A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 46: New Missions
May 3, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
“Moscow, not Saint Petersburg?” I asked, wanting to gain a bit of time to think about what Natalie had just revealed, but not wanting to create an uncomfortable silence or say the wrong thing, either of which might hurt her.
“Yes. I admitted it to myself when we were sitting next to each other on the plane, but it happened that very first night we talked. I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Not telling you before I asked you to make love to me.”
“There’s no need to apologize. The important thing is what you want to do about it.”
“Why aren’t you upset?” Natalie asked, lifting her head from my shoulder to look in my eyes.
“Why would I be?” I soothed. “I can’t control those kinds of feelings any more than you can. It’s a question of what we do about them.”
“What can we do?”
“Well, you took the first step by telling me. I think we should begin with what happened with Jack.”
“Everything I told you was true, and it really was the whole ‘Alex P. Keaton’ thing. And in the end, he seriously put my feet to sleep!”
“You’re sexier than Darryl Hannah in Wall Street.”
“Oh, I am not!” Natalie protested. “But I knew you’d get the reference.”
“Was it just that?”
“You mean was it because I was in love with you? I don’t think so. It really was his ultra-conservative nature. I mean, seriously, you heard him at the hockey game. He was freaked out about the idea of Mia being your mistress! Can you even imagine him at a Rap Session?”
“Not from what I saw, though I only met him a few times.”
“That’s why he got his walking papers.”
“That makes sense, and fits with what I know about you,” I replied. “Now, tell me what you want. That’s where it has to start.”
“I’m not even sure I know,” Natalie sighed.
I was reasonably certain my assessment of the situation was correct, even though I’d only had a short time to process what she’d said. I’d thought back over our relationship, and I realized that there had been some subtle hints, but never anything overt. In my mind, I had classified it as ‘infatuation’ coupled with a deep friendship and a mentoring relationship. There was a parallel, and I knew Natalie was not only aware, but that it had been discussed. Given all of that, I was reasonably certain she had a destination in mind when she’d revealed she was in love with me.
“I think you do know,” I replied. “In fact, I’m reasonably certain that you knew what you wanted before you told me you were in love with me.”
“Why do I have a feeling that you know what I’m going to ask for?”
Her question made me even more confident in my assessment of the situation and her request.
“Because I do,” I said gently. “But you have to ask.”
“I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that you didn’t freak out.”
I chuckled, “Oh, I did, briefly, but I knew that if I showed that, I’d hurt you badly, and I could never do that.”
“And the man wonders why I love him!”
“Actually, the man doesn’t. If you just say what you’re thinking...”
Natalie moved on top of me, crossed her arms on my chest, and rested her chin on her wrists.
“I’d like a relationship like you had with Liz,” she said quietly.
“OK?” she asked, surprised.
“You did know!” she gasped.
“Why would you ever doubt me?”
“Because I’m a silly girl who fell in love with a married man!”
“You are anything BUT a silly girl!”
“So now what?”
“Now we define the terms, I clear it with Kara and Jess, and then you spend a night with me every two weeks, and you hang out here as much as you like. And we negotiate an exit strategy.”
“You mean like Liz?”
“You want to marry and have kids, right?”
“Eventually, sure.”
“Then we have an exit strategy. When you want to start dating someone seriously, we reset to how things were after we came home from Russia but before we began making love again.”
“But you don’t love me the way you love Liz,” Natalie said, sighing deeply.
“May I be totally honest?” I asked.
“Is there any other way?”
“No. The honest truth is that I don’t love anyone the way I love Liz. I never have and likely never will. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I’m sure you remember talking about the different types of love, right?”
“I can absolutely say that I love you, with no reservations.”
“But not in love?” she asked quietly.
“No. I’m sorry if saying that hurts you.”
Natalie took a deep breath and let it out.
“I’m not sure how I feel,” she said slowly. “I guess keeping my secret bottled up had me conflicted. Once I told you, everything changed.”
“Did it? Really? I still feel very much the same about you as I did ten minutes ago. And your reaction says that you do, too. The main difference is that now everything is out in the open and we can deal honestly with our emotions and our relationship. In a sense, to be as close as you want to be with me, you had to tell me. Otherwise, you were hiding something that could create tremendous problems down the road.”
Natalie laughed softly, “I would never boil a bunny in your kitchen! I knew, in a teenage way, what was possible. I guess now, at nineteen, I have a better understanding of life, the universe, and everything. Nowhere near complete, mind you, but enough to be confident I could tell you how I felt. What do you think Kara and Jessica will say?”
“I have $100 that says they both know.”
“The conversation in the sauna about a year ago, right?”
“That’s what I was thinking - you, me, Liz, and my wives. I’ll actually wager anything that when I talk to them about what you want, they’ll point to that conversation. I suspect Liz would as well, though I wouldn’t reveal anything to her without your permission.”
“Actually,” Natalie replied, “I should probably talk to her. I suspect she could give me good advice.”
“You’re free to talk to anyone you like,” I replied. “Just be careful about when our sexual relationship started.”
“Liz knows, but I understand. The world is SO messed up. I was ready and I know you were sure I was mature enough, or you would have said ‘no’.”
“I was sure you were mature enough, but not sure you were ready. You played it very cool in that regard.”
“So did you! I think I’d have done it if you’d asked that first night in Moscow, but I think waiting until Saint Petersburg was the right thing to do. Though I probably should have told you how I felt.”
“They say hindsight is 20/20, but I’m not so sure. Neither of us knows what would have happened had you said that. Liz didn’t tell me until much later.”
Which, again, was a parallel between the two girls.
“I’m not sure I’m in a position to ask, but would you, someday, explain about you and Liz?”
“It’s difficult, and I think what she’s said is the only thing to say - wrong time, wrong place, wrong circumstances. As I said before, neither of us could control our emotions, only our response to them. It took us some time to admit our feelings to each other, and then some time to begin the relationship that lasted all through law school. You don’t have to answer, but does anyone else know?”
And suddenly, a light went on.
“Which is why she broke things off with me, isn’t it?”
“Yes. You’re not upset, are you?”
“No, and it appears Mikey is VERY happy!”
Natalie laughed softly, “She had to teach him, but she’s very happy with their sex life!”
“Does your mom know?”
“About Nicole and Mikey? Or about you and me?”
“I was referring to Nicole, but now I’m curious about us.”
“Nicole actually went to Mom to get birth control pills before she and Mikey went all the way. She figured it was safer to just get it out in the open, so to speak. She felt she could do that because of you, and because mom has adopted some of your philosophy. Dad, well, he’s hopeless!”
“No, he’s not,” I chuckled. “He’s the father of two beautiful teenage girls, and has the typical worries of a father. He’s actually very reasonable, though I’d recommend you and Nicole keep your sex life private, at least from him. So, about you and me?”
“Well, you know she knew we were together in Russia, so there was no secret there. And we kept our agreement with her to not have sex so that you could mentor me. But she also knows I planned to have lunch with you today. We talked in a round-about way about my relationship with you, and what Nicole and I told you before is true - if you ask, she’ll go to bed with you. I’d really prefer you didn’t, though I’m positive you wouldn’t break your rule because you’re friends with my dad, so it’s not really a concern.”
“Breaking or waiving the rule would be a very foolish move on my part, because it would hurt too many people. I’m not going to ask, and from what I know of your mom, she won’t ask me. That said, I’ve caught the signs; I simply ignore them.”
“Can I ask something I’ve always wondered about?”
“How does it work with you, your wives, and Suzanne? And MC before her?”
“I see you’ve adopted Birgit’s shorthand! And it’s OK to ask. Kara, Jessica, and I share the master bedroom, and sleep together most nights. I usually sleep with Suzanne on Sunday night, or if something comes up, we switch. Sex isn’t limited to bedtime, as you’re well aware, and we have sex at various times and places. Liz and I used to see each other every other Friday night, and I’d sleep over. There were occasional lunch meetings, but mostly those were mentoring. That said, on occasion, we made love, too. And there are, on occasion, other girls.”
“Leigh, right?”
I chuckled, “Your powers of observation serve you well, Grasshopper!”
Natalie laughed, “You haven’t called me that in a long time!”
“I could say ‘Padawan’, if you prefer.”
“That movie positively sucked! I am SO over Star Wars! Dad got me hooked on it when I was around eight.”
“Meesa agree wit you!” I said, imitating Jar Jar Binks.
“Oh, God, no!” Natalie groaned.
“Sorry,” I chuckled. “But something good DID come out of that movie!”
“Wait! I know you well enough to know! The Saga Begins by Weird Al!”
“So, what’s next?” Natalie asked.
“I call the office and tell them I won’t be back, we make love again, then talk to Kara and Jess when they arrive home.”
“That sounds great, though making love twice would be better!”
“I agree!”
? Matthew
“I still say Nick would have been perfect for the role of ‘Sonny’,” I teased as we gathered for a Grease rehearsal.
“Up yours, Clarke!” Nick said while everyone else laughed.
“I don’t know,” Matt W teased, “the whole failed Casanova thing fits!”
“Fu ... uh, hi, Mr. Fruits!” Nick replied.
“Good save,” Josh said sotto voce.
Nick actually had the role of ‘Danny’, and I felt he’d do a great job. He absolutely had the best voice of any of us, except Chaz, but Chaz’s speaking voice was so awesome that Mr. Fruits had cast him as ‘Vince Fontaine’, the DJ. I was cast as ‘Rump’, whose given name was ‘Roger’, which was cool because Maggie was cast as ‘Jan’. There was just enough bickering and tension in their relationship that it was a lot like our real one. Nellie was playing ‘Sandra’ and Ryan was ‘Doody’. The other roles were with kids I wasn’t friends with, but got along with just fine in drama.
“OK, everyone!” Mr. Fruits called out. “We’re going to do the ‘company’ numbers today, starting with Shakin’ at the High School Hop. Anytime you’re ready on the piano, Sherry!”
Sherry, a Senior, was the usual accompanist for our warmups, coming over from the High School for rehearsal. There were rumors about her and Mr. Fruits, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if they were true. But that was none of my business, so I refused to even comment on the rumors. We ran through Shakin’ at the High School Hop twice, then moved on to We Go Together twice. After that, we sang Alma Mater, though that included solos by ‘Miss Lynch’, ‘Patty’, and ‘Eugene’, and finally, Beauty School Dropout, with ‘Teen Angel’, ‘Frenchy’ and a subset of the Company.
After rehearsing the ‘company’ songs, we practiced a couple of the ‘Burger Boys’ songs while the girls went to a music room to practice the ‘Pink Lady’ songs. That used up our time, and as I always did, I got a ride home with Rob. As soon as I arrived home, I called Chelsea to talk, and we repeated our usual lines.
“How are things in Illinois?” she asked.
“Same as yesterday. How are things in Ohio?”
“Same as yesterday! How did rehearsal go today?”
“We’re getting better. The gang songs we have down, but the ‘company’ songs are still a bit ragged. But I am SO glad that Mr. Fruits decided to use a version of the play that keeps the innuendo and pregnancy and stuff, but leaves out the worst of the swearing. He had wanted to do the full original theatrical version, but it was too long and as Mom put it, ‘raunchy’. She said it was basically rated ‘R’, which is why we have to use an edited version.”
“Did your dad ever tell you about all the stuff they banned or tried to ban in Cincinnati?”
“Yes. Grandpa talked to me about it, too. Cincinnati is crazy! Dad actually rented The Outlaw so we could see the scene that had it banned.”
Chelsea laughed, “A couple of buttons unbuttoned on a blouse a pretty girl was wearing reclining on a pile of hay!”
“Too suggestive!” I chuckled. “You see more than that on broadcast TV! And in PG movies!”
“True. I, uhm, started taking birth control pills today. Just in case.”
“I thought YOU would decide!” I said, laughing. “That’s what all the guys say - the girls decide.”
“I had a long talk with Mom and I think you and I should talk about it when I’m there. We shouldn’t just assume.”
“Dad says the same thing, and so does Mom. But I really do like kissing you!”
“I like kissing you, too!” Chelsea exclaimed. “And in about six weeks, we can kiss!”
“I wish you could come up for the play, but I know it’s not really possible. I’m going to have Eduardo videotape it so we can watch.”
“Cool! Mom is signaling I need to get back to my homework.”
“Parents are like that,” I agreed. “Mom and Eduardo aren’t home yet, so I don’t have THAT problem!”
“Talk to you tomorrow?”
“Of course!”
We said ‘goodbye’ and I pressed the red ‘End’ button on my phone, then went to my room to start on my homework.
? Steve
“Of course we knew!” Kara declared when she, Jessica, Natalie, and I sat together in the ‘Indian’ room just after 5:00pm.
“It was pretty obvious to the three of us,” Jessica replied. “But I think that’s because we’re girls.”
“Really?” I asked with mock surprise. “I never noticed!”
My wives squealed and hit me with throw pillows, though they were careful to not hit me in the head.
“Then I suppose Jessica and I will celebrate her birthday without you!” Kara declared.
“Today is your birthday?” Natalie asked.
“Happy birthday! And I’m sorry I’m intruding!”
Kara laughed, “We showed Jess how much we love her this morning! And we’re not going out for dinner. You’re welcome to join us for dinner, cake, and ice cream, if you want. Though you can’t join us for the REAL dessert!”
Natalie laughed, “Uhm, no, that probably wouldn’t be a good idea!”
“It’s not like it used to be,” I said. “I mean, now that Jessica is forty and all!”
“Tiger...” Jessica said menacingly. “One quip about your ‘old lady’ and it’s ‘Tigress’ for sure!”
I chuckled, “And cut off your favorite asset of mine? That’s no real threat!”
“He’s right, Jess,” Kara replied. “I’d be very, very sad. And so would you!”
“OK, but he does NOT get to call me ‘old’!”
“YOU were the one who said ‘old lady’!” I protested. “I simply said you’d turned forty!”
“Your time will come, Tiger!”
“But not for two years!” I smirked. “And Kara is even younger!”
“Don’t rub it in!” Jessica exclaimed.
“Oh, I will. In AND out!”
“Somehow I seem to have missed this aspect of your relationship!” Natalie smirked. “Of course, I should have assumed.”
“That’s your proof that they’re comfortable with our relationship,” I replied. “And they’re welcoming you to the family, so to speak. Even more than before.”
“And now we should get ready for dinner. I’m sure Winter has everything ready.”
The doorbell rang and I excused myself to answer it. As I’d expected, it was Al and Belinda, who I’d invited, and just behind them, Kathy and Kurt. I invited them in and we went right to the dining room for dinner and the celebration of Jessica’s fortieth birthday. Of course, the REAL celebration was in private, in our room, later that evening, when Kara and I ravished our wife for hours before falling asleep snuggled together, sweaty and sated.
May 5, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
“I don’t get mad, I get even!” I replied.
“Steve, you’ll be happy to know I scanned the pictures and sent them to Karl by email!” Brian said.
“What pictures?” Alex asked, coming over to our tables because of the raucous laughter.
Kurt grinned and handed him a small stack of glossy photos from the ‘tea party’.
“You don’t have the legs for it,” Alex said dryly.
“And more tissue in my bra than any teeny bopper in history!” I chuckled.
“Whatever possessed you to do that?”
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