The City Girl Blues
Copyright© 2017 by Lubrican
Chapter 13
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Mandy's love life seemed to be cursed. She found happiness only to have it ripped from her. She tried again, and then again, but nothing seemed to work for her. Finally, in desperation she accepted an offer to get away from it all on a ranch. But Mandy was a city girl. Rural life, miles from even the smallest town, was strange and uncomfortable, even painful at times. Still, she did get a break from men. The owner of the ranch was mystifying, frustrating, not her type at all. Or was he?
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Reluctant Farming Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Slow
When she peeked into the living room she almost burst out laughing. That’s because Bob was naked.
Intuitively she knew he’d done it on purpose. Whether it was an attempt to tease her or shock her wasn’t clear. He was sitting on the couch, legs extended, feet perhaps twenty inches apart. His right hand was in his lap, milking his penis, which was semi hard. She giggled again as she realized he was trying to get it up, no doubt part of his plan for what she now suspected was supposed to be shock and awe.
The ‘neckline’ of her bra was only an inch from her areolas and she had already experimented with lifting a breast, just a little, so that the nipple was barely exposed. She did that now, twiddling the nipple and bringing it to full, turgid arousal. The other one was already mostly firm when she released it from confinement as well. Bending over she tugged at the panties until the soft cloth sucked into her cleft, making an obvious camel toe. The crowning touch was the pair of high heels she’d packed to go to dinner in on her honeymoon. They were red, instead of black, but she couldn’t do anything about that.
By the time she strolled into the living room he’d gotten himself fully erect. His hand was still around his cock, slowly moving up and down, when he saw movement in his peripheral vision and looked at her. His hand stopped as if frozen.
“What’cha watchin’?” She asked, her voice innocent. Then, in an exaggerated little girl voice, added, “Uncle Bob! You’re naked! Eeeeek!”
It took everything she had to keep from letting out a guffaw as his eyes got round, the whites of them gleaming in the semi-dark. His hand suddenly moved, stroking a single time, and then froze again. She could see his grip intensify as surprise affected his entire body.
“Uncle Bob, you shouldn’t be naked like that,” she whined. “My mamma isn’t going to like it that you’re naked in front of me.”
She strutted in a manner completely inconsistent with her little girl vocal role, moving to stand right in front of him, blocking his view of the TV. She bent over so her breasts were clearly visible.
“You shouldn’t look at me like that, Uncle Bob. I’m in my jammies and I don’t think you’re allowed to look at me in my jammies. I hope I don’t get in trouble when my mamma catches you here like this.”
“Mandy,” Bob sighed, softly.
“I guess it’s okay, though,” she said, still in character. “As long as we don’t sit together. I’ll just sit over here and cover up with a blanket.”
She went to the armchair she’d traditionally used since coming to the ranch, at least until she joined him on the couch. Joining him on the couch had gotten her fucked, good and proper. She settled into the chair, tucking her feet under her, and waited to see what he’d do.
She didn’t expect him to get up, his erection protruding like a dowsing rod, and left the room without a word. If he’d stayed gone for more than ten or fifteen seconds she’d have gotten up to go find out what was going on, but he came back almost immediately.
“I talked to your mother,” he said, his voice deep and calm. “I explained how close we are, and that I’m your favorite uncle. She understands now and says it’s fine for me to see your jammies, and for you to sit with me on the couch.”
She managed not to laugh out loud, but couldn’t keep a smile off her face.
“Even like that ... naked?” she whined.
“Your mother feels it’s time you learned about men, and that since we’re so close and all, I’m the logical man to show you. She hopes you won’t be scared, that way.” He strode over to her and stood, his boner pointing right at her. “You’re not scared ... are you, Baby? I know you’re not scared of Uncle Bob.”
“I’m not scared,” she said, her voice still high. “But isn’t Brewster gonna be mad at you?”
“Brewster?” Bob’s head went backwards in surprise. He was clearly off balance.
“Isn’t he gonna be mad that you stole his penis and stuck it on you right there?”
She timidly pointed at the phallus on display before her.
It was Bob who finally broke, unable to contain his laughter. After a short bout, he threw up his hands.
“Okay. I give up. I am clearly outclassed, here, out of my league. I surrender, bowing to the victor and throw myself on your mercy.”
He executed a formal bow, with one hand in the small of his back and the other just above his pubic hair.
“You mean my wish is your command?” She remained in character a bit longer.
“Anything you want,” he said, standing again and dropping his hands to his sides.
She moved her feet out from under her and scooted to sit on the edge of the seat cushion, putting her face within ten inches from his ragingly hard manhood. She reached to grip the object of her desire. When she spoke this time, her voice was normal.
“My wish is for you to love me with this for hours at a time. You can begin now.”
He picked her up in his arms, carrying her as if she weighed nothing. She pressed her cheek to his chest, marveling that the thick hair she’d thought looked beastly before felt so soft against her face. He took her to her bedroom and let her down to her feet so he could pull back the covers and expose the soft Egyptian cotton sheets he’d given her upon arrival. It occurred to her that his own sheets weren’t nearly as luxurious, and that he’d tried to pamper her intentionally, at least a little bit. Both beds were queen sized, and he could have kept the nicer ones for himself.
He turned to her and just looked, his eyes drinking her in.
“Your mother said I could tuck you in,” he said.
“I’m not sleepy,” she replied.
“Please don’t tell me that was for your honeymoon,” he said, softly.
“Actually,” she said, “I got it at Richardson’s the day I got here. You said for me to get black ... remember?”
“You got that for me?” His voice was husky.
“Truthfully, I got it because I loved it. I had no intention of wearing it for you, but I confess I did plan to let you see it some time or another. You had teased me, and I wanted to be able to tease you.”
“Well, you’ve teased the crap out of me with it,” he sighed. “Wow. Want to know something crazy? It makes me want to dance with you.”
“We can dance later,” she whispered.
He held up a finger.
“Be right back,” he said.
He left, turning toward his room. When he returned he had a three inch square foil packet pinched between his thumb and forefinger. Extending it, he said, “My chore in town.”
Mandy took the condom and turned it over in her fingers, as if inspecting it. She reached to lay it on the nightstand, beside the alarm clock.
“I want to taste you, first,” she said, reaching to gently grasp his penis.
“Your wish is my command,” he repeated, smiling.
She had waited long enough. Instead of having him remove her lingerie she divested her body of it quickly and efficiently.
“I don’t want to muss it,” she said, folding it and bending over to put it in the bottom drawer of the chest of drawers. She did that with her legs spread and knew she was wantonly displaying wet pussy lips to him.
Instead of speaking, he lay on the bed, adjusting pillows under his head, and looked at her.
“You’re beautiful whether you wear something like that or not,” he said.
“Flattery will get you anywhere,” she purred.
“I am merely the tool of your pleasure, Milady.”
Mandy had never been aggressive during sex. She’d taken the lead before, but had never felt like she was actually in full charge of a sexual experience. Now, though, she felt a power that made her become aggressive. Crawling onto the bed she positioned herself over his penis on all fours and lowered her mouth to tease and play, using her lips and teeth to nip at him, and her cheek to move him back and forth. His glans was three quarters sheathed, but his foreskin was stretched over the bulbous knob, forming a circular collar around the little eye that seemed to stare back at her. Using the tip of her tongue she probed that eye, gently at first, and then more firmly, until she had to grip him with her hand to keep it from moving away from her attentions.
She moved the stiff tip of her tongue to that collar, and played at forcing it down, over the knob. It was too tight, or her tongue too slippery, one or the other, so she abandoned that and pursed her lips to kiss and suck at the tip. A soft groan informed her he liked that.
Finally she used her hand to move the loose skin on the shaft and watched the collar thin until it looked only as thick as a piece of paper, before disappearing behind the corona. Now she extended her exploration to include the whole head, sucking at it as if it were a lollypop of sorts. The soft sounds issuing from his throat became louder and more frequent. She gave an experimental strong suck, as strongly as she could produce, and he muttered, “Ohhh, fuck, Mandy.”
There was an audible pop as she pulled her sucking lips off of him and she looked up at his face.
“Not yet,” she said.
“You keep doing that and I won’t be able to do anything later,” he warned.
“Tell me if you’re about to cum,” she ordered.
She went back and, this time, loved as much of his penis as she could get into her mouth. Now her tongue and cheeks worked in tandem, stroking, sucking and clamping down on him. Her fingers moved to his balls and teased the hair there. She lifted his balls, as if trying to weigh them, and used her thumb and forefinger to pinch, separating the little eggs inside without hurting them.
“You better stop!” he gasped.
She pulled off slowly, almost gently, but moved her hand to squeeze the base of his cock with amazing strength.
“Not yet,” she chided.
“You’re killing me,” he groaned.
“Poor baby,” she said.
She did that three more times, bringing him to the brink and then stopping, squeezing to prevent him from cumming. He became more agitated each time. Once, when all she did was suck the tip, he reached for his cock, but she batted his hand away and warned him not to do it again.
Finally, when she judged she’d gone as far as he could take, she crawled up to sit on his thighs. She reached to press his hot organ against her pussy lips, hugging it to her mons. She moved it sideways, fractionally, and wondered if her fluffy pubes tickled the head as it moved across them.
“Please,” he groaned.
“This is for my pleasure,” she said, firmly. “That was my wish. You promised!”
“Please,” he whispered. “I’ll never tease you again.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she said, still massaging her cleft with his firmness. “Or that I don’t want you to keep,” she added. “Be patient. Very soon I’m going to let you in me, to pleasure me further.”
“Okay,” he panted. She saw his fists ball and wanted to smile.
Making sure her pussy dragged along his shaft, she stretched and reached to retrieve the condom from the nightstand. She continued to move her hips a little, mashing her nether lips against his balls and stiff shaft, as she tore open the packet and extracted the condom. It was pink, and ribbed with little dots where it would cover the shaft.
She held it up, inspecting it critically.
“This would inhibit my pleasure,” she said.
Then, curling her lip in the way she’d perfected while looking in a mirror as a teenager, she flicked the object away. It landed on the floor five feet from the bed.
“We will not use it,” she announced.
“Mandy,” he gasped, his eyes opening wide.
“Speak only when spoken to,” she said, sternly. This ‘being in charge’ thing was producing strange and powerful feelings inside her. Erotic feelings of a kind she wasn’t familiar with. She had been eager to get to this point earlier in the day, anticipating it with such intensity that her pussy was weeping. She could feel how wet she was now, but she felt a sense of patience that let her move forward in a measured manner.
Getting her feet under her beside his hips, she rose to a squat, reaching to pull his penis to a vertical position. She lowered herself slowly, enjoying the feel of the muscles in her thighs and calves as they accepted her weight comfortably. When she felt the tip of his cock kiss her pussy lips, she stopped, hovering over him.
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