A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 2: A Serious Commitment
New Year’s Eve, 2000, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
“Do you need any help, Stepa?” Tatyana asked late on Sunday afternoon.
“I think everything is set,” I replied. “Is your protective officer happy?”
“Of course not!” she laughed. “There are too many unknown people! He is, on the other hand, jealous! He would like to talk to you about how he can arrange to have two wives and a mistress!”
I chuckled, “I wish him luck with that! He’s welcome to relax and enjoy the party, but I can’t imagine he will.”
“He would love to, but he is on duty.”
“I have a Federal Marshal, the Head of Personal Protection for Global Security, half-a-dozen Naval officers, AND Katya here! And that doesn’t include your husband or the five Shōtōkan blackbelts who are here! What exactly does he think will happen if someone threatens you in the slightest way! Give him the night off!”
“He would never agree!”
I chuckled, “Even if I offered to introduce him to a few girls who might make it a VERY memorable evening?”
“You are still very «некультурный», Stepa!” Tanya said with a soft laugh.
“Let me talk to Pavel and see if I can persuade him to enjoy himself!”
Tanya laughed as I walked out of the kitchen and went to the great room where Pavel was sitting, having moved a chair to give him a clear view of both the back door and the foyer.
“I don’t think there’s a safer place your charge could be today,” I said. “Besides a former KGB Colonel, we have a US Marshal, half-a-dozen Naval Officers, five blackbelts, and Katya’s new Head of Personal Protection, who is a former Navy firearms instructor!”
“I have duty!” he said firmly.
“Ah, but Tanya will release you, and, if you do agree to join the party, I might share some of my secrets!”
He laughed, “I do not understand how you could find two wives who would also let you have a mistress!”
“Mistresses, as in plural, Pavel!” I chuckled. “But, I also happen to know some girls who would think a good-looking Russian man who was in good shape would be fun to play with!”
“You jest!”
I chuckled, “I’ll introduce them to you when they arrive. You can decide if you want to take the night off or not.”
“I could get in serious trouble if word ever got out. I wish I could take you up on offer...”
“Think about it,” I said. “I’ll introduce you to the girls and then it’s up to you!”
He laughed and shook his head, “House is crazy!”
“Welcome to the circus!”
He didn’t move from his spot, and I wondered if Becka, Claire, and Mattie could change his mind. I knew they could be VERY persuasive, and the more he resisted, the more they’d rise to the challenge, or, knowing them, get HIM to rise to their challenge! I went back to the kitchen and relayed the conversation to Tanya who simply laughed and said she had expected that response.
“I think everything’s ready,” I said. “Now we just wait for our guests to start arriving!”
Just after 7:00pm, we started our poker tournament, and I suffered a rare early knockout, so just before 9:00pm I headed up to the attic room where Suzanne asked me to dance.
“So, who gets the pleasure of your attention tonight?” she asked after we moved onto the dance floor.
“Usually on New Year’s I don’t steal away from the party,” I chuckled. “Though it has happened on a few rare occasions.”
“Who’s the angry looking woman by the door to the stairs?’
“That’s Carla.”
“Say no more. She’s here to make sure her daughter doesn’t dance with you.”
“Pretty much.”
“If anyone needed their brains fucked out...”
“She wouldn’t be able to handle it,” I replied. “That’s the fundamental problem.”
“I don’t think my mom could handle what you and I did AND have spectators while doing it!”
I chuckled, “OK, but you didn’t TELL your mom about it! Or, to be accurate, brag about it.”
“Yeah, that would have been a singularly bad idea!” Suzanne laughed. “Did Leigh tell you she’s staying the night?”
“She’ll stay in my room with me.”
“And if I’d planned to give YOU the pleasure of my attention tonight?”
Suzanne laughed, “You never know what might happen! We’re both ‘inner circle’ girls!”
The song ended and I asked Leigh to dance with me, though I was aware several of the cousins were waiting their turns.
“Sorry I couldn’t get here earlier,” Leigh said, melting into my arms. “I just didn’t want to cause trouble with my parents.”
“I totally understand,” I replied. “I do have a gift for you that I intended to give to you for Christmas.”
“There’s no need to apologize. It’s important to keep your parents happy.”
“I’ll have way more freedom once I graduate. I wish I had enough credits to graduate early like Suzanne. I’m happy she’s here. She told you I’m spending the night, right?”
“Yes. You know you’re welcome any time, so long as it won’t cause problems with your parents. I’ll give you the gift tomorrow, when things are less hectic.”
“Thanks,” she replied, squeezing her arms around me.
The song ended and Birgit came over to dance. She was finally big enough that I didn’t need to pick her up or bend way down. I was certain that by the time she was sixteen, she’d be the spitting image of her mom at sixteen, which would likely drive every boy within twenty miles mad with lust. When the song ended, Birgit reluctantly allowed her sisters to dance with me, and then several of the cousins plus Tiffany got their dances. I also danced with Abbie, as well as her daughter Kristina, and Joyce and her daughter Amelia.
“My turn!” Kristin Jaeger declared when I finished my dance with Amelia.
She was thirteen and had blossomed into a delightful young woman who reminded me of her mother at that age. I held her very loosely in my arms as we danced to All Out of Love by Air Supply. About thirty seconds into the song, she moved closer, put her head on my chest, and sighed contentedly. I tightened my arms a bit, but made sure I didn’t pull her too close. We danced quietly and when the song ended, she kissed my cheek, then went back to hang out with the Girl Gang.
Before I could move from the dance floor, Becka grabbed me, and I took her in my arms as How Deep Is Your Love began playing.
“Deep is good,” she teased.
“Very true! Did you see the stern-looking guy when you came up the stairs?”
“The hunk? What’s his story?”
“He’s Tatyana’s protective agent, and he’s jealous of my arrangements.”
“What straight male isn’t?” she asked with a laugh.
“Tanya tried to give him the night off but he’s worried about her safety.”
“Here? Seriously? President Clinton would be safe here without the Secret Service!”
“But none of the girls would!” I chuckled.
“Gross. Seriously, he’s just disgusting. Are you suggesting something?”
“Just that he might benefit from some attention, and perhaps he’d relax.”
Becka laughed, “And you want Claire, Mattie, and me to help him enjoy himself?”
“Why, what a brilliant idea!” I replied.
Becka smirked, “Nice. Sounds like a fun challenge, but I have a condition.”
“What’s that?”
“If we’re successful, we get you for forty-eight hours and you do anything and everything we want!”
I chuckled, “As much freedom as I have, I’d have to clear that with my wives. But there’s a bigger concern - Claire works for NIKA and I simply can’t violate that rule.”
“Bummer. Well, let me talk to the girls and see if they’re game.”
We finished our dance and she went to find Claire and Mattie. I chuckled because I doubted ANY red-blooded male could resist the three of them! I moved off the dance floor, got a drink and went to stand with my wives and the Jaegers.
“You seem to be behaving!” Kathy teased.
“I’ve been mobbed by teeny-boppers and younger,” I chuckled. “And Kurt’s had his share of dances as well.”
“Got one for me?” she asked.
“He sure does!” Kara smirked. “Only you’re off limits!”
Kathy laughed and shook her head, “We’re too old for those games at this point!”
“Bite your tongue!” Kurt exclaimed.
“It’s much more fun if she bites yours!” Jessica teased.
I took Kathy’s hand and we went onto the dance floor just as Every Woman in the World began playing.
“Did you arrange this?” I asked.
She laughed, “I do know the order of the songs on the ‘get laid’ CD!”
I pulled her close to me and she put her head on my chest in the exact same spot her daughter had and sighed the same exact way. I pulled Kathy tightly to me, something I couldn’t do with her daughter. We swayed to the music and I reminisced about the brief time she and I had been lovers. I also thought, briefly, about just how different my life would have been had she and I managed to act on our mutual crush. She might well have been my first, and only, lover. But that was ‘What if?’ thinking, so I pushed it aside and focused on the memories of our love affair. The song finished and we exchanged a soft kiss, then I left the attic room to check on the other guests who were spread around the house.
I saw Becka, Claire, and Mattie talking with Pavel, and chuckled softly to myself. Everything else was OK, so I ducked next door to Penny’s house to check on the kids who were seven or younger, and everything was OK there, so I headed back to the house, and went to the basement. I got into a couple of games of pool with Pete, Dave, Terry, Clayton, and several Navy guys, then went back to the attic room.
“You know,” I said to Carla, “if you smiled, I bet one of those Naval officers would ask you to dance.”
“You know why I’m here.”
“For the love of Loki, I gave you my word! Relax and enjoy the party!”
Rachel had been careful to only dance with Jesse and his friends, plus a couple of classmates. I looked over and saw her talking to one of the guys from Jesse’s team and a few seconds later, they went to the dance floor.
“Shit,” Carla muttered under her breath.
“What’s the problem? He’s one of Jesse’s teammates, which puts him in High School, and that’s who she should be dating!”
“Not him.”
“Why? Kenny seems like a good kid and his parents are good people.”
“Not him,” Carla repeated.
It dawned on me what it was - the Italian feeling about blacks! I knew if I said anything, I’d be picking a fight, but I also couldn’t stay completely silent.
“I think you might want to consider dropping those old prejudices,” I said. “And please, try to enjoy the party.”
I walked away before she could say anything, and I also didn’t look back.
“What did you say to Carla?” Kara asked quietly. “She’s looking daggers at you.”
“She objects to Rachel dancing with Kenny.”
“She objects to ANYTHING Rachel does, so Rachel is going to rub her mom’s nose in it.”
“Maybe YOU can explain that to Carla in words of two syllables or less, because she sure isn’t listening to me. She’s standing there, angry looks and all, because she doesn’t take me at my word that I won’t dance, or do anything else, with Rachel. I’d consider not inviting her, but then Rachel wouldn’t be allowed to be here.”
“So what are you going to do?”
“There isn’t much I can do. What am I supposed to say to Rachel? Don’t dance with the black kid? You know I can’t do that. And nothing I say to Carla registers. The best I can do is try to keep things calm enough that Rachel can hang out with the girls.”
“I suppose that’s true. Don’t look now, but Mia’s coming across the room!”
“I’ve been expecting that, but the munchkins did a good job of monopolizing my time.”
“Mr. Adams?” Mia said from behind me.
“Steve,” I said, turning to face her.
“Steve. Would you dance with me?”
I took her hand and led her to the dance floor as Up Where We Belong began playing. I felt hands on hips and shoulders was the best choice, but Mia had other ideas, plastering her body against mine, wrapping her arms around me and resting her head on my shoulder. I obliged by wrapping my arms around her, though more loosely then hers were around me. Her body was firm and athletic, though she was much more muscular and solid than what Elyse called a ‘Steve type’.
We danced quietly for about half the song before she lifted her head a bit.
“If adoption is out of the question...” she whispered.
“Mia,” I said gently, interrupting her.
“ ... what about the mistress option?” she continued.
“You’re one of Jesse’s friends, which means I can’t consider it.”
“Because I play on the hockey team with him? That’s just not fair!”
“Please don’t swear.”
“What?!” she asked, moving her head so she could look at me.
“The only four-letter f-word that’s banned in this house is the one you just used?”
She thought for a second, “Fair?”
“Yes. Saying that it’s ‘not fair’ carries no weight with me and my kids aren’t permitted to say it.”
“Then I’ll just say it’s dumb!” Mia exclaimed.
“Is it?” I asked. “Think of the problems it could cause if I hit on my kids’ friends.”
“But you didn’t!”
“And that’s what the rule does.”
“Just finish the dance, please.”
She did, but I could tell she was unhappy. When the song ended, she moved away without a word and walked back to where she’d been standing with the kids from school. I walked back to my wives.
“A very unhappy customer?” Kara asked.
“You know why I have that rule.”
“I do. Dance with us?”
“Of course! Let me change CDs!”
I put on the CD which had ‘our’ song, and then led them out to the dance floor.
? Jesse
“What’s got you so upset?” Libby asked Mia when she and I finished our dance.
“Nothing!” Mia growled.
“What happened?” I asked.
Mia’s eyes darted around and I could tell she didn’t want to talk in front of Kenny, Blake, or any of the rest of our friends, so I asked her to dance, even though I usually avoided dancing to You’re The Inspiration, because it felt weird dancing to my dad’s wedding song. I took Mia in my arms and we slow danced, though not too close together.
“He turned you down because you’re my friend?” I asked.
“You are SO annoying!” Mia exclaimed in a harsh whisper.
“So I was right!” I chuckled. “You DO want to sleep with my dad!”
“Arrrgghhh!” she growled. “How did you know, Jesse?”
“Don’t you think by this time I’ve seen it happen so many times I can predict it?”
“That doesn’t make you any less annoying!”
“I wasn’t trying to be annoying!” I smirked. “I’m already GOOD at being annoying!”
“No shit!”
“I’m not sure there’s anything you can do, though. He has some rules, even if it seems like he doesn’t.”
“It’s just not fair!” she protested.
“I hope you didn’t say that to my dad! If you did, you’ll NEVER get anywhere, no matter what!”
“What’s wrong with that word?”
“He positively HATES it because it’s almost always used when someone wants something they don’t deserve but think they’re entitled to. He’s fine with ‘unjust’ or ‘unequal’ or ‘inequitable’ IF they’re applied to a situation where they’re true.”
“Your family is ultra-weird.”
“No kidding!” I grinned. “That’s part of what makes it really fun to be part of my family!”
“I said it,” she replied quietly.
I shook my head, “Bad move.”
She scowled and we finished our dance.
I kind of felt bad for her, so when the song ended, I went to talk to my dad while Mia went to get something to drink. He saw me moving his direction, rolled his eyes, and motioned for me to follow him out of the attic room. We went down the stairs to the hallway near the bedrooms, which was much quieter.
“You know why I have the rule in place, right?” Dad asked before I could say anything.
“Sure, but Mia and I aren’t involved and we never will be.”
“Think about what it might be like for your sisters if I became involved with their friends.”
I laughed, “Birgit? Surely you jest!”
Dad laughed too, “OK, besides her; and stop calling me Shirley!”
“OK, so then besides my sister who wants to sell tickets,” I smirked, “I guess they could feel weird bringing their friends around.”
“You know about the coupons?” Dad asked, raising an eyebrow.
I laughed, “Well, I do now!”
“One of these days, Jesse!” Dad said, shaking his head.
“She really made coupons?”
“Fortunately we stopped her after she had handed out the first one, and, thankfully, before her little scheme got all of us in serious trouble!”
“And she calls boys dumb!” I laughed. “That was why she was grounded a year ago, wasn’t it?”
“You know I’m pretty observant, right?”
“To say the least. The KGB, FSB, and SVR have nothing on you and your sister!”
I smirked, “We’re just that good!”
“No kidding,” Dad said dryly. “What’s your observation?”
“That this won’t be the last time one of our friends wants to join Cirque du Steve. And I think your rule is probably good for all the kids except Birgit and me. You know I don’t care, and Birgit, well, coupons!”
“Except I’m positive she won’t do THAT again!” Dad replied.
“Are we talking about the same sister?” I asked with a wry smile.
Dad sighed, “You might have a point.”
“I usually do,” I said smugly.
“Yes, at the top of your head!”
“I’m just saying neither Birgit nor I would care. And I know you won’t go after them; you never do.”
“I hear you,” Dad said. “You and Libby seemed to have settled down into a stable relationship.”
“Bethany,” I replied with a grin.
“Just how much has Mom One told you?”
“More than you realize, obviously!” I grinned.
“You are definitely Jennifer Block’s son, that’s for sure!”
“And yours, too!” I said smugly.
Dad shook his head, rolled his eyes, and we headed back up to the attic room.
? Steve
“Your son is an annoying little shit!” I said to Jennifer and Josie.
“You only just realized this now?” Josie asked.
“You notice,” Jennifer observed, “that he’s our son when he annoys Steve.”
“Obviously,” Josie replied dryly. “But I figure Steve has annoyed us enough that turnabout is fair play!”
I chuckled, “I’ll let that slip because it’s a turn of a phrase.”
“So what was the «tête-à-tête» about?” Jennifer asked.
“The ‘friends’ rule,” I replied.
“Mia?” Jennifer asked.
“Shocking,” she said deadpan. “She’s been sizing you up for months. What did Jesse say?”
“His conclusion was that he and Birgit are different from the other kids.”
“No shit!” Josie exclaimed. “The three of you were cut from the same cloth, though Jesse has decided that serial monogamy is a better plan for his life. Something about less drama!”
“Now THERE is an understatement if there ever was one!” Jennifer laughed. “But it seems to have worked out pretty well in the end.”
“Speaking of that,” Josie said, “any word from your doctors?”
“I’m actually on low-dose propranolol, which is a beta blocker and also inhibits adrenaline. We’ll see if it helps.”
“My syncope and my manic phases. It’s not psychoactive, so I was willing to give it a try.”
“But if it helps with your manic phases ... isn’t that ‘mood-altering’?” Jennifer asked.
“Yes, but it operates on my endocrine system, not on my brain,” I replied. “I described the feeling as being totally relaxed like I am after a sauna.”
“So long as that sauna doesn’t involve some kind of romp!” Josie exclaimed.
“Been there, done that,” Jennifer laughed. “High School was full of drama, but also a lot of fun! Anyway, I think Jesse has a reasonable point, IF you don’t go after the girls.”
“He doesn’t HAVE to!” Josie said, shaking her head. “They come after him! And speaking of which, what’s with the new blonde who’s hanging around?”
“Suzanne? She’s moving in. She’ll be starting pre-law at UofC in the Fall.”
“So that’s what Jesse meant by ‘new girlfriend’.”
“Steve,” Jennifer said, “Remember what I said about rules; sometimes they have to be flexible.”
I nodded, “You have said that. Let me think about it. Josie, do you mind if I dance wif your date?”
Josie laughed, “Nice Animal House reference. No, I don’t mind; go on!”
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