A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 5 - Michelle - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 5 - Michelle

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 37: Christmas 1991

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 37: Christmas 1991 - This is the continuation of the story told in "A Well-Lived Life 2", Book 4. If you haven't read the entire 10 book "A Well-Lived Life" and the first four books of "A Well-Lived Life 2" you'll have some difficulty following the story. This is a dialog driven story. The author was voted 'Author of the Year' and 'Best New Author' in the 2015 Clitorides Awards, and 'Author of the Year' in 2017.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Workplace   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Slow  

December 23, 1991, Chicago, Illinois

"You should go talk to Doctor Swanson," Jessica said. "She's in internal medicine. The brunette there with short hair."

"Dark blue dress?"

"That's her! She's really sweet, and just came out of a bad relationship. She's NOT looking for a new guy or a hookup or anything like that. But I think she could use a friend."

"I'll give it a try," I said.

I walked over to the buffet table where Doctor Swanson was standing.

"What looks good?" I asked.

"At a hospital party buffet table? Salmonella!"

I laughed, "I suppose a lame question deserves a silly answer. I'm Steve Adams."

"Jessica's husband?"


"Gina Swanson, Internal Medicine. I'm an Attending."

"Nice to meet you."

"You have quite the reputation, you know."

"I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say to that!"

She laughed, "Sorry, yes the whole two wives and seven kids with four moms thing is pretty well known. But I meant something else. You also have a reputation for standing by Jessica through all her problems."

"I hope that's the more important one," I said.

"For me. For some of the younger nurses and doctors, I think it's your legendary prowess."

"Wonderful," I sighed.

"Forget it. I don't care about that. I'm not exactly enamored with the male of the species at the moment."

"We can be pretty serious jackasses, that's for sure. I know, because I'm a champion jackass."

She turned and looked at me, "Are you feeding me a line, or do you really believe that?"

"Doctor Swanson, I have made so many mistakes, I can't even begin to count them. But I try to learn my lessons and improve in the future."

"It's Gina, please! So tell me, what do you do for a living?"

"I own my own computer software company."

"Well, that sounds like the acme of excitement!"

"Don't knock it, Doc. I enjoy it, and it can be a lot of fun. Way more fun than debriding a wound, lancing a boil, or disimpacting a bowel!"

"I have Residents and medical students to do that!" she laughed. "I'm sure you have lots of little people to do the stuff you don't like."

"It's the other way around. I'd prefer to just be a programmer and have someone else run the company day to day."

"But you're running things?"

"For now. A friend of mine ran things for the first five years, and in three or four, my sister will take over once she has some real-world experience."

"So no ego?"

I laughed, "Exactly the opposite, Doc. I'll give any surgeon you point to a run for their money in terms of ego! I give lessons to naval aviators!"

"But you're OK with turning over the reins to someone else?"

"Someone who likes it and is better at it than I am."

"A non-egotistical egoist?"

"No, someone who knows how to delegate. But enough about me, tell me about Doctor Gina Swanson."

"What's to tell? Typical doctor. No life."

"I find that anyone can have a life, if they want one."

"A philosopher, too?"

"And a black belt in karate," I said.

"And time for two wives and seven kids!"

"Exactly. If I can do all of that, you can find some time to do something for you. Got a special person?"

"No. Only a jackass. Well, and a cat. And actually, the jackass is gone."

"You sound like you could use a friend."

"This isn't some round-about pickup line?"

"With my wife ten feet away? And my other wife next to her? Do I look like I have a death wish?"

Gina laughed, "No, I guess not. A friend, huh?"

"Sure. Someone who'll listen to your tale of woe, let you cry on his shoulder, and help you find a way to have some fun. But I have one condition."

"Here it comes," she sighed.

"You have to do the same for me."

"Wait! You cry?"

"I find it helps," I said.

"Well, Mr. Doctor Adams, if I go over there and ask Jessica if this is OK, what's she going to say?"

"That she sent me to talk to you because you just came out of a bad relationship. She seems to think you need a friend. A guy friend. A wingman, if you will."

She laughed, "So we're going to bars and pick up a guy for me and a girl for you?"

"We're sure as hell not looking for a guy for me!"

She laughed, "Or a girl for me!"

"Go talk to Jess and see what she says. Here's my card. Call me after the holidays."

December 24, 1991, Chicago, Illinois

"I love you, Daddy!" Birgit said.

"I love you too, Pumpkin. I'm glad you like your gifts!"

"Did you already kiss Mommy?"

Kara giggled, "Yes, sweetie, Mommy and Daddy kissed lots!"

"Dad?" Albert said.

He was mimicking Jesse by saying 'Dad' instead of 'Dada' like the other boys had when they were his age. For some reason, the girls had all settled on 'Daddy'.


"Why not Jesse? Or Matthew and Michael?"

"This time is just our part of the family. Tomorrow morning I'll be with Aunt Elyse and your brothers. Then afterwards, our entire family will be together."


"Because that's what each of the moms wants," I said. "Jesse will be with his moms tomorrow."

"Albert!" Birgit exclaimed. "We love Mommy and Mommy and Daddy! We do this!"

"Birgit," I said gently. "He's just asking. It's fine."

"Daddy?" Stephie said.

"Yes, Bunny?"

"Love Daddy!"

"I love you, too, Little Bunny Rabbit!" I said. "And we all love Mommies!"

"How about a family sauna?" Jessica asked.

"What about the baby?"

"We can ask Abbie or Elyse to come get her after a few minutes. I checked with them before."

"Then let's go!"

December 25, 1991, Chicago, Illinois

"Do you and Elyse make love on Christmas morning?" Jessica asked after we made love under the tree in our room.

"That hasn't been our tradition," I said. "We just spend time with her boys. Why?"

"Technically, last night was her night, but you spent it with us. I was just curious."

"Then she may have alternate plans this morning! I just sort of roll with the punches on that. You girls have ALWAYS been in control. That was true back when I was fourteen and hasn't changed!"

"I think the girl is pretty much always in charge!" Kara said. "We have something men want, and get to decide if and when they get it!"

"I believe Tiger has something YOU want," Jessica smirked.

"Oh, he does! And I decide if and when I get it!" Kara laughed.

"If?" I chuckled. "Sure! And so long as 'when' means 'always'!"

"Which is exactly what *I* want," Kara said primly.

I chuckled and headed for the shower. My family Christmas arrangements were complicated, and I wondered how we'd handle things once Elyse moved out, as she occasionally reminded me she would when some crime story made the front pages of the Tribune. Elyse, like the other women in the house, had obtained her FOID, the Firearm Owner's ID card required by Illinois, and her Christmas gift from me this year was a 12-gauge Mossberg shotgun. The amusing thing was that it was Jessica who helped me pick it out. She'd owned one in Texas, but had sold it when she went to Medical School. I would have preferred giving her a handgun, but given Chicago's near-total ban, it wasn't worth the hassle.

Abbie had been the most reticent, but in the end, I'd convinced her to take the short training class required because I didn't want the police playing any games with whom the gun belonged to, and who had access to it, if an adult in the house didn't have an FOID card. I'd make sure the kids got theirs as they got older. That would start when each one of them was safely able to fire a pistol. I considered it like learning to ride a bike, learning to swim, or learning to drive — a necessary skill for any adult.

I finished my shower and went back to the bedroom to find Jessica, Kara, Birgit, Stephie, and Ashley all cuddling on the bed while Albert played with his new slot car track that we'd set up under the tree the previous night.

"I see you woke the kids," I observed as I dressed.

"I found your Pumpkin eating breakfast! You know she gets up early!"

"Mommy and Daddy were kissing! I went downstairs!"

"Now how does she know THAT?" I chuckled.

"I do believe that is a common activity in this room, Tiger. And the door was locked. I'm pretty sure she tried the handle. When it's locked, she knows Mommies and Daddy want privacy!"

"To kiss!" Birgit giggled.

"I think it might be almost time to tell HER the new words," I chuckled. "I'm a bit surprised that either Jesse or Matthew haven't shared their newfound knowledge!"

"They probably have, but she's not even four yet," Jessica said. "And as smart as she is, Jesse was WAY ahead of the game. He had the benefit of interacting with adults almost full-time for a solid year. Sure, he saw Francesca and a few other friends, but you and his moms, and Veronica, treated him like an adult. He was walking, talking, and making a general nuisance of himself by the time he was one!"

I finished dressing, kissed my wives and kids, and went across the hall to Elyse's room. I knocked and entered when she called out. She already had her boys dressed and waiting.

"Hi, boys! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Dad!" they said together.

"I'm surprised at how calm they are," I chuckled as I hugged and kissed Elyse.

"They've only been in here for a couple of minutes. I got them fed, bathed, and dressed while you and Jessica were having your usual celebration!"

"Sorry about last night," I said.

"Do NOT apologize for spending Christmas Eve with your wives and kids! That's your preferred time to celebrate. Besides, I'm sure that Matthew and Michael can occupy themselves for an hour or so after they get their gifts!"

"The new Genesis is set up in the playroom," I said quietly. "It's just the empty box that's wrapped under the tree."

When I'd thought about getting a game console for the main house, I'd considered simply duplicating Jesse's system so that all the boys could share games, but ultimately decided that having two different game consoles provided more options, and might prevent boredom. That had led to buying a SEGA Genesis system, which came with a game called Sonic the Hedgehog. I had also been unable to resist purchasing Mario Lemieux Hockey, and had, naturally, sprung for the deluxe version that included a 'signed' Mario Lemieux puck. There had been a LENGTHY debate between Elyse and me over whom that puck belonged to!

"Ready for gifts, boys?" I asked.

"Yes!" they both shouted with glee.

"Steve, what's that long, hard item under my tree?" Elyse smirked.

"Me! Once the boys go to play with the new console!"

Elyse laughed, and we enjoyed watching Matthew and Michael open their gifts, and then Elyse and I opened ours to each other.

"A gun!" Matthew exclaimed.

"Yes, but the boys don't touch it! This is for Mom and Dad only. You need to go to a special school to learn to use it!" I said to Matthew, then turned to Elyse. "There's a trigger lock, if you want to use it. We can also get a quick-open pushbutton gun safe if you prefer."

"The trigger lock has a key, right?"


"I can wear that around my neck the way you do your special key. Do you want the spare?"

"That's probably the best idea," I said. "One more key to wear on my chain!"

"You stopped wearing most of your chains."

"It kind of made sense, don't you think? Wearing chains from old girlfriends kind of sent the wrong message."

"You're learning. Slowly. But you are learning."

"Dad! Can we play the new game?" Matthew said.

"Yes. It's already set up in the playroom. Let's go, and I'll show you how to use it. Then I need to spend some time with your mom!"

"Yay!" they said.

The four of us went down the hall to the playroom, and I turned on the new TV set and the SEGA console. It took about ten minutes to show the boys how to play Sonic and then Elyse and I went back to her room to play. What started out as a slow lovemaking session ultimately turned into a hard-driving, pounding fuck that left us sweaty and breathless.

"What got into you towards the end?" Elyse asked as we cuddled.

"Just the way you responded when I increased things. I kept ramping up, and you kept matching me, until I thought I was going to drive you through the mattress or you were going to buck me off!"

"That's more what you and Abbie do, isn't it?"

"Mostly, I'm slowly bringing her to the 'dark side'!"

"Of course you are!" Elyse laughed. "I never asked, but how did things go with your new friends?"

"Just fine. They'd both sign up for another round or two if they were permitted. Jill might ask. I'm not sure if Keisha will or not."

"What will Jess and Kara say?"

"No idea. I told Jill and Keisha they had to ask for permission from my wives, and that there was no guarantee."

"I also heard you made a new friend. I mean a real one, not a 'friend'."

I could hear the air quotes in her voice.

"Possibly. A doctor friend of Jessica's who's coming off a bad relationship and needs a guy friend. According to Jessica, it's just as tough for women to have a 'safe' male friend as it is for guys to have a 'safe' female friend. And doctors have a tough time making friends because, as Gina put it, they have no life."

"Given what I see with Jessica, I could see that. The hours are brutal and the job is stressful. I suppose it's not so bad if you're in private practice, but the hospital is crazy. I see how much effort you and Kara put into accommodating Jess. So you might have found your friend?"

"Maybe. She's supposed to call after the holidays."

"If it doesn't work out, I might have someone in mind. She's part of our CPA/CFO group. And TOTALLY safe."


"Right the first time!" Elyse laughed. "To the point of being militant about it. I think she could use some mellowing, and your 'live-and-let-live' philosophy might help her chill a bit."

"I can see how someone who is gay, male or female, would feel oppressed. It's like racism. And I heard a dose of that from Keisha."


"She made the comment that her daddy would be very upset if she, quote, 'took up with a white man'."

"Prejudice comes from all directions. You don't have to be white to be racist."

"No shit! Keisha obviously isn't, but she needs to keep the peace."

"I know the answer to this, but I'm going to ask anyway. What if your son or daughter brought home a black boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"If this were 1980 in Clermont County, Ohio, I'd be worried for their safety. But this is 1991 in Chicago. It's a world of difference. You know I have no problems with race of any kind. You and I grew up in a county that had almost no blacks and no Hispanics, and I don't remember any Asians at all. Now we're in a city that has huge black and Hispanic populations, not to mention all the Asians and Indians we ran across in college and who work for us. It's different here. Sure, there's racism in the city, but it's not like it was back home. You know, that's the second time you've brought this up. What gives?"

"Probably the exact reason you just mentioned. Even ten years later, it's jarring. I guess it's because of what happened in High School. You're right about the safety thing. One of the black basketball players at Glen Este tried to date a white cheerleader, and you would have thought the world ended!"

"I hear you, but the fact that you've raised it a few times kind of concerned me. I'll point out that all the parts are in the same place, taste pretty much the same, and feel pretty much the same!"

Elyse laughed, "I know! I never should have said anything."

"Actually, I'd prefer you did. Subconscious bias is probably worse than conscious bias. I'm not saying you have it, and I don't mean to include you in this comment, but I'd rather know who the racists are than have them hide it."

"That makes sense. It goes to your point about the only way to counter bad speech is MORE speech, not censorship."

"And the only way to fight racism and sexism is to get it out in the open and defeat it with clear, solid arguments."

"More idealism!"

"What's the alternative? Government force? Censorship? Quotas? Busing? Those have never worked, and only create tension and resentment. But this is Christmas! And it was my fault for bringing up what Keisha said about her dad. I'm sorry."

"I know how you can make it up to me!" Elyse said, pulling me on top of her.

We managed to get downstairs for the extended family celebration about two minutes before we were supposed to start. I saw Kara smirk, and Jessica roll her eyes. They knew why we were delayed! Everyone else was gathered, and we began with the kids exchanging presents based on drawing names from a jar. Each of them buying six gifts seemed a bit much. Next, Abbie received her presents from all of us, and then the adults exchanged gifts.

"Where are Stephanie and Ed?" Josie asked.

"Milford," I said. "They went to my parents' house last night, then Ed's house today. I think that was the right thing to do. They need to establish their own family traditions."

"Oh?" Jennifer said with an arched eyebrow.

"Unless I miss my guess, he was going to propose last night! We'll see them tomorrow, plus Bethany and Nicholas, and almost all the grandparents. And Josh and Mary. Jen, what time do your parents arrive?"

"Their flight gets in around noon. Everyone else is driving, right?"

"My parents are," Josie said.

"Mine too," Kara and Elyse both said.

"And mine," I said.

"Abbie, what about your parents?" Jesse asked.

"They didn't invite me, and I didn't want to go, so no great loss. It's not like we were close."

"Abbie is part of our family now," I said.

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