The City Girl Blues
Copyright© 2017 by Lubrican
Chapter 10
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Mandy's love life seemed to be cursed. She found happiness only to have it ripped from her. She tried again, and then again, but nothing seemed to work for her. Finally, in desperation she accepted an offer to get away from it all on a ranch. But Mandy was a city girl. Rural life, miles from even the smallest town, was strange and uncomfortable, even painful at times. Still, she did get a break from men. The owner of the ranch was mystifying, frustrating, not her type at all. Or was he?
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Reluctant Farming Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Slow
When Bob entered her room to wake her the next morning she was still nude. He took in her loveliness and felt his cock respond, but all he did was shake her shoulder and tell her it was time to get up.
She was fully dressed in jeans, a checkered shirt, and boots when she came to the kitchen, where pancakes awaited her. In Bob’s opinion she couldn’t have looked sexier.
They inspected the cattle they’d herded into the corral. They milled around, their eyes rolling as the two humans moved among them. Mandy was mildly amazed that she felt almost comfortable, stepping in things she’d have been horrified about a month earlier, and simply reaching to push a big, hairy body away from her as she followed Bob. He pointed out various things he wanted the vet to look at and had Mandy put a smear of pink spray paint on the rumps of those animals.
Lunch had to be delayed when a group of giggling high school girls showed up to ride the horses Bob was boarding for them. Bob and Mandy helped them saddle the horses, though to be honest, not much help was needed. The girls were excited and that emotion got transmitted to their mounts.
Lunch was the first chance they’d had to be ‘alone’. Mandy smiled as Bob ignored her, cutting up boiled potatoes and smoked sausage and frying them in the skillet. She watched him working and felt a flutter in her belly. It was clear that some part of her mind was trying to ignore all her concerns and fears, and didn’t care one whit about the difference in their ages.
She thought about going back to school, but that choice felt like it contained nothing she could look forward to. She reflected on that. She liked the classes, learning new things. She still had the goal of completing her studies and becoming an engineer. But she had no concept of what that would mean in the end. She moved on to thinking about the people she knew back there. She had friends, but they weren’t what she’d characterize as close. The men...
There was the issue.
She knew lots of them, but her relationship with Ryan had closed them off as romantic possibilities. She thought of some of them now. She compared them to Bob.
They didn’t fare well in the comparison.
She sat down. Fate had done it to her again. Fate had pushed her into something she hadn’t been looking for. She wasn’t the one who had spun a web. Fate was the spider and the web they were both caught in had been spun by it.
“Do you believe in fate?” she asked.
He looked over his shoulder.
“You mean destiny? Preordination?”
“I mean things happening that you have no control over and all you can do is react to them.”
“I guess that happens to everybody,” he said. “You can’t control everything, but that doesn’t mean you’re helpless. You can exert control over your life. In some ways I think you make your own fate.”
“I feel like fate has been pushing me around for years,” she said.
“I can see how you’d feel that way.”
“I was thinking about this ... us ... here,” she said.
He turned around.
“If you mean last night that wasn’t fate. That was two consenting adults choosing to do something.”
“I agree,” she said. “But it was fate that got me here in the first place.”
He shrugged.
“Maybe,” he said.
He turned around, scraped the bottom of the skillet one last time and turned the flame off.
“This is ready,” he said, turning around. He looked at the bare table. “I assumed you’d set the table,” he said. “And maybe open a can of vegetables to go with this?”
“Sorry!” she said, jumping up. “I was distracted.”
He put the skillet back on the burner. He set the table while Mandy heated up a can of lima beans. They sat and ate in silence. They cleaned up in silence, too.
“You okay?” he finally asked, as they got ready to go back to work.
“I’m fabulous,” she said.
“We already knew that,” he joked. “But are you okay?”
It was impulse and she didn’t challenge it. Instead she went to him and pulled his face down for a kiss. Pressing her body against his, she tried to communicate how “okay” she was with her lips and tongue. When she pulled away, he closed his eyes for a few seconds.
“I could get used to that,” he sighed.
“You might get another ... someday,” she teased.
“Okay. Back to work. We have no time for these frivolous distractions.”
She let the back of her hand graze the front of his jeans.
“If you say so,” she said, putting as much innocence in her voice as she could.
Work turned out to be separating the cattle with pink spots on their butts from the rest of the herd so the vet wouldn’t have to spend time finding them. Mandy and Bob erected a separation out of movable fence sections, hooking them together and then using the last one as a gate of sorts. Then the cows had to be moved into it, usually one at a time, while one of them stayed in the gap to keep them there.
By the time they were finished Mandy’s shirt was soaked and her jeans and boots filthy.
“I need another bath,” she said, looking down at herself.
“Why not join me in the stock tank?” he suggested. “It’s cool and you can almost swim.”
“That’s where the cattle drink,” she said, making it clear she didn’t think bathing in such water was a good idea.
“The windmill keeps it full of nice, clean water,” said Bob. “Come on. It will be fun.”
“You just want to see me naked again,” she growled.
“Are you saying you have no interest in seeing my magnificent physique?” He struck a pose.
“I’m saying you probably won’t be satisfied with just seeing me naked. You’ll want to touch me, too.”
“A reasonable assumption,” he said. “It is difficult, however, to give one a massage in the stock tank.”
“Do you promise you’ll behave yourself?”
“Of course not. That would be a foolish thing to promise.”
“Uh huh.”
That said, she started unbuttoning her shirt. Bob watched avidly, hamming it up as she almost, but not quite, uncovered the naked breasts beneath the shirt.
“It is hot,” she said, looking over at the huge galvanized tank that created a curved portion of the wall of the corral.
“You’ll thank me,” said Bob, preparing to shed his own clothes.
Mandy walked over to the little five foot tall building that housed the wellhead that the windmill hooked into and laid her clothing on the roof. Within a few minutes she was naked. It felt ... interesting ... that she experienced no shyness at all about Bob being able to see her. He had, after all, seen it before. He’d touched it before. And she’d been quite happy that had happened.
True, after he left, the night before, she’d still been horny. She’d had the best sex of her life without penile penetration, but it hadn’t been quite enough. She was tired, though, and relaxed. She didn’t want to move but it was too much work to do things manually. She rolled over and got the rabbit out, sinking back to let it work another orgasm out of her with the needed penetration she couldn’t let Bob accomplish. She was astonished that a part of her wished she’d had Bob get the rabbit out, insert it, and then turn it on. That was crazy. But this whole situation was crazy. Here she was, standing in a shit-covered corral, surrounded by smelly beasts, getting ready to climb into their drinking water just to cool off.
“Climb up and jump in,” Bob advised. “The shock will be over instantly.”
“How cold is it?” she asked.
“I don’t actually know,” he lied. He knew that water was probably between 55 and 65 degrees, but if he admitted that, she’d chicken out.
She looked at him, standing there in only jeans and boots. He looked muscular ... hairy ... beastly. But she knew he had a heart that wasn’t like that at all. She climbed the fence gingerly, worrying about splinters, and stepped onto the tin roof of the well house. She could see the bottom of the tank, which held about four feet of water.
She jumped.
Her whole body spasmed when the deluge of cold water enveloped it. All she could think of was getting her feet on the bottom to try to stand up. When she did, her yell startled the cows, which moved away from the noise anxiously.
“You bastard!“ she screamed. “This water is freezing!“
“If it was frozen you’d be lying on top of it,” he said, grinning. He shucked his jeans, stepping out of his boots at the same time. He walked to the well house in his socks and only took them off after he climbed up to where Mandy had been.
Mandy, meanwhile, was standing up, her arms hugging herself in an attempt to get warm. She looked around for a place to climb out, but the edge of the tank was unbroken. She went to one wall and tried to lift herself up, out of the water. Her arms rebelled, though, as if the cold water had sapped her strength.
She turned to berate him and saw him standing there on the roof, ready to join her.
“You’re not even hard!” she observed, clearly in chastisement.
“I didn’t think I was supposed to be,” he said, grinning.
“I got naked and it didn’t do a thing to you,” she accused.
“Well, I got naked too. Are you turned on?”
She swung her arm, trying to splash him, but he foiled that plan by leaping to land near her, splashing water all over her. Then, before she could clear her eyes, he had her in his arms, hugging her cold flesh to his.
“Better?” he said into the side of her face.
“Let go of me you... beast!“
“Your loss,” he said, pushing her back. He stared at her nipples, which looked painfully engorged. “Very nice,” he said, leering.
He was unprepared for her hand to snake forward and grab his manhood. Her grip was steel and when she pulled he was helpless to resist. He found himself face to face with her again and was astonished when she let go of him only to grip the sides of his beard and pull his face to hers for a kiss.
Twenty or thirty seconds later she let him go.
“It’s not so bad, now,” she said, swirling her hand through the water.
“I told you you’d get used to it,” he said.
“Now all I have to do is figure out a way to get used to you, “ she grumped.
“Keep kissing me like that and you’ll get used to me right away,” he suggested, grinning.
“In your dreams,” she said, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Can’t have any dreams in here,” he said. “I’m getting out and making supper. I’m starved.”
“You can’t leave me in here,” she moaned.
“Well then come with me, silly,” he said.
“How do you get out?”
He took her to the side of the tank by the well house and, standing in front of her, gripped her waist. With a surge of water and a yelp from Mandy, he lifted her easily to sit on the well house. He didn’t let it lie, there, though. He leaned forward to push his bushy beard between her knees while his hands pried them apart.
“Awk!” squealed Mandy as her hands pushed ineffectually at his head.
He hummed loudly as he kissed first one inner thigh and then the other, working steadily towards where her legs joined.
“Bob!” gasped Mandy, pushing at his head.
He stopped just short of her labia, bestowing a kiss on the skin an inch away, and then raised his head.
“What?” he asked, grinning. “I was just checking for leeches. Wouldn’t want you to get a leech stuck to you.”
“You’re horrible!” she howled.
“Definitely a beast,” he said, smiling. “And I have to say, you’re definitely a beauty.”
She looked to see that his hands were still on her knees, keeping them spread so that her sex was clearly on display. His eyes dropped to pin on her lips, which looked a little blue in her opinion. She got an idea and, glancing behind her, judged that there was room. She rolled backwards, executing a backward somersault, landing lightly on her feet and standing.
“Hah!” she yelled. “I got away! No beast can catch me!”
“We’ll see about that,” he said in an exaggerated growl. He put his hands on the edge of the tank and Mandy shrieked. Not even taking the time to regain her clothes, she leapt off the well house on the side away from the corral and dashed for the house. Her bare feet complained, but not enough to make her stop. Rather she adopted a hopping gait. Once she got to the driveway the dust there was soft and she ran again. She didn’t look over her shoulder until she made the porch, only to see Bob walking calmly across the yard, carrying both his clothes and hers. He’d stopped to put on his boots, as well.
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