A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 35: Revelations
March 11, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
By Sunday morning, nothing had changed with Frank Spencer’s condition, and Pete had let me know they’d make a final decision on Monday morning. His take was to offer Frank’s organs, a sentiment with which I agreed, but one with which Trudy and Melanie were struggling. I also heard from Samantha who said she would feel up to a Friday burial for her dad, reiterating the plan to which we’d agreed, just that it would be four days later.
As was the norm for a Sunday with a Rap Session, Leigh arrived early and we spent a couple of hours fooling around before lunch, and after lunch, I sat down with Jackson to talk to him about being part of our ‘Inner Circle’.
“You know I feel as if I’m trying to step into shoes that I’ll never fill, right?” he asked.
“You mean Jorge?” I asked.
“Obviously, and that concerns me. I’m afraid I’ll fail you.”
I smiled, “Which was always Jorge’s concern. He didn’t fail me, even once, and I think it was that concern that actually helped prevent it.”
“It seemed like a pretty high bar for success to start with, and you just raised it,” Jackson replied.
I shook my head, “Not at all. Remember, I’m responsible for my own choices; your role is advice.”
“And if I give bad advice?”
“It’s still my responsibility. Remember, there will be five or six ‘Insiders’; consider it a microcosm of the larger group, which, by the way, is going to change based on a recent experience I had.”
“How so?”
“You’ll find out in two weeks, if you’re up to the challenge of being a very close friend.”
Jackson smirked, “I’m as straight as you are!”
“So was Jorge! Of course, my biggest problem with my usual ‘male bonding’ activities is that I’m restricted from bourbon and cigars because of the prescription I’m taking to help control my endocrinal problems. Do you play poker?”
“Well, that’s out then. Do you know how to shoot?”
“I’ve never handled a gun in my life.”
“Care to learn?”
“A committed pacifist is going to teach me to shoot? Now there’s a first!”
“A very good friend of mine named Nick Evans once said he believed in peace through superior firepower. I agree with him.”
“That was the Navy guy who was murdered, right?”
“Cindi told me about him. His theory was that if everyone knew you could kick the living shit out of them, nobody would bother you. I suppose being a 6th Dan black belt and having a concealed carry permit fits with that theory.”
“It does. Another Navy friend of mine described the perfect war as one where you used overwhelming, immediate force to end the war quickly and decisively, then went home to fuck your wife or girlfriend, play with your kids, and when you went to bed, you called it a good day.”
“Who was that?”
“Then, Lieutenant Aimee Shaughnessy; she’s a Commander now at the Naval Research Laboratory. Anyway, I wouldn’t do the teaching - either my friend Clayton, my friend Pete, or one of my employees, Eve, would do it. Pete’s the Deputy US Marshal. Clayton was a Navy firearms instructor. Eve is a licensed instructor.”
“Sure. Shooting sounds good. You used to skydive, right?”
“Yes, and that would have been a great group activity, but after my second concussion, I’m not cleared medically to do it.”
“That sucks.”
“TELL me about it! But we’ll find some other things to do, too. Well, in addition to one-on-one chats and talks with the rest of the ‘Inner Circle’.”
“Holly’s not going to be invited, is she?”
“No. Care to advance a reason why that might be?”
He sat back and a smile slowly slid across his face, “She’s sleeping with me, so she can’t be exclusive with you.”
“A keen insight,” I replied. “Something like what Jorge might have done.”
“I got the idea from Cindi that he was never invited into what she called your ‘Sanctum Sanctorum’, but just kind of found himself there when your marriage was on the rocks.”
“That’s when I realized just how close a friend he was. It’s to my discredit I hadn’t recognized it a lot sooner. He literally gave his life for my marriage.”
“That’s an interesting way to put it; Cindi said he was killed by a drunk driver, but she didn’t give any details.”
“He was with Jessica. He was the only person she’d really talk to at that time, and he and I were close, and he served as a bridge. Out of his death came life - my marriage and his namesake, Jorge Louis.”
“Now I’m even more honored that you asked, though I have to say I’d strongly prefer a different ending from the one you had with Jorge. Well, and Nick Evans, too.”
“You and me both,” I agreed.
“I’m not exactly sure that I can be him...”
“Don’t try. Be you.”
“Cindi said I had some similar outlooks and behaviors. I guess Jorge and I had the same relationship with her.”
“I believe that to be the case, yes.”
“As I think about it, my role is to be a sounding board, which I think is what Jorge did, at least according to Cindi.”
“You seem to have talked quite a bit with her.”
Jackson laughed, “I’ve heard that one of your reasons for only sleeping with smart girls is that at some point you have to talk to them.”
I laughed, “Cindi told you that, didn’t she?”
“Yes, though I guess you said that to some guys in the past.”
“Yes. And it’s true. And trust me, Cindi is very, very smart, and is very important to me in many ways.”
“She implied, very strongly, that you guys loved each other, the deeper kind of love; I don’t remember the Greek word.”
“«Agape»,” I replied. “And yes. It just took us a long time to admit it to each other.”
“Anyway, if you’re looking for, well, a ‘sidekick’ who’ll do his best to call you on your bullshit, I’m your man. But do you realize what YOU are signing up for?”
“I think so. What am I missing?”
“You know how your daughter treats you? I’ll do that, minus the cuddles, and from a male perspective! Nothing is sacred!”
I laughed, “Now THAT sounds exactly like something Jorge would have said!”
“I hear your sister is single, too,” he said with what I could tell was a forced straight face.
I laughed again, “There are very few men brave enough to approach my sister, but I’m not going to stand in the way if you want to follow in Jorge’s footsteps!”
Jackson cracked a smile, “I was joking; I’m very, very happy with Holly. Stephanie will have to settle for someone else. Between you and Cindi, you facilitated something that could never have happened otherwise. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Shall we invite Suzanne and Leigh to join us?”
I invited the girls to join us and we chatted for about an hour before we adjourned our ‘Inner Circle’ meeting to host the Rap Session. The topic was similar to the conversation I’d had with Annita and I took some good-natured ribbing from Elizabeth for shifting towards her perception of reality, though I still held that the universe was more complex than simple electrochemical interactions.
“So, he’s all signed up?” Holly asked while we were having refreshments and Jackson was talking to Leigh and Suzanne.
“He is.”
“Cool. I waited for him to tell me, so he didn’t know I knew in advance.”
“I think he could handle you sharing that with him,” I said.
“OK. I heard your friend Melanie’s dad is ill.”
“Critically,” I replied. “Ruptured aneurysm. The prognosis is not good.”
“I’m really sorry to hear that. You just went to a funeral, right?”
“Yes. I was in Cincinnati for that funeral when Melanie’s dad was rushed to the hospital.”
“Is that what I have to look forward to?”
“Death? It is inevitable, the statistics are 100%.”
“Jesus?” Holly asked.
“He died, too.”
“Uh, yeah. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” I said gently. “There is no need.”
“I do have a question for you.”
“Are you up for some one-on-one mentoring?”
Holly shook her head, “No, I know you’ll do that for me. I was talking about Achara. I’m sure you’ve noticed she doesn’t talk much during the Rap Sessions. She has lots of questions, but she’s incredibly shy about speaking in public.”
“My time is a bit constrained for at least the next few weeks, but I could probably find some time. Talk to me in two weeks, please.”
“Will do! And thanks!”
She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and went to join Jackson.
March 12, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
I received the call I’d expected from Pete on Monday morning.
“For what it’s worth, I think that was the right decision,” I said.
“I agree. We’re planning a wake for Friday evening and a funeral Mass at St. Andrew’s on Saturday morning.”
“Not to be a jerk, but Frank’s religion was golf.”
“Frank had been baptized and confirmed, but you know the service is really for Trudy and Mel. Trudy basically never missed a Sunday and you know Melanie goes to Mass a couple of times a month.”
“I do. Do you need anything from me?”
“Not at the moment, but I promise if I do, I’ll call you. Your dad was very helpful.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Are you coming back to Chicago?”
“I have a week’s leave, so no. Sam is handling Melanie’s motions, and he’ll get a continuance for a hearing which was scheduled for Wednesday.”
“OK. I’m here if you need me.”
“Thanks, Steve.”
We said ‘goodbye’ and after telling Penny the news, I called Brian, Jennifer, and Kurt, because he could get in touch with Kathy. Once those calls were completed, I pulled out my daybook to try to figure out how I’d handle Matthew’s play, Noel Spurgeon’s burial, Frank’s wake and funeral, and karate. I had too many obligations and not enough time. The main conflict was for Friday night, when we had tickets for the play. I’d have to move that to Thursday, assuming there were tickets available, which was no guarantee. I had to solve THAT question first, before I could do anything. I picked up the phone and dialed Elyse’s direct line at the NIKA offices.
“Thursdays are usually not too bad,” she said. “Do you want to change all the tickets?”
“There’s nothing except karate on the calendar for Thursday, so Kara, Jess, Suzanne, the kids, and I could all make it Thursday evening.”
“Let me call the school and see what I can do. Worst case, I guarantee you there will be two tickets for Thursday for you and me.”
“Which means everyone else would miss,” I said. “Well, unless you arrange for the girls and Albert to get there on Friday.”
“You aren’t taking them to Cincinnati?”
“Jesse is flying to Rochester on Saturday, so he can’t go no matter what. The others would miss a day of school, and none of them really knew Frank or Trudy. They know Pete and Melanie, obviously, but I think I’d rather have them in school for the day.”
“I agree. Obviously, I wouldn’t suggest that Matthew go and miss the play, especially given that Chelsea will be here on Saturday for Spring Break.”
“I agree. What about Eduardo?”
“He’s heading to Buenos Aires on Sunday evening, so I doubt it. I don’t think he ever met Frank and Trudy.”
“OK. I’m not sure Jess will be able to trade shifts on Saturday at this late date, so it might just be Kara and me driving down on Friday afternoon. She only has a morning class on Fridays.”
“Let me make the call about the tickets and I’ll call you back.”
I thanked her, we said ‘goodbye’, and I hung up. I placed a call to Jessica’s office to see if I could catch her before her 9:00am class but had to leave a message. I did reach Kara just as she was leaving her office to give her the news and let her know I was trying to switch the play tickets. After I hung up with Kara, I went back to work with Penny. Elyse called about an hour later to let me know she’d switched all our tickets to Thursday. That solved the major conflict, as I’d be home from Noel’s funeral by noon, and that would allow Kara and me to make it to Frank’s wake on Friday evening.
Jessica called back about fifteen minutes after I hung up with Elyse and after a discussion, Jessica and I agreed that she’d stay in Chicago, and that I’d ask Suzanne to stay home on Saturday to watch the kids while Jessica was working. That left the karate classes on Friday. I knew Miyu could cover both, and though it wasn’t my preferred option, I didn’t see that I had much choice as I knew Molly was busy as tax season was in full swing.
“You look a bit stressed,” Penny observed.
“That’s because I am,” I replied. “I’m concerned for Trudy and Melanie, and what was supposed to be a calm, relaxing month has become insanely hectic.”
“Maybe you should skip going to the office tomorrow morning.”
“I already feel as if I’m out of touch,” I replied.
“But once your Sensei returns, you’re coming back full-time, right?”
“That’s the plan, yes.”
“Then skip tomorrow. I’ll come here so we can work.”
“That’s good advice, Penny.”
“Well, I know another way to reduce stress...”
I chuckled, “Yes, because Penelope Margaret Penfield is SO calm in bed!”
Penny laughed, “It’s YOUR fault that I’m not!”
“Excuse me?!” I protested. “YOU were the one who wanted to be fucked into the next century!”
“Perhaps,” she giggled.
“Get back to work, Pretty Penny!”
She leaned over, kissed my cheek, and did as I’d suggested. Penny was still very sexy, but my stress relief would be a long, hot, steamy sauna with my family after dinner.
March 15, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
? Matthew
“Matt Clarke has an announcement,” Mr. Fruits said when the cast gathered on Thursday for a final run-through before our first performance of You Can’t Take It with You. We’d had our final dress rehearsal the previous night and today we’d just run through the script sitting in a big circle.
“You’re all invited to a cast party at my house on Saturday after the play,” I said. “Mom said it can go to midnight.”
“Awesome! Cool! Excellent!” my fellow cast members, who were also my friends, called out.
“Cast and crew only?” Nick asked.
“Yes,” I replied. “If you hadn’t tried to get EVERY girl in the cast and crew into bed, you might have a chance!”
“Up yours, Clarke!”
“You made your bed, dude, now you DON’T get to lie in it!”
“Chelsea’s not cast or crew,” Nick said.
“She’s family! Not to mention she’s staying at my house!”
“Hey, if YOU get to bring your girlfriend...”
“Let’s go!” Mr. Fruits said. “Act 1, Scene 1 please!”
About ninety minutes later, I got into Eduardo’s car.
“Your mom called,” he said. “Your dad and the others will be at the play tonight, so your mom, brother, and I will be there tonight as well. They have to go to Ohio tomorrow afternoon.”
“Aunt Melanie’s dad?”
“Yes. They took him off life support early Monday morning.”
“That sucks.”
“Your mom is going to Ohio, but I’m leaving for Argentina on Sunday, so I’m staying home. That way you can still have your party. Your dad will be home in time for the Sunday night dinner. Are you and Chelsea still planning to stay in the city?”
“Yes. Mom will bring us home on Thursday. What are you doing in Buenos Aires?”
“The same thing I always do! Go to meetings! We’re looking for someone to fill the role of managing director for the Argentinian office of a US company.”
My cell phone rang and I saw it was Chelsea calling. Eduardo nodded and laughed, so I answered my phone.
“Hey!” I said.
“Hi! I called because I know it’s opening night! Good luck!”
“Please do NOT say that to a thespian!” I groaned.
“Sorry! I forgot! Break a leg!”
“Thanks! I’m really looking forward to seeing you on Saturday! We’re having a cast and crew party at the house and you’re invited. Then on Sunday we’ll go into the city and stay at my dad’s house until Thursday. Mom will bring us back to the house, and on Friday we’re hanging out with my friends.”
“Mom will be away on Saturday. She’s going to a funeral for the dad of one of my dad’s friends, so Eduardo will bring me to Midway to get you.”
“Who died? Mom will ask me for sure.”
“Mr. Spencer; Melanie’s dad. Well, they took him off life support after he had an aneurysm rupture. He stopped breathing and they couldn’t fix it. He was only in his fifties.”
“Wow. That stinks.”
“I’m almost home and need to eat and get back to school. Talk to you tomorrow?”
“Yes! Love you, Matt!”
“Love you, Chelsea!”
We said ‘goodbye’ and I closed the phone just as Eduardo pulled into the driveway. He pressed the button to open the garage door, and when the door was opened all the way, pulled in until the tennis ball he’d strung from the rafters touched the windshield, letting him know he’s parked in the correct spot. We got out of the car and went inside so that we could make dinner to have it ready when Mom arrived home.
About ninety minutes later we were on our way back to the school. Mom and Eduardo dropped me at the ‘drama doors’ and then they and Michael went to park while I went to dress and have some stage makeup put on by one of the crew. Fifteen minutes later we all took our places to wait for the curtain to go up.
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