Julie - Cover


by AT12C

Copyright© 2021 by AT12C

Incest Story: Sister calls brother brother to get her and share a bed.

Caution: This Incest Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   .

I had just transferred to the Puget Sound area and was still unpacking when my cell rang. Seeing my 19-year-old sister’s name, I answered “Hello.”

“Hi. Um. Could you do me a favor? Would you come get me from Las Vegas? My asshole boyfriend just locked me out and I have nowhere to go. I don’t want to call mom and dad. I know they’ll help and wouldn’t say anything, but I don’t want to deal with them on this. Please.” Julie said in a rush once she started. I wasn’t sure if it was to just get it out before she changed her mind or to prevent me from having time to turn her down.

“Jeez Julie, slow down, I think I understood what you just said.”

“Please, Mike, it will be just a quick trip over to pick me up. I mean you can be here and back in a day.”

“Not really. I just moved to Washington.”

“Shit, that was this month? Fuck. OK, I’ll call mom.” she said, sounding down about it.

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t come get you.”

“Really, you’ll come get me?”

“Anything for my favorite sister.”

“I’m your only sister.”

“That’s the best part because you’re also my least liked sister and the one who is the biggest pain in my ass.”

“Michael, I’m going to beat your ass when I see you.”

“Humm, maybe I won’t now. Though it would be funny to see you try.”

“Ha ha, very funny. But seriously, you’re coming to get me?”

“Yes, you’re just lucky I’ve got a few more days of leave before I have to check in.”

“Thanks Mike, I owe you big.”

I hung up, quickly packed a bag and was in my truck driving to Las Vegas in a half an hour. Because she sounded desperate and knowing she probably had no money, I drove straight through with one quick nap about halfway.

I got there and called her about 22 hours after she had called. She was at a little hotel way off the strip that if I hadn’t had GPS, I probably wouldn’t have found it. Pulling in, I didn’t recognize her at first. It didn’t help that I hadn’t seen her in three years. We had talked but not seen each other and I hate social media.

Instead of her normal shoulder length dirty blond hair, it was purple, and she was wearing a barely there tube top and skirt. The complete outfit showed a lot more skin than I was used to seeing on her. Plus, she had filled out since I’d last seen her. There was no doubt she was a woman.

The skinny girl was no more; before barefoot, she stood just a little shorter than me and looked almost like a boy. Now her height hadn’t changed, but she had curves that would make men turn and watch her walk.

I parked and got out of my truck. As soon as she saw me, she came running over to hug me. I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she ran. Mostly, I was wondering if she was going to come out of her top.

“Now I understand why you didn’t want to call mom and dad.”

“Shut it.”

Laughing, I said, “I need some sleep and is that all you have?” gesturing to her outfit.

“Yes. The ass-hat locked me out.”

“Well, let’s see about getting your stuff back first.”

We drove over to where they were staying. I knocked on the door and I was a little surprised when Tom opened it. There stood a skinny beanpole of a man that had to be a few inches shorter than my sister. I told him we were here to get her stuff, and that was it. He didn’t argue mostly because I was imposing, standing at 6’ 2’’ and being fit from constantly exercising.

I stood at the truck and let her get her things without seeming to threaten him. We finished in an hour with no problems, and it all fit in the back of the cab. I got the feeling that this was not the way he was hoping things would go.

Once back at the hotel, I asked, “So what was the reason for this?”

She heatedly told me “He wanted to do a gang bang with me as the girl. I didn’t want to, as it isn’t my thing. He got pissed and locked me out when we were going to a club, hoping to force me into changing my mind.”

“He what?” I almost growled, ready to go beat his ass.

“And here is why I didn’t tell you before. I didn’t want you getting in trouble.”

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. “Ok. He doesn’t know you well, does he? Taking the hard line only makes sure it won’t happen. So why were you with him?”

She mumbled something I didn’t hear.

“I will not like the answer if I ask you to repeat it louder, am I?”

“Probably not.”

“K, I’ll leave that alone then. So where are you going then?”

“I was hoping to stay with you.”

“I wish you could, but I’m living in the barracks at the moment. They frown on non-military personnel staying there, even if they are family.”

“I thought you had your own place.”

“I did at my last command. I haven’t found a place in Washington yet, and was waiting until after we got back from deployment to get one.”

“Oh. I guess you can drop me off at mom and dad’s then.” She said, sounding defeated.

Sighing, “I’m going to regret this. OK, I’ll find a place and you can stay but you need to get a job and help.”

My sister squealed in delight and bounced across the room to hug me. I couldn’t miss how her breast moved as she came across the room.

“Thanks, you’re the best big brother ever.”

“Yea.” Not feeling so great about myself for watching and thinking about her the way I was. “Now, for some sleep. Oh.” Just realizing that there was only one bed. “Well, this is something we haven’t done in a while.”

“Yeah, not since family vacations as kids.”

“Hmm, well, it is what it is and I’m not getting another room.” I went to change into sleep pants or shorts when I figured out I hadn’t grabbed a pair in my rush. “Well shit, no sleep pants.”

“Just sleep in your underwear.”


“What? It’s not like I haven’t seen you in them or a swimsuit before.”

“This is different. We’re sleeping in the same bed.”

“Yeah and?”

“Ugh, fine whatever. I’m too tired to argue about it.”

“Good, you get the wall side.”

I stripped to my boxers and climbed in. When I got settled, I looked at my sister to say something. She had her back to me and was removing her top. There was a sliver of breasts showing on either side as she moved. They moved enticingly as she took her tube top off, rubbed them in relief and put a t-shirt on. She took her skirt off when the t-shirt reached her waist and I glimpsed her thong.

I closed my eyes and cursed myself for perving on my sister.

A few moments later, I felt the bed move as she climbed in. Then a light kiss on the cheek with a whispered “Best brother ever.” She laid down, and I felt the bed move a few more times while she got comfortable.

Thinking I would be awake for a while, I was thinking about what I saw and did today. I quickly fell asleep before I could come to any conclusions.

The next morning, I woke up against the wall with Julie sprawled across the rest of the bed. She was on top of the sheets with one leg over mine. Her shirt had ridden up in her sleep and had bunched up just below her breasts. I could see her panties coming up over her hip before crossing her pelvis and disappearing between her legs. I couldn’t see anything between her legs. Lord knows I wanted to sit up and look.

I tore my eyes away to look at her face, but stopped at her chest. The t-shirt did little to conceal her breasts. They were obviously real as they were firm, but had moved off to the side some as she lay on her back. The AC in the room sucked so her nipples weren’t hard from the cold and were barely visible.

I finally looked at her face and saw she was still asleep. She looked a lot like her younger self when she was sleeping. It made me feel even worse that I was perving on her again. Shit, this was going to be rough living with her if I couldn’t stop being a pervert.

I closed my eyes and just laid there, the need to pee not bad enough to get me up yet. About 15 minutes passed before I heard her breathing change.

“Now I remember why I didn’t like sleeping with you. You’re a bed hog.”

“Mmph” She grabbed the sheet and rolled over, pulling it up over her as she did.

“Good, I can go pee now.” At least I wouldn’t stare at her anymore, now that she had covered herself.


“I’ll take my shower and go get some food. We’ll leave when I get back.”


“Right, morning person you aren’t.” This got me a middle finger and what sounded like a fuck off.

She had dressed when I got back and had everything ready to go. We hit the road and she leaned against the door and went back to sleep. She really was not a morning person. When I was home, she would sleep till noon and be up all night. That she had gone to bed at the same time as me and was still sleeping meant she probably hadn’t slept at all the night before.

Three hours later, I was getting ready to stop and get fuel when she woke up.

“Where are we?”

“Middle of nowhere.”

She smacked my arm. “Smartass I can see that.”

Smiling, I said, “We’re about 250 miles north of Las Vegas and stopping to get gas.”


As she moved around, I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. I hadn’t noticed earlier when we were leaving, but I was more concerned with getting on the road, not my sister’s state of dress.

When we stopped got out to get gas and she went to get snacks and drinks. She had tied her shirt at her waist and her yoga pants hugged her like a second skin. I watched her walk into the gas station. The sway of her hips was hypnotizing. I turned around so I wouldn’t be looking at the store when she walked out.

We talked along the way and she filled me in on what happened the past two years. After she graduated from high school, she met Tom and moved in with him, leaving most of her things with mom and dad. She’d been working minimum wage jobs the whole time. Then, three months ago, he decided they were moving to Las Vegas. There had been some issues before he started pushing the gang bang, but it was the last straw.

We made it halfway back when I decided what we had gone far enough for the day. Stopping at a town only to find out a big event was happening and all the hotels were full except for a single room with one bed again. We took it and had dinner and got ready for bed.

“So I’ll take the door side. Hopefully, you won’t push me out of bed.”

“Nah, it’s cooler here so I won’t spread out so much.”

“Good, I’d hate to resort to drastic means to keep my side of the bed.”

“Ha ha, very funny.” she said sarcastically.

We sat on the bed, talked and watched some TV. When I was ready, I changed and climbed under the sheets. After I was in bed, my sister got up and started getting undressed, again with her back to me. I watched again as she switched into a longer t-shirt and wiggled out of her yoga pants.

God, she looked good. I hadn’t had a girlfriend in a few months, but that was no reason to watch her like I was. Shit, she’s my sister. I shouldn’t be seeing her topless, even if it was just her back.

Closing my eyes, I could still clearly see her ass wiggling as she took off her pants. She repeated the kiss as she climbed in to go to sleep.

“A little early for you to be going to sleep.”

“I’ve been trying to get in a more normal sleep schedule. Besides, I figure I need to keep you company so you don’t fall asleep driving. I didn’t know how you did this all in one go.”

“You needed help, and I knew you most likely had little money, if any. Plus, I have to check in by Monday.”

“Oh, we’re pushing it then.” Letting the money comment slide.

“We’re good as long as I’m there by 0700.”

“Oh, OK well good night.”

The next morning I woke up with half of the bed and her curled up under the sheet on the other side. True to her word, she hadn’t sprawled out across the bed. She woke up when I got up and mumbled something about a shower. I figured it was about showering after me.

When I finished in the bathroom, she was barely sitting upright on the foot of the bed, eyes closed. She stood up and stumbled into the bathroom as I passed her to pack my things. She came out dressed in jeans, t-shirt and an unbuttoned flannel shirt. We quickly packed up and got back on the road.

We were doing good but made more stops than I would have liked. Then we came upon a nasty accident that was blocking the whole highway. Once we got turned around and detoured, we were three hours later getting to our destination than planned. With it being late and me needing to get up early, I just took my sister to my barracks room.

“You’re lucky I’m high enough rank to have no roommates, and that the design of the barracks prevents having a central entrance to all the rooms. You need to be quiet and not draw attention to yourself though.”

“Just say I’m in the military and headed to my room.”

Laughing, I said, “Not with that hair color. You’d be in trouble faster than when you try to sneak out at home.”

“Huh. Really?”

“Yeap. Per regs, all hair will be a natural color.” I reached over and flicked her hair. “And that is not.”

“Oh ok.”

We got inside and to my room, seeing no one. Julie dropped her bag and looked around. “This is it? It’s pretty small.”

“It’s bigger than where I’ll be sleeping in a month. My space will be a bed with a thin mattress with six inches of storage underneath and a small locker. That’s it. In a 6’ by 6’ space there’ll be six people’s racks.”

“Oh, then this is good.”

“Yeah, I got a semi-private bathroom I share with my neighbor, so keep the door locked. I have to be up by 0530 to get there on time.”


“They will do random room inspections, so you need to leave when I do. Take my truck and hangout in town, maybe even start looking for a place.”

I told her the price range I could afford for an apartment and a few other things as I got ready for bed. She again turned her back to me and took her shirts off, confirming to me she had again gone without a bra. As she was taking her jeans off, I saw she was wearing boy short underwear.

Damn it, this would not be easy sleeping with the two of us in a barracks bed. It’s doable, and I’ve done it, but you have to be really friendly with the other person. With her looking so good, I don’t know if I could hide the reaction I keep having to her. The past two nights, there had been a space between us. That was not an option tonight.

I set my alarm and climbed into bed. Julie joined me a moment later. There was a brief period of me trying to figure out where to put my hand that ended with her grabbing it and holding it to her stomach. She pressed up against me and soon we were both asleep.

0530 rolled around way too soon and I awoke to the alarm. Shutting it off, I realized I had a hard on and was pressing it into Julie’s ass as I reached across her. I quickly got up before she woke up enough to figure it out. She got up just before I had to leave and put on her pants and changed shirts.

Ok, three days in a row of no bra. Two days of traveling I could see for comfort, but the third was pushing it.

She looked at me in my dress uniform, kissed my cheek, and told me I looked good.

We headed out to the truck, and I had her drive me to the command and drop me off before heading out. I said I’d call her when I was ready to be picked up.

I did the whole meet and greet the shop and chain of command. While I did, I stated I would move out of the barracks before deployment and needed to start paperwork. It was pretty standard stuff.

They expressed concern that I was changing plans from earlier conversations for a woman I had just met. When I explained it was to get my sister out of an unpleasant situation with her boyfriend, they relaxed some. I also told them I was going to set up auto-pay for most everything.

After normal working hours, I changed and called Julie to let her know to come pick me up. Walking to the gate, I wondered what she had done all day and if it had been useful. I needn’t have worried about the useful bit. She had hit almost every rental agency in town and gotten listings for some places. She had driven by some and walked through others and narrowed it down to a few. Unfortunately, most of them were single bedrooms.

We were sitting in her hotel room looking at the options.

“This one is a two bedroom but something doesn’t feel right and the rest are all single bedrooms. Most of them are all about the same size and condition. However, this one is smaller but looks better maintained.”

“All one year leases?”


“So let’s go with a one bedroom. We’ll have to share the bed, but you’ll be there by yourself most of the time for the year, anyway. We’ll figure out if we need a different place after I get back. So which one are you leaning towards?”

“The smaller one. I went through it and liked what I saw.”

“Ok, that’s the one we go for.”

“Cool, here’s the paperwork you need to fill out.” I raised an eyebrow at this. “What? A third of these are from this agency.”

“Ok, you did good work today.”

She smiled. “Thanks, I know you have limited time so...”

After that, I had her drop me back at the barracks and let her keep the truck. The next day was more checking in stuff and I got to the rental office to do the paperwork needed.

Rest of the week was more of the same with me spending the evenings with Julie. Friday I got a call saying we could pick up the keys when we wanted. I said we’d be there to get them today.

Julie was excited and wanted to spend the night even though there was nothing there. I caved because it wasn’t worth the headache to say no. Not wanting her to sleep on the floor, we got the mattress out of the local storage unit and. I was sure I’d hear about it after if we hadn’t.

“There the bed is in place and now you have somewhere to sleep tonight.”

“Just me? I was hoping you’d sleep here too.”

I was going to say no, but the look on her face spoke of trouble if I did. “Fine. I guess we can grab my stuff from the barracks tonight.”

“I knew you would, you big softy.”

“Oh really. Compared to you, Miss, I inherited the stubborn streak from both our parents and added to it.”

“Yeap. You barely have a stubborn bone in your body.”

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