A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 74: The Calm Before the Storm

August 27, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

“I have to hand it to you, Sis!” I chuckled. “You keep finding new and interesting ways to get in trouble!”

“Hey, your girlfriend helped!”

“Oh, I know, but YOU were the instigator!”

“Dad thought it was funny!”

“Of course he did! And Aunt Kara?”

“Not so much,” Birgit admitted.

“But no grounding?”

“No. I just wasn’t allowed to go out or talk to my friends until Mom and Dad went to the meeting. How much trouble is Libby in?”

“Grounded until school starts. Taking pictures was dumb.”

“I know,” Birgit replied with a frown. “We didn’t realize how bad it was. I mean, it wasn’t like he was having sex or anything, but I guess the law says it doesn’t matter.”

“And you don’t want to mess with that law,” I said. “That’s what got Samantha’s dad what amounted to a life sentence.”

“You mean the movies?” she asked, suddenly looking VERY afraid.

“Yes. Dad said that without those, he could have probably plea-bargained for maybe ten years, a huge fine, and the payments to the girls. But with movies? That’s what made it thirty years, or whatever.”

“And then he tried that dumb escape!”

“He DID escape! But they caught him again.”

“What are you doing without Libby?”

“Mikey’s coming over and we’re going to play video games, and then we’re going to play Risk with Matthew, Michael, Albert, and Nicholas.”

“Did you ask Stephie’s permission?” Birgit asked with a smirk.

“He told her he was spending today with us! She’s not THAT bad.”

“Hah! But I didn’t know Matthew and Michael were coming today.”

“They’re spending the night, too. We’re all going to the Museum of Science and Industry tomorrow with Peter and Nicky. What are you doing today?”

“Suzanne is taking my friends and me shopping for new clothes for school. We’re meeting MC at Gurnee Mills. I’m not sure what Ashley and Stephie are doing.”

The doorbell rang which meant Mikey had arrived.

“Sorry I messed things up with Libby,” Birgit said as I went to open the door.

“She did it, so she has to be responsible for it. Just like we are for what we do.”

“Well, I’m sorry anyway.”

“Did you learn your lesson?”

“Yes,” Birgit replied.

“That’s all that matters to Dad,” I said firmly.

? Steve

“Steve, I have a Dyani Hatathli on the phone for you,” Kimmy announced.

“Put her through, please.”

The phone rang and I pressed the button to connect the call.

“Steve Adams,” I said.

“Hi, Sensei! I’m sorry I was gone for so long!”

“There’s no need to apologize,” I replied. “I think you did a very good thing in caring for your grandmother. Are you all set with school?”

“Yes. UofC allowed me to take a leave of absence from the Master’s program so I can just basically pick up where I left off. I’ll finish my Master’s in Environmental Sciences in about eighteen months.”

“Excellent. I hear from Sensei Jim that you want some private lessons before you start again.”

“I think I’ll embarrass myself otherwise.”

“When did you want to start?”

“As soon as possible.”

“This weekend I’ll be the chief official for the tournament, so Saturday and Sunday are out. If you wanted, we could meet on Monday morning at the dojo, then figure out a schedule. And you’re invited to the Labor Day party at my house on Monday.”

“That would work! Where is the tournament?”

“At DePaul.”

“I may come watch.”

“Please do! Birgit, Miyu, Jolene, and Marcia could always use more cheering.”

“Birgit is competing now?”

“Yes, she’s a brown belt.”

“Wow! So, what time on Monday morning?”

“8:00am,” I said. “That will give us two hours and then you can come straight to the house with me.”

“See you then!”

We said ‘goodbye’ and I hung up.

“Two hours is what, three times?” Penny teased.

“She’s my student!”

“So was I!”

“Work, Penelope!” I ordered, pointing to her keyboard.

“You’re just no fun!”

September 1, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

“Good morning, Steve-san!”

“Good morning, Ichirou-san!”

We bowed to each other and Ailea hurried over.

“Hi, Steve!”

“Hi, Ailea! Working on anything interesting?”

“I’m working on establishign a new prime brokerage contract for one of our clients. I’ll be in our New York office next week.”

“Who’s providing the prime brokerage? If I can ask.”

“Cantor Fitzgerald. How is your business doing?”

“Gangbusters. Is everything set with the check-in?”

“Yes. Iris and Kassidy are running the computers.”

“OK. Ichirou-san, with your permission, I’ll go to the officials’ room.”

“Of course!” he replied.

I bowed and then walked down the hall to the room where the referees and judges were gathering so I could give instructions. I saw Marnie and Royce, two judges I’d met when I’d first started officiating and greeted them, then went to the front of the room. Most of the judges and referees had officiated before, so the instruction session was quick. I answered a few questions, and we all left the room.

“Hi, Sensei!” Dyani exclaimed.

“Good morning!”

“Where’s Birgit?”

“Kara is bringing her. They may already be inside.”

The two of us went into the gym where I saw Sensei Jim, Kara, Birgit, Felipe, Miyu, and Marcia standing together, so we walked over to greet them. Jolene arrived a minute later and just after that, Sensei Ichirou called for everyone to line up for the Pledge of Allegiance. Once that was completed, everyone took their place and I moved to the Tournament Director’s stand.

“Step back, please!” I said as Dyani followed me.


“Only officials are allowed past the blue gaffing tape,” I replied.

“Oh, sorry!”

I smiled, “It’s OK. It’s your first time at a tournament. The tape on the floor is to give officials a way to have private discussions should the need arise.”

“Have you ever had trouble?”

“Just once, about eighteen months ago.”

“I think I’ll go watch Birgit’s match.”

“She’ll appreciate that, for sure.”

Molly came by to greet me, then went with her students to the competition area. The morning was successful with all of the students from both dojos winning both their bouts. We all went to lunch together in Greek Town, and then returned for the afternoon bouts and the kata competitions. Everything went well in the afternoon, and all of the students from both dojos made it to the final 16 of their respective competitions.

“How did you get here this morning?” I asked Dyani as we walked out.

“I took the L.”

“Then let me give you a ride back to campus. I can pick you up in the AM if you don’t mind being a bit early.”

“That would be great! Thanks.”

“Would you like to join us for dinner?”

“Sure, if it’s no trouble.”

“It’s not.”

We walked to my BMW, I helped her into the passenger seat, then walked around to the driver’s seat. After buckling in, I started the car and we headed for the house.

“How are things back home?” I asked as I drove south on Halsted.

“Not good. I’m sure you’re aware that all of the indigenous peoples suffer greatly from poverty and that alcoholism is very common.”

“The history of relations between the European settlers and the indigenous peoples is a tragedy. And it really doesn’t matter which of the major historical powers we’re talking about - Spanish, English, Portuguese, Dutch, and so on - all over the world.”

“How would you solve the problems?”

“Given that everything that was sacred, along with all the traditional hunting, gathering, and farming land has been taken away, and can’t really be restored, I’m not sure there is a solution. Well, not one that would restore the «Naabeehó Bináhásdzo» to what it once was.”

“So what would you do?”

“I suppose the same thing you’re doing, and the same thing Sensei Ichirou does - preserve as much of your culture as possible while living in the dominant culture. To be honest, that is what I do as well, though I march to the beat of my own drum rather than follow ancient practices.”

“But if I recall correctly, you do follow some ancient beliefs and practices.”

“That’s true, though in my own way.”

“I’d like to continue our talks about spirituality that we started years ago.”

“Me, too,” I replied.

? Birgit

“How did you do?” Stephie asked when I arrived home.

“I won all my matches! You should come tomorrow to see me win! Mr. Felipe won his, too! Mom invited him to dinner.”

“What about Miyu?”

“All of us made the next round! And Sensei Molly’s students, too.”


“Birgit, please set the table,” Mom said. “Include places for Don and Mary, as well as Mr. Felipe.”


I heard the back door open and saw Dad come in with Dyani.

“Hi, Dad! Is Dyani staying for dinner?”

“Yes, she is,” he replied. “Please set another place.”

“OK! Mom invited Mr. Felipe as well.”

Dad went upstairs to change out of his gi and Dyani went to talk to Mr. Felipe. About ten minutes later, dinner was ready so we all sat down.

“I heard from Sensei Jim that you’re going to DC in a week, Felipe,” Dad said.

“Yes. An old friend from the Army invited me to visit and we’re going to have lunch at ‘Ground Zero’.”

Dad laughed, “So named because it was the likely target for multiple Soviet nukes.”

“Yes, of course!” he said with a laugh.

“What days will you be in DC?”

“From the 10th to the 13th. We’re having lunch on Tuesday. He’ll be giving me a tour in the morning.”

“Are you doing anything else in DC?” Dad asked.

“Visiting the Air and Space Museum, and seeing a lady friend.”

“A girlfriend?” I asked.

Mr. Felipe laughed, “Years ago, I wished, but she’s married and has grandchildren now, just as I do.”

“Will we ever get to meet them?” I asked.

“Perhaps someday. They live in Florida and I go to visit them because I’m retired and my schedule is very flexible!”

“I thought you worked,” Mom said.

“I do, Doctora Yessica! I now do handyman work. But I can do what I want, when I want, which is perfect. Miss Dyani, it’s good to see you again. I was sorry to hear about your grandmother.”

“Thank you, Felipe. I’m glad to be back. I’ve missed my training.”

“And you’re back at the university as well?”

“Yes. Working on my Master’s in Environmental Science.”

“Very good!”

When we finished eating, I helped Mom, Albert, and Nicholas do the dishes and clean up, and then everyone went to the sauna, but we had to all wear bathing suits because of Mr. Felipe and Dyani.

September 2, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

On Sunday morning, my moms and my sisters got into my mom’s minivan so everyone could watch me compete. I wished Dad was my Sensei, but he was in charge, so either Sensei Will or Sensei Jim had to coach me. He took Suzanne with him to pick up Dyani, but they had to be early so I had to ride with my moms.

“Do you know who you’re up against, Birgit?” Mom asked.

“A girl from Sensei Molly’s dojo. But I watched her yesterday and I think I can beat her.”

“How did you do on your kata?” Ashley asked.

“Pretty good. I don’t think I’ll win, though.”

“What about sparring?”

“There’s a girl from Rockford who is 1st Kyu. She’s fourteen and she’s going to be really tough to beat.”

“What about Miyu and Mr. Felipe?”

“I think they should both win. Miyu should be overall champion. She’s better than Marcia, and she and Marcia have to face each other in their first match today.”

“Will is going to be sad!” Stephie declared.

I giggled, “I’m sure Marcia will kiss him to make him feel better!”

“I think they do more than kiss!” Stephie giggled.

“What is Nicholas doing today?” I asked.

Stephie rolled her eyes, “The boys want to watch soccer with Eduardo!”

My brothers and their friends had gotten into soccer for some reason. I didn’t really care for any sports except karate and skating, but I didn’t mind watching hockey with Dad because I got to cuddle him. One thing that bummed me out about competing was that Dad couldn’t watch every match I was in. But now that I was in the finals, he could probably see the remaining ones.

My first match was really easy. I beat Winnie, the girl from Sensei Molly’s dojo pretty easily, 3-1, 3-1. Sensei Molly wasn’t happy, but she congratulated me. Dad smiled at me when the referee held up my arm as the winner, and I looked over to see Miyu had won against Marcia. I was able to watch Felipe win his match before I had to spar again, this time against a boy from Sensei Ichirou’s dojo. The match was much more difficult, and I lost the first round 2-3 before winning the second 3-2. The final round was 2-2 before he made a mistake and I scored the third point to win. When the morning matches were done, we all went to have lunch at a Greek restaurant Dad liked called Mr. Greek Gyros.

Miyu, Felipe, and I had all made the semi-finals, as had Sensei Molly’s student, Ted. He’d knocked Jolene out and she was in a very bad mood. I didn’t like losing, but I also knew that if I had a bad attitude, Mom and Dad would not be happy because we were supposed to be gracious winners and good losers, even if we were disappointed that we hadn’t done better.

“You did really well this morning, Pumpkin,” Dad said. “That second match was difficult.”

“I think he was the best besides the girl from Rockford,” I said. “I have to face her next to get into the finals.”

“Just keep your focus,” Dad said. “That’s how you beat Tim after losing the first round.”

“You did well, Birgit,” Sensei Molly said.

“Thank you!” I replied.

I finished my gyro, something I really liked; Dad liked them, too, but he had his without the pita bread. When everyone was done, we took a walk, then headed back to DePaul for the final two rounds. It was nice that these were done one at a time, because then I could watch everyone’s matches. Miyu’s match was easy for her, and she won 3-1, 3-2. That put her in the finals against a girl from Oswego who had won against Ted. Felipe won his match, and he would have to face a woman from Sensei Sharon’s dojo in the finals. That left my match against the girl from Rockford named Cari. Whoever won would face the winner of the match between boys from Joliet and Gary.

I stepped onto the mat and tried to compose myself by taking a few deep breaths.

“Bow!” came the command from the referee.

Cari and I bowed to the referee, then to each other.

“Ready! Begin!”

I had seen that Cari liked to make her first move a kick combo, so I watched her hips the way Dad and Will had taught me. As soon as she started moving, I quickly moved towards her and when she raised her leg, I raised mine to block and hit her square in the chest before she could make contact with my body. I was sure she wouldn’t make the same mistake, but now I had a 1-0 lead and only needed two points before she scored 3.

When we reset, she was careful and didn’t attack right away. I made a few feints, but made sure I stayed balanced and waited for Cari to make the next move. She did and I blocked, but there wasn’t a good chance for a counter-punch, so I just returned to my normal sparring stance. She tried again, and I did the same thing, setting her up. On her third attempt, I blocked and quickly kicked her in the stomach, something she hadn’t been expecting. I was up 2-0, and now I could take a chance. As soon as we reset I used a triple combination of punches which she blocked and then a snap kick which connected to her side giving me my third point.

“Very good, Birgit,” Will said when I got a drink of water from the bottle he had.

“I watched her before,” I said. “But she’s smart and won’t make those same mistakes again. That means I have to change my strategy.”

“Yes, but be careful.”

“Always! ‘In war, the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory’.”

Will laughed, “OK, Sun Tzu, get back in there and show me that’s true!”

I giggled and went back to my spot. After we bowed, I immediately started a fierce combination attack which surprised Cari and I scored a point. As soon as we took our positions again, I did the same thing, but this time she blocked. The third time I started the same way, but only made the first punch, then shifted, waited for her to move in anticipation, and hit her with a single strike. She basically gave up at that point and I won on the next exchange. I looked over and saw Dad smiling and he nodded his approval as my arm was raised.

Will and Sensei Jim congratulated me, and then we watched the match between the boys, and I tried to decide which one I would rather face. One of them was probably five inches taller than me, and that would be a problem, so I hoped the shorter one would win. Unfortunately, the taller one won pretty easily, which meant I had to face him. I wanted to talk to Dad about strategy, but he wasn’t allowed, so I talked to Sensei Jim instead.

“You have to be a scrappy fighter, and find chances to get close to him,” Sensei Jim said. “He has a serious reach advantage over you.”

“So what do I do?” I asked.

“Fight smart! He has a longer reach so as I said you have to find a way to get inside that. You’re going to have to learn to do that because if you compete as an adult, and want to win the overall championship, you have to fight black belts who are taller and stronger than you are. But you’re fast and between Will and your dad, they’ve taught you to move quickly. Bob and weave and keep your feet moving.”

“Channel your inner cat,” Will offered.

I giggled, “Entice him with...”

“Birgit Elizabeth!” Sensei Jim said sharply.

“Sorry, Sensei,” I replied.

In the final round, Miyu and Felipe both won their matches, and because Miyu had won the kata competition for adults, she was the city champion. Mr. Felipe was the ‘Senior’ champion. My match with Drake, the boy from Joliet was really difficult. I lost the first round 1-3 because he simply waited for me to try to strike and used his longer reach and longer legs to score his points. The one point I’d scored was when I’d dodged instead of blocked and managed to get close enough to hit him in the chest. I talked to Will, and he suggested I duck and dodge, which would make it more difficult for Drake to land strikes.

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