A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 39: A Return to Normalcy
March 25, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
“You’re seventeen?” I asked.
“Eighteen in a week, well, a week from tomorrow. I missed being an ‘April Fools’ baby by about ten minutes!”
Viv was the epitome of a ‘Steve type’, both in terms of personality and looks which made my decision simple.
“Can you be here next Sunday at noon?” I asked.
“And you know what’s necessary?”
Viv nodded, “Brenna told me when I asked about your situation after the first Rap Session.”
“Then I’ll see you next Sunday.”
She winked, said ‘goodbye’, then left with Brenna.
“A perfect ‘Steve type’,” Kara said as we gathered the glasses and plates.
“You know,” Stephanie observed, “I’ve been thinking about that.”
“About what?” I asked.
“Why that’s your type. I wonder if it’s related to Birgit - that your first actual love affair caused you to imprint on her as the epitome of perfection. That also might explain your attraction to girls who are close to Birgit Andersson’s age.”
“That makes a LOT of sense,” Kara said as the three of us walked to the kitchen. “But what about me?”
“You just had the right chemistry!” Stephanie exclaimed.
“Cute, Squirt,” I chuckled.
We began washing dishes with me doing the washing, Kara drying, and Stephanie putting things away.
“But she is the exception that proves the rule. Though you did go through your ‘strawberry blonde’ phase!”
“That particular imprint had WAY too much baggage,” Kara said.
“And the only real difference for you, Honey, is your chest measurements.”
Kara giggled, “I can still do one thing Jess can’t!”
My sister laughed, “None of his ‘A’ cup girls can do that!”
“Do what?” Suzanne asked, coming into the kitchen with a pair of glasses we’d missed.
“What do you think?” Stephanie smirked.
Suzanne laughed, “Somehow I don’t think that bothers him all that much!”
“It doesn’t,” I replied.
We finished the dishes and started working on dinner. My daughters came into the kitchen and the three of them set the dining room table. Later, we had a wonderful family dinner, a joint sauna, and then spent time together in the great room.
March 26, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
On Monday morning, rather than working, I went to the dojo to meet with Sensei Jim.
“Welcome home,” I said.
“Thanks, though in about a year, Japan will be home.”
“I know you turn 65 this year; may I ask how Social Security works?”
“The same as it does for everyone, though I plan on signing up for Direct Deposit. I’ll keep a US bank account and wire money to my Japanese account. Speaking of that, would you be willing to act as a proxy for me? It’s unlikely you’d need to do anything, but I’d like to sign power of attorney to you to handle any banking or government issues.”
“Anything you need, Sensei.”
“Also, I plan to lease my house to Will and Marcia.”
“Very convenient!”
“I thought so! Everyone in Japan sends their greetings, especially Sakurako. Her daughter is cute as a button!”
I nodded, “She sent me a picture at Christmas. How is Hideki-san?”
“Very good.”
“And Sensei Robert?”
“Good as well. I honestly can’t wait to move.”
“I really loved being there,” I said. “I wish I could go back, but things here are more than a bit crazy.”
“How were things here at the dojo?”
“Here? Fine. It was my life that was nightmarish. While we were in Ohio, my friend Melanie’s dad suffered a ruptured aneurysm and died a few days later. And, of course, there was Noel Spurgeon’s burial. And Samantha had her baby.”
“How much time did you miss?”
“Quite a bit, but Therese, Jolene, Will, and Molly made sure the dojo was open and classes were held. I also signed up a new student.”
“I saw the form in my box. Another personal student?”
“One who basically needs an instructor who’s a hardass. Miyu recommended me.”
Sensei Jim laughed, “You were as harsh as any drill sergeant I ever met, but that was what she needed. What’s with Neil?”
“I had an intuition about him when he first walked in. My gut told me that he needed strong discipline or we’d both be wasting our time. After two weeks, and a conversation he had with Miyu, he agreed with my gut. I’ve arranged my schedule so I can be here on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for the foreseeable future, in addition to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings and Saturday morning.”
“How’s your health?”
“The stress took its toll, but my doctors agree I’m OK.”
“What happened?”
“Just a minor bout of melancholy because Melanie’s dad was so young; he was in his late 50s. He was my surrogate father before I went to Sweden. My dad stepped up at that point.”
“So no changes I need to be aware of?”
I shook my head, “No. I’m consulting with my doctor at Mayo and Al Barton.”
“Good. Anything else I need to be aware of?”
I shook my head, “Not that I can think of. Oh, wait! I almost forgot. The CPD took some tapes from the surveillance cameras. There was an attempted sexual assault in a car parked in the lot behind the dojo. It appears to have been a necking session gone bad.”
“Necking? Do people even use that term anymore?”
“I do! And you do! But Jesse doesn’t even use ‘bases’ to describe sex, so who knows what they’d call it!”
“What happened?”
“Beyond the cops asking for the tape? Nothing. They didn’t come back or follow up.”
“I figured once we put the light back there it would stop the kids parking.”
“We might want to go for a much brighter motion-activated light with, say, a ten-minute timer and a more prominent sign for the camera. Right now we just have that line on the towing sign that says the lot is under video surveillance. One with a drawing of a camera, mounted where anyone who parks can see.”
“Go ahead and make those arrangements, please.”
“Will do.”
“Anything else?”
“There’s a letter from the city - we’ll need our annual fire inspection next month.”
“I don’t think that will be a problem, do you?”
I shook my head, “No. The company that maintains our alarm system also maintains the extinguishers, and they were out last week for the regular preventative maintenance they do before we have our inspection.”
“Will I see you in class today?”
“Yes. I planned to be here for all three classes.”
“Then I’ll see you at noon.”
I stood, bowed, left the dojo, and headed home, I’d just stepped into the house when my cell phone rang. I fished it from my pocket and noticed that there wasn’t any caller ID information.
“Steve Adams,” I said after flipping the phone open.
“Steve, this is Stan Jakes.”
“Hi, Stan. Long time, no hear.”
“Are there any Aldermen or other politicians left to arrest?”
“Always,” I chuckled. “But I think they’re all running scared. And I’m sure you know my take on George Ryan.”
“Is there ANYONE who won’t be lined up against the wall when your subversive cell takes over?”
“Honest newspaper reporters.”
“Good to know!” he laughed.
“What can I do for you?”
“It’s what I can do for you this time.”
“In about fifteen minutes, the Feds are going to arrest half-a-dozen people at City Hall on bribery charges. Your sister’s ex-husband is one of them.”
“Personally, I don’t give a flying fuck, but you also know who his sister is.”
“Yes. I have so much respect for Doctor Krajick, which is why I’m calling.”
“That gives me just enough time to get to the hospital. I assume you were tipped for the ‘perp walk’?”
“Yes. They’re also arresting some cops, too.”
“Go get your story. I’m going to go to the hospital. And thanks, Stan.”
“I’ll have several favors to ask soon enough!”
“And you know I’ll grant them.”
We said ‘goodbye’ and I closed the phone as I walked out the front door and headed for the hospital. I walked as quickly as I could short of jogging, and was happy to find the ER calm and Bethany in her small office.
“Steve? What are you doing here?”
“I need a word,” I said.
She nodded and waved me in. I walked in and shut the door behind me.
“Samantha talked to me,” she said sounding resigned.
“We can discuss that later. I need to tell you something, but you can’t touch your phone or leave your office for ten minutes.”
“What?! Why?”
“Trust me, please?”
“Tell me.”
“I received a call about twelve minutes ago from someone who knows. Ed is being arrested by the Feds on bribery and corruption charges.”
“What?!” she gasped.
I looked at my watch, “It should be happening any minute now, but you can’t try to warn him.”
“Why tell me?”
“Would you rather I told you or find out because someone in the ER sees the ‘perp walk’ on the TV which is always tuned to the news?”
“From you, I guess. I need to call my parents.”
“In a few minutes. Are you going to bail him out?”
“Tom wouldn’t like that, so, no. But I’m sure my parents will want to. What do you think will happen?”
“If he’s smart? He cops a plea in exchange for a fine and a short, or even suspended, prison sentence. But it really depends on just how corrupt he was and how involved he was.”
“I just don’t know how my brother got himself into all of this.”
“You’re the psychologist, Sweetheart.”
“But you have an idea, right?”
I did, and it all came down to Ed’s ego. He’d failed with Don Joseph where I’d succeeded, and that had led him right to Anthony, which had led to Ed be arrested for murder, but getting off thanks to Anthony’s intervention. He’d always felt insecure with regard to my sister, and I was sure felt emasculated because he wasn’t submissive the way I had been, and to a point, still was. Stephanie’s wealth and success had really grated on him, and despite all the benefits, he couldn’t handle it, and tried to take a shortcut. And then there was my relationship with Stephanie which was, to say the least, problematic.
“Ego,” I said.
“Because he couldn’t measure up to you?”
“It makes sense.”
“Including you getting your sister back.”
“Do you think he ever really had her?”
Bethany shook her head, “No. She was always yours and always will be. Can you tell me more about what went on in Cincinnati?”
I shook my head, “No, I can’t. Suffice it to say he measured himself against me and came up lacking there, too. And here in Chicago, with my business. And add in the money Stephanie made working for Samantha.”
“That was basically obscene!”
“Samantha’s firm makes obscene amounts of money, so that shouldn’t surprise you.”
“No, but making in a couple of years what I won’t even make in a lifetime, even if you include my book royalties ... sorry, I’m no more socialist than you are.”
“No, but you see income and wealth disparity play out every day. That affects you as much as power disparity. All of that, plus more, colors your perception of reality.”
“Samantha was pretty blunt.”
“She always has been. It’s something she learned from her dad, and something I encouraged. You know me, I don’t embroider and don’t like it when others embroider. How do you feel about what she said?”
“I’m still thinking about it. I honestly think the two of you are wearing rose-colored glasses.”
“And you’re wearing dung-colored ones. Reality is somewhere in between.”
“Dung-colored?” Bethany asked, trying not to laugh. “Seriously?”
“Hey, it was the first thing that popped into my head.” I checked my watch. “It should be OK to call your parents.”
“My dad, first, I think.”
She flipped through her Rolodex and dialed her dad’s work number. When he answered, she told him about Ed’s arrest.
“What?!“ I heard despite Bethany using the handset instead of the speaker.
“Just what I said. Ed is being arrested on corruption and bribery charges. I don’t know any more details than that. I’m sure there will be some kind of press conference ... no, I have no idea about bail ... no, I’m not sure ... no, that won’t happen ... OK. See you about 3:00pm ... Goodbye.”
She hung up.
“He’s going to call my mom and then they’re going to drive up. He asked if Ed had enough money to bail himself out and if Stephanie would bail him out.”
“It depends on what Ed did with the settlement money my sister paid him,” I replied. “I’m not sure how Federal bail works, actually. State is ten percent of the amount in cash for a bond.”
“How do we find out?”
“Let’s call Melanie,” I said.
There was a knock at the door which didn’t surprise me.
“I should have turned on my ‘consultation’ lamp,” she said getting up.
She went to the door and I wasn’t surprised to hear a nurse ask if she knew about Ed. Bethany replied that she did, closed the door, and flipped a switch that turned on the red ‘consultation’ light next to her nameplate. I dialed Melanie from my cell phone, but she didn’t answer, which meant she was very likely in court. I left her a message and asked her to call me back.
“Do you want me to stay with you?” I asked.
“I’ll be OK. I’m sure you have things to do.”
“We should talk, Sweetheart.”
“‘Talk’?” she asked with a hint of a smile.
“I was the one who needed that to be able to open up, not you!”
“True. But still, ‘Sweetheart’?”
“I like calling you that,” I said firmly.
“Tell me you don’t have those feelings for me.”
“That can of worms shouldn’t be opened ... what’s bugging you?”
“Because I’m pushing back?” I asked.
“May I be totally honest?”
“I feel like I’ve been given an ultimatum - change my mind or ruin our friendship, and I don’t think that’s fa ... right.”
“It’s true I would prefer you change your opinion because I believe you’re horribly mistaken and doing severe damage, and contributing to the very social environment I’m trying to prevent, but the only thing I’m asking you to do is not push your ideas on the cousins. And I’m going to point to Stephie and Nicholas - everyone on the planet knows where those two are headed, and if you do anything to wreck it, I won’t be the only friend you lose.”
“A threat?” Bethany asked.
“A prediction with a very high probability of accuracy. Imagine what Elyse would do if you tried to break up Matthew and Chelsea. You are at odds with ALL of us. You know I’m OK with you holding whatever opinions you wish, but what I’m not OK with is you deciding for all of us, and all the kids, what is right and wrong. And nobody else is OK with it. I suspect Samantha told you that.”
“Yes, she did,” Bethany replied flatly. “Your errand girl.”
I shook my head, “No. This comes from Jennifer, Kara, and Kathy. Samantha brought it up with me, and basically said she was deputized by the girls to talk to me and then to you. You’re making enemies, Bethany. You’ve fallen into a carefully crafted trap of your own making, and are doing your best to lay the foundation for a society in which none of your friends want to live!”
“The things I’m pointing out are REAL, Steve!”
“In abusive cases, not in the usual case! I spoke to Samantha and we’re going to get you a sabbatical and a fellowship that will send you to Sweden for a year. And we’ll arrange a leave of absence for Tom, as well as set up some kind of opportunity for him in Sweden. Nicholas will stay with us and you’ll take Bobby with you.”
“Oh, come on!” Bethany protested. “Be serious!”
“I am being serious. You’ve never been out of the US. Sure, you were in Guam, but that’s the US. I want you to live and work someplace for a year where society is NOT insane and going down an even more insane path. Obviously, I can’t make you do it, but I want you to get a different perspective. The same one I have. And it’s not like you don’t know anyone there - you know Katt, Mikael, Karin, Kristian, Pia, and Sofia’s parents. It’ll be good for you and for your practice.”
“I can’t leave Nicholas for a year!”
“Then take him for the Summer, let him come back here for school, and you come home for Christmas. Bobby can go to one of the English-language schools in Sweden. The experience would be good for him. We both know Stephie and Nicholas would object to being apart for that long.”
“You’re insane!”
“I’ve never once disputed that. But I’m also right. Think about it. Talk with Tom about it. Let me know.”
“And if I refuse?”
“Then I’m afraid you’ll wreck every relationship you have except with anyone else who agrees with your warped view of the world.”
“MY warped view? So declared by a man who’s slept with close to two hundred women?”
“You have a good portion of the list. Go talk to them and ask if I abused them or used my power to coerce them to have sex. You know that’s not what happened. Did I make mistakes? Sure. But never in an abusive way. We’ll leave my sister out of this discussion because even twenty years later I can’t unpack that relationship to know exactly what went on.”
My phone rang and I pulled it from my pocket, unsurprised that it was my sister calling.
“Speaking of her,” I said, holding up the phone.
Bethany nodded and I answered.
“I know, Squirt. I told Bethany about it right before it happened.”
“Big brother, you are unreal! How did you know?”
“It pays to know all the important people in this town!” I chuckled. “Ed’s parents are on the way to Chicago. They asked if you would post his bail and Bethany told them ‘no’.”
“No shit! Are you concerned?”
“Not really. What does he have at this point? Anything he says will be seriously questioned, and I don’t think he’s dumb enough to want to face that capital murder charge in Ohio.”
“OK. See you in the office tomorrow?”
We said ‘goodbye’ and hung up.
“Someday you’re going to show me the secret journal that explains everything.”
“I’m open to the carrot in addition to the stick. Do what I asked, and I’ll tell you the entire story. When you come back.”
“At your service,” I replied with a grin. “So?”
“I’ll think about it.”
I nodded and got up. When Bethany didn’t stand for a hug, I turned, opened the door, and left her office. Jessica was teaching or on rounds, so I simply left the ER to head home. Once I was about halfway, I took out my cell phone and called Samantha’s cell phone.
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