Game of Dominance - Cover

Game of Dominance

Copyright© 2017 by Armera Llsehi

Chapter 6

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Kidnapping is bad, or maybe it isn't. Janice is certainly confused on the matter, at least at first...

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Crime   Horror   Science Fiction   Aliens   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Transformation   Violence  

The cold metal door screeches open but Janice doesn’t bother to get up let alone turn to look in its direction. Instead, she remains laying on the floor, staring blankly at the bodies of the two dead men. The smell of death fills the small room and even that doesn’t bother her anymore.

Beth steps into the room, the sound of her stilettos bounce off the walls. Janice can hear the disappointment in the woman’s breathing. She knows exacting what that disappointment is considering the new symbiont has successfully taken over her body. She can feel the presence of the woman standing over her, glaring down at her. Somehow the intensity of the feeling is greater than before. Maybe there is some kind of special bond between us.

‘Get up bitch,’ Beth growls. ‘I have one more surprise for you, your last chance to give yourself fully over to your symbiont.’

“I don’t want any more of your surprises,” Janice grouses, still unmoving. “You may as well just kill me now because I’m not going to become a slave like you are to them.”

‘It’s not slavery you stupid little whore,’ the woman hisses.’ It is a gift and I’m giving you the chance to rule over them by my side. We will rule over humanity and this pathetic planet.’

“You can do as you see fit,” Janice says quickly as the anger builds up inside her. “But I am not going to be part of it.”

‘So be it,’ Beth snarls. ‘You won’t mind me killing your fiancé then.’

At those words Janice is spinning around, quickly crawling to her feet. “You wouldn’t dare!” she screams, leaping at the woman.

Beth quickly backhands Janice, sending her back against the wall. ‘I would,’ she affirms. She cocks her head to the side and growls, baring her razor sharp smile at the redhead. ‘You still haven’t learned that you are weak against me.’

Janice wipes the blood at her lip with the back of her hand. “Why don’t you just kill me now?”

Beth snaps her fingers. ‘Would you like release that much?’ she snarls again. ‘Then kill your fiancé, David.’

The man is brought into the room by one of Beth’s male symbionts. David is dropped on the floor, hard. Janice looks to the man, seeing all the bruises, blood, cuts and scrapes all over his face and body. He is completely naked and looks to have suffered a long and torturous ordeal. Her eyes lift to Beth and the woman gives her a slight nod.

Janice slides over and drops to the man’s side. She rolls him over and he mumbles and groans. “David?” she cries. “What have they done to you?”

‘Only what was necessary,’ Beth answers for the man.’ Now kill him and I will kill you. You can be with him forever then.’

“I will not kill him,” Janice says sharply. “I’m not going to do your bidding anymore.”

‘What a pathetic little whore you are,’ Beth says cruelly. ‘You will bend to my will or you will suffer.’

“Do your worst, bitch!” Janice says as she climbs to her feet to confront the woman. “I’m not afraid of you.”

Beth grins before backhanding the young redhead across the face again. Once again Janice flies backward, but this time she falls short of the wall to hit the ground and slides into it instead.

‘You will be afraid. You will learn to bow before me. You will suffer!’ She reaches down to scoop up the man by his throat. Then brandishing her taloned hand, she sends it tearing across David’s belly just as Janice screams. Her taloned fingers tear him open as if he were made of paper, his insides spilling out like water from a facet.

‘Insufferable bitch!’ Janice screams and she bound forward. The back of her fist slams across Beth’s face with so much force that the black symbiont skin stretches away from her face, revealing her human face beneath.

The sudden attack takes the woman by surprise. She touches her lip, feeling her blood for the first time in such a long time. Little pinpricks of sexual heat have formed across her body. She hasn’t felt such sexual energy like this is a very long time. She has unleashed the young redhead’s inner self through her suffering. Beth licks her lips. Very delicious.

‘I will never serve you,’ Janice says breathing hard as she leans over David.

The man tries to speak but he cannot find the words and his breath slowly leaves his lungs as his guts seep from his body. Janice stands up, her body seething with anger. The light has faded from her love’s eyes. The games are over.

‘You are nothing but a pathetic slut,’ she curses at the blonde woman. Her hand comes across, striking Beth again and again and again, leaving the blonde breathing hard. ‘You’re nothing but a servant, a whore ... My whore!’

Beth feels her legs weaken. Her aching nipples are standing taut. She stands and leans against the wall to steady herself as she speaks. “Yes, Mistress,” she says, trying hard to hide her smile. “I’m your slut, your whore.” With the words she feels another tingle of arousal piercing her.

The tables have turned. She is far stronger than Janice, but this energy, this arousal, this incredible feeling ... she wants nothing more to bend her will to the young redhead and not the other way around. There are many ways to take over and rule ... some easier and more pleasurable than others.

“I am yours to do whatever you wish me to do, Mistress,” Beth says as she drops to the floor at Janice’s feet. Her entire body is on fire as a result of the blatant act of capitulation.

Janice is shocked at the sudden change. She tries to speak but can’t. Am I stronger? Am I finally free? She nods instead. She continues to stare down at the blonde woman mulling over her thoughts until her voice finds its way back to her.

‘Would you like to pleasure your Mistress?’

Beth looks up and nods.

‘Good. Come here... ‘ I can definitely get used to this. Maybe having a life mate won’t be such a bad thing.

She breathes deeply as she obediently stands and walks the few steps toward Janice, who takes hold of her wrists and pushes her against the cold, metal door. Tendrils sneak out from Janice’s body to wrap Beth’s wrists, pulling them above her head and against the door.

‘Maybe I’ll have a little fun first. What does my little bitch think?’

Beth’s arousal enters the red zone. Suddenly, it is difficult to breathe. The look in Janice’s eyes is sending tingles down to her hot pussy and she gasps aloud when the blonde grips her breasts and violently yanks them by her nipples. They bounce twice before settling.

‘Fuck yes,’ Janice hisses.

Beth whimpers as Janice’s hands cup her breasts. After forcibly massaging the breasts in her hands, she leans forward to allow her long tongue to flick across one already hard nipple. Beth gives an involuntary moan and Janice lets out a low chuckle as she repeats the gesture.

‘I can get used to you being my bitch,’ she murmurs. ‘How the tables have turned. You wanted a life mate. You got one.’

She sucks the nipple into her mouth and bathes it in saliva as she curls her tongue around it. The blonde groans again, louder and longer. Janice’s eyes turn upward to hold her captive’s narrowed gaze as her mouth alternates between one thrusting breast and then the other. When a thin trail of saliva hangs tantalizingly from Beth’s nipple, she sexily catches it on the very tip of her long tongue, allowing it to settle there before licking it into her mouth.

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