A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 32: Phone Calls

March 4, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

Of all the things I might have expected Marissa to say, that was the LAST thing I would have expected. Except, that wasn’t true, as I would never have expected her to make that request, so it couldn’t really be the last thing! In the split second I’d had to think about what to say, I was tempted to say ‘Here?’ in jest, but in the next split second, I rejected that idea as I didn’t know Marissa well enough to know how she’d respond to a flip response to what I judged to be a very serious request.

It wasn’t that I didn’t know her - our families had spent time together fairly regularly after the hockey trip to Russia - but Marissa and I had never had a serious one-on-one conversation. I knew she had become friends with Natalie and Nicole, and surmised there was SOME kind of communication between them that had led to her request; a surmise which was reinforced by the conversation I’d observed between her and Natalie. I didn’t think Natalie had encouraged Marissa in any way, and given that I’d never hidden my relationships with Maria Cristina, and later Suzanne, from the Heaths and Sarcus, I was sure Marissa was aware of what was going on. Not to mention the potential back-channel of her brother Mikey.

As I quickly evaluated the situation, I knew that it couldn’t be resolved immediately unless I simply said ‘no’, which was the easiest course of action. The problem with that easy course, at least in my mind in the few seconds since she’d uttered the request, was that she’d boldly asked for what she wanted and I felt the least I could do was talk to her about it. Of course, I also thought, suppressing a chuckle, that she was basically a seventeen-year-old ‘Steve type’, which made it an attractive proposition to consider, even if I eventually turned her down.

I smiled to soften what I was going to say, not wanting to hurt her feelings, though I doubted my non-committal answer would do that.

“Call me at home this week,” I said. “I’ll be home at some point every day except Wednesday.”

“OK!” she responded happily, and then she and Natalie left the skybox, with me following them, and all of us rejoined the others. With nothing more said, we parted company when Nicole and I got into my BMW and Marissa got into her parents’ SUV with her family.

“What was that about?” Nicole asked.

“Well, that answers one question that was on my mind,” I replied as I started the car.

“No way!” Nicole laughed. “Seriously? That is something I would never have expected!”

“That makes two of us. Do you think your sister encouraged her?”

“Nat? No way! She would never let on she’d been with you. I mean, sure, Mom knows, but nobody else besides me. You know she didn’t encourage me. We talked about it, sure, but she was totally neutral.”

“Except for telling you how great it was!” I chuckled as I pulled out of the parking spot.

“I was eleven!” Nicole smirked. “What did I know?”

“A lot, apparently! At least after Natalie told you all about it!”

“And I wasn’t even half as precocious as Birgit!”

“NOBODY is half as precocious as Birgit!” I declared. “She’s a force of nature!”

“And me?”

“You’re more reserved, at least when you’re not on the ice.”

“Or in bed?”

“Actually, you’re somewhat reserved there, too. And that is not a complaint. You prefer it with us sitting up, wearing hockey jerseys, and going slow. Sure, at times you like it hard and fast, but mostly not. And you’re more than willing to do anything I want, but you tend to stick to your preferences, much as I do.”

“Which is why we’re sexually compatible in addition to being intimate partners.”

“It’s very important to a relationship to ensure that you’re overall approach to physical intimacy is on the same basic page. May I be a bit direct?”

“Aren’t you always?”

“Sorry, I was going to say something about you and Mikey, and that’s inappropriate without you being OK with it.”

“Sure. Advice?”

I nodded, “Talk about it, and at the appropriate time make sure you tell him what you like. You might even have to teach him, though I honestly don’t know his history. It’s super-important for the girl to tell the guy what she needs, because, as I think you can surmise, orgasms come pretty easy for guys.”

Nicole laughed softly, “You don’t seem to have a problem with it happening too fast OR with making me feel VERY, VERY good!”

“Experience,” I replied.

Nicole nodded, “Exactly the reason I wanted you to be my first lover. Nat didn’t realize it before you guys went to bed together, but she’s absolutely convinced that going to an older guy for her first time was exactly the right thing to do. She didn’t plan it that way, but it all just sort of came together perfectly in Russia. And then she went with that stick-in-the-mud John who couldn’t get past that ‘Alex P. Keaton’ conservatism. I don’t see Mikey having that problem - he’s hung around Jesse and your family for years.”

“Mikey is a good kid. Mind telling me your plan?”

“Well, assuming going to his house tomorrow after school, throwing him on the floor, and fucking his brains out is a bad idea, I was going to suggest burgers and a movie.”

I chuckled, “He’s fifteen, so he might appreciate your first suggestion. I sure would have at fifteen! Heck, I’d appreciate that now!”

“No you wouldn’t,” Nicole said, shaking her head. “Not really. You’re not interested in that at this point, well, unless you’re already in a relationship with someone and it’s something the two of you want to do. You’re the one who taught me about developing proper intimacy.”

“You’re right, of course, at least about now,” I replied. “At fifteen? A different story! Of course, that kind of spontaneity is difficult these days in the world of HIV, not to mention other STIs. I was lucky, really. You have to make sure Mikey gets tested before you even consider having sex with him.”

Nicole laughed, “Too late! I mean, considering! I wouldn’t go out with him if I wasn’t attracted to him that way. That doesn’t mean I’m going to drag him to bed on the first date, though! Or the second or third, for that matter. And I remember what you’ve said and what was in Doctor Bethany’s book.”

“Good. What’s your plan for the next four hours?”

“I’d like to order pizza so we don’t have to leave the loft apartment. And you HAVE to leave that awesome jersey on!”

? Jesse

“Jesse, can we use the sauna?” Libby asked when she arrived at my house just before 6:00pm.

“We could, but we’d have to wear towels or bathing suits because I can’t imagine Mia agreeing to be naked in there with Kenny and Jerry.”

“Bummer,” Libby pouted.

“Let me call in the pizza order. We’ll have time to use the sauna before it arrives. Also, Nicholas will be here just before 7:00pm.”


I picked up the phone and called Connie’s to order pizza and Mia, Jerry, and Kenny arrived while I was on the phone. She’d dropped each of our friends at home and parked her car at her house, before they all walked back. Libby lived closest, which was why she was the first one to arrive.

“Everyone up for a sauna?” Libby asked.

“It would have to be what my dad calls ‘Weekend Rules’ - towels or bathing suits - unless everyone agrees otherwise.”

“You guys go in there naked?” Kenny asked.

“Sure. My family and some friends, but not everyone is cool with that.”

“I’m in!” he replied.

“I’ve never been in a sauna,” Jerry said. “Is it like the steam room at the Y?”

“Yes,” I replied. “Though you can have a lot of steam or only a little, and it can be a lot hotter if you only use a little steam. Mia?”

“Sure,” she said. “But it has to be ‘Weekend Rules’.”

The five of us went over to the main house and after I turned on the sauna, I gave everyone towels and robes, and we used the bathroom and guest rooms to change. After we changed, we all went in and I filled the oaken bucket with water, then ladled some onto the rocks. Once the steam was rising, I sat down.

“The Hawks sucked today,” Jerry said. “Just a total breakdown in discipline in the third period! You can’t take seven penalties in one period and win!”

“Or two penalties in a row,” Kenny groused. “That’s what ultimately killed us in Rockford. And now it’s up to Jesse to lead the team to a State championship because all three of us are graduating.”

“We got Mia her trophy,” Jerry said. “Thanks to Jesse’s MVP rookie season!”

“She scored those goals!” I countered. “And she plays defense!”

“She had fire in her eyes that game,” Libby said. “Never get in the way of a determined woman!”

“And never tell her to ‘suck your dick’ in earshot of the zebra!” I chuckled.

All my friends laughed.

“Kenny, did you accept University of Maine?” Mia asked.

He nodded, “Yes. Not too many brothers want to play that far north! Minnesota offered me a scholarship as well, but that’s just too damned cold! Why couldn’t Florida or Arizona have hockey scholarships?”

“Top-level college hockey is really rare,” I said. “There are more teams than in the past, but most players who are thinking NHL end up in the Canadian leagues. Remember, only about half of the college kids who won the Gold Medal in 1980 played in the NHL, and Mike Eruzione never did play in the NHL, though I read that the Rangers wanted to offer him a contract.”

“Which one was he?” Libby asked.

“If you’ve ever seen the ‘Miracle on Ice’ highlight that shows the winning goal, that’s him. He was the captain.”

“Has anyone you met in Russia come over?” Kenny asked.

“They’re mostly our age,” I said. “And you guys met Tretiak here. I did meet Vladimir Putin, who’s President of Russia. And you guys saw General Dmitry at our citywide game.”

“Man, I wish I had a family like yours,” Kenny said.

“Your parents are totally cool,” I replied.

“Sure, but they didn’t take me to Russia or Sweden! My dad’s idea of a vacation is fishing in Wisconsin!”

“What’s your major going to be?” Libby asked.

“Physical therapy. Jesse’s dad introduced me to someone he knows who’s a physical therapist in Cincinnati and she gave me some really good advice.”

“Jesse’s dad seems to know just about everyone!” Mia observed.

“You guys wouldn’t want to take off your towels, would you?” Libby asked.

“Libby...” I cautioned, knowing Mia was uncomfortable with the idea.

“I’m not sure that would be a good idea,” Kenny said. “I think I’d embarrass myself!”

I laughed, “A lot of guys do the first time they’re in the sauna with naked girls.”

“That never happened to you?”

“Mom One brought me into the sauna not long after I was born so I’ve pretty much seen it all! And honestly, being naked doesn’t mean you’re going to have sex.”

“Well, in MY experience it sure does!” Kenny said, causing everyone else to laugh.

“I’ve been in here with lots of naked girls, even much older ones, and it just doesn’t happen unless I decide,” I said. “Dad says eventually everyone gets used to it.”

“Hang on! You’ve been in here naked with adults? Of both sexes?”

“Since I was a few weeks old. It’s no big deal.”

“That’s wild! And everyone in your family is cool with that?”

“Sure. It’s been like that since before any of us were born. Dad was fourteen when he was in a sauna for the first time. Mom One was about the same age, though she might have been fifteen. It’s just something they do.”


We stayed in for another fifteen minutes, then everyone took turns showering. Nicholas arrived just before the pizza was delivered, and we sat in the great room to watch HBO.

? Steve

“What would you like to do next?” I asked when Nicole and I finished our pizza.

I’d ordered ‘thin crust’ because a slice just barely fit into my carb budget, and I hadn’t eaten the part not covered with cheese and sauce to be safe.

“Well, it’s the last time, and I was thinking YOU should decide because we’ve already done it my way twice. And if I know you, it’s naked, missionary position, and thirty minutes of non-stop orgasms for me! So I wouldn’t exactly be suffering!”

“You really do like keeping the jerseys on,” I replied. “And doing it sitting up.”

“Nat says the jerseys are my kink!” Nicole replied with a rare giggle. “Shall we go back to bed?”

I got up, took Nicole’s hand, and led her to the bedroom. We removed our jerseys and got into bed where I pleasured her to two orgasms with my tongue before we made love in the missionary position, fulfilling her prediction of numerous orgasms for her and a wonderful release for me. We had some time left to cuddle, and Nicole snuggled close.

“This has been the most amazing year,” she said. “Not just the sex, but the closeness and the mentoring. I’m glad neither of those has to stop. And I’m grateful for being allowed to come to the Rap Sessions.”

“I’m glad to have you there, and I enjoy talking to you. It’s not just sex for me, either.”

“But it was totally important, wasn’t it? I mean, I’ve listened to everything you said, and what we’re doing right now is what was really intimate - talking, sharing, and bonding.”

“Yes. Sex is very intimate, but the real intimacy comes from the deep friendship we’ve developed.”

“It’s weird, because none of my friends have adult friends as your kids do, or like I have, even forgetting about sex.”

“I always encouraged my kids to have adult friends and I think it’s super important. And if you think about it, your parents actually encouraged the mentoring relationship.”

Nicole laughed softly, “I don’t think my dad would be happy about me lying naked in your arms! Mom, on the other hand, is jealous!”

“You said that, but you know my rules in that regard. And why I have to have them.”

“Cheating is about the lowest thing you can do, right down there with bragging to your friends about conquests.”

“Another thing I’ve scrupulously avoided doing.”

“It’s OK to hug you and kiss you on the cheek after this, right?”

“I think so, but you need to be careful about what Mikey thinks and feels. And I’ll go right back to what I said about sex - you need to communicate to be successful at anything you do. I’ve known Mikey for a long time and I don’t think he’ll have a problem with it. You can ask in a casual way, something like asking if he minds if you hug me. If he says ‘no’, it’s all good. If he says ‘yes’, then ask him why and talk about it. Talking is the key to a good relationship.”

“Do you know if Mia and Jerry are a couple?”

“I know they went on a date on Friday night,” I replied.

“Jesse says Jerry is going to make a great coach.”

“I think Jesse is correct. The team owes Jerry a debt of gratitude because he really helped Jesse once it was clear Jesse was the better player.”

“Backup goalie has to be the suckiest role in hockey.”

“At your level, yes, but in the pros, they often play from twenty to twenty-five percent of the games because of travel and back-to-back games. Even the teams with the best goalies play the backup eight to ten times to give the star a rest. At your level, they often only get one or two games unless the two goalies are equally skilled. But Jerry found a niche and did a great job helping the team.”

“True. And you’re right; I was thinking about goalies on our teams. I’m hoping they combine the teams in Oak Park for next year so Mikey and I can play together.”

I chuckled, “I think you’ll find plenty of time for that!”

Nicole laughed, “True. But not right away.”

“When you’re ready, and not one minute before.”

“I suppose we should change the sheets, shower, and get dressed,” she said. “Tomorrow is a school day.”

We reluctantly got out of bed, changed the sheets, and then went to the bathroom where we enjoyed a wonderful joint shower. After drying off, we dressed, made sure the apartment was clean, then left so I could drive Nicole home.

? Jesse

“Thanks for inviting us to watch, Jesse,” Kenny said.

“You know how this is going to go wrong, right?” I asked.

“Water heater?” Mia suggested.


We were watching The Sopranos episode ‘Mr. Ruggerio’s Neighborhood’, and it was basically a comedy as the FBI tried to bug the Soprano’s house by replacing a desk lamp in the basement. And true to our prediction, they were eventually stymied by the water heater bursting and filling the basement with water.

“Damn, that Adriana La Cerva is HOT!” Kenny said, echoing an FBI agent who was surveilling her. “I wouldn’t mind giving her tennis lessons!”

“You don’t play tennis!” Mia declared.

“All I see is her playing with balls!” Kenny smirked.

Everyone laughed, including Mia and Libby.

“Tom Hagen or Silvio Dante?” Libby asked.

“Silvio!” I declared. “Hagen was a pussy! And Silvio is way smarter. You know who the actor is, right?”

“No. Who?”

“Steven van Zandt from Springsteen’s E Street Band. They called him ‘Little Steven’ and he’s from Jersey, so he’s perfect.”

“Seriously? The guitar player?”

“Yep. And his wife on the show, Gabriella, is his real-life wife Maureen.”

“Whoa! That’s cool!”

“OK, I bet I know some trivia the rest of you don’t know!” Kenny declared.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, first, Bruce Springsteen was their best man, but the minister who performed the ceremony was named Richard Penniman.”

“Who?” Libby asked.

“Little Richard!” Kenny replied. “You know Tutti Frutti?”

“Wow!” I exclaimed along with the others.

The episode ended after Patsy Parisi pointed a gun at Tony and took a leak in Tony’s pool, but without Tony knowing and the FBI about to lose their minds watching but not being able to do anything. Dad came in just as the episode ended, which was perfect timing, because he could walk Nicholas home while I walked Libby home.

March 5, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

“Molly will cover for me on Wednesday,” I said to Miyu when she arrived for the afterschool class. “I need to be in Ohio for a funeral.”

“Someone close?” she asked.

“My first mentor’s widow.”

“You have my sympathies. Sensei Molly will take the lunch class, too?”

“Yes. She’s going to cover for me all day. Ted is leading the Wednesday evening class at Molly’s dojo in Racine.”

“Cool. She and Brett are coming to the wedding.”

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