don’t wanna go to places with lots of tourists especially with hot weather that makes your skin sticky. Sitting around with nothing to do, go to visit a church or local modern art museum in the Camargue or some other kind of place with millions of mosquitos. I would rather stay at home, us northerners are like that, let me drink my calvados, eat my flan and when it rains in august so what, maybe we’ll have sun in September.

But still, here I am, driving over the grounds seeing nothing but nudies. The place has changed quite a bit since I was last here, but for the better it seems. Buildings are done up, cottages and cabins look much nicer. Can’t remember some of the things I’m looking at, but so much time has past. One thing has not changed: still a lot of nude bodies shattered round the camp, cannot not help myself but stare at the butts and breasts and dicks, swaying and swinging. Seems like a wet dream, except that they are not exposed for sex. How will my friends look without clothes? Will they be excited to see me, and to see me nude as well?

It was not their intention to ask me along, they had just invited me over for dinner mid April, the two friends of my late wife, Angèle and Miriam. So I took a St. Emilion from my wine cellar and dressed up nicely to show them that I could take care of myself: look at me nicely shaved, and wearing clean clothes that somehow matched.

So over the flan they asked me about the resorts I had been to in the South. I mentioned a few but then they said they meant nudist resorts. I must have looked quite surprised because Angèle almost spat in her wineglass and Miriam suffocated on her bite of pastry. They wanted to go on holiday together. I asked if they had become lesbians but they shook their heads, it was just something they both had always wanted to do, with or without a man. ‘And nudism isn’t sex, you always said so.’ This was true, but still ... So, after considering various options, I recommended this small nudist resort on the river Saize where you can rent a cabin, have some privacy in your own backyard and at the same time it had a flourishing nudist community which organised barbecues and games and lectures.

They asked what we had done there and we spent the rest of the evening chatting about Osère, my late wife, me and her two best friends. How she had liked this or that. It was good to remember her that way but one night was enough, it also made me a little sad, so when I came home I forgot about it all.

Driving over the grounds, very slowly, finding my way to my friends who are waiting for me. What number am I looking for? Too many breasts and shaved pussies, I get distracted. I see piercings in all places, didn’t have many of those at the time, pierced labia are hot to see, I notice. Tattoos on buttocks or just above the pussy lips. I have to concentrate on the cabin number: 83 is the one I’m looking for. Must be up there, all the way up a small hill, I bet it’s the farthest one down the path. I break for a lady with large breasts smiling at me as she heaves her tits to the other side of the road. My, they’re huge!

I had forgotten about their nudist holiday until Angèle called me mid June.

‘Please come along with us, they only have three bedroom cabins available and we are afraid we will make a mess of the spare room if we don’t use it. You’ve been there, you know the place, we can have meals together and if you come by your own car, we are all free to do as we please. And John, no sex! Do what you please, but leave us alone.’

It took me a minute or so to realize what she was going on about but then I figured it must be the nudist resort I had recommended. I thanked her dearly but told her I had to take care of the peas, was planting several of them, said that my irrigation system was not working properly, I could not leave on such short notice. She had probably expected this and asked, ‘Oh my, too bad, and if it were in month’s time you could get organized, but now... ‘ I confirmed reluctantly. Said I was sorry, otherwise I would have loved to come...

‘Oh, thats great John, ‘cause we booked for mid July ... So you’ll come. Great. I’ll send you an email with all the details.’ And she ended the phone call.

I then realized I had been alone too long and had forgotten about cunningness of women ... This was the result.

As my Renault arrives at the top, I see I was right, it’s the last one in the row. And the lady with the big breasts resides in the first one it seems. There it is, cabin number 83, red roof, wooden planks, painted white and a lovely large porch. Looks ever so cute. Nudist holiday here I come. Nobody out there, no friends awaiting old John. Will Angèle be nude already?

One always wonders what the friends of your wife look like in the nude, though if I had seen them 20 years ago perhaps it would have been more exciting. Look, I know, people get older and naturists shouldn’t care that much about a wrinkled skin, sagging breasts or skinny wrinkly butts. But still, if I was to live with them for two weeks, at least see a nice pair of breasts. I also know my own body is sagging everywhere, my skin is wrinkled in odd places, my ball sack at times sags so low I loose sight of it. And my dick ... well, that is just a tiny little weasel by now, skinny and white with a monster head. I’m afraid I will not make a great impression either and after all, it does not seem to matter that much. I am not to have sex with them. But still, cant wait to get a chance to get a good look at those two women in the nude. Their tits and asses that is to say, maybe tease them a bit.

I park nex to cabin 83, step onto the porch and shout: ‘Anybody in?’ And then wait for them both to come out, nude, excited about my arrival. Angèles breasts swing, she stands there smiling as Miriam flings her arms around my neck. We hug carefully, I had never touched her nude body before, such a lovely ass she has. Kisses on cheeks, warm hugs, it’s all normal, but these things become different when you are nude. Angèle hugs me too, she doesn’t care if her nipples press against my belly, such a nice feeling.

‘Glad you’re here,’ she says.

We chat about the trip from Paris, which was ok, quite a bit of traffic, but still, here I am. Angèle wants to get ice tea, Miriam sits down for a chat. Angèle had beautiful breasts when she was younger, I saw her topless once and she had had a great pair of pear shape tits, large nipples, I remember, large and round and pointing to the sky. Maybe I have a pic somewhere, her and Osère sunbathing topless in the garden. And she had a great butt and legs. Now her tits almost reach her belly button, her retreated nipples point downward. Not so sexy anymore. But the large aureolas are still eye catching. She knows I’m looking at her as she asks if I prefer lemon or peach.

‘Pear please.’ She looks at me in surprise. I mixed up her breasts with the drink.

‘I mean lemon, sorry... ‘

If I were her husband or boyfriend and could play with her swinging udders, I probably would have loved it. But all I can do is look at them move about. I’ll get used to them for sure. Her pussy lips look very sexy, they are smooth, protruding, curling outward. She turns and goes inside, she knows I’m looking at her ass. Her butt is cute, love her tight crack, her cheeks are lovely and firm, must be nice to hold.

When I’m done looking at Angèle, Miriam asks about my peas. I smile and tell her they’re growing all right. She is a different person all together. Miriam is a beautiful woman, in the way she dresses and looks you would think she was fashion model, just that she is almost sixty years old. She has always had that appearance, I seem to remember, makes a hell of an impression on guys. Undressed I must admit she dit not make the same impact, her face still has the perfect line under the cheekbone, her eyes have a lovely shape and look bright and intelligent, her lips are full and dark red, but the parts that I particularly favour for mating like breasts and butt do not impress me at all. She is basically flat with two brown studs on top of her chest. Her breasts are unaware of her motions, they do not move up or down when she does, cannot shake and seen from the side stand out at the most two centimetres from her upper body. Too little to suck on or to play with. Also her behind does not make my mouth water. Her buttocks are tight and firm, but skinny and square, like a boy’s behind. I know and can tell she works out, she is slim and muscular, but to my taste lacks the round shapes of the female body, the kind one feels like copulating with. The things that wake my dick up.

Angèle comes out with a tray full of drinks and stuff, her tits swing behind the beverages, saying she has a surprise for me. I smile, am very curious.

Just got to the conclusion that no harm is done in all this: I am not to have sex with them, they are good friends, I enjoy being with them, and maybe too much attraction will ruin our holidays, so it is so much the better.

I ask her not to tell me the surprise yet, first I wanna put my bags in my room and undress. I wanna feel the warm wind on my skin. Which room is mine?

I get to sleep in a lovely yellowish room, with grey tiles on the floor, not really big, but big enough for me to put my bag down, there’s even a little kind of wardrobe with shelves next to it. I’d better get undressed, not really fair looking at nude people and remain clothed myself. My dick makes a poor impression, but I don’t care. I shaved my balls and area round it carefully, haven’t been so smooth in years, but it’s all terribly white and my dick ... well, doesn’t look like it’s happy to be out in the open. I’m not undersized or anything, but as I drop my boxers I notice it just looks a bit like a postwar children’s head, macrocephaly. I decide to leave the head covered for now, though as I’m uncut, can wear it both ways. For nudist places I usually prefer the skin rolled back, love that feeling of the gland being exposed, it also makes it look bigger and more attractive, perhaps, but for now this is fine. I usually do some nude reading in the sun at my cottage, but this year, apart from working in the vegetable garden which you can’t do in the nude, I haven’t had much chance to undress. The weather has not been very inviting to sit nude outside.

Time to face the world nude. I step out of my room, walk towards the porch where they are waiting, feeling a little embarrassed. I had never seen them nude, and they have never seen me nude either. I decide to make an entrance, preparing a little joke as I come out on the porch with my dick in front of me. What is smooth and white and has not shot a single load in years? It’s a bit dud but can’t think of anything else. I step onto the porch, push my dick out a bit, and say, ‘What’s smooth and white...?’ And then I stop. Next to Miriam is a woman I have never seen, smiling at me and looking at my dick in awe. Miriam smiles, Angèle smiles, they got the joke though they have not heard the last bit. So much the better.

‘Er hi... ‘ I say to her, maybe she ‘s more of a girl than a woman, ‘ ... I’m John ... Thursday... ‘

She smiles and says she knows who I am ... Does she? She really is a bit younger than the very first impression, maybe 18 or 20 at the most, her breast are lovely and small, with soft pointy nipples that aim out into the world. I may have stared a little, because Miriam insists she is the surprise. It’s Anne. I smile, ‘Nice to meet you.’

But Anne gets up and hugs me. ‘Uncle John! It’s me, Anne!’ Her breasts rub my nude chest, my god that makes me ticklish but she doesn’t care, goes on hugging and kisses me on the cheeks, youngsters in Paris do that four times, which I obviously return. Something is rubbing my dick as well. Then I realise who she is: Anne! She is Miriam’s daughter.

‘Oh my God, you’re little Anne!’ I say, I almost have to look up at her face. ‘I didn’t know you were coming ... They told me you went to Africa with your fiancé.’

She blushes and hands me an ice tea, ‘Lemon,’ she says. Her breast shake a little as she sits down. She is ever so pretty, even almost as pretty as Miriam, but with real breasts.

I last saw Anne maybe ten or twelve years ago when Miriam was still living in Paris. Anne played with Jean, my son, which was slightly older. We met at the park in the afternoons and went on trips together. She called me uncle then, as people use when two families are close but not related. But they left for Rouen after the divorce and we only saw Miriam when she came to Paris for work. Which was quite often, but obviously never took her kid along. And now Anne was grown, she was a woman, wearing yellow bikini bottoms, not quite used to the nudist ways yet perhaps.

‘So what is smooth and white, John?’ Miriam wants to know. I shrug, saying it was just a little joke, but never mind.

‘What? Making fun is alright with Angèle and me but now Anne is here, you get shy. She’s 18 and probably has had more sex than you when you were her age.’

‘It was just a little joke ... Never mind.’

‘About your dick?’

I nod, feeling slightly embarrassed, drawing attention to my dick now seems out of place. But they all look at it anyway. It’s a little shaken by the contact with Anne’s body but for the rest is doing fine. If at least they would all stop looking at it. Anne smiles at me and with her expression lets me know I should not pay attention to Miriam who is clearly provoking me. Miriam lights a cigarette and looks at me.

‘It is, John, you know that? she says.

‘What is?’ Angèle asks innocently, but they are clearly teaming together, out to make a fool of me. ‘Smooth and white, same colour as my toothpaste.’ Miriam says. ‘Looks a bit like it too.’

‘Oh ... his dick!’ Angèle bursts out. They all have to look at my dick again, which may be a little swollen now.

Anne is embarrassed by it too. ‘You two stop it. We are not here to talk about pussies and dicks.’

‘Aren’t we?’ Miriam says, ‘well actually, we had set out to do so the whole time.’

‘I did not want to come here in the first place. You choose this place,’ Anne says to Miriam.

‘No, he did,’ Miriam says, pointing her finger to me, laughing.

‘Well, I did not know Anne would have to come along. And the same goes for me actually. Otherwise I would have chosen a luxury resort in Juan les pinnes,’ I say, winking to Anne.

‘Well, you aren’t likely to get laid here with a milk white dick like that,’ Angèle said, ‘so you might as well have... ‘

‘Well, at least my balls don’t reach my knees as your tits do,’ I tell her. Miriam bursts out in laughter, tells us she is getting some wine.

Anne is shocked, amazed and angry. ‘No wine, you are already so vulgar! You boomers are all the same,’ she says. But Miriam gets up, rubs Anne’s nipples and asks her if she prefers red or white. Anne wants to change the subject, is clearly embarrassed by it all, but not so much by her hard nipples, perhaps, maybe because she is the only one with her butt covered up. She glances at my dick as the others do, but not to make fun or with pleasure, just because it was the topic of their provocation. When I get up to take the bottle from the table and pour myself some more ice tea, Angèle clearly stares at my dick. I dare not look down, is it swollen? I just faintly smile and ask if anybody else wants some more as well. I lean forward to fill Angèles glass, feeling Anne’s and Miriam’s eyes on my dick swinging forward in the air, and on my skinny white butt. Can’t be a great sight but am pleased with the attention. I’m considering to turn the foreskin back...

They tell me Anne was supposed to go to India, not Africa, with her boyfriend but they broke up recently, and all her friends had organised their summer holidays. Anne adds she didn’t see it coming. And you know, it’s always a bit awkward, you see your friends less when you have a boyfriend and it didn’t feel right to call them up to leave for holidays together, just because you broke up with him. She did not want to come to this place, with all the weirdo’s going nude all day, but had little choice. Topless is ok, but she is not gonna show her hairy slit to the whole world. Does not even shave like all those sluts do! Do I mind?

‘I don’t mind if women do not shave,’ I tell her jokingly. ‘On the contrary, I find it sexy.’ She is not pleased with that answer, I can tell by her look. ‘No, I mean you mind if I keep my bottoms on?’ I shake my head, thinking I’d love to see her beaver but alas, that’s not gonna happen.

‘You’re free to do as you please, as far as I’m concerned. Though regulations say otherwise, I don’t think a woman will be fined for keeping her bottoms on. Whereas some guys do get admonished or even removed... ‘ Then I tell the story of this friend and his wife who went to a resort in the Maritime Alps, where it can be cold, also in summer, so this guy keeps his pants on...

They all chuckle when they hear he is kindly asked to take them off, has to go nude on the resort, all the signs say nudity is obligatory on the site. He reluctantly does as he is told, appearing like some kind of pervert, but he actually was feeling cold most of the day. When in the end they leave there, they decide that the next nudist holiday is going to be on the Cote d’Azur ... But when he returns home he starts having a fever and goes to see a doctor. Seems he got a bad prostate infection. They all smile and shake their heads.

‘Not gonna happen to you, yellow bottoms,’ Miriam tells her daughter teasing.

We chat some more, I am feeling more comfortable in the nude with them, not thinking of sex that much anymore. I know that’s how it works, you get used to seeing breasts and pussies and just live a nudist’s life, with maybe some more stimulus but not that bad either. But just before I return to my room to get my e-reader, I hear Miriam curse in the kitchen. She only had two glasses of white wine but felt a bit drowsy when she got up. Both Miriam and Angèle are looking down at the floor. Miriam has dropped her ashtray, stubs ad ashes on the kitchen floor. Her head is spinning a little, maybe too much wine, she thinks. ‘Or the heat,’ Angèle adds.

‘Will you cook tonight John?’ she asks me. I nod. ‘And tomorrow and the day after? We are not much good at it. Well, Miriam is, but I’m definitely not.’

Angèle tells Miriam to go and lie down, she’ll dust the floor. ‘For John’s pleasure,’ she tells Miriam chuckling.

I don’t get it until she gets the dustpan out and a small brush, she has to bend over forward to brush and scoop up the ashes and cigarette stubs, offering me a lovely view of her pussy. It looks like a pink flower as she bends over forward, her long sagging tits swinging, getting in the way of her hands. Her vulva, like a rosebud is opening before my eyes. Her thick inner pussy lips are pressed outside, it seems to glisten, like honey water dripping from a wax flower. Like a tulip opening before me. Her thick clit is forced out of its hood, hungrily leaning forward. She is ready to be mounted and I pull at my cock to feel if it is hard. It is swollen and sensitive. Id like to stroke it and stick it deep inside her wet flower. All it would take are three or four steps, I’d pull my foreskin back and push it in. I bet she is smooth and wet...

‘Angèle, you ‘re showing John your ass pit and cunt.’ I hear Anne’s voice near me, and it shakes me from my thoughts. My dirty thoughts.

Angèle doesn’t look up, goes on sweeping with her pucker and slit in the air. ‘If he likes it, why can’t he look?’

‘Because he gets hard and horny and might want to fuck you. And that’s not a sight I like to see.’

I smile a little awkward and turn to get out of the kitchen, not enough intimacy there. My thick hard cock pointing straight ahead and Anne looks at it in surprise as I step into the corridor and go into my room. She doesn’t comment.

‘Well, thats our business, isn’t it? If you cant stand the heat ... Miss yellow bottoms... ‘ I hear Angèle reply.

In my room I start stroking frenetically, thinking of her huge hot cunt, I want to lick it taste eat devour it in front of that prudish teenager. I want to make her cum with her ass on the sink and her legs wide so Anne can see my thick rod penetrating her. I wanna sink my cock in her, dip it fuck it ... sucking her teats ... I want her to scream she’s cumming on my cock. I want Anne to rip off her panties, showing us her hairy cunt with dripping juices and rub herself watching us, as my cock explodes in Angèle’s fuck hole.

Then my cock in my hand unloads and white semen squirts out on the floor, quite a load of thick cloddy liquid splashes on the grey tiles. I close my eyes again and feel another load of sperm ejaculating from my hard cock, my knees are trembling. That was quick ... I sit on my bed and regain my breath. A brief knock on the door and it’s flung open instantly. Angèle pops her head round it and says: ‘Sorry for Anne’s behaviour, she’s sad and angry. Her relationship and her trip, you know, seems to her, her whole future is blown away... ‘

‘It’s ok, don’t worry, no offence.’

Just before the door closes I can see her eyes briefly going over to my swollen penis, hanging down satisfied between my legs ... Can she tell I masturbated? Probably yes. Maybe even noticed the sperm on the floor. Knowing I looked at her pussy from behind she most certainly knows I jerked off because of her. I’d love to know if she finds that exciting.

After a few days I find that unlikely, she never shows herself to me anymore in that way, she behaves more like Angèle said they would on the phone: leave us alone. Which is what I do. We eat together, have a coffee or a drink and otherwise we each plan our own days. When they leave to visit a nearby town they ask me to come along, but as it happens that day I feel rather tired, not used to the heat anymore, so I recline. Anne goes to the pool in the morning to sunbathe and in the afternoon she walks down to the river, carrying books or a tablet. She is clearly not in the mood to be social, she scorns and scolds the women sometimes for their cheerful chattering, but on the whole keeps to herself most of the time. I find out she brought pink, white and black bikini bottoms too. Her mouth is tight, her lips though full and red like her mother’s, are squeezed together, the corners downward. She is not a happy girl obviously. Her breasts are the most cheerful part of her, the nipples are always turned upward, smiling at the world, where as she is sulking.

I usually wake up early in the morning, drink my coffee and then I walk to the shop to get us some croissants or pain-au-chocolat. I like walking around nude, it’s a ten minute walk downhill first and a fifteen minute walk back, uphill. Usually my face is red when I get back and I find them sitting at the table on the porch, waiting for me with coffee and juice. The sun shines on the little path up the hill, and the four cabins strewn across the lane offer a lovely sight. The first one is occupied by a German couple in their early fifties. The woman I braked for the day I arrived. She is tall and heavily built, but not fat, with large breasts, and he is tall and dark with a large belly. They raise their hands when I pass by and I answer in German, one of the few words I know, wishing them a good morning. The second cabin belongs to a young couple of Italian men, probably homosexuals, slim and good-looking guys. Miriam often gazes at them as they leave for the pool with their towels over their shoulders and their tanned penises swinging.

More or less opposite our cabin there is young British couple with a baby. Their skins are whiter than mine, which seems incredible if you look at my legs, but their legs look like giant milk bottles. Sometimes we hear the baby cry and the little carillon play Brahms when they put her to sleep. But mostly we hear them fucking several times a day. After which the guys comes out on the porch with his dick wet and sticky, to smoke a cigarette. Anne can’t stand him for that, so she complains about the noise they make.

I brought a whole package of blue pills I bought a few years ago. At the time I thought I would need them to have sex with all the women in Paris but later on figured there were too many or maybe some were not all interested in me so in the end I could not be bothered to use them. I did not bring it because I expected to get laid that much but simply because it was about to expire and, and who knows ... I counted them and calculated I could have one for each day at the resort. At least.

So not satisfied with the way my pale skinny dick looks, one morning I decide to take one before I leave for the shop. Must say I don’t know what to expect. Don’t want to walk about with a hard-on, so I bring a towel to cover it up, just in case. But it appears not to be necessary. Walking down to the shop my dick does not swell up or get hard, I think it may not have changed the slightest bit. Perhaps I feel funny, but that may be suggestion. The girl at the checkout glances at my dick, I don’t think she has done that before but that doesn’t not prove anything. Looking at the people passing by, I see some very attractive women. Great breasts and thighs are displayed. Don’t wanna stare but they sure attract my attention. Then walking in the sun, I feel it starts swelling, getting thicker, heavier, thank god not hard, but it’s like carrying a log between my legs. I can feel it touch my thighs as I walk. Must swing a lot. People look at it longer than they should when they pass me by. Looking at it from above doesn’t seem that much bigger, maybe a bit more swollen, perhaps longer than it would be normally. And I hear people going the other way burst out in surprise when they’re behind me. Can’t hear words like dick or penis, but can make out, ‘did you see that?’, or ‘wow, that’s one... ‘

I feel a bit uneasy about it, love the feeling but don’t know what will happen when I’m inside with three women around me. Walking uphill I think I feel a little more tired than before, my breath is shorter, I’m almost panting. I’m sure my dick is thicker now, larger, it jumps up when I move my leg upward, and climbing a hill I must inevitably raise my legs. Some women glance at it as they pass by and then look me in the eye. Broad smiles on their faces. I pull the foreskin back quickly and the pink gland pops out, all shiny and round. Hmm, that makes me feel a little aroused. It’s nice to have fun on your own just walking nude. I’m clearly panting now, the walk up is heavy on a hot day like this. When I arrive at the top I see the German neighbour is sunbathing outside her porch, her legs slightly open. She says good morning, I stop to get my breath and reply in the same manner. She smiles and says something like ‘too hot to walk in the sun’. I nod and glance at her pussy, lovely tanned lips. My god, they’re so fleshy. Thick folds of brownish skin and inside it’s coloured bright. She opens her legs a little more to give me a better view, shamelessly looking at my cock. Hmmm, love this game, I show you, if you show me, chatting about the weather. Is my dick really that swollen? Can’t see it properly but from above, but it looks huge now, the pill has certainly done part of that job. I hangs down thick and large, like a horse, done with fucking. I feel it swing when I put my foot on a stone to show her my cock and balls in their full glory. I tell her I’m getting too old to go and get breakfast without a wheelchair. Or something like that, my German is not that good. She laughs out loud and tells me that the old carts run longer, which probably is a German expression. She now pulls up her legs and spreads, her slit is open and her fingers casually pull at her clit hood, though she not once looks at it. Her eyes are on me, on my swollen dick. I tell her that old carts need lubrication. Her clit appears between her fingers, I’m too far off to see it well, but the colour is brighter, it’s more pink than her tanned twat, it’s long and thick. Would love to lick that, suck on it. She could rub it over my face to reach an orgasm, I would want her to sit on my face so I could feast on her pussy. My God she is hot. Her fingers playing with herself before my very eyes. I can even hear the sound it makes. She is getting wet.

‘Would you like some water?’ She asks, apparently a little worried.

‘I’m alright’, I say, ‘gonna have my breakfast now,’ holding up the bag of croissants as proof of my intention.

‘But you look pale, maybe you should sit in the shade for a moment.’ I nod, maybe she is right. I stopped panting but my heart is still racing, I don’t know if it is because of the sight of her pussy or the sun and the climb up. She gets up, her great full breasts swinging as she walks towards me, I’d love to suck on those too, weigh them in my hands. Her whole body is very suckable. Her nipple brushes my arm, she leaves it there as she guides me to her porch, makes me climb the three steps and tells me to sit down inside. Immediately, as my ass hits the seat, her hand is on my protruding dick. It’s thick, swollen, almost hard. The cock head is dark purple and smooth. She smiles at me, stroking it. ‘I know how to make you feel better,’ she says. ‘Three women in the house and not one gives you a blow job in the morning?’

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