A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 2 - The Inner Circle

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 12: Goal!

January 27, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

“We need to find a time to invite the Khans when I’m home,” Jessica said as Kara and I walked her to the hospital on Saturday morning.

“That’s a bit tricky because of all of our schedules. You don’t even get a break at the end of March like Kara does between quarters.”

“No, but Amir won’t be teaching that week, and we can work around my classes and shifts for a lunch without any trouble. Kara and I come home for lunch two days a week now.”

“True. I’ll discuss it with Amir and we’ll work something out. Remember the Jaegers will be here for dinner tonight.”

“I remember. What are we having?”

“Chicken Alfredo, but with broccoli instead of noodles.”

“I really love that!” Jessica replied. “That was a great idea you came up with.”

“Thanks, though Lou suggested some changes which made it even better. Our investment in him has been paying off nicely, too.”

“We haven’t heard much from Tara,” Kara observed.

“She was eyeballs deep in elections until November, and then her transition consulting business took off. She won’t surface until May!”

“You seem to have survived January 20th.”

I shrugged, “I had time to prepare. That said, I’m seriously unhappy with some of his Cabinet picks, especially John Ashcroft as Attorney General.”

“But wasn’t he against forced bussing?” Kara asked.

“Yes, but he’s way too strident in his opposition to abortion and he opposes easy access to contraception. Add in his healthy disrespect for the Bill of Rights, and you can see why I don’t like him. You can also ask Jess about Claritin.”

“Or don’t,” Jessica growled. “As Senator, that jerk helped extend patents to prevent cheaper generics from coming to market. That’s projected to cost consumers ten billion, with a ‘b’, dollars. Oh, and just to light Tiger’s fire, Schering-Plough donated $50K to Ashcroft’s campaign coffers in return.”

“You can add in appointing contributors to the bench in Missouri,” I said. “Twelve of his first twenty-four judicial appointments had made substantial campaign contributions! And, the capper, he’s stridently pro-death penalty.”

“Do you like any of Bush’s appointees?” Kara asked.

“I think Colin Powell is a good choice for Secretary of State as is Condoleezza Rice for National Security Advisor. The rest are mostly the usual collection of Washington insiders. And then there’s Karl Rove, who to me is about as toxic as they come.”

“What about Bush’s proposed tax cuts?” Jessica asked.

“What about the deficit?” I asked. “Bob Dole may have bitched about being the ‘tax collector for the welfare state’ but we need to balance the budget. Yes, taxes should be lower, but the only way to do that responsibly is cut the size and scope of the government, and that is NOT going to happen with Bush, who despite being Governor of Texas, is still a Washington insider.”

“Would Gore have been any better?”

“No, but he had the distinct advantage of not being George Bush!” I exclaimed as we walked up to the door of the ER.

Both my wives laughed, Kara and I both kissed Jessica, and after she went into the ER, Kara and I headed home. Birgit got her cuddle time, and then I headed to Bucktown Bistro for breakfast with the men. A couple of hours later, Kara, the girls, and I were at the dojo, and after class, we hurried home for our lunch with the Khan’s. As usual, the women were virtually silent while we ate, but Fatimah was allowed to spend a few minutes alone with Birgit while Nada was speaking with Kara and Suzanne, and Amir, Yousef, Albert, and I sat in my study.

“They are really different,” Albert observed when the Khan’s left just before 1:30pm.

“Yes, they are, but that doesn’t make them bad.’

“I didn’t mean that, Dad! I just meant that they don’t treat their kids like we do in our family, and the girls basically have to be quiet. Though, the more I think about it, I wouldn’t mind THAT rule applied to Birgit!”

“Hey!” Birgit protested.

“I’m going to go finish the flight to London I started before lunch,” Albert said.

I chuckled, “Say ‘Hi!’ to Sweeney when you get there!”

“Hah-hah! Is it OK to call Jane first?”


“Thanks, Dad!”

“I’m going to Rachel’s house to hang out with her and Tiffany,” Birgit announced

“OK,” I replied.

She left and Kara, Ashley, and Stephie put on their coats and hats so they could go shopping. Suzanne left to hang out with Leigh, which left the house to me, minus Albert making his eight hour flight to London! He would use the auto-pilot to go to the bathroom, but otherwise, he’d make the entire flight. Usually he did it without pausing, but had to because of our lunch with the Khan’s. I didn’t have the patience to fly an hour, let alone eight, but Albert seemed in his element, even on long flights.

I went to my study and fired up Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn, which continued the story from the original Baldur’s Gate. I was getting close to the end, having saved my last gaming session just after exiting the ‘Underdark’ and encountering the army of the city of Suldanessellar. Before I started playing, I turned on WBBM news radio and the major story was a massive earthquake in Gujarat State in India, with the death toll expected to be in excess of 10,000 and with severe damage. I made a mental note to call Anala once things calmed down in my life, then made some progress before the doorbell rang. I saved my game, shut down the computer, and then went to the foyer and let Mia into the house.

I had, before she’d left on Thursday, verified that she hadn’t engaged in anything that would invalidate her STI test, and confirmed that she’d thought about birth control. It had turned out that she suffered from menstrual cramps and was on the Pill to regulate them, because otherwise she’d have trouble playing hockey several days a month. I led her to the ‘Indian’ room, where I had soft, instrumental Indian music playing.

“Is anyone else home?” she asked as I shut the door behind us and turned the lock.

“Just Albert, and he’s doing a flight sim from Chicago to London and won’t surface until after 6:00pm. May I ask what you told your parents?”

“Nothing. They’re in Bloomington visiting my aunt, and I know they’re there because they called to say they’d arrived. They won’t be home until tomorrow. They’ll call again around 9:00pm to say ‘good night’, and if they call before and I don’t answer, it won’t be a big deal.”

“We have close to four hours,” I said. “I have a chess board, an Uno deck, and a collection of board games. We also have some video game consoles and there’s a pool table in the basement.”

“What?!” Mia asked, clearly confused.

“You had something else in mind?” I asked, doing my best to sound confused and surprised.

“But you said we ... wait! You’re messing with me!”

“Am I?” I asked.

“Will you stop!”

“I haven’t started!”

“Argh! Are you going to give me a hard time or are we going to do it?”

“I thought doing it WAS giving you a hard time!” I teased.

She groaned again, “You know why I’m here! Don’t you want to?”

“Want to?”

“I want to fuck,” she growled. “I want YOU to fuck me. I want YOU to fuck me NOW!”

“Then let’s go to a bedroom,” I said.

? Birgit

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Rache?” Tiffany asked.

“I’m just tired of her!” Rachel protested.

“But would you really do that?” I asked.

“I would; just so I could tell her I had!”

“Gross,” Tiffany replied.

“What’s gross?” Rachel’s mom asked, coming into the room.

“None of your business!” Rachel replied.

“It certainly is!”

Rachel turned to face her mom, “I told Tiff that I’m tired of the way you’re treating me and that if you won’t let me be with Steve again that I would fuck the entire hockey team, starting with Kenny! In fact, I’d fuck the entire team and let Kenny fuck me whenever he wants! AND I’m including Mia in team members who I’d fuck!”

“Rachel Marie Rizzi! Be serious, please!”

“Who says I’m not?” Rachel asked.

“Why would you even joke about degrading yourself in that way?”

“Who says I’m joking? Seriously, Mom, you need to get over your hang-ups about sex!”

“This is NOT the time or place to discuss it!”

“‘Discuss’? Hah! More like you lecturing me about not doing something you already let me do because you’re upset that I liked it! It’s not MY fault if you have hang-ups that don’t let you do stuff that’s fun and feels good!”

“You don’t even realize you were taken advantage of!”

“What?!” Rachel exploded in outrage. “I asked Steve to have sex with me! He didn’t give me that coupon, Birgit did, because she knew what I wanted! I invited him over for a second time, and I bought the whipped cream, fudge, and cherries! Get real!”

“Tiffany, Birgit; I think you need to leave,” Rachel’s mom said.

“Why?” Rachel protested.

“Because you and I need to have a serious mother-daughter talk about respecting yourself! Tiffany, Birgit, please go.”

I nodded and Tiffany and I got up from the table.

“Bye, Rache,” Tiffany said.

“Bye,” I said.

Tiffany and I went to the front hall, put on our coats, hats, and gloves and left Rachel’s house. We decided to go to Tiffany’s to hang out.

“Do you think Rachel would really do that?” Tiffany asked.

“I think she’s so mad at her mom that she might,” I said. “And I agree with you, that would be totally gross. I mean, it’s not like I think I’ll only ever have sex with my husband, whoever that is, but the whole hockey team? Yuck!”

“What about Mia?”

I giggled, “That will really make Rachel’s mom nuts! But it’s no big deal. Jesse’s moms have sex, and I know my moms have sex with each other and my dad.”

“Would you? With a girl?”

“No, but only because I’m not interested. It doesn’t matter what other people do. You?”

Tiffany shook her head, “No. Same as you. But I know one thing for sure.”

“What’s that?”

“There is NO WAY that I’m going to tell my mom when I have sex!”

“Rachel didn’t plan it that way; her mom found the coupon.”

“Speaking of those coupons, I wouldn’t mind getting one for my birthday!”

“Dad made me shred them and he’d be really angry if I made more.”


“You don’t need a coupon, Tiff! Just ask him.”

“Seriously? Just like go up to him and say I want to have sex with him?”

“If you know what you want, and just tell him, you’re very likely to get it!”

“Even what Rachel got?”

I shrugged, “I can’t promise, but it’s possible.”

“God, that would be an AWESOME birthday!”

It would, and I couldn’t tell Tiffany, but I would be really jealous if it happened.

? Steve

“Whose room is this?” Mia asked.

“It’s a guest room,” I replied. “There’s a nearly identical one next door.”

The difference was that this one had the mirrors in the false ceiling, though the slide was closed.

“So, uhm, how does this work?”

“I thought you read Bethany’s book!”

“I did! But it said different people liked different things! And YOU are the one with experience! You told me so!”

“I did! If the young lady would care to remove her clothing I shall provide her with an expert deflowering!”

“Just strip?”

“It does work better if you’re naked!”

Mia rolled her eyes and began undressing. First she pulled her light blue sweater over her head, then removed her t-shirt, revealing a white cotton bra which held her firm breasts. She then slipped off her jeans and took off her socks. She hesitated for a few seconds, but then reached around and unhooked her bra and let it slip off her arms to the floor. She then swiftly removed her panties and stood naked before me, looking at me expectantly.

As I undressed I took stock of Mia. She was about my height and athletic, but she was no ‘Steve type’. She was muscular and obviously very strong, both in her upper body and her legs. Her hair was cut short, framing her face but not even coming close to her shoulders. She was, to be honest, built like a hockey player, albeit with small, firm breasts. Her mons was shaved perfectly smooth, revealing the upper reaches of narrow labia. She was neither pretty nor cute, though I would absolutely call her very nice looking.

“Uhm, isn’t it supposed to be bigger?” she asked when I slipped off my briefs.

“That might not be the best thing to say to a guy when you see him naked!” I chuckled.

“Oops! But I meant it should be, uhm, erect.”

“It will be,” I chuckled. “Why waste it before it’s time to use it? And I’m sure that you have sufficient information to know how to encourage the reaction you’re concerned about.”

Mia laughed, “Blowjob. Every girl in school knows that’s what all the boys want! How do you stay in such good shape?”

“I run five days a week in addition to karate. Do you lift weights?”

“Yes. Everyone on the team does. Why are we talking?”

“Because you made a comment about me not having an erection!”

I held out my arms and Mia stepped forward and tentatively rubbed her body against mine, her nipples hardening as she did so.

“Whoa!” she gasped, shivering.

I tightened my arms around Mia and we exchanged a French kiss just like the ones we’d exchanged on Thursday. Mia moaned softly and squeezed me tightly in her arms. Our tongues danced and tangled, as we kissed, and my hands roamed over Mia’s back and butt. After a minute, I broke the kiss.

“If the lady would deign to get into the bed, I shall kiss her all over and endeavor to make her feel VERY good!”

Mia laughed softly and got into the bed. I climbed in and lay on top of her. She spread her legs, then put her calves on mine. We started kissing and Mia began gently rolling her hips. After a few minutes I broke the kiss, slid down and took one of Mia’s rock-hard nipples into my mouth.

“Unnngggggghhhhhh!” she groaned as I sucked on her nipple and lashed it with my tongue.

Mia undulated her hips, grinding her mons against my stomach. I kissed, licked, and sucked nipple for a few minutes before switching to the other one. It received the same attention as the first, and then I slowly kissed my way down her stomach and across her perfectly smooth mons. When I reached her labia, I pressed my tongue between them and touched the tip to her clit.

“Ooooh!” Mia gasped. “Right there!”

I closed my mouth and sucked gently, teasing her clit with my tongue and savoring her fresh, slightly tangy taste. Mia ran her fingers through my hair and pressed her mons to my mouth as I licked, sucked, and teased her clit. Mia moaned softly as I pleasured her and a couple of minutes later, groaned softly as her body shuddered. I was hard, as I’d promised Mia I would be, and she was wet, so I moved up on top of her again and lodged my glans against her labia.

“Steve?” she whispered urgently. “Please fuck me!”

I lowered my lips to hers and as our tongues touched, I pushed my hips forward. My glans split her labia, and meeting no resistance, I slowly sank, inch after inch, into her slick, silky tunnel. Mia spread her legs wide, resting her heels on my butt, allowing me to slide fully into her. When our pubic bones came together, I broke the kiss and looked down at Mia and saw her eyes were half-closed and her lips formed a contented smile. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me tightly against her firm body.

Despite being with over 150 girls, I’d never been with a girl like Mia - a true ‘hardbody’, and lying on top of her was a very different feeling from any of the girls I’d been with before. She was, I realized, possibly stronger than I was, because she did strength training and lifted weights.

I lowered my lips to Mia’s and began slowly sliding in and out of her. After the first few strokes, Mia began pushing her hips up to meet my thrusts. It wasn’t long before Mia broke our kiss, panting as her breathing became more and more ragged as we slowly increased our rhythm, and soon after that I felt the first signs of her impending orgasm. Two minutes later it struck, and she groaned and squeezed me so hard with her arms I had a bit of trouble breathing.

Mia had a series of orgasms over the next twenty minutes, before I pushed fully into her and fired jets of cum deep into her spasming pussy. When our orgasms passed, I simply stayed on top of Mia, my head next to hers on the pillow. We lay quietly for about ten minutes, during which time I deflated and slipped from her. When I moved off her, I lay next to her, on my back, because she did not seem like the ‘cuddly’ type.

“So, what do you think?” I asked about a minute later.

“Goal!” she smirked. “Or, he shoots and scores!”

I chuckled, “Actually, he scores then shoots is probably more accurate!”

“Either way, I think you need to score again!”

I chuckled, “I think we can manage a hat trick, if you want! You taste pretty good, by the way.”

“I almost lost it when you kissed me after you had your tongue in me, but then I felt you enter me, it was like every nerve cell and every brain cell was focused on that specific spot! It felt SO amazing when you pushed into me and then, just, wow!”

“I enjoyed that, too!” I replied. “And you taste very good!”

“You like that?”

“It’s WAY better than tea!”

Mia laughed, “I’m not so sure about that, but if you say so.”

“How do you feel?”

“Like I was just fucked!” she replied. “And I really liked when you put your tongue in me, even if I wasn’t thrilled about tasting it.”

“Then I shall endeavor to please the young lady that way before I fuck her a second time!”

“You are so silly!”

“Thank you!”

“About the tea ... what happens if I try to kiss you after a blowjob?”

“There’s only one way to find out,” I replied.

“Which means you’ll do it! Do you actually like it?”

“My very first lover made it quite clear that if I wanted her to ever do it again, I had to kiss her afterwards. And may I point out, I already gave you the answer, before you asked and surmised.”

“You did?” she asked. “Wait! You did! You said you would put your tongue in me before we fucked a second time!”

“Indeed I did!”

“What does it taste like?”

“THAT you will need to find out for yourself.”

She laughed softly, sat up, and turned so her face was close to my groin. She grasped my sticky shaft and laughed softly.

“I have to taste myself again to do it, don’t I?”

“We could get a washcloth,” I replied.

“No, it’s OK. I read the part of the book on how to do this six times!”

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