Ten Year College Reunion - Cover

Ten Year College Reunion

Copyright© 2017 by robertl

Chapter 45

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 45 - Attending my wife's ten year college reunion

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Sunday morning, Nov 26, 2028

I wanted to talk about the night before on our way home after dropping our friends and parents off and I’m pretty sure Addie did, too. But it was such a short drive home and we hate to begin a discussion that we know we won’t be able to finish.

Once home, we changed our clothes, picked up some different clothes for the kids, and traded the Odyssey for the Jeep. Weather permitting, we always try to get our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. It’d probably be cheaper, but not nearly as fun, to just buy one, but we always go up to the Sawtooth Mountains and cut one.

We bought our Christmas tree permit in the little convenience store about a quarter-mile from our house and headed to Mountain Home. We’ve talked about putting real trees in the stores, but our insurance company seems to frown on it.

I was actually more concerned about last night than the trees that morning. Namely, about my father and Laura. Apparently, Addie was, too. “Sooo, this morning,” she started, “Your dad ... my mother.” Crap, I thought, it obviously wasn’t my imagination!

She looked over at me, “Did you notice?”

I rolled my eyes, “How could I not?

“You think it’s something to worry about?” she asked.

I glanced her direction, “Sure hope not, but prob’ly better pay attention.”

“Yeah, problem is, it was both of them. Mom looked like she wanted to go right back upstairs with your dad ... as much as he wanted to, too.”

“Well, I’m hoping that a little time and back to reality will cool their ardor. If not...”

“Yeah,” she said, “If not...”

Then she reached over and just scraped her long, sexy, manicured fingernails against my jeans, right over the now-growing bump. “What about you ... and Kayla? Was it good?”

My eyes rolled, although I was looking at the road and Addie didn’t see it. My cock started to stiffen just at the thought of her. Kind of soon after my third orgasm of the night, just a couple hours earlier. After-effects from that pill? Maybe something to do with how damned sexy Kayla is. “Kayla is ... Kayla. God, she’s sexy! And she makes love like she plays volleyball, like every volley is the one deciding the match. Good? Yeah, you could say that.”

She laughed, “I kind of thought so. We’ve been talking about it and she’s been so looking forward to last night. You know she’s been wanting to do that for a long time, especially after that little appetizer a couple months ago.”

I glanced toward Addie, “Really? You and her have been talking about it?”

Addie giggled, “You know, girl-talk ... about how bad she wanted to fuck you!”

I shook my head, ‘girl-talk’. I don’t think I could ever talk about something like that with another guy. I thought it was bad enough when Kayla was talking about making Addie jealous – or ‘good’, I guess.

“So, Ethan, what about you and him?” I asked her.

She hesitated, “Ethan ... Ethan is an animal! THAT, Kayla never got around to mentioning. God, I loved it!”

I couldn’t help but turn my head and look at her, hoping, I guess, that the cars on the road would stay out of our way. It’s like she was drooling, right there in the Jeep. “So, what was the deal on you guys disappearing in the club before some of us left?”

“You remember the movie ‘Unfaithful’? The scene where Diane Lane and her lover lose control of themselves and fuck in the hallway? Well, this was kind of like that, except more, and for real. Remember I told you that it was a secluded room? Well, that wasn’t exactly true. Anyone could have walked by and that made it so much hotter. He pulled a ‘Jonah’ and ripped my panties off.” She laughed, “The rest of the night I didn’t have any panties and his fingers were inside me a good share of the time ... then at the hotel. God!”

“So...” I started to ask her, “you think we do it again?”

She hesitated, a long silence, “I don’t know. God, I want to! But ... I think maybe they’re too close...”

“And maybe the fact she works for you?” A little late to worry about that, I thought.

“Yeah, that too. I think we’re going to have to talk.”

“Speaking of being a little too close, maybe we should have thought about that before pushing our parents together?” I was just as much to blame as Addie was, although this ‘date night’ was her idea. Come to think of it, the ‘fashion show’ was hers, too.

Addie groaned, “Ya think? God, I hope that doesn’t turn out to be a disaster!”

We drove the next several miles in silence, both of us, I think, afraid to say what was really on our minds, the fear that my dad and her mom have fallen for each other and the possibility of splitting up families. I finally broke the ice, pointing toward the Sawtooths, “Snow, there’s snow in the mountains.” We hadn’t been able to see it from Boise.

Addie frowned. It’s fun to go up in the snow, but it makes it so hard to pick out a tree. As white as it was, the branches would be covered and drooping. It’s why we try to go fairly early, to hopefully beat the snow. Doesn’t look like we made it this year. Kids’ll love it, though.

“You want to see if Livvy wants to go with us?” Addie asked me, “maybe give Nicki a little ‘alone’ time with her paramour.”

Sounded good to me, then I realized, “Lily’s there, too. We don’t have room for four kids.”

Addie frowned, then seemed to come up with a solution, at least a partial one, “You’re right, how ‘bout if you drop me and our kids off at DQ, then go back and get Livvy and Lily? We could give them an hour or so, anyway before Samuel has to leave.”

Speaking of ‘leaving’, I was curious about Samuel. “Nicki ever say anything about whether they have plans yet?”

“No, I’ve been wondering about that, too. Hope it’s Samuel coming here if ... or when they do,” she answered.

I was just taking the exit into Mountain Home, then to Nicki’s. When we went in, Nicki was in a pink, silky bathrobe and Samuel was in the living room on the loveseat. The four kids were nowhere in sight. “Katie, Kevin, your parents are here,” Nicki called into the back rooms.

All four came bounding out and Kevin, bless his little soul, trying to make Mom and Dad feel better, I guess, said, “Do we have to go?” He crossed his arms together and sternly announced, with a deep frown on his face, “I don’t want to!”

Addie rolled her eyes, “We’re going Christmas Tree hunting. Maybe to Dairy Queen first.” She looked over at Nicki and Samuel, “Mind if we take your kids to DQ for a treat?”

I dropped our two little people and Addie off at DQ, then went back to Nicki’s to pick up Livvy and Lily. On our way out the door, Samuel’s smile spread all the way across his face. I told them that we’d be at least an hour and would text before bringing the kids back. Samuel gave me an obvious wink as we went out the door.

The Mountain Home DQ doesn’t have the rustic old metal seats like ours has in Boise, so the kids sat at the booth with us and we had an enjoyable hour eating ice cream. Chatting and playing word games. We drug it out to an hour-and-a-half before kids started getting a little antsy. Addie sent Nicki a short text just telling her we were on our way back – you know, ‘just in case’. Then we waited for Nicki’s response that they were ready, which came a couple minutes later.

We dropped Livvy and Lily off, then headed to the mountains. We ran into snow about at the point where the Jeep road takes off to Hansen Lakes. Just driving past that road made me think about the time Addie had worn that sexier-than-naked bikini and jumped off that cliff in front of that young couple. Not today, though, there was no transparent, triangle-shaped bikini today.

I’d have liked to go toward Hansen Lakes, but the road’s too steep in the snow. Another four miles up the highway, there’s a gravel road taking off on the left that winds its way up through the forest where we figured we should be able to find a good tree.

Oh, maybe I should mention that when we took the kids home, Nicki had asked about us getting one for them, too, so we stopped at a little store in Mountain Home and bought another permit. I figured it’d be a bit of a challenge to strap two trees on the roof of the Jeep, but we’ll figure it out when the time comes.

By the time we turned off the highway, there were about four inches of snow. We were all a bit disappointed that someone had already been up the gravel road in front of us. It’s always fun to drive through the unbroken snow, but we were at least one rig too late.

We drove to a little dirt-road turnout and parked, then made sure Kevin and Katie were all bundled up, and I got the saw out of the Jeep. By then, the snow was a couple inches deeper, probably six-inches and it was cold, the thermometer in the Jeep said twenty-three degrees. It was beautiful; fresh, white snow, green forest covered in the white, more clouds rolling in overhead, a perfect day. Naturally, first things first; the snowball war. I caught the first one on the back of my head, thrown by my loving wife, just as I was getting the saw out of the back of the Jeep. A moment later, all four of us were indiscriminately throwing snow at each other, running trying to hide, falling down in the snow and having a wonderful time with our little family. This was even better than the night before!

We spent the next hour playing in the snow, completely forgetting what we’d come for; Christmas trees. But all good things do have to end and since it was getting late, we decided we’d better actually look for trees, so we took our snow-covered bodies and trudged out the little road in search of that perfect Noble Fir.

Most of the trees are Pine, but there were a few Nobles scattered here and there. Unfortunately, when we saw one that looked just right: about eight-feet tall, branches evenly spaced; when we got to it, it was two trees growing side-by-side. With both trees together it looked perfect from a distance, but only one would be completely blank on one side. And the snow didn’t help, either. Like I’d feared, the heavy snow made all the trees branches droop so it was hard to see their shape.

We trudged on, down the road, occasionally wandering off to one side or the other when we saw what looked like a possible tree, when Kevin announced in a loud voice, “That one, Daddy, I want that one!” pointing to a tree standing all by itself about fifteen-feet off the road. It looked good.

We made a trail through the snow to it and I shook it, covering myself with the snow falling from its branches. Then we all stood back and admired it: Bright green needles; a little too tall, about nine-feet, but we could shorten it at home and Adriana could make a wreath from the bottom branches, and it was a perfect cone shape, branches all the way within about six inches of the top.

Addie hugged Kevin and told him what a good job he’d done while I was cutting it down. After we’d dragged it back to the road and stood it up, Kevin was beaming, so proud of ‘his’ tree.

On our way dragging the tree back to the Jeep, Addie saw another that we’d missed earlier, quite a bit shorter that she thought would be perfect for Nicki and Livvy so we cut it, too.

I had put the rails on the Jeep’s roof-rack, but getting two big trees on it and strapped down was a nightmare. Well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it wasn’t easy. One would have been a cinch, but two? We had Kevin climb up on the hood of the Jeep and Katie stood on the tailgate holding them in place while Addie and I struggled with wrapping straps around them so they wouldn’t slide around.

After about twenty minutes of struggling, we were confident they wouldn’t fall off and we drove carefully back to Nicki’s. It was a little after seven when we got there, well after dark. Nicki seemed thrilled to death with her tree, smiling the whole time, ear-to-ear.

After we’d put it in her yard for her; she said she had to buy a tree-stand and decorations, that she’d never had a real tree before. She’d invited us in for a minute, and blurted out, “Samuel asked me to marry him ... I said yes!”

Addie and I stood shocked for just a moment, then Addie rushed her friend and hugged her, excitedly asking her, “What? When? Oh My God, I’m so happy for you!”

I was happy for her, too, but I’ll admit that one of the first thoughts that flashed through my mind was that if Nicki went to Sacramento with Samuel, Addie would have to find a new manager for the store. Selfish! Then I banished that thought and hugged Nicki, kissing her on the cheek and telling her how happy I was for her. It had seemed kind of quick for me, they’d only known each other for a month or so.

Nicki must have read my mind, “I know it’s soon, but we’re so happy together and he said he doesn’t want to waste our time with waiting when he already knows what he wants ... me, too!” she excitedly said.

I knew exactly what Samuel was thinking – how quickly life can be stolen away and how precious every second is, after the way Lily’s mom was killed. I hoped they weren’t over-rushing it because of that.

“When? Did you talk about that?” Addie asked her, hardly able to contain her excitement. Addie was in full female mode, all practicality thrown to the wind. How’s that for sexist! Or maybe reality.

“We want to before Christmas if we can. So much to do,” she seemed to get more excited as she talked, “that’s only four weeks, need a dress, have to talk to my family, have a sister who I want to be my Maid-of-Honor,” she was rambling, “would you be a bridesmaid?” she asked Addie.

Adriana beamed and hugged Nicki all over again, “Of course! I’m so honored!”

We finally got away. Addie was still excited and couldn’t stop talking on our way home, going on about buying a dress (I reminded her that Nicki would probably want matching dresses for her bridesmaids), wondering when and where they’d have it and so on.

I asked her if Nicki had ever talked about what might happen; would she move to Sacramento or Samuel move here. That slowed her down a little, “No, guess we’ll just have to deal with it if she leaves.”

I wondered if she would be more worried about her ‘friend’ leaving or her manager leaving. In any case, there wasn’t anything we could do about it other than be happy for both of them. Then I thought to myself that this never would have happened if Tanner and I hadn’t goaded our wives into meeting Jonah and Damian on that trip home from Virginia City or if we hadn’t made that final decision for Addie to meet Jonah on his birthday weekend. Some good did come from that weekend.

We unloaded the tree when we got home and left it in the back yard. I wanted to wait another week to put it up and decorate it so hopefully, it wouldn’t dry out. Once all the snow was off it and I held it up for a good inspection, we were even happier with it. And of course, Kevin was ecstatic that it was ‘his’ tree.

That night, after Kevin and Katie went to bed, Addie and I finally had some alone time to ourselves. Addie picked out one of her silky, sexy nighties, that she’d bought for wearing with Tanner in Reno. She was clearly showing a baby bump, but I thought it was sexy as hell that there was a little person growing in there. Addie had been feeling him/her kicking and moving around for a couple weeks and it excited her when she felt it. Going to be time to talk about names before long.

We were lying in bed with my hand on her tummy over the silk, hoping to feel some movement, but apparently, the little turd was sleeping. After ten or fifteen minutes of no movement, I suggested to Addie, “I want to watch the video.”

She knew exactly which video I meant, telling me, “I thought we were going to wait until we were here alone.”

“And when’s that going to be?” I didn’t anticipate any time in the near future when we were going to have that kind of privacy and I wanted to see the video.

She didn’t argue, just got up and hooked her phone up to the TV. God, I love watching her! Just watching her in that nightie, knowing what had happened when she’d worn it with Tanner inflated my man-part. Of course, knowing what was on that video didn’t hurt, either.

And there was Adriana and Nick, kissing; then Addie on the bed posing for Nick. It reminded me what that morning had been all about, Nick’s bronze sculpture of my wife. I’d never seen a really sexy bronze and was more than a little curious what this one was going to be like. Would a person even be able to recognize that it was Adriana Jeppeson?

Then Nick was leading her to the ‘mirror’ that I was hiding behind, telling her repeatedly to, “keep your eyes open and watch yourself.” God, watching that as it was happening from inches away had been hot! Of course, watching Nick’s cock slide into my wife from this different angle and her reaction in the mirror was hot, too!

While we were watching it unfold, Addie’s hand found my now rock-hard cock, rubbing the pre-cum up and down and my hand was slipping two fingers inside her wet, slippery pussy.

When Addie screamed her orgasm on the TV, her hand squeezed me tight and I felt her kegel muscles squeezing my fingers just as tight.

The part I was especially anxious to see was in the bathroom, showering together. God, God, God! That little phone picked up every little nuance of the activity behind the frosted shower door; soaping each other, the kissing, then losing control and Addie’s legs around Nick’s waist while he pounded his cock into her, pressing her back against the shower wall. Then Addie’s wails and screams above the sound of the pounding water when she orgasmed with Nick coming inside her.

When it was over and the phone had switched off leaving a black screen with the little ‘no signal’ words bouncing around, Addie scooted down my body and was flicking her tongue at the little hole at the end of my cock. The tongue-flicking gradually increased to a full-on sucking, hot blow job, something I’ve only occasionally gotten from Addie. After watching her and Nick, then what she did right afterward, it only took me a couple minutes to come and Addie pushed herself down on me so that my cock was deep into her throat. I can’t even begin to describe how that felt with my cum exploding into her throat.

Monday morning, Addie was all business. After breakfast and taking the kids to school, I came home and Addie wanted to begin ordering inventory for the new store. We spent the morning deciding on what to order, then after lunch, she drove to Boise to spend the rest of the day with Susan and her new manager, Sheila.

It was never far from my mind that this was the day that Tanya’s Playboy was on the shelves. On the way to pick up the kids from school, I stopped at one of the ‘adult’ shops and bought one. No, I’d never been in the store before, just driven past, so knew where it was. There was a picture of Tanya, the Playmate of the Month on the front cover, climbing out of their swimming pool, water dripping off her wet body encased in her snake-skin swimsuit; the same swimsuit she’d worn that first time Adriana and I were at their house. With the headline, ‘Is this the world’s most beautiful woman?’

Holy crap, I didn’t expect that! I wonder if Tawns knew she was going to be on the cover with that headline.

I couldn’t wait to ‘read’ her pictorial article, but first I had to pick up kids take them home and then probably wait for Addie to get home from volleyball practice.

The kids went to bed, but I wanted to look at it with Addie, not by myself, so I left it in the brown paper bag they’d put it in. It was killing me to not get it out. And naturally, she was wayyy late getting home. I must have looked at my watch a thousand times before she finally came in the door at a little past eleven. When I asked how come she was so late, she answered, “Our last practice, took the girls out to Shari’s for dessert.” Tuesday’s game was going to be the last of the regular season. Then, next week is the four-team playoff for the City championship.

The short tournament was going to be next week, starting Monday. Addie’s team had already clinched the number one seed, so they’ll play number four first. I wasn’t sure about the other teams in the tourney.

But enough of that. I wanted to get into that magazine with Adriana. When we went to bed, she wore one of her short ‘n’ sexy little gowns, with the matching panties. Something nice to entice both of us while we were perusing Tawns’ article.

The first thing I did was show Addie the cover with Tawns’ picture and that big headline, ‘Is this the world’s most beautiful woman?’

She became even more excited, demanding, “Open the damn thing. I wanna see!”

When she grabbed for it, I pulled it away and told her, “No, it’s my magazine!” Little did she know that I was dying inside, wanting to see Tawns’ pictorial. Maybe she did know. Think she probably did, she’s not a dummy.

It started on page 48. The headline of the article was “The Most Beautiful Woman”. There were three pictures on the page: one of her sitting at her armoire in a lacy bra and g-string panties putting on makeup; one standing, still wearing the bra and panties, holding a skimpy, little red dress; and the third wearing the dress, looking into a mirror; all of them sexy as hell! It reminded me of that morning on Adriana’s reunion weekend when I woke up in that same bedroom after sleeping with that very woman and watching her putting on her makeup. The article began, talking about her career as an interior designer.

Addie and I read together. I so badly wanted to turn the page. It was almost like the kid’s story, “The Monster at the End of This Book”, that Katie loves reading to Kevin. Except, we both knew that it sure as hell wasn’t a ‘monster’ at the end of this ‘book’. God, I wanted to unfold that big, glossy page.

The second and third pages had pictures of Tanya, wearing the red dress, in a house where she was obviously working with a client. I was surprised, I expected primarily pictures of a naked Tanya. But I remember reading that Playboy was trending more to sexy glamour. That’s certainly what we were seeing here. Addie pointed something out to me ... the piano against the wall in the picture; it was the one she had sold to Tanya’s client.

The article was talking about how Tanya was discovered, a friend sending the picture for the ‘professional women’ pictorial, then the Playboy photographer realizing she was so much more than that. Yeah, we actually read it before going on. The anticipation was killing me!

When Addie and I finally got to the fourth and fifth pages, Tawns was finally naked but still virtually nothing exposed. Her body was facing away, looking back toward the camera with that sexy grin I had become familiar with and holding her arm over her breasts. A teasing pose. A goddamned effective teasing pose! The photographer was a master. It was hard for me to believe that I had actually made love with that beautiful woman.

After an excruciatingly long four minutes, while Addie and I read the rest of Tawn’s article, Addie finally said, “I’m ready.” I should point out that I read faster than Addie. At least this article. I’d been done long before her. Perhaps Addie had taken the time to actually absorb the words. I had no idea what it had said, I just read to finish, not that it had done me any good.

I handed the magazine to Addie. I wanted her to turn over that last page; the glossy, fold-out pinup. She took the magazine, started to open the picture, then hesitated ... and folded it closed, setting it on the bed beside her.

She rolled over on top of me, straddling my waist, and pushed her little satin panties aside, pressing her pussy down on the head of my stone-hard cock. Then pushed herself down, groaning as her wet cunt engulfed around me.

“Fuck me, Matt!” She hardly ever called me by my first name. Seeing her friend’s naked pictures in a world-wide magazine must have done the same thing to her as it had done to me.

I rolled us over, me on top, then drug Addie so her legs were outstretched beyond the edge of the bed, pulled her panties off, pushed her legs up over my shoulders and found her pussy again, slamming my cock inside her. Again and again, I fucked my wife’s cunt, both of us trying to muffle our groans as we fucked.

I’d come four times over the last forty-eight hours, the last time deep in Addie’s throat the night before. That gave me a little more stamina so that we fucked for several minutes, maybe ten-fifteen minutes, hard; sweat pouring off both our bodies, before I felt my orgasm start to build from deep inside me. I don’t know how many times Addie had come, her cunt squeezing tight around me. I felt her body stiffen more than once, but I was, admittedly, in my own frenzy.

It built, but its peak was sudden. I was almost using Addie’s body like a rag doll, pulling her tighter to me and pounding as deep inside her as I could while my cock erupted over and over, still trying to stifle the loud groans coming from my mouth.

When it was finally over and I had collapsed back on the bed beside my wife, it took us several minutes to catch our breath. The first thing she said was, “Wow, that was ... I think ... we’re ready to look at the picture now.”

Addie reached beside her on the bed where the magazine was. It wasn’t there. She groped around, looking, then saw it crumpled on the floor several feet from the bed, too far to reach. She looked at me, imploring me to get it. “Hey, it’s on your side. You’re the one who was guarding it,” I told her.

She playfully stuck her tongue out at me as I lay next to her, waiting. I couldn’t help it. I wanted another glimpse of those sexy, volleyball-toned legs below her pregnant tummy. Maybe if I was lucky, even a peek at the cum oozing out of her pussy.

Addie must have read my mind the way she kept her legs together as she pushed the covers back and stepped off the bed to retrieve it. Nice view of legs – yes; peek of cum-splattered pussy – dammit, no. At least her swollen nipples were in full view underneath her satin nightie.

Speaking of swollen nipples, Addie climbed back in bed, held the Playboy in front of us and unfurled Tanya’s three-page foldout. God, I was jealous of that photographer! Tanya was standing in front of the full-length mirror, facing the camera, totally nude except for red heels strapped around her ankles; long, blond hair beautifully draped over her breasts and distended nipples. God, she had to have been so turned on! The mirror showed her side and backside in full, glorious, sexy detail.

Addie spoke first, “God, she’s gorgeous!”

I had to agree, thinking of the times when I’d seen her wearing no more in real life and the guys in the Honey Bunzz; I wondered how many would realize this is the woman they’d watched, so embarrassed, disrobe in front of them. “I think she really is the most beautiful,” I told Addie. We’d talked about it before and Addie wasn’t jealous of me saying so because she knew it, too. Addie’s comfortable with herself. She knows she’s a smart, sexy, beautiful woman, but she also knows she’s not a Tanya. Nobody is. And that headline well confirms it.

“What do you think she’s doing right now?” Addie wondered.

“Dunno, what do they do in the Playboy Mansion?”

“Not a lot of experience in that,” Addie laughed. “Hopefully, whatever it is, she’s having fun.”

Both of us just lay in bed several minutes, staring at that picture, saying nothing.

“Not to change the subject,” Addie said, obviously changing the subject, “I talked to Susan today. She and I are going to Richland Wednesday. Going to work on starting to get the store ready; find someone to paint, figure out what we need for counters and displays, see if we can find some local suppliers.”

“I’m assuming this isn’t a day trip?” I groaned.

She shook her head, “Probably a couple days at least, maybe three. Hopefully, home no later than Friday,” she told me.

I thought about that for a moment, “I assume you’re not going to need a hotel?” knowing full well where she’d be staying those nights.

“That okay with you? Wasn’t planning on staying by myself ... Susan will be staying with her daughter.”

I didn’t answer. She already knew the answer; asking was just rhetorical. I lay in bed next to my wife, thinking about a week ago; hiding in the closet behind the two-way mirror watching Addie being fucked by the guy she was going to be spending two nights with.

I envisioned Addie not getting any sleep those two nights, fucking all night. He’s young, probably hasn’t been with another woman since ... I wondered if Addie would record again. Then I thought about Ginger. When would I get a chance to see her again?

I dreamed about Tanya; I was the photographer, posing her. Playboy’s Playmate of the Month. I’d just put the camera down and we were embracing, starting to kiss when I woke up. And it was time to get up. Crap! Addie was still sleeping so I shook her. Maybe I could ruin a good dream for her, too.

Tuesday was a normal day. Well, as normal as it can be when you know your wife is leaving the next day to spend two days with her lover. I know she’d done it before, even more extreme, with Jonah and Samuel. But this was different, a young, single guy she could actually fall in love with, more than the ‘fuck-toy’, Jonah. It scared the crap out of me but turned me on even more. Especially when, before she left that morning, she suggested, “Hon, would you mind throwing some things in a suitcase for me? It’s going to be late tonight, then we’re leaving early.”

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