The City Girl Blues
Copyright© 2017 by Lubrican
Chapter 5
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Mandy's love life seemed to be cursed. She found happiness only to have it ripped from her. She tried again, and then again, but nothing seemed to work for her. Finally, in desperation she accepted an offer to get away from it all on a ranch. But Mandy was a city girl. Rural life, miles from even the smallest town, was strange and uncomfortable, even painful at times. Still, she did get a break from men. The owner of the ranch was mystifying, frustrating, not her type at all. Or was he?
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Reluctant Farming Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Slow
Mandy woke up feeling disoriented, but it passed almost immediately. She glanced at the window and some subconscious clock told her it was late. Rolling over she peered at the alarm clock on the night stand. It said 8:00. It was late! Why hadn’t Bob gotten her up?
She got up and got dressed quickly. When she got to the kitchen she saw Bob sitting at the table. Across from him was a girl. She looked somewhere around sixteen or seventeen, with brown hair tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing a T shirt and faded jeans, with tennis shoes on her feet. They were eating pancakes, and the scent of them wafted into Mandy’s nose, causing her stomach to growl. The girl looked over at Mandy and smiled.
“You must be Mandy,” she said, her voice high enough that it sounded much younger than she was. “I’m Stephanie.”
“Stephanie is my cleaning lady,” said Bob. “She comes out once a week to clean up the wreckage of my life.”
That he had called this young girl a “lady” seemed out of place, but Mandy knew it was just semantics.
“Hi,” she said.
Stephanie looked back at Bob.
“You’re right. She’s gorgeous.”
“You’ve been talking about me?” Mandy put sharpness in her voice.
“You’re here,” said Bob, shrugging. He stuffed a forkful of pancakes in his mouth and talked around them. “Only normal to let her know.”
“Don’t worry,” said Stephanie, grinning. “He says good things about you, even if you are a city girl.”
“How nice for me,” said Mandy, who thought she should be irritated, but actually wasn’t.
“Actually, it is,” said Stephanie, who seemed to become serious. “He’s a good guy. You could be in lots worse places.”
“Are there any pancakes left?” asked Mandy, deciding to move on.
“Help yourself,” said Bob. “Batter’s on the counter and the pan is still hot.”
Mandy poured three small circles of batter in the big cast iron skillet on the stove and then turned to lean against the counter.
“Why didn’t you get me up? It’s late.”
“Since you’re always trying to get me to let you take naps, I decided to let you sleep in. And Stephanie was coming, and I wanted to be here to let her know what needs special attention.”
“Oh. What’s on the menu today?”
“Light duty during the morning for you,” he said. “There’s some things I need to take care of that I don’t need your help for. This afternoon we’ll go out and inspect fences.”
“What kind of light duty?” she asked. What he called “light” might end up making her feel crippled.
“I need to get all the filters for the tractor and other equipment gathered up and sorted out and rearranged so I actually know what I have and can see it all. Then I can make a list of the ones I don’t have and need to get. That sort of thing. You won’t have to leave the shed. It will be a little dusty, but not that bad.”
“Okay,” she said, turning around to flip her pancakes.
“I’m going to get started,” said Stephanie. “I have somewhere to be this afternoon.”
“Knock yourself out,” said Bob. “You know what needs to be done.”
Bob got up and washed the dishes he and Stephanie had used while Mandy sat down and started in on her pancakes. She heard a vacuum cleaner running in another part of the house. Ten minutes later she followed Bob to the “shed”, which was a metal building that contained two tractors, an old car covered with dust, some other machines Mandy couldn’t identify, and various items of equipment hanging on the walls, or standing against them. There was a big workbench beside the door, which was where she had helped rebuild the carburetor with Bob.
She watched as he pulled little boxes off a dusty shelf and dumped them on the work bench. Then he had her follow him as he searched for and found other little boxes, stashed away in various places.
“They should all be marked on the outside as to what kind of filter they are and what equipment they go to,” he said. He handed her one box and she saw, written on it with a sharpie, “John Deere - hydraulic”. “Once you’ve found everything, rearrange it on the shelf with all the Deere stuff together, and all the Case stuff together. That sort of thing.”
“Okay,” she said.
“I should have kept it all together,” he said. “But you know how it is. You get in a hurry and put something somewhere it doesn’t really belong.”
“Sure,” said Mandy, who had never done that with anything she could remember. Well, maybe her keys, now and then, but that was all.
Bob left and she’d been working for ten minutes before she realized something was off. She’d found one box on another shelf. Then, poking around here and there, she found another sitting on top of a machine of some sort. When she picked it up she noticed there was no square of “cleanliness” under it, like there had been with the first one. She found two more like that before she began to suspect he’d intentionally put them there for her to find.
As she reflected on that, it occurred to her that Bob hadn’t shown any indication that he “randomly put things wherever”. He was very organized. The tack in the tack room had been stored with loving care and nothing had been out of place. He wasn’t a slob in the house, either. She understood him wanting to hire someone to clean the house, but Stephanie certainly didn’t have a heavy load. So why would he ‘make work’ for her to do out here in the shed? Surely there were other things more important that needed doing. And what was he doing right now?
Thinking about this, she started arranging the filter boxes she’d collected on the shelf and found one that wasn’t marked. Acting on some subliminal urge, she used that as an excuse to go find him and ask him about it.
She looked around the yard, but didn’t see anything. Then she saw Jasper lying on the porch. That meant Bob was inside. She stopped to ruffle Jasper’s fur, getting an enthusiastic tail-wag in the process, and then went in the back door.
At first she heard nothing. Whatever Stephanie was doing wasn’t making noise. She started to call out but something stopped her.
Feeling a little foolish, she moved, stepping on the balls of her feet first, to make less noise. She heard voices and turned toward the sound. She heard Bob’s deep voice again. It sounded like it was coming from the utility room. Did Stephanie do the laundry? She hadn’t seen Bob do any. She’d washed her own new clothes, but hadn’t had to do any laundry since then.
She started forward, walking normally, but then stopped as she heard Bob’s voice utter a long, drawn out groan: “Fuuuuuck.”
Something in Mandy’s mind recognized the tone as something other than pain. Her senses perked up and she moved forward silently. When she got to the doorway, she slowly peeked through the crack between the edge of the door and the jamb, just below the upper hinge of the door.
She couldn’t stifle a sharp, indrawn breath as she saw Bob, leaning against the washing machine, with his jeans down around his knees. Stephanie was kneeling in front of him. Her hand was on what was clearly his erect penis, but the tip of it was obscured by the fact that it was in her mouth.
“Damn, Stephanie, you’re getting good at this,” Bob moaned. “Have you done this for Duke, yet?”
The teen slurped as she pulled off and looked up at him. “I promised him it would be soon, but I want to be perfect at it first.”
“Well, you’re almost there. Are you sure you want to save your virginity for him?”
She jacked on his cock and kissed the tip before looking back up.
“It’s tempting, but you’re way too big and Duke’s going to marry me as soon as we graduate. I want him to be my first.”
“You’re killing me,” groaned Bob.
“You’re sweet, for a geezer,” she said, laughing.
Mandy realized she was breathing deeply and quickly, almost panting. Her nipples were screaming at her. What was in Stephanie’s hand was clearly related, genetically, to Ryan. If it wasn’t as big as Harold, it wasn’t off by much. It was amazing the girl could get it in her mouth.
That this was not an issue was plain as Stephanie went back to work on him, her ponytail bobbing as her head went back and forth. It was obvious she liked what she was doing. It was just as obvious Bob was having a great time as well.
Mandy held her breath as Bob warned the teen and then gasped when she stayed on while he obviously came. He arched backwards and she reached to grip his hips so his movements wouldn’t dislodge his cock from her sucking mouth. She continued to suck his prod, swallowing until finally he touched her head with both hands.
“Thanks,” he panted. “I really needed that today.”
She licked her lips and stood up.
“You know I love doing it. You were pretty worked up today, though. Why don’t you just tell her how you feel?”
“Because I don’t want to freak her out,” he said. “Besides, she’s only going to be here a few more weeks and, like you, she’s obviously not interested in a geezer like me. Now, I’ve kept you from your work long enough. And, knowing you, you need to take care of something else first. You need any help?”
She leaned to kiss his lips briefly.
“No. That would be dangerous. It’s hard enough to resist you like it is, geezer or not.” She grinned. “I wish you could give Duke lessons like you give me lessons.”
Bob laughed. “I don’t think he’d appreciate that. He’ll learn. You can teach him what he needs to know when the time comes.”
With that he slapped her on the ass and she turned to leave.
Mandy panicked, turned and hastily beat a retreat, running on the balls of her feet. She heard the floor creak several times and was breathing hard by the time she made it back to the shed. She stopped to find Jasper right there, wagging her tail as if to say, “What’s up? Are we playing a new game of some sort? I want in!”
Mandy leaned against the work bench and just breathed. What she’d seen had shaken her. It wasn’t the act itself that had bothered her. Stephanie hadn’t been reluctant in any way but it had just looked ... something. She couldn’t put her finger on it. It had looked like two lovers, except they weren’t. Not really. She had a boyfriend. She was obviously still a virgin, or at least had told Bob that. And Bob had been so ... polite? No, considerate was the better word. He’d warned he was going to spew so she could move back if she wanted to. She hadn’t wanted to. She’d received his semen eagerly in her young mouth.
Mandy felt upset, but couldn’t figure out why. She didn’t exactly feel guilty about spying on them. Obviously Bob had given her busy-work just so he could get to his assignation. That it was a prearranged rendezvous was obvious. That it had happened before was obvious, too. He’d been giving her ... lessons!
Then there were those few, critical sentences that could only have referred to her. Bob had talked to this girl about her. He’d said she was gorgeous. He’d also, apparently, told Stephanie of some desire he had that transcended just offering her a place to get away from things. That explained all those looks he gave her. He wanted ... things. He probably wanted the same things Stephanie did with him.
But he had been the ultimate gentleman about it. He’d pursued his fantasies with his teenage cleaning lady, instead of trying to seduce his guest.
Mandy realized her stomach was roiling. She was tense. For some reason she thought about Stephanie, who was, no doubt, lying on some bed in the house, with her hand in her well-worn jeans, frigging herself to get relief from the emotions created by giving Bob what was obviously a terrific blow job.
Mandy groaned as she realized that ... she needed to masturbate, too.
She had control of herself and was breathing normally by the time Bob sauntered into the shed.
“How’s it going?” he asked, jauntily.
‘Of course he’s jaunty, ‘ thought Mandy. ‘He just got his pipes cleaned by the cleaning lady.’
“I think I found everything,” she said, her voice tight. She handed him the unmarked one. “This one isn’t marked.”
He took the box and opened it, pulling out a long tube made of what looked like pleated paper.
“Air filter,” he said. “Goes to the John Deere. Come to think of it, it probably needs to be installed.”
She picked up another box.
“This one says oil filter, but not what it’s for.”
He eyed the filter inside and frowned.
“I’m guessing it goes to the log splitter. We’ll have to compare them. See if the numbers on them are the same.”
“You’re the boss,” she said, thinking about how the boss was taking advantage of his teenage employee.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Me? Fine. Why?”
“You sound different,” he said. “On edge, maybe?”
“It’s nothing,” she said. “What shall we do now?”
He took her to an odd looking device in one corner of the shed and identified it as the log splitter. She had to get down on her hands and knees to first find something that looked like the filter and then rub the grime off the side of it to read the numbers printed on it. They matched. He marked that filter box and picked up the air filter he said needed changing.
Over the next hour Mandy learned how to raise the cowl on the tractor and about all the filters on the machine. Then, guided by his instructions, she removed the dirty air filter and installed the new one. Once everything was tightened to his satisfaction, he showed her how to turn on the air compressor and blow out the old filter. Dust flew everywhere and she coughed. He had her hold the filter up to sunlight and look through the pleated folds.
“I should have had you do that with the new one before we put it on,” he said. “That way you’d have a better idea of how far gone this one is. What we’re trying to do is see if blowing it out made it usable again as a spare.”
“I guess that makes sense,” she said.
Doing the work made her feel better, somehow. It took her mind off of what she’d seen and learned.
They “puttered”, as Bob called it, oiling things and doing more cleanup in the shed until lunchtime. Stephanie had prepared lunch for them, but was gone when they went in the house. She’d made thick ham sandwiches and set out condiments to put on them. There were also hardboiled eggs and a vegetable platter with carrots, cauliflower, cucumber slices, and celery on it. A jug of dark tea was sitting on the table beside two glasses.
Realizing she was starved, Mandy dug in. She ate more than she would have believed and felt great when he said it was time to “get to the fences.”
Riding Lucy, this time, seemed more natural. She learned that merely draping the reins across one side of the mare’s neck communicated the command to turn. The most gentle of tugs stopped the horse and, again, she found that Lucy would back up if the reins were pulled firmly. She found she could sit upright and only had to reach for the horn three times before they got to the section of fence Bob wanted to examine. Jasper came with them, but ranged away from the horses most of the time.
Now they walked, and it was entirely comfortable and pleasurable. What had felt like a huge thing splitting her legs apart now felt like she was part of the team, with Lucy under her, moving to her commands. She still felt tinges of discomfort in her thighs, but it was easy to think of something else.
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