A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 54: ‘Hurt’ Rather than ‘Injure’
June 4, 2001, Apple Orchard Bed-and-Breakfast near Montpelier, Vermont
? Birgit
“I’m Johan and this is my sister Elsa,” the German boy, who was handsome and about twenty, said with a heavy accent.
“I’m Birgit.”
“You’re here with your family?” he asked.
“No. I came to visit Katy, the lady who owns this place. My parents are in Chicago. How long are you here?”
“Until Sunday,” Elsa, who was very pretty and about my age, or maybe a year older, replied. “What do you do when you’re here?”
“Help out with things that need to be done, play with Davey, Katy’s son, and go on hikes. What will you do here?”
“Our family does orienteering,” Jakob said. “Have you heard of it?”
“You mean going out in the woods with a compass and a map? Yes. It’s big in Sweden. My dad lived there for a year, and I was there two years ago.”
“We were at the O-Ringen in Gothenburg last year. It’s a big competition.”
“You mean Göteborg?” I asked.
“Yes. You speak Swedish?”
“I’m learning.”
“I see. So, with orienteering, we will be exploring on foot most days, but one day we’ll go to New York to visit our American relatives, and at least one day we’ll go to New Hampshire to explore on foot there.”
“How old are you?” Elsa asked me.
“Thirteen. You?”
“Fifteen. My brother is nineteen.”
“Cool. Sorry to have to run, but I need to help Katy finish making the ice cream. Maybe I can see you after dinner.”
“OK,” Elsa replied. “We just arrived about an hour ago and today we are just staying in.”
“Bye, then.”
I went back to the kitchen where Katy was working.
“I met the guests from Germany,” I said. “Well, the kids.”
“If you want to hang out with them, it’s OK,” Katy replied.
“No. I’m here to see you and I like helping out!”
“You’ll be here for a month!”
“I know. But Dad says it’s important to keep your word and to work hard.”
“I seem to recall someone complaining about chores...”
“Mom assigns those!” I protested.
“Ah yes, Dad can do no wrong!”
“I didn’t say THAT!”
Katy laughed, “OK. The first churn is done, so you can scoop out the ice cream into the container and put it in the freezer.”
“Slave driver!” I teased.
“So is this how it’s going to be for the next month!”
“And I thought your dad was bad!”
“I’m a mix of my dad AND my mom!”
“I think the world is in serious trouble!” Katy declared.
June 5, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
“I spoke with everyone and set the meeting for next Monday,” Liz said early on Tuesday afternoon. “That’s basically the only day possible given you’re leaving for Hawaii on Tuesday morning.”
“That’s fine. What did Anne Nelson have to say?”
“Nothing beyond what she said before. Deborah, Jamie, and I have a call set for this afternoon to discuss strategy. I’ll have a summary ready tomorrow.”
“OK. I’m leaving in a few minutes. I need to get Albert to the airport for his flight to England.”
“I love how your kids are world travelers at such a young age! The first time I was ever outside the US was our trip to Saint Martin after graduation.”
“Birgit is only in Vermont this time! Last I checked it was still part of the Union, despite electing a socialist to their single House seat!”
Liz laughed, “Obviously, but you did take her to Sweden and she plans to go there as an exchange student!”
“How are you handling things while you’re in Hawaii?”
“The same as usual - you or Kimmy will call me if something comes up that needs my attention. Obviously, if Stephanie needs my opinion on something, she can call me.”
“I can’t imagine anything will happen with Anne Nelson that would need your attention while you’re away. And everything else is going smoothly.”
“Let’s hope it stays that way! Now, I’m out of here!”
Liz and I hugged, I left her office, and went back to mine. I grabbed my bag, gave Penny a kiss on the cheek, then left the building. I got into my car, backed out of my parking spot, and headed for home. As I drove down Jackson towards the Dan Ryan, I caught a glimpse of a face I recognized, but hadn’t seen in years - the pimp who had tried to lure Willow nearly five years previously. I was sure he hadn’t seen me, and according to Mary, Willow was going to attend the University of Minnesota starting in August, so there was no chance he’d ever see her again.
As I drove south on the Dan Ryan, I wondered if seeing both Scuderi and the pimp in a relatively short time was more than just coincidence. I couldn’t imagine any connection, but it did make me think about the option of carrying my gun. By the time I arrived home, I’d rejected the idea for exactly the reasons I’d given Eve and Liz before - the negatives far outweighed the positives, and I also didn’t want to risk unilateral action by Bethany which might result in permanent loss of my right to carry, or even own, a gun. When I walked into the house, Albert was waiting for me in the great room.
? Albert
“Hi, Dad!” I said when he came into the house. “I have my bags packed!”
“Is your mom here?”
“Yes, she came home to say ‘goodbye’. She’s in the kitchen. Can I have the keys?”
Dad handed me the keys to his car, and then went to the kitchen to see Mom. I carried my bags out to dad’s BMW and put them in the trunk. I went back inside and got my carry-on bag, double-checked that I had my tickets and passport, then went to the kitchen.
“I’m ready,” I said.
“Then give your mom a hug and we’ll be on our way,” Dad replied.
I hugged Mom and she squeezed her arms tightly around me.
“Have a safe trip, Albert. Please call when you get to Heathrow.”
“I promise,” I replied.
She kissed my cheek, released me from the tight hug, then she and Dad hugged and kissed.
“I’ll see you for dinner, Babe,” he said to Mom.
“Bye!” Mom said.
“Bye!” I replied.
We left the kitchen and walked through the house and out the back doors.
“You have your tickets and passport, right?” Dad asked as we got into his car.
“Yes, in my bag, along with my British money. And the list of phone numbers!”
“Always prepared, just like a Boy Scout!”
“Why did you stop after Webelos?”
“That was right about the time we moved to Milford,” I replied. “I don’t recall exactly what happened, but I know your grandmother didn’t like how much time she had to spend when I was a Cub Scout. I honestly don’t remember asking, and then a few years later, I got into chess and then computers, and wouldn’t have had the time.”
“And you don’t like camping, either!”
Dad laughed, “No, I don’t. My idea of roughing it is staying at the Star Light Motel in Rutherford, Ohio rather than the InterContinental Hotels where I like to stay! I have to say I’m glad Dave and Tom like camping!”
“Me, too! Nicholas told me he wants to be an Eagle Scout, too!”
“That’s great! What do you and Jane plan to do?”
“I talked to Amanda this morning and she’s going to take us to Edinburgh and also to Paris on the train that goes through the Chunnel!”
“Very cool.”
About an hour later we were at the airport and stood in line to get my boarding pass.
“Mr. Adams, here’s your pass that will let you through security,” the lady from British Airways said to my dad. “Check in with the gate agent and they’ll assist Albert from that point.”
I was just as annoyed as Birgit about the fact that I needed an escort, because I knew how to get from our house to Jon’s house without any help! And I had my mobile phone in case I needed to call anyone. Dad took his pass and we went through security, and walked to the gate. There was nobody from the airline there because it was nearly two hours before the flight was supposed to leave, so we sat down. Dad and I each took out something to read - him his Economist magazine, and me The Goblet of Fire, the latest Harry Potter book.
About twenty minutes later, someone came to the gate desk and Dad and I got up and got in line behind two people who were waiting. A couple of minutes later it was our turn.
“Albert Adams,” I said. “I’m traveling to London as an unaccompanied minor.”
I handed over my boarding pass and passport.
“Have you flown before, Albert?” she asked.
“To England every Summer for the last four years,” I replied.
“Well, then you’re a seasoned traveler! If you’ll have a seat someone will come get you in about thirty minutes.
“Thank you,” I replied.
Dad and I went to sit down again and read our books until a stewardess arrived.
“Albert?” she asked.
“Hi! I’m Jenny. I’m going to take you onto the plane!”
She handed me a lanyard with my name and flight information, and both Dad’s and Jon’s mobile phone numbers and addresses. I put it around my neck and picked up my bag.
“See you in a month!” I said to Dad.
I offered my hand to him and he just laughed and shook it. He knew I really didn’t like hugs and he was OK with it.
“Have a safe trip, Albert. I know you will, but please remember to call your mom as soon as you get to Heathrow.”
“I will. I know she worries.”
“You’ll be safe with British Airways, Albert!” Jenny declared.
I’d be safe with just about any airline, and she didn’t know it, but I could fly the 747 from O’Hare to Heathrow if I had to! I’d done it many times on my flight simulator.
“Bye!” Dad said.
“Bye!” I replied, then followed Jenny through the door.
We walked through the Jetway and onto the plane and I found my seat - an aisle seat in Business Class courtesy of Grandpa Al. Dad had bought the ticket, but Grandpa had paid for the upgrade as an early birthday present. Jenny helped me put my bag in the overhead compartment, though I kept my book. I sat down and buckled my seatbelt.
“Did you need a drink or a snack?” she asked.
“Sparkling water, please,” I said. “With lemon.”
“An interesting choice.”
“My mom and grandpa are both doctors,” I said. “They don’t think anyone should drink pop, especially if it has high-fructose corn syrup.”
“What kind of doctors?” she asked.
“Mom is a trauma surgeon and Grandpa is Head of Emergency Medicine. They both work at the University of Chicago Hospital.”
“Wow! What does your dad do?”
“He runs a computer software and consulting company.”
“So, doctor or computer programmer?” she asked.
“Navy pilot!” I said. “My friend Aimee, who’s in the Navy, is teaching me to fly and I practice on my flight simulator. I know how to fly this plane to Heathrow!”
“Do you, now?”
“I do!” I replied.
She laughed and shook her head and went to get my drink. I wasn’t surprised she didn’t seem to believe me, but I could actually do it, assuming I had someone to assist me with the actual cockpit switches and controls, which were way more complicated than using my computer keyboard, yoke, and pedals. The stewardess came back with my drink, then went to continue her pre-flight preparations. About five minutes later, a man dressed in a pilot’s uniform came to where I was sitting.
“Hi, Albert; I’m Miles, the co-pilot. Captain Vinton invited you to the cockpit, if you’d like to check it out.”
“Yes!” I exclaimed. “Cool!”
I unbuckled my seatbelt and followed him to the cockpit.
“Captain Vinton, this is Albert. Albert, Captain Ed Vinton.”
“Hi, Albert!” Captain Vinton said. “I understand you’re learning to fly. How old are you?”
“Twelve. I can’t officially take lessons, but my friend Commander Shaughnessy is teaching me.”
“She flies for the Navy?”
“No. She was a surface warfare officer but now works at the Naval Research Institute. But she learned to fly from her dad when she was little.”
“Jenny says you know how to fly to London.”
“Yes. I fly the 747 from O’Hare to London with Microsoft Flight Simulator. I know the waypoints and radio calls, too.”
“Impressive! Miles, do we have a set of wings for Master Albert?”
“Indeed we do!” the co-pilot said.
He opened a case and took at a set of metal wings, not plastic replicas, and pinned them on my shirt.
“Thank you!” I said.
“I’d love to let you sit in the co-pilot’s seat, but it’s against regulations. And, unfortunately, we have to get back to work.”
“It’s OK! I know there are lots of rules! Thanks for letting me come to the cockpit! It’s really cool!”
“You’re welcome! Miles, would you escort this young pilot back to his seat?”
“With pleasure, Captain!”
? Steve
“They just pushed back from the gate, Babe,” I said into my mobile phone as I walked towards the parking structure.
“Thanks for letting me know.”
“See you in an hour or so.”
We said ‘goodbye’ and I closed my phone. I walked quickly to the exit from the terminal, took the elevator to the ‘White Sox’ level of the parking structure, found my car, and set out for home. I arrived about an hour later, having listened to a report on WBBM about a mass assassination in Nepal. Reports said that the Crown Prince had killed his father, who was the king, his mother, and then most of the rest of the Royal Family. He’d shot himself, but had lived long enough to be declared king before he died.
At home, I helped Winter and Jessica make dinner, and after our family dinner, my wives, Stephie, Ashley, and I went to karate. Following karate, we got the kids to bed and then Kara, Jessica, Suzanne, and I went out to the backyard to relax in the unseasonably cool June evening. It was in the low 50s, when normally it would have been in the low 70s. It was, at least so far, shaping up to be a cool Summer. The only downside was the near 100% humidity, but given the temperature, it wasn’t muggy.
“Are you staying up until Albert calls?” I asked Jessica.
“It makes sense. It’ll be about 1:30am, roughly. My anatomy class is at 9:00am, so I can sleep late. Kara has exams this week, so her schedule is flexible enough that we can sleep in. And your Pumpkin is in Vermont, so she won’t be demanding cuddles at the usual ungodly hour!”
I laughed, “All these years and you still can’t handle me as a morning person! And remember, when Birgit starts High School in a year, she’s going to need to leave the house thirty minutes earlier.”
“The older kids don’t really want hugs and kisses from their moms these days.”
“Don’t feel bad, Babe! Albert shook my hand at the airport!”
“But Birgit still wants her hugs and cuddles from you.”
“Each kid is different,” I replied. “Jesse, Matthew, and Albert do not want hugs from their mom or their dad, while Michael does want them. Stephie and Ashley still want their hugs, kisses, and cuddles. I’ve seen it with the other kids, too. Nicholas doesn’t want hugs from Bethany and I know that annoys her to no end.”
“But Jesse hugs Jennifer and Josie,” Suzanne interjected. “I’ve seen it!”
“I didn’t say he didn’t do it,” I chuckled. “I said he didn’t want them. Call it tactical behavior. It keeps his moms happy at little actual cost. And you don’t see him do it in public!”
“Are you telling me Albert hugs me because he thinks it’s a good strategy?” Jessica asked.
“He’s almost twelve!” I chuckled. “He’s going through puberty and is asserting that he’s a man!”
“Oh, goody,” Kara replied deadpan. “Another MAN!”
“Complete with plans to go to Annapolis and be a fighter pilot!” I chuckled. “But you both know the kids love you very much.”
“True,” Kara replied. “It’s going to be really quiet around here for the next month or so.”
“We’ll be in Hawaii for a week, which will be anything but quiet!”
“Just lots of moaning!” Kara smirked.
“Are we doing any sightseeing?” Jessica asked.
“Pearl Harbor,” I replied. “For sure. And a volcano tour would be nice. In fact, I’ll call Liesel in the morning and see if she can get us reservations.”
“What’s the scoop for Sunday?” Kara asked. “Is there a rehearsal?”
“We’re just having a short meeting at the dojo after practice on Saturday. It’s a very simple wedding ceremony that will take about as long as the one I did for Jennifer and Josie. I have a copy of the ceremony Darla and John wrote out, but they asked me not to share it. Darla’s little sister Audrey is her maid of honor, and John’s younger brother Ted is his best man. They’ll be at the dojo on Saturday for the meeting.”
“Too bad it’s not exactly like the one you did for Jennifer and Josie,” Kara smirked.
I chuckled, “Sensei Jim was very uncomfortable with the idea of a ‘sky-clad’ wedding. And Darla vetoed it anyway.”
“Is there anything we need to do for the party Jesse is throwing?” Jessica asked.
“Other than stay out of the way? No. He’s made all the arrangements with his friends and his moms for snacks. We’ll just hang out in the sunroom with the other kids so Jesse and his friends can have run of the house.”
[London, England] ? Albert
When I got off the plane at Heathrow, Jenny turned me over to a young man named Bob, who escorted me to Her Majesty’s Immigration and Customs. We stopped along the way so I could call Mom using my calling card.
“I’m safe at Heathrow,” I said when she answered.
“Good! Please call when you get to Jon’s house!”
“I will!”
“I love you, Albert.”
“Love you, Mom,” I replied.
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