Cinder Whore - Cover

Cinder Whore

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 4

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A sexy take on the original Cinderella fairytale, this one adds a BDSM twist to the goings on! And why not... I am MASTER Jonathan after all!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Body Modification   Prostitution   Slow  

The next morning Bella woke up and, at first, she didn’t remember where she was. Then, when her head had cleared a bit, she remembered. She remembered what had happened to her the day before and she smiled. Bella was a woman!

She luxuriated in the soft comfortable bed. Mark had already gotten up but didn’t wake her so she had the whole king-sized bed to herself. She had never seen a bed this big or this soft before – it was a world away from the old worn-out twin sized mattress she used to call a bed.

Bella would have been perfectly content to spend the whole day in that bed, just lounging and enjoying how wonderful it felt. But she knew she had better get up and see what her Master had planned for the day. So she got up and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

She remembered him telling her that they were going clothes shopping today and having nothing else to wear, she put the same red metallic dress that had been her only clothes for three days now. I’m really getting tired of this dress. It will be nice when I have something else to wear! she thought to herself.

She went downstairs and in the dining room, Mark was sitting at the table drinking his morning coffee. “Good morning sleepy head! I trust you slept well considering that I have been up for two hours already!” he said, chuckling.

“Sorry, Master. I didn’t mean to oversleep but your bed is so comfortable! After sleeping on my old mattress on the floor by the fireplace, your bed was like sleeping on a cloud!” she said.

“Well, I figured you must have been tired. When I woke up you were sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t have the heart to wake you,” he said.

“Thank you, Master. Shall I make breakfast now?” she asked.

“Yes, and after breakfast, we will see about getting you something besides that dress to wear. I’ll bet you are getting tired of wearing the same thing!” he said with a smile.

“Oh yes, Master! I like the dress, but it will be nice to have something different to wear!” she said.

After they ate breakfast, they headed out shopping. Mark knew of some shops that would have just what he wanted for Bella and he headed over to one of them where he knew a couple of the saleswomen.

“Mr. McConnell! How nice to see you again!” the saleswoman said when they came in.

“Hello, Kathy, nice to see you too. This is Bella and she needs a new wardrobe. She will need some dresses, something to wear around the house for housework and chores, and maybe a couple of things for the bedroom. I brought her to you because you are the best and I’ve never seen you not dressed impeccably. If anyone can set her up, it’s you and your shop here!” he said.

“Oh, you are sweet, Mark! Yes, we can help you Bella let’s see what we can find for you. Do you know your sizes?” Kathy asked.

“No, Ma’am. I only have this one dress and I think it’s a bit on the small side,” Bella said.

“Well, I guess that’s where we will start then. Finding out your sizes. Excuse us for a moment Mark, honey, while we go in the back and get this young girl’s sizes,” Kathy said.

“No problem, I’ll just pop next door and get a coffee,” he said. So while Mark went to the coffee shop next door, Kathy took Bella in the back of the shop where the dressing rooms were and took her measurements.

When Mark returned, Kathy was showing Bella what she had in her sizes. Bella didn’t want to choose anything until Mark had a look and Mark was patient and let her try on a number of things.

He approved five or six dresses, most of them short and sexy. He also approved a couple longer, more formal dresses. He bought her some pants for doing her housework and then it came to the intimates.

“Now I am going to let you buy some panties but I only want you to wear them on your ‘ladies days’ and only with my permission, understand?” he said.

“Yes Master,” Bella replied. Bella was embarrassed that he had said that in front of this saleswoman but Kathy explained.

“Don’t worry hon, I know all about Master Mark. He’s a good customer here and sent us a few girls over the years,” she said. Then she smiled at Bella, “He has been my Master as well!”

“That’s right, and you were a pretty good submissive too. I enjoyed working with you,” Mark said.

“Thank you, Sir. But you made it easy and very fun. You have a good man, here Bella. If you follow his direction and obey him, he won’t lead you astray.” Kathy said.

“I will try. I am really new to all this but I will do my best,” Bella said.

“Master Mark, while we are on the subject, I was wondering ... would it be possible to come by sometime for ... a ‘tune-up’? I have been thinking about you lately and I was actually thrilled when you called and said you were coming by. Of course, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of Bella’s training, but if you could squeeze me in ... I feel the need to submit again. I miss that,” Kathy said.

“I’m sure we could work something out. It might be a good thing for Bella to see a trained submissive in action to show her what to do and how to act,” Mark said.

“Well, I don’t know how ‘trained’ I am anymore – it’s been awhile since I knelt before you, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few things. But I know you will bring me back under control again!” she giggled.

“Yes, I’m sure it will come back to you after a little bit. Just give me a call at home and we’ll see what we can do about that ‘tune-up’,” he said.

“Thank you ... Master. God, I’ve missed saying that!” Kathy said. Mark handed Kathy his credit card and paid for all the clothes and then they left the shop.

It was still a little while before lunch, so Mark decided to put the time to good use. From the clothing shop, he drove over to a particular beauty salon he knew of. As they pulled up to the front he stopped and then turned to her.

“Bella, here is my card,” he said handing his credit card to her, “I want you to go inside and talk to a woman named Amanda. She knows me. Tell her that I have sent you here to get shaved. She will know what to do. But I want you to do everything she says, just as if you were following my directions, understand?” he said.

“Yes Master,” she said, “Can I ask you a question?”

“What is it?”

“Is this Amanda another one of your past submissives?”

“No, unfortunately, she is a lesbian and not into BD/SM. She is just a good friend,” he said.

“Oh,” Bella said.

“Now I will be back to get you in about an hour. The salon doesn’t look too busy and Amanda should be able to get your right in. So I should be waiting inside when you are finished,” he said.

“Yes Master,” she said. Mark helped her out of the car and then made sure she got inside all right before he left.

Bella drew a deep breath and walked up to the first woman she came to. “Excuse me, I’m looking for Amanda?” she said.

The woman pointed to another of the girls. “That’s Amanda over there,” she said.

“Thank you,” Bella said, and went over to the woman indicated.

“Amanda?” Bella asked.

“Yes, I’m Amanda. How can I help you?” she said.

Bella looked around for a moment before she continued. Only a couple women in the salon under hair dryers so Bella leaned closer, “My name is Bella and I need to get shaved ... down there. Master Mark said you know him and you would know what he likes,” she said in a soft voice so she wouldn’t be heard too loudly.

“You mean Mark McConnell, yes I know him and I know just what to do. Come with me honey,” she said, lightly touching her arm reassuringly.

Amanda took Bella to the back of the shop and into another room. She shut and locked the door behind them. “Just to give us a little privacy,” Amanda said smiling.

Bella looked around the room quickly and found a sink, a skinny table like a massage table, and what looked like an OB/GYN exam chair.

“This is the room we do the more intimate and special work. We shave both men and women, as well as waxings and other things back here,” Amanda explained, “Now why don’t you get undressed and hop up in the chair and we’ll get you shaved and smooth for your Master.”

Bella did as she was told, remembering what her Master told her when he dropped her off. She got in the chair and Amanda strapped her legs down “This is just to keep you still so you won’t move and accidentally get nicked,” Amanda said.

“Is it going to hurt?” Bella asked.

“No hon, it doesn’t hurt at all. And when it’s done you will feel so much sexier,” Amanda said.

“Really?” Bella asked. Amanda stood back and hiked up her skirt. Bella watched as Amanda slowly revealed her own bare pussy. Bella’s eyes roamed over the woman’s form.

“I keep mine shaved all the time. I like the way it looks and my girlfriend loves it too. It feels so sexy when my dress or my panties rub against my bare clit!” she said with a little wink.

“Oh my!” Bella said as she looked at the woman’s denuded sex.

“Tell you what, just to make you feel a little more comfortable why don’t I get undressed too so you won’t feel like you are at a disadvantage,” Amanda said, stripping out of her clothes.

“Okay ... I guess,” Bella watched as Amanda began stripping. Her eyes were hungrily roaming over the woman’s form being exposed.

With her skirt off and sans panties, Amanda unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a lacy blue bra. She removed the bra freeing her admirable breasts. Bella looked at the woman standing nude before her. Hard perky nipples stood out from breast a good bit larger than her own B cup mammaries. There was a pink flush of excitement covering the tan skin, very pronounced around the nipples. Her gaze drifted down, coming to rest on the bare patch between Amanda’s legs. She could just make out the swollen lips of her pussy between her thighs.

“You like?” Amanda asked

Bella flushed with embarrassment at having been caught staring. “I like very much,” Bella said. Her face was red as an apple. She recovered and reached out to touch, then caress the bare pussy offered as Amanda stepped forward. Bella liked the smooth softness “It feels ... nice,” she said, tentatively touching her.

Bella’s head was swimming at the way this was going. Her mother took her to the beauty salon with her a few times before she got sick, but Bella never remembered any “special rooms” or knew that anything like this went on in them!

“Please be careful,” Bella asked. She had never had anyone shave her before.

“Don’t worry honey,” Amanda said. “I’ve done this a few times.” Picking up a pair of scissors, Amanda began by trimming the hair as close as she could with the scissors. She worked quickly but very carefully and Bella barely breathed through the shearing.

Amanda cleaned up as much as she could with the scissors and then put them down and picked up a small towel that had been soaking in warm water. She laid it over Bella’s trimmed pubes. “We’ll give this a couple minutes to soften up the hair for shaving,” Amanda said.

As Amanda got the things she would need ready she made chitchat with Bella to get her relaxed. “So how long have you known Mark – sorry, Master Mark?” she asked.

“Only a couple days,” Bella said.

“Oh really? And he is getting you shaved so quickly? How did you meet?” Amanda asked.

Bella hesitated as if wondering if she should answer the question. “Bella, honey, this is a private room. What goes on in here stays in here. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, that’s fine. But just know that I am very discrete. I know Master Mark personally – we are good friends – and I would never divulge anything about him, or anyone, to anyone else,” Amanda said.

“Well, he bought me, that’s how we met,” Bella said looking down.

“He bought you?” Amanda asked, confused.

“Yes, my stepmother sent me to a man who was supposed to set me up to have sex with other men. I was to have sex with them for money which he and my stepmother would split. It was her way of getting me to pay my own way she said. But Master wanted me and didn’t want me to be used like that, so he offered to buy me outright. My stepmother approved, so I am now Master Mark’s property. He wants me to be shaved so here I am,” Bella said.

“Oh, honey!” Amanda said shocked.

“Oh, it’s all right. Master Mark is better to me than my stepmother ever was. He is kind and thoughtful and very caring. My stepmother was cruel and mean. I am much better off now than I have been since my parents died. Master Mark is a good man and I want to do whatever I can to make him happy,” Bella said.

“Well I know Mark and I know he is a good kind man. He has always been a gentleman with me and never tried to push himself on me. I’m a lesbian and I don’t know much about his BD/SM stuff, but he has always treated me with respect,” Amanda said.

“Yes, Master told me you were a lesbian and not into BD/SM,” Bella said.

Amanda smiled. “Okay I think we’re ready to begin the next part of your shaving now,” she said. Amanda removed the warm wet towel from between her legs and started lathering her up with warm soapy foam. Bella shivered slightly at the feel of the bubbles sliding over her skin. The warmth of the water seeped in relaxing her muscles, her mind drifted.

She was alight with fire inside, each stroke of the blade shot another wave through her pussy and from there it ran up her spine to her brain. Her thoughts were all jumbled up with feelings and sensations. She could hear a moaning noise and knew it was coming from her lips. Her eyes popped open when she felt fingers upon her stomach.

Amanda worked slowly and diligently cleaning every hair from Bella’s yummy looking pussy. Her fingers brushed lightly over the moaning woman’s stomach before rubbing the thick lather over her short hair. She worked the lather up, moving down to rub between the wet lips, the corner briefly finding the nub of her clit.

She grinned when Bella’s eyes widened and knew she had found her target. “That will be my tongue in just a few minutes,” she teased. Then fingers and a warm firm razor touched her. The strokes were smooth and confident as Amanda worked carefully, shaving away the hair.

Bella gasped as the touch to her clit had sent a small orgasmic wave through her, not a full-blown orgasm but a definite prelude to a much larger event to come. Her nerves were tingling all over as the soapy lather shifted with each tug of her skin.

Her pussy was aflame with desire, the soap just adding to the slick wet feeling. The newly uncovered areas of her pubic area were extremely sensitive. She felt the fingers as little jabs of orgasmic bliss as they pulled and tugged at her most sensitive regions.

Amanda poured warm water directly onto the recently shaved area to rinse the hairs away. “All done.” Her hand rubbed the skin lovingly. “Smooth as a baby’s bottom.”

Bella looked down at her now bare pussy. Her own hands rubbed at the smooth skin exploring the new feeling. She felt Amanda’s hands slide underneath her. “What now?” she asked.

“Now I have to inspect my work,” Amanda said. She lifted with her hands raising Bella’s ass into the air. Bella helped to lift with her own legs. “Mmm ... Yummy.” Amanda smiled and licked at the thigh beside her.

Bella groaned at the feel of the warm tongue. The blood rushing to her head made her slightly dizzy. The tongue sliding toward and then into her pussy made her head explode. It took less than three long licks from ass to pubic bone for her to begin her orgasm.

Amanda continued to work her tongue around and into the smooth pussy as Bella tensed and relaxed with waves of pleasure. She grinned as she timed her licks to be the most effective. First flicking the hard clit above and later sliding seep into the juicy moist opening below.

After several minutes she felt a major shudder run through Bella and stopped, letting her settle back down onto the gyno chair.

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