Ten Year College Reunion - Cover

Ten Year College Reunion

Copyright© 2017 by robertl

Chapter 26

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 26 - Attending my wife's ten year college reunion

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Friday night, Sept 22, 2028

I had a hard time sleeping that night. It had been fun teasing Addie about Samuel, when I had thought he was just another guy she had a major crush on, that she was probably one in his stable of girls, like Jonah. But after Jonah’s little speech, Addie’s obsession with him took on a whole new dimension.

From the beginning, Jonah never worried me about taking Addie. Not that he had any moral turpitude about taking another man’s wife, but it was obvious that his only interest in Addie was sex; to be blunt, fucking her. Samuel, though, he obviously wants my wife as his own. Not only that, but Addie is obsessed with him, too. I was fine with that obsession when I thought it was just the sex she was obsessed with, but now I’m not sure, not at all!

And there wasn’t a damned thing I could do about it. Panicking, running off to Sacramento and trying to find her, calling her to tell her to come home, would lead to nothing except exacerbate her obsession and drive a wedge between us. No, I knew I had to trust my wife and let this weekend play out.

Finally, after convincing myself that I trusted her, I managed to get some sleep.

I woke up in the morning feeling better. Problems always look better in the morning than in the middle of the night. I say morning, but it was almost nine-thirty. I can’t even think the last time I slept that late. The first thing I did was check my phone, see if there was any kind of message. There was, from Jonah. It simply said, ‘7 pm’.

So I had all day. My ‘teleporter’ would be dead until seven. That reminded me, the battery. I found it where I’d set it down the night before; technically, I guess it had been in the morning, and plugged in the battery to charge. Then I made myself some breakfast, a cheese and crab omelet with hash brown potatoes. I wasn’t used to making breakfast for just myself and didn’t like it much. I chuckled to myself that at least I could drown it in salt as I liked without Addie chastising me about giving myself a heart attack.That thought made me laugh, her worrying about ‘salt’ giving me a heart attack when it’s what she’s doing that would cause any man to have a heart attack.

After breakfast, I wandered out in the backyard to look at the pool construction. They had finished the grouting and it actually looked like a swimming pool. It wasn’t very pretty yet, but that would come. On one end, there was a section for the kids, only eighteen-inches deep with a barrier to the rest of the pool that was up to eight feet deep. Addie had wanted a diving board, so part of it was deep enough for diving. I smiled, thinking about that first time in Tanya’s pool when she convinced me to jump off their diving board. Thought about the swimsuit Tanya had been wearing that morning, too.

I wondered what to do with the rest of my day and what Addie would be doing with hers. I presumed Jonah would have something fun for them to do, which undoubtedly would include some variation of fucking. Then I thought, speaking of ‘fucking’, if the porn from her first trip was still out there, floating around on the internet.

I went back in the house, hooked my laptop up to the TV and found that website. When the little box popped up with the word ‘password’ in it, I rummaged through my phone messages and found the password Jonah had sent me way back then and entered it in the little box.

My TV came to life with Jonah telling my wife, “Okay, bitch, I don’t think I like your name so good. Gonna give you a different one.” It was still there! Right then, I decided how I was going to spend my day. Before, I’d turned the volume down low because the kids were in the house. This time, though, I wanted it up, loud and clear.

This was so different than watching with my new goggles. This was watching a 3D, real-life porn flick, my wife in the female lead role, not that I’d ever watched a porn flick before, though. Except, of course, the last time I’d watched this. The goggles were more like actually being there, part of it.

So that’s how I spent my day, reliving that excruciatingly hot weekend two months earlier. There were several times that I had an almost irresistible urge to take my cock out of my pants and relieve myself. I didn’t, though. I didn’t know what was going to happen later and wanted to be ‘on edge’ for whatever it might be. It was funny, too, the more I watched this, the less I was worried about Samuel. Go figure. As Addie would say, men are strange creatures; at least her man was.

Yeah, one thing did cross my mind when I was watching it. Jonah could literally make a fortune selling this video. Somehow, I didn’t think he would though. Maybe I was dumb and naïve, but in spite of his crude demeanor, he seemed to me like a guy that had some integrity. At least I hoped I was right.

Breakfast had been late so I skipped lunch. By six, though, I was hungry and made myself a ham sandwich. At a quarter till seven, I put my goggles on and turned them on. As I suspected, all I could see was blackness. It still fascinated me what darkness, with a total absence of any light at all, is like. I shivered, thinking what it must be to be totally blind. Especially, blind and deaf, which for the moment, I was both.

I sat in that darkness and quiet for the next several minutes. It’s hard to realize that even the ability to judge time completely escapes me when sight and hearing are taken away. Even a few minutes seems like forever. I had been really privy to that phenomenon the night before when I sat here nearly four hours in darkness.

This time it wasn’t nearly so long, though. My sight, or I should say, Jonah’s sight suddenly popped up. One cool thing about these that I’d forgotten to mention; when they first came on after being in darkness, they came on very dim and gradually brightened, to allow my eyes to adjust without blinding me.

We were in Jonah’s living room again. He looked up at his clock, showing me that it was exactly seven o’clock. I’d only been sitting in darkness for the last fifteen minutes. “Good evening, friend Matthew, I hope you had a nice day,” he chuckled, “I know I did ... think your wife did, too ... after a bit.”

“We had Damian and some friends over, his girlfriend, too. Did some swimming and soaking up the sunshine. My woman said that you liked that swimsuit I bought her. My friends and I like it, too. She looks damn good in it ... course, I like it even better sittin’ on the edge of the pool all by itself, and her floatin’ on her back without it.” He laughed, “So do my friends.”

Ah shit, he knows how to get me hard! “I’ll tell ya, we never screwed, not since last night when you was watchin’. Damn, that was good, wasn’t it? Hope you enjoyed that half as much as I did. Seems like you mighta, too.” Then he laughed, “That cunt ain’t been used yet, though, and she’s achin’ for it to be filled. She wants it bad ... really bad!”

“Waitin’ on her now to get ready for my birthday dinner. We’re goin’ to a good Thai place, best in town. She’s a helluva fine birthday present, preciate your givin’ her to me this weekend. Think Samuel might preciate it, too, before the weekend’s over ... course, that’ll be up to you how much he preciates her,” he said, laughing.

I heard a door open and close. “Here she comes now. Hope you like what we found for her to wear tonight.” I heard Jonah’s whistle when she walked into the room and I could see why. His eyes looked her up and down. She had on a dark red, silky-looking, short skirt and a reddish blouse. I say reddish because all it was was a red tint covering naked skin, totally transparent. Addie’s breasts, her nipples were right there, for all to see, just a reddish tint of totally see-through material covering them. “Damn, woman, you look good enough to eat!” I expected he’d be doing exactly that, and a lot more, before the night was over.

Her face looked scared as hell. “Jonah, I can’t wear this. I’ll be arrested!” she protested to him.

He laughed, “Shanice, babe, you’re in California, not Idaho,” he told her.

Addie’s face was red and she was trying to cover herself with her arms. I guess she figured that going out in public dressed like she was would be a little different than walking completely naked through his club the night before ... and apparently today with his friends. “Is there a jacket, a cover-up, anything?”

His eyes looked her up and down one more time, “Nah, I think you look perfect just the way ya are ... except for one thing.” He moved her arms away from her front and took her nipples, one in each hand, rolling and pulling them between his thumb and forefinger.

Addie closed her eyes and moaned, “Oh God, Jonah, that feels so good!” Her hands went over his, her fingernails digging into the back of Jonah’s hands trying to pull them harder onto her tits.

After a few moments, he stopped and pulled his hands away from her, leaving her nipples hard and distended. “There, that’s better,” he said. “Now we can go.”

As they walked out to the car, Jonah said, apparently to me, “Gonna shut you off now, but ya might want to stay alert, might pop it back on now an’ then,” and I went dark, blackness.

I took my goggles off after a few seconds, going from Jonah’s living room back to our own. Shit, my wife going out to a restaurant, in that? She might as well have been naked from the waist up. Damn, what she was wearing was even hotter than naked! The front was totally see-through, but the back was just the opposite, completely opaque. The same with the long sleeves, sheer in front and solid in back. Crap I was hard!

Okay, I admit it, yesterday after dropping the kids off, I stopped and bought vodka; whipped cream flavored vodka, thought I might need it. I can’t even think the last time we’ve had hard alcohol in our house. I was right. I needed it! I mixed a glass about half with orange juice and sat down to drink it, putting my goggles back on first and turning them on. Then I couldn’t find the damn glass of vodka I’d just set down! I had to peek under the bottom of the glasses to see where I’d set it. Drunk already I guess, just from smelling the damned stuff.

Mixed with the OJ, it tasted a little like the orange creamsicle cups we used to have when we were kids. This time I held onto the glass and pulled the goggles back down over my eyes. Then I sat in darkness, holding my drink and occasionally taking a sip of it. Even finding my mouth with the glass was a struggle until I’d done it a couple times. Then toward the end, it started to become a struggle again, but for a different reason; well, the darkness, too, but mostly because I was getting tipsy on the stuff.

When it was gone, I took off my glasses and made another, this time with a little less vodka. When I put my glasses back on, there was already a picture as soon as it detected that I had it on. I saw Addie sitting at a table with Jonah on the opposite side. He was looking around the room, I think showing me how crowded it was and how exposed my wife was, sitting there practically topless, probably barely legal. I have no idea what the illegalities might be in California concerning public nudity or near nudity, I should say. Apparently a lot more lax than they are in Idaho, not that we have that much experience with the issue here, though, either.

A waiter was just taking their order. Jonah was watching him fumble with his notepad, trying to pretend to not be watching Addie. I had to laugh a little, thinking about all the times I’ve read about a woman saying, “My eyes are up here.” That was their waiter and I didn’t blame him a damn bit. What red-blooded American (or any other) guy is not gonna be looking at those tits? Addie acted like she was enjoying every second of it, dragging her order out, making him question every detail of her meal. I had no clue what it was she had ordered. I didn’t recognize any of it, except there was some goofy-sounding salad.

Addie and Jonah had just started talking about his birthday when, in mid-sentence, it went dark. That worried me that something had maybe gone wrong. I didn’t see where Jonah’s hands were, whether he could have been reaching in his pocket, but before it had always been at the conclusion of something when he shut me off. I took my headset off and changed the battery, just in case, and plugged the used one in the charger. It was still dark with the new battery, so I assumed he’d just turned it off, at least hoped so.

But the vision of my wife sitting in a restaurant, virtually naked above the waist stuck with me; and that Addie seemed to be enjoying it so much. She’d probably been embarrassed earlier but when Jonah turned me on (that sounds weird!), she was beyond it and seemed to be enjoying teasing the drooling waiter.

I sat some more, wondering if Jonah was going to give me another glimpse but it didn’t come. It was long enough that dinner was obviously over. I didn’t have any choice but to keep myself in the dark, waiting, though.

My vision came back on in front of a house that I didn’t recognize. After waiting just a little bit, Samuel came out the door. I was surprised, on Jonah’s birthday? He climbed in the back seat and Addie craned her head. This was the first time I’d seen Samuel up close. It’s no wonder that Addie is smitten with him, he’s a good-looking guy; slim waist, muscular body, fairly handsome, I guess, if you’re a woman.

Addie turned around and stared at Samuel. I could see the lust on her face, not even trying to hide it. Samuel was taking a good, long look at my wife, too. “Nice!” was all he said. Then Jonah turned me off again, hopefully not for so long this time.

He turned it back on outside a big steel building. They were in a big parking lot and there weren’t any signs on the building. It was weird. We went inside. I say ‘we’ because it felt so damn much like I was there. Addie asked Jonah, “You own this one, too?”

He laughed, “Nah, wish to hell I did, but I can barely afford the membership fee and occasional entrance. Just the initiation fee is five thousand dollars then another thousand a year.” The guy behind the counter greeted Jonah by name and Jonah handed him what must have been his membership card. “Credit card’s on file and this is all I need,” he explained, “two-hundred for me and three-hundred for guests.” He explained, “Only way in is to be a member, and gotta get approval for that, or be a member’s guest.”

Holy crap! Eight-hundred bucks for three people? One evening! And I assumed any drinks would be on top of that. “Manager’s a good friend of mine. Tried to hire him away, but he laughed at me and said I couldn’t afford his secretary.”

They walked past the desk; I noticed Samuel and my wife were holding hands, then into the main room. It was huge, gigantic! “Pretty impressive, huh,” Jonah said, “can seat over a thousand people on a busy night.” He scanned the room with his eyes, “Looks like prob’ly ‘bout half that tonight.

We walked in. I noticed a lot of heads turning to check out the hot, practically naked chick holding hands with Samuel. Said hot chick asked Samuel, “What about you, Samuel, have you been here before?”

“This is just my second time,” he answered. “Would love to be able to come more but can’t afford it ... boss don’t pay enough.”

Jonah glanced around and settled his eyes on a naked girl who looked like she was floating about ten feet above the floor. What the hell? Addie noticed, too and her mouth gaped open. Jonah didn’t seem surprised by their reaction, “I’ll explain after we find a table,” he said.

There were two girls dancing on the stage and they were gorgeous, then I saw another naked girl in some kind of transparent enclosure overhead like the first. The last girl I saw was actually closer than the first and she was right above a table, giving them a very erotic dance. How? I had no idea.

The three of them sat at a table about four or five tables back from the stage and a waitress showed up almost immediately, asking them what they’d like to drink. Jonah and Samuel ordered some drink and Addie, her usual strawberry lemonade. When she left, Jonah gave his attention to one of the girls inside some kind of enclosure, it looked like about eight feet or so in diameter, slowly rotating just above a table. “They’re unbreakable glass, floor and all. They’re lit and the glass is so clear you can barely tell it’s there. The thing moves by cables, all computer operated.”

Then he pointed to a big TV monitor. “Big screens all over the room showing the girl. There’s two cameras inside the enclosure so everyone gets a good view.” No wonder this place was expensive! Jonah was watching one of the big screen monitors. The girl inside it, black hair down to her naked waist, was doing an erotic dance; rubbing her hands up and down her body, pushing her boobs together and pinching her nipples.

He pointed out, “If you want a table dance, you have to give a tip. Here, let me show you.” He was trying to explain how the place worked, but when he looked toward my wife, she was engrossed in a deep kiss with Samuel. It seemed like she wasn’t paying that much attention. He took out his card again and put it in a slot in the center of the table, then punched in some numbers on a little keyboard. I couldn’t see what they were, he was too fast. “I just gave the closest girl a tip of a hundred bucks. See what happens.”

We waited a few minutes watching the girl and her glass enclosure gradually came toward us, about ten, fifteen feet above the floor, until she was right over us. Jonah looked up and we could see through the floor, right up into her pussy, the naked girl was slowly revolving and lowering right over our table. When she was just a few inches above the table she was doing an erotic dance, rubbing her tits and running her hand down her body over her pussy like she was teasing herself. The fascinating thing was that it looked like she was just floating on air, about six inches above our table. Addie, who had finally broken away from kissing Samuel, reached out and touched the glass enclosure to be sure it really was there. I wanted to, too. I’ve never seen or imagined anything like that.

After a few minutes, and the enclosure had done a complete rotation, the girl just started to just lift away.

It had to be one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever seen. It almost looked like she was just floating, inside an almost completely invisible enclosure.

It hovered over another table a little way away from us, then lifted once again and both the enclosures stopped over the stage. A glass door opened, the girls both stepped out and the girls who had been dancing on the stage stepped inside.

After the new girls started moving over the room, I heard Addie’s voice asking Jonah, “Do they do amateur nights here?”

He looked at her, “One night a month. Unfortunately, though, tonight’s not the night.” I thought I saw a flicker of relief on Addie’s face ... or maybe it was disappointment.

The pattern continued, new girls performing and trading into the glass enclosures every little while. I had no idea of time since with my goggles on I couldn’t look at my watch. I simply couldn’t quit marveling how it seemed that I was there with the goggles and headphones I was wearing.

I will say one thing, the girls performing were all spectacularly beautiful. They started out doing their strip-dance in various costumes; some in the kinds of things I would expect, like cheerleader outfits or sexy nurse’s costumes, and some in skimpy dresses, but all ended up naked and then doing erotic routines inside the glass enclosures. Jonah put in a couple more tips to have a girl do a table dance for them similar to the first one.

Whenever Jonah looked in the direction of my wife, she and Samuel were snuggled together, making out, and at one point, Addie was sitting on his lap, his arm wrapped around her cupping one of her tits in his hand. Addie’s face looked like all she wanted was to fuck him. The lust on her face couldn’t have been more palpable. I guess she assumed that after this, Jonah was going to let them. It had now been forty-seven days since she’d last come and she had to be out of her fuckin’ mind with lust.

A new duo had just started dancing when I watched a black woman approach their table, probably the most beautiful black woman I’d ever seen: raven-black hair down to her shoulders; a pixie-like face with a tiny little nose; high, sexy cheekbones; a beautiful body curved exactly right. There wasn’t a thing about her that wasn’t perfect. She was wearing a tight, narrow band around her boobs and skimpy little shorts low on her hips. She was like a black Tanya; beautiful, sexy and perfect. There had been a couple of black girls dancing but never this woman.

When she got to the table, she greeted Jonah with a kiss on his cheek and I could almost smell her perfume and feel her lips on my own cheek. “So this is your girl,” she said, motioning toward Addie, who was then back on her own seat beside Samuel. “You’re right, she is beautiful.” She moved around the table and took Addie’s hand, “Shanice, what a pretty name,” she told my wife, “Mine is Ashanti, come with me,” Wow, I thought, what a pretty name matching her.

Addie’s face had a look of shock, like she had no idea what was happening. When she didn’t stand right away, Ashanti tugged her hand just a little harder, “Come, you’ll have fun,” she said.

Addie stood and started to follow, but after a couple steps she stopped and turned back toward Jonah, “I thought you said they didn’t have amateur night?” she asked him.

“Ahh, but remember what else I said, that I was friends with the manager?” he retorted. “And besides that, you’re hardly an amateur anymore.”

When Shanice turned to follow the beautiful black woman, I heard Jonah say after her, “Don’t forget ... the rule.” I presumed ‘the rule’ was that she wasn’t to let herself come.

I watched as my wife was led off, only to disappear into a back room somewhere on the opposite side of the building. I thought about what Jonah had just said, was my wife actually becoming a real, professional stripper? She certainly was learning to enjoy baring her body in public. Would she ever be my sweet Adriana again?

Of course, I have to admit that my cock had been hard all night, knowing that she had gone out dressed like a slut and I was even harder now, anticipating what was coming. This place was so different than the little ones where she had danced before; Jonah’s club and the one in Umatilla. There were hundreds of people there, all dressed nicely and obviously well-off since it was so damned expensive. It was the kind of people that Addie would love to have as customers in her stores.

When the last set of girls finished, two girls stepping out of the glass enclosures and two new dancers stepping in, the announcer spoke, “Please welcome Chanel and a new girl I’m sure you’ll all fall in love with, Shanice.”

The two women sexily sauntered to opposite sides of the stage. Seeing my Addie on that big stage in front of that many people sent a thrill of excitement and pride through me, straight to my steel-rod dick. The other girl, Chanel, was an absolutely gorgeous, long-legged blonde, with hair down to her waist. She looked quite buxomly, too, wearing a wrap-around halter-top and short skirt. I don’t think she was quite as tall as Kayla, but she had beautiful, long legs, going on forever. I wondered if she played volleyball. Dumb!

Shanice, i.e. Addie, was still wearing the same transparent blouse and skirt she’d worn all evening. The two women had apparently discussed their routine, as they simultaneously stepped to their respective poles and began swinging in unison. I was proud how my Adriana was every bit as skilled on the pole as any of the other girls had been all evening. They put one foot adjacent to the bottom, held on with one hand, extending the other and did three effortless circles around the pole. It looked like these two had been practicing together forever.

After the three circles, they moved back to the center of the stage, stood back-to-back and took off their tops, Addie undoing her buttons one at a time and the other girl slowly pulling the slip-knot holding hers together.

When Addie’s top came off in front of all those people, I nearly lost control of my will to resist coming. She’d been practically bare all night, but seeing her actually topless and seemingly proud of it, was almost too much to bear. Yeah, I know, I’d seen her do it before ... but not in front of probably five-hundred people! And I was right, the other girl was quite large on top. Damn, I would have loved to wrap my lips around those titties!

I was surprised; through the rest of their routine on stage, neither girl dropped their skirt. They both danced, spun on the pole, climbed up on it like Addie had the night before in Jonah’s club, but never took any more off. Jonah never took his eyes off my wife, ignoring the two girls that were currently in the glass enclosures. That is, until the beautiful black woman, Ashanti, came back into his view. He watched her approach his table.

“Your girl’s quite talented,” she said to Jonah.

His head nodded up and down, “Yeah, she is,” he agreed.

“Think she’d want to work for us? She could do very well for herself,”

Jonah’s comment that she was hardly an amateur anymore came back to me. I wondered to myself if she would want to actually do it regularly, as a paid stripper. Hopefully, not there, though!

“Have to ask her,” he said. Then, “But other things first ... today’s my birthday ... how’d you like to come home with me and help celebrate it?”

She got a smile on her face and asked, “But what about Shanice? Isn’t she going home with you?”

Jonah glanced over toward Samuel who looked like he was transfixed, watching my wife, oblivious to anything else in the building. “Think maybe she’s gonna be a little occupied later,” he told her.

Wow, I guess that answered the question I had been wondering about, whether or not he was going to let Addie sleep with Samuel later. The thought sent a shiver of fear through me, knowing how much she’d been craving him. Excitement, too, though.

Jonah’s attention was still on Ashanti, who still hadn’t answered him. She was looking up and down Jonah, settling her gaze on his groin and smiling, “Have to wait until closing, though.”

“We can do that.” Jonah’s voice seemed to have taken on an air of excitement. I did too, thinking about Addie and Samuel together.

Ashanti walked away, wriggling her butt sexily at him. Then Jonah turned his eyes back toward the stage. They had obviously finished their stage routine and were just stepping into the two glass enclosures. Shit, I hadn’t even thought about Addie being paraded, putting on a show inside one of those.

Jonah looked toward the nearest big-screen monitor. I don’t know how big they were, but a hell of a lot bigger than our eighty-inch, probably at least double and 3D. And they were scattered all over the room, He’d been glancing at them during the evening, They showed different views, switching back and forth between the two enclosures and the two cameras in each, sometimes showing the girl from the front and sometimes from the rear or side. It seemed like they had infinite control of the cameras and could move them around wherever they wanted. I had no idea how, since when the thing was close to us, I couldn’t see any sign of anything that looked like a camera. Like I said, it looked more like the girl was just standing on the air with virtually nothing around her.

I wondered what it would be like from the inside, looking out, feeling the glass floor, but not able to see it. Looked like it would be scary as hell to me, looking straight down at the room floor way down below, and nothing in-between. I guess maybe sexy, too, knowing they were so exposed. It reminded me a little of the pictures I’d seen of the glass enclosure at the Grand Canyon.

And now my Adriana was inside one of them, still wearing her skirt and high-heel shoes but nothing else. Well, not that I could see, anyway. I still didn’t know what, if any, panties she might be wearing. Jonah watched and I saw, like I was there, Addie being lifted off the stage and the glass enclosure she was inside start to move over the crowd.

Jonah swiped his card in the machine in front of him, leaving a ‘tip’ for the girl inside the enclosure, then his gaze went back to Addie on one of the big monitors. The camera had zoomed in on her face and tits showing how sexually excited she was. She was rubbing her breasts, pinching her nipples floating about ten feet above the floor.

Then Jonah looked back at the enclosure with my wife inside it. It was slowly settling down over a table with two men and two women sitting around it. Addie had been standing about in the center of the enclosure but stepped to the edge closest to one of the couples so that she was only a couple feet from them, making it start to sway back and forth slightly. She reached behind her and began to unzip the back of her skirt, then with some erotic hip moves, slowly pushed her skirt off.

Oh shit, so that’s why she didn’t take her skirt off on stage, so she could do it staring in the face of some guy.

Jonah moved his gaze back to the monitor, showing her from behind. I could see Addie’s panty-less butt; well, not completely bare, there was a little satiny strap around her waist and a string that disappeared into her butt-crack. The couple was directly in front of Addie; the men’s faces were only a tiny way in front of Addie’s pussy.

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