Git Yer Ass Over Here - Cover

Git Yer Ass Over Here

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2017 by Tony Tiger

Sex Story: Hill girl has lots of chores to do, especially for family gatherings

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Humor   Incest   .

Granmaw yelled at a little kid playin in the dirt, “Tell Rhonda Jean to get her ass over here. Some more cousins have showed up. She’s probly in the barn with her boyfriend agin.”

In a few minutes the youngster returned with the buxom blond teenager following her and cussin’ as she snapped the straps on her overalls. She hadn’t put a top on and so her big boobs bounced around and almost popped out as she stomped along.

As she got to the porch Granmaw said, “There’s two more cousins inside who had a long trip on these roads. Yew give them some beer and pussy to make ‘em feel welcome.”

Rhonda Jean said, in a resigned tone of voice, “Yes Granmaw. Shore wish we didn’t have so many boy cousins though.” Turning to the youngster she said, “You tell my boyfriend Ah won’t be long.”

She brought two beers and handed them out. Turning around in front of the seated cousin she waited while he unbuttoned the butt flap of her overalls and she just sat down on the erection he’d already uncovered.

“Whooee! Nice and wet! Just how Ah likes it and feels even better than the last time we wuz here.”

As she bounced up and down in the hard shaft, squeezing it with her cunt muscles to hurry up his creaming, the other cousin was trying to keep his dick in her moving mouth. He gave up and just sucked on his beer. Knowing it wouldn’t be long, he dropped his drawers and sat down just in time to hear his brother a’moanin how good it felt as he got off in her juicy twat. Moments later his own pecker was covered with a wet and moving pussy.

Rhonda Jean told the first cousin to go wipe off his pecker with a kitchen towel cuz she wasn’t suckin it that way. He came back and reached into her overall top to squeeze a bouncing titty while the brother that was being ridden had a big paw squeezing the other one.

Again, it only took a few minutes to accomplish what she’d been sent to do and she asked for the towel as she stood up, wiped her dripping crotch, and said “Enjoy your beers boys, Ah got a boyfriend to attend to.”

She was buttoning up her butt flap and her boobs were bouncing again as she strode towards the barn. She found a lanky farmhand still reclining on the hay and stroking a pecker bigger than either of the other two she just had. Dropping her overalls altogether, she smiled sweetly as she got on her back and said, “These family get-togethers are such a nuisance. Let’s pick up where we left off and hope no more damn male cousins show up for a while, or at least there better be some other girl ones pretty soon.”

“There is one of them gurlz really hankering for a piece of this,” she added as her hand guided Festus’ big shaft through the thin wavy fur covering her cunt. “You musta got her knocked up last time cuz she wants to show you her growin belly and bigger tits. Good thing she don’t live round here or she’d be trying to take you away from me.”

It wasn’t much longer when she felt the hot strong splashes of his seed being sprayed inside for the third time that day. Those shots set off the big pleasure she didn’t get from her cousins and she shook and squealed while it lasted. They had just calmed down when the youngster came in and said Granmaw wanted her again. She cursed and told her boyfriend to have a good nap and she’d be back to cuddle with him as soon as she could.

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