A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 16: Fantasies
February 10, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
I was a bit hesitant to answer, but at the same time, I had insisted to Alicija that Nicole was an adult, and was prepared for the conversation we’d had at the previous Rap Session, as well as other ones Nicole had attended over the past year. I delayed a bit by ladling water onto the rocks, then sat back down.
“How about I start with some things I think are fun, but which we haven’t done?” I asked.
“Fine with me!” Nicole replied. “But I’m the judge of whether or not you answered the question satisfactorily.”
“One thing, and it’s funny because it wasn’t mentioned in the book, is the idea of making a sundae, but with another person, rather than ice cream.”
Natalie laughed softly, “So like chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and cherries on body parts? And then eating it?”
“That actually sounds like fun! Have you done that?”
“Many times!”
“Yummy!” Nicole declared. “What else?”
“Sex in the sauna or the whirlpool is fun, too.”
“I assumed THAT would happen at some point once we came in here,” Nicole declared. “But I think you’re stalling!”
“Actually, I’m not,” I replied. “Natalie?”
“As goofy as it sounds, Steve’s favorite thing to do is just normal missionary position sex.”
“Exactly,” I replied.
“But you’ve done other stuff, right?” Nicole asked.
“Yes. Except for same-sex experimentation, everything specifically mentioned in Smart Teens; Smart Choices. And a bit more.”
“Interesting,” Natalie declared, dragging out the word. “Bondage? Toys? Anal?”
“All of the above,” I admitted.
“Very interesting!” Natalie declared, again drawing out the word. “You’re a bit less conventional than you claim!”
“My tastes do run to the conventional, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to step outside the boundaries on occasion.”
“And the more?” Nicole asked.
“Pegging,” I replied.
“What?” Nicole asked.
“NO! FUCKING! WAY!” Natalie exclaimed. “Seriously?”
I chuckled, “You’ve been doing some reading?”
“You learn things in college besides stuff in class,” she laughed. “One of the girls I hang out with is into all kinds of kinky things. She offered to do that to John to get him to lighten up!”
“As in said it to John?” I asked.
“No way! Just to me. John would have curled up in a ball in the corner. I couldn’t even get him to kiss me after a blowjob without me using mouthwash first, and I thought he might throw up when I suggested he lick me after we had sex!”
“Clue me in, please!” Nicole demanded.
“A girl puts on a strap-on dildo and does the guy in the butt,” Natalie said.
“Whoa!” Nicole gasped. “But how would that help John? He already had a stick up his butt!”
Natalie and I both laughed.
“Can I ask why you never suggested those things?” Nicole asked.
“Because of the concern I raised before. Think about the difference between you discovering them, and then asking me about them, versus me telling you about them.”
“You’d be afraid we’d feel pressured,” Nicole replied without hesitation.
I nodded, “Yes.”
“The same reason why you never flirted with me or did anything to encourage me in Russia,” Natalie said. “Well, minus treating me like an adult.”
“It makes sense,” Natalie said. “Doing anything other than what we did probably would have ruined it.”
“I think that’s probably true for me, too,” Nicole said. “But you still haven’t answered the question, Steve.”
“I guess it comes down to what was said before - my preferences lie towards very conventional fare. I suppose the obvious one is the sister fantasy, but I could up the ante and say the mother-daughter-sister fantasy!”
Both girls laughed.
“Nope!” Nicole declared. “Told you I could say ‘no’!”
“Ditto!” Natalie agreed.
“I suppose there’s always deflowering a girl with her parents watching, but been there, done that!”
“Oh, you have not!” Natalie objected.
“Not both her parents,” I smirked. “But her mom? True! Though it wasn’t my intention for that to happen.”
“How?” Nicole asked.
“When I was a Senior in High School, a girl in the neighborhood asked me to deflower her on her birthday. Her parents were, at the time, in an open relationship and totally cool with their daughters having sex. I’d deflowered this girl’s older sister, but in private. Well, for this girl, I gave her a coupon in a birthday card which she could cash in when she wanted. She decided it had to be at her birthday party, which I attended. Right after she opened her presents, she took me up to her room to have sex. At some point, before we actually got to the main event, her mom snuck upstairs and watched me take her daughter’s virginity. I didn’t know until afterwards. That mom hit on me, too, by the way. And so did another girl’s mom.”
“Which is why telling you about Mom’s desire to fuck you wasn’t shocking,” Natalie said.
“No, it wasn’t.”
“Well, we can officially pass on THOSE fantasies,” Nicole declared.
“And yours?” I asked.
She smirked, “Center ice, at the United Center.”
I chuckled, “I had a girl actually offer that once; I turned her down because of the risk.”
And the fact that she was too young, even by my standards.
“During the first intermission with a standing-room only crowd?” Nicole continued.
“Seriously?” I asked.
Nicole nodded, “Never going to happen for obvious reasons, but I had a dream like that, not long after you and I were together the first time. I’ve had it a few times since. It actually makes me excited to think about, but there is no way it could ever happen. I think you said once that some fantasies were meant to simply be tucked away in our brains.”
“I did. Do you have one you could actually fulfill?”
“Moonlit beach in some tropical paradise. I’m guessing you did that on at least one of your trips to the Caribbean.”
“Mile high club?”
“Yes. The first time was when I was seventeen, on the way back from Sweden.”
“You’ve had WAY more fun than I thought,” Natalie said, shaking her head.
“And your fantasy?”
“One that’s impossible, and one that’s possible. The impossible one is sex in the Space Shuttle like in Moonraker. The possible one is to have a guy shave me.”
“Why not just shave like I do?” Nicole asked.
“Because I prefer having pubic hair, but I think it would be SO erotic to have a guy shave me. Steve?”
“I would, if you asked.”
“You wouldn’t happen to have chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and cherries, would you?” she asked sexily.
“I think so.”
“Can I add a new fantasy?” Nicole asked.
“What?” I asked.
“If Natalie is OK with it, to watch you shave her. Just that, not you two having sex.”
“I think that’s OK,” Natalie replied.
“Now, if you don’t mind,” Nicole said, “would you step out so I can have sex with Steve?”
“Oh, sure,” Natalie replied sarcastically, “send me out, but 19,000 strangers in a standing-room-only United Center, THAT is OK!”
“You’re my sister!”
“And if I was one of those 19,000 fans? Hmm?”
“I think I see why your dad has the opinion he does!” I interjected.
“We don’t tease each other THIS way in front of him!” Natalie said, standing up. “But we do tease quite a bit to keep him off balance. I’ll be in the guest room.”
She left the sauna and Nicole moved to my lap. We exchanged several soft kisses, then shifted so she could wrap her legs around me. She reached between us and began stroking my shaft as we kissed. When I was hard, she rubbed my glans along her labia, then slowly lowered herself onto me. I put my hands under her firm butt and she began slowly moving up and down, grinding against me each time I was fully embedded.
After about five minutes, Nicole broke our kiss.
“That thing we talked about? Would you let me do that to you?”
“Would you,” I asked, moving a finger into the cleft between Nicole’s butt cheeks, “let me do it do you?”
Nicole laughed softly, “I should have expected that response! What’s it like? I mean, how does it feel?”
My first thought was that Nicole, like Katt, was an ice skater, and that her muscle control was probably similar, and that thought, made me even harder than I had been!
“Honestly?” I replied, dismissing that thought, “For the person having it done to them, it’s just pressure. For most people, at least in my experience, receiving isn’t really pleasurable. That said, I do know a few girls who really liked it, but that’s a few out of all the girls I’ve been with.”
“Which I’m guessing is way more than I might have imagined. Will you tell me?”
“Over a hundred and fifty.”
“Whoa! And you did that with lots of them?”
“Do you like doing it?”
“If the girl wants to, I’ll do it, but you know my preferences.”
“So if it doesn’t feel good, why?”
“In some cases, it’s an experiment; for others, it’s because it’s a taboo thing that can be done without crossing bright lines; for others, to make their partner happy; and, as I said, for a few, because they like it. I’m sure there are other reasons, but those are the ones I’ve encountered.”
“And you ejaculate there?”
“So why would a girl do it to you? I mean, she’s not going to feel anything, right?”
“In some cases, they derive sexual pleasure, because sexual pleasure is as much mental as physical; in others, because it puts them in a position of power.”
“Fucking you instead of you fucking them? I mean, literally, not like now where I’m the one moving, instead of you.”
“Following your rule of being careful, would you let me do it sometime in the future if I agreed to let you?”
“So long as you remember the rule about irrevocable commitments to have sex.”
Nicole nodded, “I do.”
She leaned forward and kissed me, squeezing her muscles so that her silky tunnel gripped me tightly as she moved up and down. A few minutes later, Nicole broke our kiss and put her head on my shoulder, pressing her firm breasts into my chest. Her nipples traced lines up and down as she moved, and a few seconds later she moaned softly as she had her first orgasm. Two more followed before I had my release, my shaft pulsing and sending jets of cum into Nicole’s spasming pussy.
“After you and Natalie do whatever you’re going to do, can we sit in the whirlpool?”
“Sure. We should probably have lunch at some point, too.”
Nicole kissed me, then slowly lifted off. She moved to sit on the bench and I got up and left the sauna, shivering slightly at the cool air.
“Did you want me to shave you now?” I asked from the door of the guest room where Natalie was lying in bed.
“Yes,” she breathed.
“Let’s do that in the sauna,” I suggested. “The benches will make it much easier. I just need to get a disposable ‘lady’ razor and shaving cream.”
She got out of bed and went back to the sauna while I went upstairs to the master bedroom, got a disposable razor and selected shaving gel with aloe. I stopped to wash myself, so as not to have any of Nicole’s copious juices on me when I was with Natalie, got a fresh washcloth to use to for Natalie after I shaved her, and then went back down to the sauna.
? Jesse
Libby, Mia, and I were sitting in the ER waiting room while Kenny was getting his wrist x-rayed. His dad was with him, and I wasn’t sure where his mom had gone.
“What if it’s actually broken?” Mia asked.
“I doubt he could play. I mean, I guess if it’s like a hairline fracture he could wear a splint or brace under his glove, but he’d need a doctor to sign-off.”
“Would your aunt do that?”
“Only if it was really OK. She would never do what they do in the pros where they sometimes fudge it so the guy can keep playing.”
“If he can’t play, we’re totally screwed!”
“I like being totally screwed!” Libby giggled. “It’s awesome!”
“Not like that!” Mia protested.
“Libby,” I said firmly. “Not now, please.”
“You’re just no fun sometimes!” she huffed.
She kissed my cheek and I laughed because that is exactly what Aunt Penny would have said and done with Dad.
“What’s so funny?” Libby asked.
“I was just thinking that you sound like my Aunt Penny when my dad tells her to behave. She tells him he’s no fun, but then kisses him on the cheek.”
“She’s the one lives next door and who works for him, right?” Mia asked.
“Yes. They have a very weird relationship.”
“Friends with benefits?” Libby asked.
I shook my head, “No. Everything BUT benefits! And that kind of drives Penny crazy, though for Penny it’s a REALLY short drive, which is actually true for most girls.”
“Hey!” Mia and Libby protested.
“I said most!” I grinned.
“Yes, you did,” Mia replied tartly. “And you included US in ‘most’ in what passes for a brain in that testosterone-addled head of yours, didn’t you!”
“I’m smarter than both of you, which is all that matters!” I said smugly.
“YOU are going to need x-rays, Jesse Block!” Libby growled.
“I like it when you’re feisty!” I teased.
“Forget it, Libby,” Mia said, shaking her head. “He’s in one of THOSE moods.”
“And what kind of mood are YOU in?” I asked.
“When you’re like this? Nauseated!”
“Uh-huh,” I replied smugly. “I know what you want!”
“Mia,” Libby smirked, “we could swap partners on Thursday!”
“NO!” Mia and I both exclaimed firmly in unison.
“Wow!” Libby said, laughing. “That was quick!”
“Something you’ve never said to me!” I smirked. “But no way!”
“Afraid I’ll prefer your dad?” Libby teased.
“No!” I declared firmly. “Mia and I are like brother and sister, so it’s not happening. And if you want my dad, well, then we’re done with ‘benefits’ and we’re just friends.”
“Seriously. There are lines that can’t be crossed. And my dad agrees.”
The conversation was cut short when Kenny and his dad came through the doors of the waiting room.
“The radiologist has to look at the x-ray,” Kenny said. “But the tech thinks it’s just a really bad bruise.”
“Can you play?” Mia asked. “I mean if it’s not broken.”
Kenny nodded, “I just need to get an extra pad to insert in my glove. My mom actually went back to the rink to buy one before the pro shop closes at 3:00pm.”
“You’re going to be OK with your stick?” I asked.
“I think so. When your aunt examined me she had me test my grip and it hurt a bit, but not too bad. She said to take Advil and that will help, and it doesn’t violate any league rules.”
About ten minutes later, a doctor came out to talk to Kenny and his dad, and confirmed it was just a bad bruise, with no hairline fracture. Once the doctor went back into the ER, the rest of us left to have lunch at the diner across the street.
? Steve
“You washed, right?” Natalie asked me with a silly smile when I came back into the sauna. “I wouldn’t want to catch anything!”
“Hey!” Nicole protested. “I was tested! Did YOU have YOUR shots?”
“Ladies,” I chuckled.
“Can I ask a question?” Nicole inquired.
“So, if you’re with two girls who aren’t lesbian or bi, do they make you wash between?”
“It really depends on the girls,” I replied. “Remember, sexual expression lies on a multi-dimensional graph, and is a continuum, and changes over time. Some people operate in a fairly narrow range, others have a much greater range of expression. And even those ranges change over time. So it might be that two girls who are with a guy are OK with tasting each other on him, or sharing a kiss after they perform oral sex to share his cum, or they might want him to wash, or, they might do things with each other, from just kissing and touching to full-on lovemaking.”
“Have you ever been with a guy and a girl?” Natalie asked.
I shook my head, “No. That’s outside my comfort zone and is something which doesn’t interest me, even for an experiment.”
“Why?” Nicole asked.
I shrugged, “I have no idea. Can you tell me why you are attracted to guys instead of girls?”
“Uhm, no, I guess not. It’s just who I am.”
“Which is the key to understanding sexuality - there is no such thing as ‘normal’ in the usual sense of that word. Each person, and each couple, has their own unique sexual expression. I’ve been with girls who didn’t like giving oral sex, though I haven’t met one who didn’t like receiving it!”
Nicole and Natalie both laughed.
“Duh!” Nicole declared.
“You say that,” I replied, “but I suspect there are plenty of couples who never have oral sex of any kind. Certainly I know of some religious groups which forbid it.”
“Which I bet works about as well as gun control in Chicago!” Natalie declared. “For a city with a complete handgun ban, there sure are a lot of handguns!”
“As Al Capone once opined, he was merely a businessman providing the citizens of Chicago goods and services which they desired, and which were denied them by their government. A true statement, though his business methods were probably not the best.”
“Liquor and prostitution?” Natalie asked.
“Mainly. You can see how effective banning those has been. The ‘War on Drugs’ is no more effective. If people want it, or want to do it, they’ll get it or do it, no matter what the government says.”
“You mean like it being illegal for me to have sex?” Nicole asked.
“Technically, it’s not illegal for you to have sex. It is, on the other hand, illegal for me to have sex with you.”
“Because, you know,” she said, rolling her eyes, “I’m too immature and ignorant to consent.”
“That is the theory. Of course, in Europe, you’re legal most places at sixteen, and some as low as fourteen. But we’re prudes here, and we’ve turned teenage sexuality into a taboo.”
“Stupid,” Nicole declared. “Nat, is it OK to stay and watch him shave you?”
“Yes,” Natalie replied.
I had Natalie stand up so I could unfold a towel to prevent getting any of the shaving gel on the wooden bench, and then had her sit down again. I had her scoot forward a bit and spread her legs, then sat down between them, sitting backwards on the bench so I could face her. For some reason, my mind flashed back eighteen years to the apartment where Elyse had asked me to shave her, though at the time, she’d been tied tightly to her bed. I savored the thought for a moment, then pushed it away so I could focus on Natalie.
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