Bare Paw Ranch - Cover

Bare Paw Ranch

Copyright© 2017 by Syd

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - My wife and her sister inherit a ranch in Colorado from their late uncle. There are some surprises that come with the ranch. My wife and our sisters become even closer to me.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Group Sex   Orgy   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism  

Bare Paw Ranch

I’m an engineer from a prestigious school in Colorado working in Kansas City for a major concrete supplier. I was raised in South Dakota on a farm. I worked in the main office with another alumnus engineer to design and solve structural problems. We had an assistant, a draftsman, only our draftsman is a girl six years younger than me named Delores Ellen, DE (pronounced Dee) actually went with the initials as her name and signed everything with that as her first name, but she never uses the periods. She is a very good-looking woman, more girl next door than model. She had a business degree from a small college in Kansas where she had played basketball on a tuition scholarship. She had taken drafting classes as her minor and later took some advanced classes.

I started dating DE and we were enjoying each other’s company many nights. DE is five feet ten inches and had dark blonde hair that she usually keeps in a ponytail. Her body is incredible about one hundred thirty-five pounds and legs that go on forever. She would be classified as a hard body but everything felt perfect when you cuddled up with her naked body. Typical guy, I was always trying to talk her into going bra-less and of course to wear thongs or just go commando. DE preferred to wear sports bras (36C) and lady’s boxer briefs. She preferred to lounge around her house or my apartment in a sweatshirt and sweatpants. I of course tried to talk her into modeling her suit she was born in.

DE and I got married the following year and lived at her farm which her and her sister KC (Katherine Claudia) owned. They had lost their father overseas in the army ten years or so earlier, and then lost their mother to cancer last year. KC was still attending a small college in Wichita and came home on weekends and stayed with us in a very large old farm house. DE and KC’s only relative was an Uncle Joe, who lived in Colorado. I met him at the small wedding we had at DE’s farm. He was a nice guy, in his seventies or so. He walked DE down the aisle at the wedding.

Like DE and KC, me and my sister, Kim, who is thirty-four years old two year older than me, lost our parents. Kim and I lost our parents in a small airplane crash. We were able to keep the farm our parents owned. Actually we leased out six hundred forty acres with the water rights that went with it. We kept the eighty acres with the house and lived off the lease. The land was prime farming land and the eighty with the home was like a retreat with a small four-acre pond on it and some trees and waste ground that I grew up hunting and fishing on.

DE and KC were like Kim and I in that they wanted to keep the land if they could. I told them what we did with our farm. I was able to show them how to lease three hundred twenty acres with water. They were able to keep separate the forty acres their house was on.

A couple weeks after we were married, DE got a phone call from the Sheriff in Hinsdale County Colorado. Joe’s truck was discovered in the buoy lines at the marina at Blue Mesa Reservoir; the Sheriff of Gunnison County had retrieved it from the water the day before. The Sheriff of Hinsdale County was at Joe’s home and found her phone number there. He said he had the difficult job of telling her that they found Joe’s body in the truck that they pulled from the water.

DE and KC were Joe’s only relatives. He had all his paper work together and he was going to be cremated. All he asked was that the girls spread his ashes on his property. The urn with his ashes would be sent to the girls in Kansas. DE received a call from a woman that was handling Joe’s estate. DE had me talk to her, I found out Uncle Joe had a ranch by Lake City, Colorado and he had left it to DE and KC. She wanted to meet with them there, show them the property and see if they wanted to sell it or what. I told her we would make plans and let her know when we might travel to see it. There were also some other things in the inheritance to go over, too. I wondered what all Joe had.

“DE, we need to schedule with KC a time to go to Colorado and have the will read.”

Later, I heard her talking to her sister on the phone. KC had told her she could arrange to be gone Friday through Monday if that helped. We decided to leave Thursday night and drive to Denver. I was so used to being around the two women. We never even gave it a thought about getting separate rooms for the night. KC like DE usually slept in warm-ups, on the weekends. I would sleep in gym shorts no top. I had an interesting thought of DE and KC sleeping naked with me; the way DE and I slept when it was just the two of us. KC was the mirror image of her sister only she was four years younger. I had a feeling she might be a lot wilder.

We would head out early on Friday morning and meet Kelly, the lawyer handling the reading and execution of the will. We were scheduled to meet her in Gunnison at twelve for lunch. We would go to her office after that. The only thing we knew about the ranch and Uncle Joe, was the ranch was called Bear Paw.

We met Kelly at the local restaurant there on time. She was a blonde woman about forty or so. She was tall like DE and KC, and athletic looking. Kelly looked to be incredibly tanned, making her very sexy. You could tell she was very outgoing and confident. You got the feeling that she was a very competent person when you first met her. I really liked her. She had known Uncle Joe personally. I gathered as we talked that she even knew him intimately. I was thinking how lucky Uncle Joe was, for she was probably twenty to thirty years younger than he.

At her office, she had the papers on her desk all ready for DE and KC to sign. DE was reading the last page where they sign the Deed of Trust, she pointed out there was a misspelling. In the legal description, there was all the section, range, and etc. At the very end it said AKA Bare Paw Ranch. “I believe there is a misspelling on the last page here, it says

‘B-A-R-E’ shouldn’t that be ‘B-E-A-R’?”

“You don’t know that Joe’s ranch is a nudist retreat?”

DE was shaking her head from side to side. “I had no idea. KC, have you ever heard anything about it?”

KC was shaking her head as she replied. “No, this is news to me also. I did not know Uncle Joe even had a ranch. He always came to visit us in Kansas, I thought he lived in Gunnison and was an engineer there.”

“I knew the same. I know our parents borrowed money from him sometimes rather than the bank. It was all done legally and paid back as far as I know from some of the old records I have read over.” DE added.

“I’m sorry I did not tell you before this about the ranch. The ranch is now DE and KC’s and it is free and clear. You can do anything you want with it. Your uncle asked that you keep it one year before selling it. He did not require it though, so you can sell it or do anything with it. It is a guest ranch and has a list of clientele. It has all the working equipment of a regular ranch. It is six hundred forty acres in a box canyon ten miles outside of Lake City in Hinsdale County. There are twenty-three horses, one hundred forty-seven cows, and one goat that are currently yours living on the ranch. The last thing I must go over is the transfer of your late uncle’s bank account to you with a receipt showing all taxes and fees including mine taken out. After everything is done and handled there is a balance in the bank checking and savings of $2,786,903.39.”

“REALLY!” DE and KC both exclaimed. After DE and KC both gathered their composure back, Kelly continued settling Joe’s estate.

“There is a couple that lives on the ranch and takes care of it. Their names are Jack and Stacy Jones. Your uncle asks that you keep them on for one year. They live in the smaller house and your uncle’s things are still in the larger house. There is a separate facility called ‘The Lodge’ that has eight rooms, with a bathroom in each room where guests stay. I was planning on us all going there later after this meeting so you can see the ranch and stay in the Lodge. Jack and Stacy will be expecting us. I was hoping you would spend Saturday and Sunday on the ranch.”

“We don’t have to be naked, do we?” KC asked.

“No, you can keep your drawers on,” Kelly said with a laugh. “The ranch is only a nudist retreat from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. It is clothing optional the rest of the time.”

“One last thing, if you don’t want to go to the ranch and even see it. I will offer you appraised value right now for it and write a check to you for the sum of $19,589,000. The only thing I ask is you allow me one week before cashing the check.”

“You have that kind of money?” I asked with a look of shock on my face I am sure.

“I have a very wealthy father and a large trust account that I live on.”

“KC, I don’t know about you, but I would really like to see this place,” DE said.

“Me too, sis,” KC instantly interjected.

“Kelly, may I ask a personal question?” I asked.

“You want to know if I have been there when it is a nudist ranch,” Kelly said. “Normally, I would ignore your question, but it seems I did not tell you all up front that it was a nudist retreat. I spent the summer there. I actually spent the summer with Joe. I have only known Joe for a year and a half. My girlfriend took me to the ranch the year before. I loved it there and I met Joe. I fell in love with him and we probably would have gotten married. I would have signed a prenuptial agreement if we had. I love the ranch and would love to see it kept like it is.”

“We had no idea you were that close to Joe,” DE replied.

“Joe’s death has been very hard on me. Your uncle’s death is being investigated. Joe did like to drink, and it was believed that he might have been drinking and wrecked at the marina. The Sheriff told me that they have a new lead that another gal’s husband may have thought Joe was having an affair with her. There is no proof he was and I know he wasn’t because he was usually with me, but you need to know this.”

As Kelly was talking to DE and KC, I was having a daydream. Damn, I was wishing it was summer. I would love to see my wife walking around naked in front of others. I would love to see Kelly and KC naked also. I was sitting there thinking about that tan on Kelly. She has gorgeous skin, and I wonder what she looks like naked.

I moved to the restroom while the others were talking, hopefully not embarrassing me with my erect cock. I relieved the problem there before returning to the meeting.

As I walked back into the office I heard Kelly. “If you have room, I would like to ride to the ranch with you. That way you don’t get lost, and I can bring my pickup back here.”

“We have plenty of room and you can be our tour guide as we travel to the ranch.”

“Kelly, where have you been staying?” DE wanted to know.

“I have been staying at Joe’s house. All my stuff is there. I will move it out next week if that is okay.”

“You will do no such thing. We will stay in the Lodge. I personally would love for you to stay at the ranch as long as you want. I hope to entice you into watching after the place. If we come to visit, we will let you know when and with enough time to have things organized. I doubt we will be there in the summer ever but KC might,” DE said with a wicked giggle.

We turned left and crossed a bridge. “Is that Blue Mesa Reservoir?” KC asked.

“Yes it is. Down Highway 50 about seven miles on the left is the marina. The marina is also only really open the same as the ranch is, they sometimes have a person there on weekends a couple weeks before and after the holidays,” Kelly replied.

It was nice she was with us. She knew the names of points of interests, usually the name of the owner of the property we were passing by. We went through Lake City and turned right about four miles south of it. The country was beautiful, reminded me a lot of Buffalo, Wyoming where Kim and I owned eighty acres. My father had purchased it when land was reasonable there and he liked to hunt there. It had a two-bedroom cabin on it.

After turning a few more times we came to a steel gate crossing the road. “Pull up to the box there beside the road. Push in the numbers 9981 on the key pad.” Kelly said as I pulled up to the gate box and keyed the numbers she gave me.

I saw the gate slide back instantly letting us drive on through. I looked in my mirror and saw the gate close as we drove on up the road. The first house was on the right of the road when we went around a curve and was out of sight of the gate.

“This house is where Jack and Stacy live.” A nice log house with attached garage and there was a log barn across the driveway from it. This looked like a very nice location with a very peaceful setting. It looked like an area that Terry Redlin might paint.

We continued around two more curves and came into an opening with a nice meadow with a large log barn. I noticed there was a small lake, maybe four to six acres, off to the side of it. Behind the log barn with nice corrals around it, was the large log lodge with decks all around it. I pulled down by the lodge into a small parking lot. Kelly had confirmed this was the lodge. I wondered where Joe’s house was. Even though it was early fall in the mountains, it was beautiful with all the leaves changing colors from green to a golden hue and some orange. Colorado’s rugged mountains can be a very picturesque place in late September, one of the best times of year; as it truly is ‘Colorful Colorado’ and all the bugs are gone for the year. It can be freezing this time of year as well.

Two people came walking out towards us as we pulled to a stop. I opened my door and exited the Suburban driver’s seat. The man opened the front passenger door and DE exited there. I opened the door behind my seat and Kelly stood up. He opened the last door so KC could stretch her legs. We all moved up to the deck and Kelly introduced us to Jack and Stacy. I am sure they were really worried about what we were going to do with the ranch.

“Hi Jack and Stacy, I know you are worried about us new comers and how we will run the ranch. KC and I talked it over as we traveled to Colorado, then we met with Kelly and she told us of Uncle Joe’s wishes. We want to keep everything just the same for the next year if we can. We will give you both the numbers to our cell phones and want you to call us with any problems. Kelly has told us how you both have taken care of this place and treat it like it was your own. Kelly has offered to buy it from us. After one year we will entertain this if that is your recommendation. With that said can we move inside and let’s talk about things?”

We moved into the large living room and on to a dining room with a large table in it. Everyone found seats at the table and DE continued to talk with Jack.

“I guess what I am trying to say, is that from what we understand, everything works now, that is the best. My father used to say, if it works, don’t try and fix it. Now with that said we do ask that you make us a list of things you need and ideas where we can best get them. The last item we want to offer you is a fifteen percent raise because we know we are going to be adding more responsibilities to you and let us know if we are expecting too much. If so let us know, we will work with you. We need you and we want you to know we expect to compensate you for it. Does that seem reasonable?”

“I think that is very gracious of you. Joe let us keep our horses out in the corrals and barn with your horses. I hope that is still all right. We also have two women that help during the summer in the lodge, and another man and wife that help me with the cattle and horses and the guests. I hope we can keep them.”

“Not a problem, I think we can consider that is a perk for your job. Where do they all live, and what about the wages? We need to pay them so they enjoy working here. You have to handle this for us, keep them happy. If you want, you might also have some people you trust to be available if someone has to leave or if we need more help.”

“The couple lives on the next ranch. It is like one hundred acres. They are in their late forties and are a nice-looking couple. The two women are sisters and have a small house they rent in Lake City. They are in their early thirties, they both are of Spanish descent, but we have copies of their citizenship.”

“I take it, that all of you work in the summertime naked on the ranch. Does that cause any problems, if so, how do we cure them?”

“We have not really had any problems. I probably ought to tell you that a lot of the guests come here so they can work on a ranch when they have time off. They like working outside naked and this gives them a chance to follow their dreams without costing them a fortune. That being said, sixty percent of our guests are women. Joe allowed single women to come here, but he required a man to bring his mate if he joined. I think that is why we have more female guests than male. Kelly came the first time two years ago with her girlfriend. Kelly stayed and her girlfriend still comes back. What about Joe’s house?”

“We understand Kelly has been living there with Joe,” DE said. “Kelly will still live there and she is the only one reporting back to us other than you. I am sure you both know that she thinks you do a very good job with the ranch. I am still working on how I compensate her and keep her around here”

I was watching Kelly as DE and Jack chatted. She was a very sexy woman. I also watched Stacy as the others talked. Stacy was a redhead about five feet eight with the prettiest green eyes you ever saw. God I hope DE decides to come back during the summer, there were a lot of prime women here that I would love to see unclad. Oh well, I would probably make a fool out of myself if we did. I mean, it would be rather embarrassing if I was naked and my dick was erect all the time

“Jack, you will be in charge of the help and have to decide what you pay them. I can have an accountant take care of writing the checks and keeping the paper work straight. From what I have seen of the ranch so far I am impressed with it. Now I understand there are guests and they pay to come here. What do we bring in during the summer and what costs do we have, just ballpark, nothing I’m holding you to?”

Jack had a scratch pad in front of him as he showed DE the approximate figures. “The guests staying at the ranch in the rooms pay two hundred dollars a day. We have some that are day campers, and they pay one hundred dollars a day. The eight rooms are usually full all summer with one or two people per room. There are like ninety-six days that we have guests, if you figure that times twelve people per night. Gross is $230,400 for guests staying over. We average having about twenty-five day campers a day. That is another $230,000. We then will have about twelve colts born and one hundred twenty calves. That brings in another $180,000. That makes about $650,000 we take in and about $300,000 goes to wages. The ranch probably spends another $300,000 on supplies and upkeep. Thus you will maybe see a profit of $50,000 per year. Not really very profitable for you, and the possibility to lose more is there.”

“Damn, Jack, are you trying to talk us out of doing this?” I said with a chuckle. “I think DE and KC like having the property, if it breaks even, or does not cost them a lot, they will be happy to keep it. I want to ask another question. What would it be like if we offered the ranch for a place for hunters to stay in September through mid-November? Then maybe we offer a special retreat for Thanksgiving Week, Christmas Week, and Easter Week. I mean it is just an idea, but could it work?”

“It might, but I doubt any of our nudists would want to be here that time of year.” Jack came back with his own remark.

“No, I was not thinking about nudists, I was thinking more as a ranch retreat in the wilderness. I think clothing would have to stay on.” I joked back at him.

“Let’s let Jack and Stacy go, maybe we can all get together in the late morning and see the ranch and talk some more.” DE said with a smile at me.

“Jack, can you give me a lift to Joe’s house,” Kelly asked Jack.

“Sure,” Jack answered back.

The three of them left and DE and I went to our room in the lodge. KC went to her room telling us she would see us in the morning. I slipped my clothes off and slipped into my gym trunks. Turning around I noticed DE was walking toward the bed naked. “I think since I’m at a nudist ranch, I better get in the spirit of things. Are you going to join me?”

“I like this place, but be prepared, you women talking about being naked has been a major turn-on to my little friend down here.” I said stepping out of my shorts and my cock standing tall. I met her on the bed and enjoyed myself cuddled up next to her soft and sexy body. I was soon finding her tight cave for the exploration I had been craving since earlier in the day. Nothing like a nice tight warm pussy with my balls hitting her ass and having her wrap her sexy legs around me and pull me tight to it.

The next morning I slipped from the bed and went to the restroom. I was going to go back to bed and cuddle up with her but I happen to look out the window and notice the gorgeous sunrise. I slipped on my warm-ups and shoes, and then walked out on the deck. I sat in one of the chairs and enjoyed the cool morning air. Ten minutes later or so, I saw a light green Ford pickup pull up down by the barn. I saw the door start to open, and then close quickly, as if someone was going to get out but changed their mind. I watched the pickup start backing up and then turning around and heading back up the road where it came from. I sat there for about thirty minutes longer enjoying the fresh cool mountain air. I saw the same pickup return with Kelly exiting it to walk into the barn.

Kelly walked back out of the barn later. She waived at me and started walking towards me. Kelly was wearing tight pants and light coat as she walked toward me. I notice she was smiling at me as she walked up on the deck. When she got close to me, I asked her.

“Did you forget something earlier, I saw you drive up and open the door. Then I saw the door close and your truck drive away.”

Kelly blushed. “I forgot something and had to go back and get it.”

“Oh, okay, I was just curious about it.”

“Well you might have seen more than I planned on showing you.” Kelly laughed and blushed.

“Damn, just my luck, now I will never know what that might have been.” I rolled my baby blues as I replied.

“Oh, poor baby” she teased. “If you must know, I have my own horse in the barn. I usually visit him the first thing every morning. I forgot we have guests this weekend that are not use to seeing me naked. I had to go back and get my clothes.”

“Really, you were driving your truck naked?”

“Well I did have my sandals on.” Kelly said with a giggle.

I just shook my head, I could not even think of anything intelligent to say about her last comment. I stood up and moved to the lodge with Kelly following me. DE and KC were sitting at the dining room table in their warm-ups drinking coffee. Kelly and I joined them, Kelly mentioned that they might want to get dressed as Jack was going to be there soon and talked about the ranch. He was planning on showing them the ranch. Jack showed up with a four door Jeep Wrangler. The girls sat in the back with Kelly sitting in the middle.

We took a tour of the ranch property and stopped at Joe’s house. Kelly showed us the inside of the house. It was a nice log house of probably two thousand square feet. The two bathrooms had bidets in them, just like the lodge does, not something that we were accustom to seeing. I had never really even seen one of these, let alone used it. Jack took us to his house also, and gave us a tour of it. It was probably a sixteen hundred square feet log home.

He then showed us the cattle and the horses in the pasture and then went to the barn and saw the nine horses they were currently keeping there. We saw the goat in a pen out behind the barn, there was an older horse in the pen with him. Upon walking to the lodge and entering the lodge we could smell the fresh bread being cooked in the kitchen. We followed the scent to find Stacy in the kitchen preparing lunch for us. Not only was Stacy a knockout, she was great cook and seem to love doing it.

I looked around the lodge after lunch. Out back just off a large deck was a swimming pool with a cover over it. Off to the side of it was a hot tub. Oh shit, I started thinking what Stacy and Kelly would look like using that au natural. I wondered what the women would look like sitting around the deck and using the hot tub naked after working all day. I walked out to the lake and saw there was a nice deck there with one edge of the deck right on the water. The deck was also used for a dock. I wondered what water crafts we might have. A Jet Ski with two women riding it naked or a catamaran with a couple naked beauties riding on it, I sat down on one of the chairs and looked around dreaming about what it could possibly be like, my friend was very excited. Then I thought about Kelly driving to the barn, Damn I wished I had been in the barn when she walked in. She was an older woman, but I still thought of her as center fold quality. Oh well, I did get to sleep with a naked wife last night.

I walked back to the lodge, it was mid-afternoon. DE and KC were sitting at the table playing cribbage. “Where is everyone else?” I asked.

“They went to their houses, they are coming back later. They called the two women and the couple to come over at 6:00 PM and meet all of us. Actually the two women are going to be here at 5:30 PM to start things in the kitchen. Stacy will probably be here about the same time to help.” DE explained.

“I think I will go up to the room and take a nap then, this higher elevation makes me sleepy.” I said as I walked from the room, I just got a nod of the head from DE and a smile from KC.

About 4:30 PM, DE came up to the room. I watched her strip off her clothes and walk to the bathroom. I slipped my warm-ups off and joined her. The shower was large so it was not a problem to join her. I soaped her back and played with soap on her boobs when she turned toward me. She had a loofa that I used to wash her pussy as she stood before me. She returned the favor washing my body and then soaped my cock. We rinsed off under the spray of the shower. She grabbed my cock and led me to the bed. My dreams from earlier had kept me excited and I was soon buried deep in her tight pussy. I painted the back of her pussy with my joy juice before slipping from her tightness.

“This place seems to keep you rather horny doesn’t it?” She asked.

“There are things going on here I never thought about before. I really like this place, I love having you here with me. You are gorgeous, and being able to see you naked has always got me going.”

“So you wouldn’t want to see my gorgeous sister naked too, oh but that is your sister-in-law. Kelly and Stacy are probably ten years older than us, but they are both very gorgeous women. The thought of seeing or being around them naked sparks your fantasies. I also find the idea very interesting. I never told you this, but I enjoy looking at very pretty women naked.”

“Talking about this, with you is causing my friend to get hard again.” I was holding my cock as I talked to her; she reached out and took him in her hand.

“I suppose we’d better do something about your friend would he like another visit?” DE said as she laid back on the bed spreading her beautiful thighs wide for me. I was soon buried once more in her velvet glove and blasting my seed into her while playing with her gorgeous tits. That has to be the closest thing to heaven I have ever been.

I got up and dressed in a nice set of slacks and shirt, for the evening meal and get together tonight. I decided to go sneak a snack out of the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen, I would have spit out my false teeth if I had them. Stacy was standing at the counter rolling dough for rolls or something. She was in her birthday suit, a very fine birthday suit I must say. Her red hair and green eyes on her five feet eight torso makes her very erotic. Those breasts were not huge, just perfect. They had nipples that were almost the same color as her flesh and looking a little excited at the moment. There were absolutely no flaws I could see. As she turned to face me, I tried to just look at her face, but I stole glances at her breasts and lower. When my eyes caught sight of her pussy, busted! I could do nothing but stare at her completely bare pussy. I was expecting to see fine red hair or even fiery bush. Never having seen a bare pussy except in porn, maybe she did not shave it, and I wondered if it was always that way.

She noticed me staring at her most intimate spot. “You never saw a bald one before?”

“No, never have,” I mumbled back, I could not take my eyes off of her pussy. “I have seen porn that showed them that naked, but first time in person.” She must have thought I was a real dork. I was talking to her pussy not her.

Stacy clapped her hands together in front of her pussy. I instantly looked up and we both laughed. “I’m getting used to guys talking to my pussy. My friend Jane, who visits here in the summer sometimes, has very big tits and she is always talking about guys talking to her tits.”

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