Cinder Whore - Cover

Cinder Whore

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A sexy take on the original Cinderella fairytale, this one adds a BDSM twist to the goings on! And why not... I am MASTER Jonathan after all!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Body Modification   Prostitution   Slow  

Bella remained silent the rest of the trip home. When they got back to their house, Bella went straight to her room. She had held her poise and emotions in the whole trip home and didn’t even show them to Agnes and Muriel, not that they would have had any sympathy at all, anyway. Hilda told her to go change into her regular clothes as there was wood to split and bring in for the fireplace.

As soon as Bella got out to the woodpile out of sight where no one inside the house could see her, Bella sat down on the chopping stump and cried her eyes out. She couldn’t believe what her own aunt – her father’s sister – had made her do. And what she apparently was going to be doing from here on out! Aunt Hilda was making her a whore! She would have to suck and fuck strange men for money and then give it to Mr. Johnson who would split it with Hilda. How would she ever be able to do what they wanted?

The rest of the week went by faster than Bella would have liked. Hilda was just as vile and spiteful as ever and her two daughters were mirror images of her. The three took great pleasure in making her life as miserable as possible, making her do all the work around the house, giving her only enough food to keep her from starving, and treating her worse than you would treat a garbage-raiding raccoon.

But the worst part of the day was the evening after everyone went to bed and Bella laid there on her worn little mattress, realizing that she was one day closer to becoming Mr. Johnson’s new whore. Bella cried herself to sleep every night knowing what the future held for her.

Saturday morning came and bright and early Hilda woke Bella. “Get up you lazy tramp! Today’s the day you start earning your keep! But before I take you to see Mr. Johnson, you have some work here to do!” she said. Bella rose slowly – her old mattress was hard on her and she always woke stiff and sore until she got moving around. Bella got dressed in her shabby clothes and got to work making breakfast for the four of them. After they ate, she washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. She had to clean the bathroom and do the laundry before she went to see Mr. Johnson.

Staying busy all day made the day go by and before she realized it, it was time to get ready to go. “Have you done all your chores here?” Hilda asked her.

“Yes, Aunt Hilda. The kitchen is clean and the laundry is done. I also cleaned the bathroom a little, too,” she said.

“Then go in and get ready to go see Mr. Johnson. I put the clothes in the bathroom that you are to wear. Make sure you look presentable – if that is possible for you – because you will probably start working tonight,” Hilda said.

Sadly, Bella went into the bathroom to see what she would be wearing and get ready to go. Under other circumstances, she might be excited to see the new clothes she had gotten, but this was not a happy occasion for her. As she entered the bathroom and shut the door, she saw her new outfit.

Hanging on a hanger behind the door was a shimmering red mini-dress. It was made of metallic-look stretch fabric, and it had a scoop neckline that came down low enough to show the tops of her breasts and was cut down to where her back flared out to become her ass.

The hemline was so high that it barely covered her pussy at all and the most important, and for Bella most embarrassing feature, was the full-length front zipper! The dress unzipped completely in front! Easy to get out of, but for a shy, bashful girl like Bella it was far too racy and slutty!

Accompanying the mini-dress was a pair of red, strappy, open-toe sandals with six-inch spike heels. Bella noticed that there was no underwear laid out and at first she thought that maybe Aunt Hilda forgot about that, but then realized that with what she was going to be doing, underwear wouldn’t be needed and would just be in the way.

The idea brought a tear to her eye, but she quickly wiped it away. Tears were for children and after today, she could no longer think of herself as a little girl anymore. It wasn’t the way her mother had described it, but she was going to enter womanhood today one way or another.

Hilda drove Bella over to Mr. Johnson’s house and as she did, she instructed Bella on how to behave. “Now Bella I don’t know exactly what Mr. Johnson has in store for you, but you had better be respectful, cooperative, and do your best, whatever it is.

This is your future young lady – oops – I mean whore. So you’d better become good at it. I want to see some money coming in from you. That damn Eric is taking most of what you will make, so you will just have to work even harder.

“You make damn sure that you make the men happy, whatever it is they want. And make sure you are careful too, I don’t need any ‘accidents’. I have enough mouths to feed around here as things are. I am trying to get my two beautiful, but spoiled, daughters married off and out of the house, I don’t want to have to worry about any new mongrel kids,” she said.

“Yes, Aunt Hilda,” Bella said softly, looking down at her trembling hands. Despite the way Hilda and the girls treated her, Bella always remained respectful. That was her mother’s upbringing – about the only thing of hers Bella had left.

When they arrived at Mr. Johnson’s house Hilda let her out of the car and then sped away, headed back home. Bella looked at the house and heaved a heavy sigh. Might as well get this over with. she thought to herself and trudged up the sidewalk to his front door.

“Oh hello, Bella! Mr. Johnson said you would be coming over tonight. He requested that you go in through the back door, though. Please follow me,” the girl said. She led Bella around the side of the house. As they walked she introduced herself. “By the way, my name is Dorothy. I guess you are going to be the new girl of Mr. Johnson?” she said.

“Yeah,” Bella said quietly.

“Well Bella don’t worry – it really isn’t as bad as all that. Mr. Johnson does make sure we are safe and that we are taken care of. He isn’t like some of the other ‘managers’ who just use their girls up and toss them out like so much trash when they are of no use anymore. Mr. Johnson takes care of his girls. How long do you think I have been working for him?” Dorothy said.

Bella looked at her. She didn’t look much older than her actually. “I don’t know ... three years?” she guessed.

“Try doubling that and adding one,” Dorothy said, “I have been with Mr. Johnson now almost eight years, actually. Eight years come this November.”

“Wow,” Bella said. “So why are we going around back? I thought I was supposed to go to work tonight.”

“Well, Mr. Johnson is throwing a little dinner party. You will be the entertainment. He plans on having an auction with you as the item up for bid. He wants to get the most he can from your virginity and this way he can take bids and let his guests try to outbid each other and drive up the price,” Dorothy said.

“All this fuss and bother and it will all be over in a matter of minutes,” Bella said, incredulously.

“Yes, but in the meantime, Mr. Johnson will make a bundle of money from it all,” Dorothy said.

“How much money am I worth?” Bella asked, just for curiosity’s sake.

“Well. I don’t know, but some of the people at the party are very rich. They have deep pockets and aren’t afraid to throw cash around,” she said.

Dorothy led Bella to a bedroom in the back part of the house. “You wait here until I come and get you. Do you want something to drink or something?” Dorothy asked.

“A glass of water would be nice. I am really nervous ... and scared,” Bella said.

Dorothy left and came back in a couple minutes with a glass of water. “Would you like me to stay with you until you are called?” Dorothy asked.

“Please?” Bella asked. The two girls sat and chatted while they waited for Bella’s debut.

After about an hour, Mr. Johnson came into the bedroom where the girls were. “Dorothy, please bring Bella, we are almost ready to begin,” he said.

Dorothy...” Bella said scared. She looked at Dorothy with wide, frightened eyes.

“It will be all right, Bella. Remember, Mr. Johnson won’t let anything happen to you,” she said, patting the young girl’s thigh.

Bella walked out timidly into the main room. There she saw several people, men, and women, sitting in a semi-circle, all with costume masks on. The men wore plain black eye masks and the ladies wore feathered pink eye masks.

Bella was placed in front of the semi-circle of bidders and Mr. Johnson began the auction.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, before you stands a young girl, recently turned seventeen years old, and a virgin. She has not known a man nor a woman. She is ripe for the picking and whoever wins today’s auction will have a very special treat indeed.

She may be shy and bashful on the outside, but I can assure you, under that facade lies the heart and spirit of a real slut! She will make a wonderful whore and one of you gets to be her very first customer!” Mr. Johnson said.

He turned to Bella, “Remove your clothes and show our guests just what they are bidding on,” he said. Bella unzipped her dress slowly until the zipper came apart and the slinky dress fell to the floor behind her. There was a murmur that went through the crowd and Mr. Johnson beamed.

“Now who will start the bidding on this delectable beauty?” he asked.

“Five thousand dollars!” one bidder called out to start the bidding.

“Seven thousand!” another bidder called out.

“Ten thousand!” a woman cried out. The room went quiet for a moment.

“Ten thousand dollars is the bid, do I hear any higher bids for this tender young beauty?” Mr. Johnson asked.

There was some whispering and stirring in the crowd but no one called out any more bids. “Ten thousand dollars going once ... then thousand dollars going twice...” Mr. Johnson said. He raised the gavel and then someone called out.

“Hold up one moment!” A man came forward through the audience. He walked forward and up to Bella. She stood there trembling, looking down, not wanting to look at the man studying her. He walked around her eyeing her up and down.

Then he turned to Mr. Johnson. “I will give you one hundred thousand dollars for her, but I own her outright after that. Do I have a deal?” he said.

The crowd erupted in chatter at this. No one had ever bought a person at these auctions – they only paid for the privilege of having sex with them. This was something completely new.

“Let me understand this. You wish to purchase the girl. Not rent her for sex, you want to take her home and own her totally? You are actually buying her?” Mr. Johnson said.

“That is correct. I want to purchase her. To own her completely. Do we have a deal or not?” the man in the mask said.

“This is highly irregular. I will have to make a phone call...” Mr. Johnson said. “Dorothy, can you take her back into the bedroom for a few minutes while I call on this?”

Dorothy took Bella back in the bedroom. “What is going on?” Bella asked.

“I’m not sure. No one has ever bought anyone at these auctions. I don’t know what to think!” Dorothy said.

Mr. Johnson called Hilda, “Hilda, we have a situation here. I have a client that has offered one hundred thousand dollars for Bella, but he wants to buy her. Not just take her cherry like we had planned – he wants to own her completely. This is completely out of the ordinary, and I had to call you about it.

“I was thinking that she would probably go for somewhere around five thousand to ten thousand dollars. That is a customary price for a virgin whore. That would give you between fifteen hundred and three thousand for your cut. But if he bought her, you would get thirty thousand for your cut. So I wanted to see what you wanted to do. If you sell her, you will just have to tell people that she is away at your sister’s house or something to make up an excuse for her being gone,” he said.

“I would get thirty thousand dollars for her ... in cash?” Hilda said.

“That’s what we agreed on – thirty percent,” Mr. Johnson said.

“Sell her! Sell her before this guy changes his mind!” Hilda said without hesitation. “If he is willing to buy her, then I won’t have to feed her or clothe her or anything. She won’t be any more trouble for me! He is her problem now!”

Mr. Johnson hung up the phone and went back into the bedroom. “Bella, come with me,” he said. Bella looked at Dorothy and then followed Mr. Johnson quietly, her head down. Her heart was in her throat ... what would happen next? Would she be going with this man, never to see her home again? Was he really going to buy her? What would happen to her? She felt sick to her stomach. Her knees were shaking so hard she could barely stand upright.

“I have just been on the phone with her current caretakers and they have approved the arrangement you have offered. So I guess she is yours,” Mr. Johnson said. The crowd stood and gave him a rousing standing ovation at this remarkable event. Bella wasn’t so enthusiastic. She cowered and tried to pull away from Mr. Johnson.

“Please Mr. Johnson! Please let me go home! Please!” but it was too late. The money changed hands and Bella was led away by her new owner who put her in the car and drove off, leaving the party early.

Bella’s new owner drove for about two hours as Bella sat there pressed as far into the door away from him as she could get. He had locked it from his side, more to keep her from falling out that to keep her from escaping, considering they were driving down the freeway at sixty miles an hour (ninety-six kilometers per hour).

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