Ten Year College Reunion - Cover

Ten Year College Reunion

Copyright© 2017 by robertl

Chapter 42

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 42 - Attending my wife's ten year college reunion

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Monday Morning, Nov 20, 2028

Morning did finally come. THE morning! Addie got up, made the kids breakfast, then I took them to school. When I got home, Addie was sitting at her makeup table in a matching sheer red bra and panty set putting on her makeup. Her lips were a gorgeous red and she was working on her eyelashes when I walked in.

“I thought about not wearing any underwear, but I thought about how much fun it’ll be when he takes them off me,” she said, just pouring on the jealousy fuel. Then she paused from her makeup duties and looked over at me, “You know, you can’t be here when Nick comes, don’t you? He thinks you’re off serving our country.”

I nodded, frowning, “I know, not sure what I’ll do, probably be a nervous wreck.”

Addie grimaced, “Wish it didn’t have to be that way. I’ll set up my phone like last time ... and if you want, you can leave me yours, too. I could set it up on the other side of the room.”

“Yeah, that’d be great, except, how will I know when I can come home?”

She thought a minute, “Bring the kids home from school. I’ll be sure that he’s left by then.”

I checked my watch, eight-thirty. “What time did he say?”

“Nine, I better finish getting dressed.”

I stood, “One thing before I make myself scarce, what are you gonna wear?”

She stood and stepped over to our closet, opening the door. I held my breath as she took out the blouse and leather skirt, along with her red heels she’d worn to dinner with Kayla and Ethan. She slid the door closed and showed me, “I think these. Sexy enough?”

I smiled, breathing a slight sigh of relief, “Yeah, I love them. Sure he will, too.”

She slipped the blouse on. It was sheer enough to slightly show the red bra underneath it, same as it showed her breasts when she’d worn it without a bra a week ago. Then the skirt, all twelve inches of it.

Another few minutes had passed, closer to the time Nick was arriving, likely any minute. “Guess I better get out of here,” I said.

Addie kissed me with those soft lips, the lips that I knew were going to be kissing her lover in just a few minutes. “Love you,” she said.

“You too, have fun,” I answered back. Then I was out the door to the Jeep, my heart rate going a thousand times a minute, tummy full of – something, not just butterflies, maybe an entire flock of geese flapping their wings. In short, I was a nervous wreck! It almost felt like that time a couple weeks earlier when I’d sat in the Jeep wondering if I dared actually go up to Ginger’s door.

I drove a couple blocks, then down a side street and back a block, parking the Jeep in front of a house I knew was vacant; got out and walked back and into our back yard. I’d opened the blind on the patio door into our bedroom just enough that I could see in. Addie was still sitting at her armoire working on jewelry. She was putting on her gold hoop earrings and necklace I’d bought for her birthday a couple years earlier. It was a three-piece set; earrings, necklace, and bracelet; beautiful and very feminine.

I waited, out of sight of the open blind until I heard the doorbell ring about ten minutes later. I peeked in and saw Addie walking out our bedroom door to greet her ‘guest’. God, she was beautiful ... and sexy!

As soon as I was certain the coast was clear, I slid open the sliding door just enough to let myself in, closed the door again, and headed to the closet. Our closet is relatively deep, almost a walk-in, but not quite. Whoever built it apparently wasn’t sure if they wanted a walk-in closet or not, so built it deep enough that you could walk in and close the sliding door behind you, but could also just step in a bit to pick out clothes. Three or four years earlier, Addie and I had replaced the doors with solid, full-height, sliding mirrors. It made our bedroom seem so much bigger and we loved it.

My little project had been to replace the mirrors with two-way, tempered glass, like in a police interrogation room; mirror on one side, window from the other. I could hide in the closet with a full view of the bedroom, just like looking through a normal window, while the person (people in this case) on the other side was just looking into what appeared to be the same mirror as we’d installed those years ago. From outside the closet, there was no change. I’d been very specific to my contractor that I didn’t want it looking any different. I’m sure there wasn’t much doubt in his mind what it was for.

I knew that afterward I’d have to show Addie so she didn’t accidentally find out, which she would, but hopefully, by then she’d be fine with it. But for now, I could watch without either having any idea they were being watched. She only thought I’d be watching later and certainly not with the real-life view I had. I just hoped she wouldn’t be too pissed that I hadn’t told her in advance.

I’d been worried over the weekend, and especially this morning when Addie got out her clothes, that she’d notice the change from the inside of the closet. I was surprised that it really wasn’t noticeable at all, not unless you were actually inside the closet looking out. Just like I was then, intending to be there as long as it took.

Fortunately, Addie has always been obsessed with keeping the closet neat, all the shoes put in their place, so I could move around without fear of bumping into anything. Also, I’d leaned a folding chair up on my end-wall Sunday night, just in case this turned into a bit longer than I wanted to stand.

I moved a few clothes aside, so I could put the chair down with plenty of room and sat, waiting. Like I said, the view into our bedroom was absolute total, like there was nothing in-between at all, like looking through a big picture window. Yet I was totally invisible from the bedroom.

Addie and Nick were in the other room, with the bedroom door closed, so I couldn’t hear a thing. I’d have loved to see, or at least hear their greeting, but it wasn’t to be. I had nothing to do except wait. If they stayed in the living room for their ‘modeling session’, then all my planning and the new glass doors would be wasted.

The longer I waited, the more nervous I was that they weren’t going to use the bedroom at all. Then I remembered the phones that Addie had set up for that purpose. One was on the dresser and mine on her armoire, both pointing toward the bed. So she’d definitely bring him to the bedroom for their ‘fun’. That realization settled my nerves somewhat, but the other ninety-eight percent of my nervousness was still in full force, along with the flock of geese still fluttering around in my tummy.

Finally, after thirty-two minutes (but who was watching the time?), the bedroom door opened and Addie led Nick inside. They’d been laughing about something and the residual laugh was still there, for just a moment. Addie turned to him and said, “Mmm, I’ve been looking forward to this ever since last time.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, her lips working over his like she had mine when we were ‘dancing’ ten days earlier. “I told my husband that you’re the best kisser I’ve ever had and he’d better be working on his game when he gets home.”

“I hope you tell him that I’m the best at lots of things, not just kissing,” he said.

I could hear like there was nothing in-between, the same as I could see. He was still just as scruffy-looking as before: blond, ratty hair; unshaved face. It must be a real turn-on for women. It sure as hell seemed to be for my woman. Besides, I didn’t understand ... his hair and the ratty whiskers looked exactly the same as in that first picture Addie had sent me ... over seven weeks earlier. How the hell does that work? Doesn’t shave, doesn’t cut hair, but they don’t seem to get any longer.

“Oh, I have. I told him all about two weeks ago. He’s so jealous! But I have’ta tell you, he’s pretty darn good, too, when he’s here”

THAT made me smile!

“You told him we made love? And how good it was?”

“Mmhmm, I even sent him some pictures of us together.”

“Your husband must be a strange man to let a beautiful woman like you out with another man who wants to steal you away.”

That got my attention! Steal her away? Addie had never said anything about that.

Addie’s arms were still wrapped around Nick’s neck and he was rubbing his hands up and down her ribcage, feeling her soft skin under that thin blouse.

“Mmm, steal me away? You wouldn’t, would you?” she pouted to him.

He picked her up, Addie wrapping her legs around his body and kissed her. “If I was ready for permanent, I would. I’ve never met anyone like you. You’d be so easy to fall in love with. Maybe in a couple years...”

She traced his lips with her finger, “So you’re saying it’s safe to just play for the next year and a half? You won’t steal me away unless it’s two years?”

He grinned, obviously enjoying the flirting, “Well, maybe my timetable might get a little skewed by then ... but yeah ... probably.”

She put her legs back down on the floor, “Then if we only have a year and a half to play, we better get started. I don’t know if a year and a half of what we did two weeks ago will be nearly enough.”

God, I was hard! I was regretting what Addie and I didn’t do last night big time!

She pulled away and climbed up on the bed, kneeling, her knees slightly spread apart. “You want me to model? What do I do?”

“Hang on, right there. I’ll be right back.” He was back about a minute later with his camera and big flash. He fiddled with it a little, pointed the flash at the ceiling like Robert had when he was photographing Tanya and told her, “Stay just like that, start to unbutton your blouse.”

She did, looking down and her fingers started unbuttoning it, starting at the top, one button at a time, slowly. God, she was turning me on! She knows how to undress for a man to drive him out of his mind and that’s what she was doing for Nick ... and unknowingly, me.

He snapped pictures, moving around the room. When she had undone the last button and let her blouse open that last little bit, she slipped it off her shoulders and down her arms. “God, you’re beautiful!” Nick kept saying. If I was into that kind of thing, I’d have noticed how hard his cock was, but as it was, I barely noticed the tent in his pants.

“Now the bra,” he told her.

“I put it on so you could take it off me,” she pouted, a playful frown on her face.

He put his camera down, took the couple steps to her, reached his arms around her, unsnapped it and let it slowly fall away, revealing my wife’s bare tits to his gaze. His hands massaged her just a bit, then he lowered his mouth to her and took a nipple inside his lips. I could hear the sucking noises and Addie’s groans as he went from one tit to the other and back again, numerous times, sometimes sucking her whole breast in his mouth, sometimes just the nipple, working it between his lips. The whole time, Addie’s hands were in his scruffy hair, scratching and pulling, thrusting her breasts out to him. I wished I had a camera to record the look of lust on her face. Then remembered there were two of them doing exactly that.

God, did I mention how fuckin’ hard I was! Even without the visual, the noises coming from Addie would have been excruciating. The moans and her breathing was harsh, deep breaths when he finally pulled away from her, leaving her nipples red and hyper-extended. God!!! I wanted it to be me, but was enjoying this so fucking much!

His lips went to hers, his fingers to the zipper of her skirt, pushing it down her thighs, telling her to straighten her legs and pushed it completely off. My Adriana was wearing her sheer, red lace panties, red heels and nothing else; her bare nipples excited from Nick’s mouth and the look of two weeks of lust on her face.

“Go back on your knees, like you were before. That was perfect.” God, the man had willpower!

Addie climbed back up on the bed, supporting herself on her spread apart knees, legs out behind her, naked except for the panties. If there was a single picture describing sex, that would be it. “Now ... push your panties down ... slowly ... and think about nothing except what I’m going to be doing to you in about five minutes.”

Her thumbs went under the elastic of each side of her panties and she began to push them down, Nick snapping picture after picture. If I’d thought the image before was sexy, this was ... this was ... indescribable! Addie’s mouth was slightly open, her eyes glazed, lusty beyond horny. I’d made the right call the night before, making her wait, hard as it was. Nick was doing something to my wife ... had her under a spell, maybe. Hypnotized with lust?

Her panties were about halfway down her legs, her bare pussy exposed and glistening wet. She had to be soaked inside her. I was still wearing pants and had to pinch my cock hard to prevent myself from coming. I wanted my first time after those two-weeks-plus to be inside my wife, not making a sticky mess in my pants.

Nick put his camera down. “Pull your panties back up, they’re so sexy, then come here.”

Addie did as he asked, embracing him and kissing him. How the hell can a businesswoman, owning four stores, almost a fifth, twenty-plus employees, be so fucking sexy?

They kissed and Nick rubbed his hands up and down her body. “Fuck me, Nick, I need you ... so bad!”

He pulled her pelvis into his groin with both hands and said, “We will ... in time.”

Then he led her over to the closet door mirror, right in front of me and told her to hold herself up against it, “I want you to see yourself, watch yourself when we make love.”

Holy shit! This I hadn’t anticipated. My wife, my Adriana, was right on the opposite side of the window from where I was standing, watching her, inches away.

Nick was behind her, caressing her, running one hand over her tit, pinching her nipple and the other between her legs over her panties, pressing them inside her. Addie’s mouth was open, agape, her eyes closed, “No, open your eyes. I want you to watch yourself come for me.” Addie’s mouth opened further, in a silent groan. Her eyes, too, looking straight into mine ... except she didn’t know, didn’t see me, inches away from her.

Then he slid his hand inside Addie’s sheer panties, rubbing her. I looked down and watched his fingers rubbing back and forth along her waxed slit, then two of them disappeared up inside her and she stiffened, groaning, this time very audibly. “Come for me, Adriana, come for me.”

She answered him by craning her neck around and kissing him, at the same time humping his fingers. I was ... maybe twelve inches away, watching my wife being finger fucked and kissing the guy doing it. Not only kissing but almost desperately kissing him, their tongues back and forth; God!

Her hips were moving back and forth, fucking his fingers, she pulled her lips away just for a moment, “N ... No ... want you ... inside me,” then locked her lips on his all over again. His fingers pressed inside her, reaching deeper, and he added a third. “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God.” I looked back at her face, her eyes were closed again, a sheen of sweat on her face

Nick had noticed, too, in the mirror. “Eyes open, babe.”

She did, glassy eyes, totally glazed over from the fucking his fingers were giving her; her face totally immersed in her lust. “That’s right, Adriana, that’s the look I want on your sculpture. Look at yourself.”

He pushed his fingers in harder, in and out of my wife’s cunt and she groaned anew. “I want you to come, babe.”

“Nnnoo, want your cock inside me. Ohhh God!” Her face was grimacing hard, tears down her cheeks, the sheen of sweat breaking out on the rest of her body.

Nick pulled his fingers out of her, put them to her lips to clean and she eagerly sucked them into her mouth, tasting herself on them. Addie took a breath and relaxed a moment. Then he pulled her panties down and off. She stepped out with one foot, not the other. “I’m getting undressed, Adriana, but while I do, I want you to touch yourself, try to make yourself come.”

“No, please no,” she was literally crying, “I need you to fuck me.”

“Touch yourself, Adriana, you know the spots, make yourself come.”

She took one hand from the mirror, resting her head against it instead, and reached between her legs. God, I was so close to losing control. I can’t even think of the last time, if ever, that I’ve watched Addie masturbate herself, except with the dildo, but I don’t think ever with her bare fingers.

She pressed two fingers inside herself and moaned, pulled them out and back in again, slick, wet. Nick was taking his shirt off but damned slowly.

“Come on, babe, press those fingers inside yourself. Drive that pussy crazy, over the top, watch yourself do it.”

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