Cinder Whore - Cover

Cinder Whore

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 3

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A sexy take on the original Cinderella fairytale, this one adds a BDSM twist to the goings on! And why not... I am MASTER Jonathan after all!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Body Modification   Prostitution   Slow  

“Are you okay?” he asked her, “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

“No, Master, I’m okay. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. Do I just lie here or what do you want me to do?” Bella said looking straight up at the ceiling.

“You really ARE a virgin, aren’t you? Well, Bella, I want you to just relax and do whatever comes naturally. Just respond to what I’m going to do however it makes you feel, okay?

Yes, Master. Thank you,” she said, giving him a bit of a nervous smile.

Mark began by leaning over and kissing her. This wasn’t the first kiss she had ever gotten – her father used to kiss her on the cheek when she was a little girl. But this wasn’t a fatherly kind of kiss. Mark kissed her full on the lips and Bella found herself strangely caught up in something new ... something she had never felt before.

Bella returned his kiss tentatively at first. She wasn’t sure what she should be feeling or what she should be doing. But after a few moments, her body began to respond naturally. She began to feel her pussy getting damp and a soft moan escaped her lips.

Mark could tell she was warming to this, and he stepped up his game. While he continued kissing the young girl, his hand began roaming over her soft smooth skin. He caressed her upper arm innocently enough and then her side, being careful to take things nice and slow.

As Bella got accustomed to his touch and began enjoying his tenderness, he advanced a little at a time, gently running his hand up and down her belly, avoiding going too high or too low at first.

Then his hand wandered down to her hip and thigh, again avoiding sensitive areas. Bella was purring softly now, she was thoroughly enjoying his hands working on her. She wasn’t used to people being kind and gentle to her, and it felt really nice.

With Bella being so cooperative, Mark felt it was time to get more advanced. He broke the kiss, moving it to nibble on her ear, then kiss his way down her neck and along her collarbone. When he reached the notch at the base of her neck Bella inhaled a bit – she knew where he was heading.

“Are you okay, Bella?” he asked raising his head to look at her. Bella bit her bottom lip and nodded yes. Mark resumed kissing his way down to her breasts. As he reached her soft creamy globes, he kissed the tops gently. Then he lightly brushed his lips across the nipples, listening for clues from her.

“Oooh,” Bella gasped softly as his lips made contact with her nipple. He took it as a good sign and continued brushing them across her hardening nubs in butterfly kisses, pulling back slightly as she arched upwards for more.

He teased her for a moment with his lips and with light touches of his tongue, every so often giving her aching buds a good lick and causing her to moan deeply when he did. He kept her always seeking more and she raised her breasts higher to get it.

When she was nearly hovering above her bed, he pounced. In one swift, sudden move, he rolled over on top of her, straddling her young body. His hands swept her arms down to her sides, pinning them there with his legs.

He leaned over, taking her twin mounds in his hands and fastened his mouth firmly over one erect animated nipple. He began licking and sucking and nibbling on the tender nipple eagerly, devouring her with all the fervor of a starving man.

“Oh God, Master!” Bella cried out, partly in surprise at his suddenness, and partly in lustful pleasure. She writhed and moaned as her Master made a meal of her young succulent breasts. She had never felt anything so wonderful and she could feel herself waning, yielding herself to the delicious feelings he was producing in her.

Mark knew too that she was slowly surrendering herself. He could feel it in the way she moved under him; he could hear it in her moans and soft whimpers, and he could smell it in the delightful aroma she was sending out ... the sweet musky smell of a woman in heat.

He chewed and licked and sucked on Bella’s creamy breasts for a few minutes as her passions grew and she slowly succumbed to his mastery of her body. He had won her attentions showing her he could stir her passions. Now it was time to own her!

With a moan of disappointment from her, Mark left her breasts and headed south. He kissed his way down her chest and stomach and she giggled a bit as he kissed her navel. But her giggling quit as he reached her mons. He heard her draw a breath and hold it as he neared her now very wet sex.

Mark paused for a moment, raising his face up just a bit and inhaling her scent deeply. “Mmm, you smell delicious, Bella. I hope you taste as good as you smell!” he said, licking his lips greedily.

“Masterrr...” she whined softly. He saw her hands tighten her grip on the bed sheets next to her as she prepared for the unknown. She had never had a man go down on her and never even seen it in a movie or video. She was not at all prepared for what would happen next.

Mark made sure he had a firm grip on her wrists and his arms pinned her legs down solidly. Then he dove face-first, into her wet pussy.

“OhmyGOD!” Bella cried out as her world exploded. Mark had no more fastened his mouth over her wet pink slit and slipped his tongue between her puffy lips when Bella began bucking and pitching under him. The feeling of his tongue burrowing into her most intimate area, squirming and wriggling around inside her, was exquisite.

Mark kept his mouth locked fast onto Bella’s pussy, despite her best efforts to dislodge him. With her wrists and legs pinned down she could only squirm and wriggle a little bit and even that was difficult with his weight on her. Bella quickly tired of struggling and even though his tonguing her was sheer torment, she realized that fighting him was pointless.

Mark used his tongue to seek out every drop of the sweet honey that Bella’s young pussy was offering up to him. He searched every nook and cranny, behind every fold and wrinkle, and scooped up each dewy drop as he found it. Bella was beside herself as the wriggling tongue touched places she had never known before.

“Oh, Master! Ohh! Ohhh, God!” Bella cried out. She wasn’t sure what was happening to her, but she knew she liked it. She wanted more ... and he was going to give it to her.

Mark released her hands. “Play with your tits, Bella. Pinch and pull on those hard nipples,” he ordered. As Bella moved her hands to obey, he took a free hand and slipped his index finger into her drooling slit just enough to wet his index finger in her juices. Then he took the moisture he had collected and used it to rub around her tight anal hole. He did this a couple more times until he was satisfied she was properly lubed.

It was time to show her what happens next. He wanted to show her the fireworks. He moved up a few inches and sucked her throbbing clit into his mouth, holding it between his teeth as he sucked and flicked his tongue over the button. At the same time, he eased his index finger into her anus up to the first knuckle. The sensation of his mouth and tongue on her clit and his finger in her ass was too much for her to handle.

“MAAASTERRR!” Bella screamed out as she felt a sudden flood of her juices pour from her. She bucked and pitched and arched her back high as her first ever orgasm took control of her. Instinctively, she reached down and, with both hands on the back of his head, pushed his face deeper into her crotch, wanting to shove his whole head into her if she could.

Mark kept up the pressure on her wiggling the finger in her ass and flicking his tongue across her throbbing clit as she gushed more and more. It seemed like she would never stop cumming and her body locked in place arched and quivering violently as this new sensation held her in its vise-like grip.

Finally, mercifully, the tsunami washed over her and she collapsed back on the bed, panting and moaning and spasming as the last electrical jolts ran through her. She slowly came back to earth, looking at her Master through lust-fogged and half-open eyes.

“Are you all right, Bella?” he asked and she responded with a weak half smile. He laid down next to her letting her rest for a bit before continuing.

“What was that ... that you did to me?” Bella asked, once her heart rate and breathing had slowed down to near normal levels again.

“Did you like it, Bella?” he asked.

“Yes ... yes, I did Master. It felt ... incredible!” she said, giggling a bit.

“Was that your first orgasm?” he asked.

“Is that what that was? Yes, that was the first time I ever felt like that. Does that mean I’m ... um ... a woman now?” she asked, innocently.

“Your mother never talked to you about sex, Bella?” he asked her.

“No, Master, she got sick before she and I could talk about boys and sex and things like that. All she said was that I should save myself for the right man ... someone special who I love and who loves me. I guess it’s a little late for that now,” she said looking down.

He raised up on one elbow so he could look her full in the face. He turned her face to him with his other hand. “Listen, Bella, I know you have had some bad turns in life and this may not exactly be the way your mother and father would have wanted things to turn out.

“I’m sorry about the road you have traveled thus far. But I can promise that from now on out, you won’t have it as hard. I can’t do anything to smooth out the road behind you, but I can make the road ahead of you easier.

“And I fully intend to do that. You and I may not be ‘in love’ and may never be, but that doesn’t mean that life here has to be harsh and difficult. I want you to be comfortable and at ease here. I don’t want you to feel you are some subservient slave dog that I kick or beat just for the sheer pleasure of seeing you cower. I am not like that.

“Yes, you have been bought, and, yes, you are technically ‘property’ because of that. But I want you to feel this is your home, not your prison. I want you to feel you can sit at the table with me, sit on the sofa next to me, and maybe even sit on my lap and cuddle once in a while.

“You and I both live here now, and we will be sharing this house and this bed. So it would be very nice if we did so willingly and not grudgingly, don’t you agree?” he said.

“Yes, Master, that would be nice. I will do whatever you wish, Master. I just want to please you and make you happy,” Bella said.

“Well, Bella, so far I have no complaints. And I am sure that as time goes on you will figure things out. I will help you learn how I like things done around here and I’m sure you will have some ideas on how to improve things as well. We will work together to make this arrangement a success, okay? I do want your input and ideas. This affects you as well, you know,” he said.

“Yes, Master. Thank you,” she said, smiling.

“Good girl. Now are you ready to continue?” he asked.

Bella looked at him in surprise for a second, then realized that he wasn’t finished with her. He intended to take her cherry and wouldn’t be finished until he had claimed her as his.

“Yes, Master I’m ready,” she said softly, trying to convince herself as much as giving him permission to continue.

Up to this point Mark had remained dressed, but now he got out of bed and took off his shirt, laying it over the back of the lounge chair. Then he removed his pants and did likewise. Now clothed only in his boxers, he moved closer to Bella.

Bella watched with keen interest as Mark undressed and when he had gotten down to his boxers and moved closer to her, she stared transfixed at the bulge she hadn’t notice before. It looked huge and she was a little frightened by it. If his cock was anywhere near the size of this bulge...

“Yeah, it is a little on the big side,” he said, seeing her looking wide-eyed at his crotch. “Want to see it?”

Bella looked up at him and nodded yes. She looked down again and watched as he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers and began pushing them down. As his cock sprang free of its cotton confines, Bella gasped – it was every bit as big as she feared!

“Oh, Master! I don’t know if I can ... it’s so big!” she said, getting a little scared now. She hadn’t had anything inside her up to now – not even her fingers. She had played with her clit once or twice just experimenting but had never brought herself fully to orgasm. And now she’d experienced a tongue-fucking and her first orgasm, but THIS ... this was a whole other matter altogether!

“It’s okay Bella, I understand that you have never had sex before, and I know I am a bit of a challenge even for an experienced woman. We will go slow and you have your safeword in case you need it. Just trust me and try to relax ... I will do my best to make this a pleasant and even happy experience for you,” he said, soothingly.

“Yes Master,” she said. She still felt apprehensive and unsure, but at least she knew he was aware of her misgivings. She moved to the middle of the bed and lay on her back with her head on one of the large pillows.

“Let’s get you at a better angle,” he said. “Raise your hips a bit.” Bella raised her hips, and he pushed another pillow under her, bringing her up a bit higher.

That’s better. Now I want you to reach down and hold your pussy open for me. Use your fingers and pull your pussy lips apart ... like this,” he said.

He showed her how to open her pussy up and hold it open without getting her fingers in the way of what he would be doing. Bella felt slutty and humiliated holding her private parts open and on display like this but she also felt strangely turned on. He seemed to like her showing herself off like this and that made her excited and dirty in a good way.

“That’s very nice Bella ... you are a very pretty girl and you have a lovely little pussy there,” he said, approvingly.

“Thank you, Master,” she said, blushing a bit. But behind the blushing innocence, Bella could feel her temperature – and her arousal – rising again. She knew that this would hurt some but she was beginning to really want him inside her.

“Master ... please...” she said, not really knowing where her words came from.

“Please what, Bella?” he said.

“Please ... go inside me?” she asked cautiously.

“Tell me, Bella. Tell me what you want,” he coaxed her.

“I want you ... inside me. Please, Master, I need you...” Bella whimpered again.

“No, Bella I want you to ask me, right. Use your words ... tell me what you want. You know how to ask, now ask me right,” he said.

“I ... I don’t...”

“Bella you are going to have to start thinking and acting and speaking like a slut. This sweet and innocent stuff has been fun but if we are going to make a decent slut and fucktoy out of you, you will have to learn how to behave like one. I like it when my slut talks dirty and asks for what she wants.

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