A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 67: A Concussion from Which You Will Never Recover!

July 21, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

Pia and I were chatting privately in my study after dinner when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I called out.

Marta came into the room and I saw Jesse standing just outside the door.

“«Mama, får jag sova hos Jesse?»” Marta asked. (“Mom, may I sleep at Jesse’s?”)

I suppressed a chuckle at the question which Marta had asked six years previously.

“«Vad tror du Steve?»” Pia asked. (“What do you think, Steve?”)

Which was exactly what she’d asked the previous time.

“«Du vet vad hon menar, så det är inte riktigt mitt beslut»,” I replied. (“You know what she means by that, so it really isn’t up to me.”)

“«Marta, är du säker på att det är vad du vill göra?» (“Marta, are you sure that’s what you want to do?”)

«Visst, Mamma!» (“Absolutely, Mom!”)

«Då är det OK. Se till att fråga Jesse’s mammor!» (“Then it’s OK. Make sure you ask Jesse’s moms!”)

«Det skall jag. Tack, Mamma!» (“I will. Thanks, Mom!”)

Marta left the study, closing the door behind her.

“You don’t seem surprised,” I observed in Swedish, once the kids had left.

“She asked for birth control pills and a test in May. I remember being fourteen, well, fifteen, but close enough. I’m going to surmise that Jesse is experienced.”

“A safe bet on your part, but you know I won’t really discuss that topic with you.”

“Specifics, right? You were never shy!”

“There’s nothing to discuss between us on that topic,” I replied. “Harry is a very good guy!”

Pia smirked, “I’ve seen you and Katt stealing glances at each other all day! And I know Mikael’s opinion on the matter.”

“Which doesn’t mean it’s a good idea, even if everyone consents. Do you remember a conversation we had in the Fall of 1979 when you were visiting me in Hovås?”

“I didn’t keep a detailed journal the way you have, nor do I have your memory!”

“I read that conversation a few days ago. I told you I was searching for myself.”

“Have you found what you were looking for?” she asked.

“I think it’s better to say I’ve found markers on the path. I’ve found a balance, «lagom», but I’m nowhere near the end of the path. There is always one more step on the path, until we reach the ultimate goal.”

“I know you aren’t a Christian, so what is that?”

“Actually, the Orthodox Christian concept of perfect union with God is not altogether different from the Buddhist idea of nirvana. Conceptually, they’re the same in that when we achieve perfection, it’s through union with God or a higher power of the universe or the ‘world soul’ or whatever you want to call it, or even the universe itself. You could say that we don’t cease to be, and yet we do. A perfect paradox.”

“I suspect you very much enjoy those kinds of paradoxes.”

“I do. I have two that I’ve taught recently - ‘Not knowing is the beginning of wisdom’ and ‘Confusion is the beginning of clarity’.”

Pia smiled, “Those actually both make sense - the only way to learn is to admit you don’t know something and it’s through learning and self-examination that we clarify things.”

“Where have you been all my life?” I chuckled.

“You know exactly where! But circumstances and distance made that dream impossible. We’re both very happy and I doubt you’d trade what you have for a chance to go back and try again; I know I wouldn’t!”

“Which is exactly the point I make about speculating about the past.”

“Have I helped you with your decision about Katt?” Pia asked.

I shrugged, “I’m still undecided, but we’ll spend some time together after we get the kids to bed and see where it goes.”

? Jesse

“Your mom gave you permission?” Mom One asked.

Marta nodded, “Yes.”

“Then it’s up to the two of you,” Mom One said. “You know we won’t interfere.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I replied. “We’re going to go listen to music and hang out in my room.”

“OK. What about church?”

“Marta will go with me. Mr. Vasily will be here at the usual time and he knows I’m bringing a friend.”

“Then we’ll say ‘good night’. Mom Two and I are going to hang out with the grownups.”

“Night, Moms!” I said.

“Good night, kids,” my moms said.

“Good night,” Marta added.

She and I went up to my room and I turned on the music again. I had to ask her about birth control and an STI test, but given she was Swedish, I was sure I could just ask straight out and she wouldn’t be bothered.

“We need to talk about birth control and an STI test,” I said.

“I’m on p-piller; Mom got them for me in April. And she asked the nurse to do the test; I guess she knew that from your dad.”

“I’m not sure he had that rule when he and your mom were dating, but I guess he told her.”

Marta laughed, “They slept together when she visited here before she was serious with Harry! I thought you knew!”

“Birgit is the snoop! I just don’t pay close attention to what my dad does. When I was little it was fun to tease him, but now it’s better to just keep things private, both ways.”

“I need to say something now, so we don’t have a problem. I know I want to sleep in your bed, but I’m not sure I want to do everything, if you know what I mean.”

“Only what you want,” I said.

“Good. Would you like a kiss?”

I smiled and held out my arms. She came to me and put her arms around me and we shared a soft kiss. After a moment, Marta’s lips parted and our tongues touched. We both tightened our arms and I felt her nipples poking through her t-shirt, which caused blood to flow to the right place. After a minute, Marta broke the kiss.

“Do you have any games?” she asked, breathing hard.

I realized that Marta, despite being the one to ask about sleeping together, was nervous. I wanted to be with her, and I understood that could only happen if she was relaxed, and even then it might not. And that was OK. Marta was an exception to my rule about being with only one girl at a time; Joy might be another, though I had no idea what would happen when I went to Mayo with Dad. I was happy with my relationship with Libby, and given all the trouble I’d had with other girls, it made sense to just keep doing what we were doing, and see what happened.

“We have a bunch of games - Clue, Stratego, Risk, Othello, Life, Monopoly, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Yahtzee, backgammon, a chessboard, and a bunch of other games.”

“How about backgammon?”

“Sure. Let me go get it.”

I left my room and went downstairs to get the game from the shelf, then went back up to my room. Marta and I sat cross-legged on the bed with the board between us. We set the board, then each rolled a die to see who made the first move. I had rolled a four and she had rolled a six, so she began.

? Steve

It was a pleasant evening, so we opted to sit in the backyard. Jessica and I brought out a pitcher of lemonade and a number of bottles of beer, along with snacks and we had an enjoyable evening. After we got the kids to bed, I invited Katt to the ‘Indian’ room where we cuddled in one of the basket chairs.

“Still haven’t decided?” she asked, snuggling close.

“I suppose the ultimate question I have is ‘Why?’.”

Katt sat up, laughing, “Seriously? ‘Why?’ Because we both want to fuck each other senseless is a good enough reason! It doesn’t have to mean anything more than that!”

I smiled, “Why do I feel a debate like the first one coming on?”

Katt rolled her eyes, “Twenty years later and you’re STILL a fucking idiot! I remember exactly what I said to you, too! - «fy fan!» (‘Jesus Christ!’) Stop already! I want to fuck you, OK? Can’t it just be that? Does everything have to have some clear future with you? Can’t you just enjoy having sex with me and not worry about what happens next?

“Yes, and THEN you said that we were only fourteen and sixteen, and that it was too soon to worry about the future. Now we’re thirty-seven and thirty-five, and it IS the future!”

“OK, but come on! Tell me the truth - how many girls have you been with?”

“More than three,” I chuckled.

Katt rolled her eyes, “Given I personally know about at least twenty, I’m POSITIVE it’s north of a hundred! And you STILL can’t fuck just to fuck?”

“All kidding aside, the last time I did that, about six years ago, I had a serious bout of depression, and it took quite some time to get past it. You know I’ve always felt sex has meaning far beyond just the physical act.”

“Even if I assume that’s true, it wouldn’t REALLY be just fucking between us.”

“And, assuming THAT is true, then what does it mean?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake! I had a clean STI test and I want to fuck! That’s what it means!” Katt exclaimed in exasperation, then surprised me with a fierce kiss.

The surprise and intensity shocked me and I kissed her back. Katt’s heart was racing and the first twitches of an erection caused slight discomfort from how we were sitting. She broke the kiss after about twenty seconds.

“If you don’t throw me down on those pillows and fuck my brains out,” she growled, “I’m going to give you a concussion from which you will NEVER recover!”

? Jesse

We played three games of backgammon, and I won twice while Marta won once. A lot of it had to do with the dice, but there was enough strategy to make it interesting. When we finished the third game, we decided to watch a movie. We discussed what to watch and I discovered that she’d never seen The Princess Bride, so I made some popcorn, got us drinks, and then put in the tape. We cuddled on the couch with the bowl of popcorn balanced on our legs, and munched it while we watched the movie.

When the movie ended, we went upstairs. I brushed my teeth and used the toilet, then went back to my room where I found Marta in a nightgown which went down past her knees. She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and I decided it was probably best to put on pajamas, even though I rarely wore them. When Marta came back into the room, I turned on my night light, turned off the main light and we got into my bed.

I wasn’t sure what Marta wanted to do, if anything, but I figured it was safe to put my arm around her so we could cuddle, and when I moved my arm, Marta rolled towards me, put her head on my chest, and sighed deeply. I was sure my best move was to just wait and see what happened, and about two minutes later, Marta lifted her head and kissed my cheek. I turned my head and our lips met for a soft kiss. Marta parted her lips and her tongue found mine for a gentle dance which was enough to make me rock hard.

I decided it was safe to move my free hand to cup Marta’s butt cheek, and she didn’t object to me doing that. I felt her hand move from my shoulder to my chest, and she rubbed gently before she slowly slid it down over my stomach, then over my pajama bottoms. I jumped a bit when I felt her fingers touch my boner, and groaned softly into her mouth when she ran her hand along my shaft. As she ran her hand up and down along my erection, I moved my hand to her boob and gently squeezed it through the soft material of her nightgown. Marta moaned softly when I circled my finger over her nipple, and then moved her hand from my dick.

She broke the kiss, and I moved my hand from her boob, wondering if I’d misjudged what she wanted, but almost instantly realized there wasn’t a problem when Marta shifted and moved on top of me. She put her lips on mine once more and we began French kissing. Marta began gently grinding her pussy against my dick, though there were two layers of clothes which prevented skin-to-skin contact. Even so, it felt really good and Marta obviously felt good as well, because she began moaning into my mouth as we kissed.

A couple of minutes later, she moaned louder, shuddered, broke our kiss, breathing raggedly. She continued grinding while trying to catch her breath, but she began breathing harder, then groaned and shuddered. She continued grinding against me, and sliding her pussy along my shaft for a couple of minutes, and despite the intervening cloth, bringing me closer and closer to making a mess in my pajamas. I wondered if this was as far as things would go, and decided it might be, so I simply allowed her to bring me off. It didn’t take long, and I groaned as cum shot from my dick, covering the inside of my pajama bottoms with warm, sticky fluid. Marta leaned down and kissed me softly, then moved next to me to cuddle. I held her for a couple of minutes until she was breathing normally.

“I need to change my pajamas,” I said.

Marta giggled softly, “Sorry about the mess!”

“That wasn’t a complaint!” I replied quickly. “It’s just going to be uncomfortable to sleep this way.”

She moved to her back and I got out of bed, grabbed a pair of gym shorts, and then went across to the bathroom. I cleaned up, tossed my stained pajama bottoms into the hamper, then put on the shorts and went back to my room. I climbed into bed, Marta snuggled close, and it was obvious she wanted to go to sleep, so I put my arm around her and closed my eyes.

? Steve

I nearly laughed at Katt’s demand because the conversation brought me right back to her bedroom in Västra Frölunda. Fortunately, I was able to stifle the laugh, because had I not, I’d have a difficult time explaining to my wives why I’d been relieved of my genitalia. Not laughing was good, but I also needed to decide what to do about Katt’s demand. I really had no good objection other than my own obstinance, and in the end, what made the difference was Elena’s observation that she felt I might have reverted to past thinking.

I stood up, holding onto Katt, and moved her to the floor cushions, not quite throwing her down because I didn’t want to hurt her. She squealed excitedly as I pulled my polo shirt over my head, and quickly began undressing. We were both naked within seconds, and I moved quickly between her legs, lowering my mouth to her pussy. The smell and taste did their magic and less than a minute later, I positioned my glans against Katt’s labia and pushed hard into her. She thrust right back at me and we began fucking like maniacs, with Katt squeezing her internal muscles each time I pulled back, creating intense pleasure. We didn’t even try to kiss as our entire focus was on pure, raw fucking. Katt had her first orgasm two minutes into our session and had four more before I slammed hard into her and blasted her full of hot, sticky cum.

“Sixty-nine,” she gasped when the last jet of cum left my dick.

I pulled out, turned around, pressed my dick against Katt’s lips, and then lowered my mouth to her pussy. On a few occasions I’d been able to cum twice without getting soft and I had a pretty strong feeling that it was going to happen again. Katt’s tongue felt wonderful, and her scent and taste were more than enough to drive me wild. I licked and sucked as I fucked Katt’s mouth and gave her a string of orgasms before I achieved a rare second consecutive orgasm as Katt lashed my glans with her tongue.

When my orgasm passed, I turned and we exchanged a fierce French kiss, breaking it when we both needed a breath. Gasping, I turned on my back next to her and we lay quietly for a few minutes.

“One to go,” she teased saucily.

“I’ll need to get some lube,” I said.

“Right-hand jeans pocket,” she said with a soft laugh.

I retrieved the tube and fifteen minutes later, she was on all fours, my glans pressed against her rear entrance.

“Fuck me hard!” she growled.

I needed no additional encouragement. I grabbed her hips and pushed hard, popping past her sphincter. A couple more strokes and I was fully embedded. Katt squeezed her muscles just as she had done that first time two decades in the past. Not wanting to disappoint, I began slowly stroking in and out of her butt, ramping up the speed and force of my thrusts, while Katt squeezed and released her muscles, and fingered herself. She came twice before I had my release, and after pumping her rear full of cum, I gently pulled out.

“One problem I didn’t think of,” I chuckled. “We need to clean up!”

“Since when are YOU embarrassed?”

“I’m not,” I chuckled. “I just don’t want to advertise. But the kids are all in bed, so if you’re game, we can just walk to Suzanne’s shower. It’s the closest one, and we don’t have to walk through the great room.”

I stood up, held out my hand for Katt to take and I helped her up. We simply left the room and walked naked to Suzanne’s shower, having to go through the kitchen where Suzanne was getting something from the fridge.

“You two were LOUD!” Suzanne teased. “Jennifer and Jessica were laughing so hard they were crying!”

I just shook my head and led Katt down the short hallway past Suzanne’s room to the bathroom where I turned on the tap and adjusted the temperature. We got into the shower and quickly washed each other, drying ourselves on towels from the small linen closet in the bathroom. When we were dry, we walked naked back to the ‘Indian’ room, dressed, and joined the others in the great room. Katt went to sit on Mikael’s lap and I sat down next to Jessica with a smug smile.

“That only took twenty years!” Jennifer teased. “Even longer than Cindi!”

I chuckled, “I’ll let her know she no longer holds the record!”

The look on Harry’s face was priceless, but I was sure that Pia would explain everything to him.

July 22, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

My alarm went off on Sunday morning and Marta and I got out of bed. We each used the bathroom and then dressed for church, though Marta dressed in the bathroom while I dressed in my room.

“Are you OK?” she asked when we went out to the backyard to wait for Mr. Vasily to pick us up for church.

“You mean about last night?”


I nodded, “There’s nothing to be unhappy about. I liked kissing you and I did have to change my pajama bottoms!”

“I was afraid you might be upset about that.”

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