Chimerical Ascension
Copyright© 2016 by Oldwolf
Chapter 6
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 6 - An Ancient God, forgotten by Man and Time, gives his Spark of Divinity to a mortal who he meets. Now, if the young man can just figure out what's going on... Codes will be added as the story progresses.
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mind Control Paranormal MaleDom Oral Sex Sex Toys Slow
An hour and a half later, Peter was pleasantly surprised. He’d heard that clothes shopping with women could be an ordeal, but apparently Destiny was an exception to this. He’d given her a rough budget of a hundred dollars and turned her loose. Thus far, she’d gone through roughly eighty of it but he could already see a problem in the making. He sighed as he gently grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the aisle, “Alright, what gives?”
She looked at him for a moment before saying, “Huh?”
The young man sighed, “I might not be a guru at female fashion, but even I can see that you seem to have neglected a very important piece of clothing...”
Catching his meaning, she worried her lower lip for a moment before saying, “Kinda not much of a point. After all,” she said grinning at him, “it’s not like I’m going to be able to keep them clean around you anyways.”
While a certain part of his ego appreciated the stroking, Peter could sense that there was something else in play. He looked her in the eyes and focused on her, “What are you trying to pull?”
The young woman’s mind blanked and she answered before she could even think about responding, “I was hoping that if I skimped on panties, you’d let me buy a couple of extra toys.”
Still maintaining his focus, he asked, “What sort of ‘toys’?”
“A collar and leash, maybe a dildo or butt plug,” she said instantly. Her mind cleared a moment later and she was caught between blushing with humiliation and flushing with fear as she realized that she’d laid her plans before him.
Peter sighed, “Go, grab at least a couple sets of panties for ‘That Time’ and then, if you want, yes, we can visit the pet section.”
She smiled slightly at his oblique reference to her Monthly but let it slide. After a moment however, she frowned, “Um ... ah...”
When he saw Destiny swallow nervously, he smiled at her, “Go ahead, spit it out.”
“Would you mind if we finished this trip someplace a bit more...”
“Specialized,” he offered with a grin.
The young woman breathed a sigh of relief. Normally, she wasn’t embarrassed easily, but for some reason, Pete managed to trigger her, long atrophied, sense of tact and decorum. “Uh, yeah, that works.”
He took a steadying breath before he reached around and gently slapped her butt, “Alright, get going.”
Destiny could clearly see how much effort the attempt to be more forward, more sexual, had taken, she smiled and went back and got two pair of plain white cotton panties; and at his encouraging nod grabbed a g-string to go with it.
Peter carefully kept his expression neutral as he followed Destiny into the sex shop. He was very careful about his eyes as well as he swept the inside of the store. He fought down his blush by sheer force of will as he saw sex toys, costumes, and other ... items around. Instead, he followed the tiny blonde as she moved through the store with a depressing degree of confidence.
Destiny quickly found her way to the Insertables Aisle and looked over the selection. After a moment, she looked over to Pete and said, “Alright, how much is my budget here?”
He arched an eyebrow for a moment before he gave the Stink Eye to an approaching salesman who quickly veered off, “Why?”
She pointed at one of the dildos, “This one’s the cheapest available, but the quality’s crap. While this one on the other hand,” she said pointing to a different hunk of plastic, “is about twice as expensive, but the quality’s first rate.”
He sighed, “Get the better quality one. Do note, this is not going to be a regular occurrence. Clear?”
“Crystal,” she said as she grabbed the dildo. “And now the butt plug?”
Peter sighed again, “You’re the one who’s going to be wearing it, so use your discretion.”
Taking him at his word, she quickly grabbed a smaller plug that was made of metal, making it a bit heavier than normal.
The young man arched an eyebrow at her for a moment but didn’t say a word as he took the merchandise to the counter and paid for it. When the salesman looked like he was going to make some sort of comment, Peter glared daggers at him again; prompting the salesman to, very wisely, shut up and just ring up the sale.
Destiny was watching her host/savior closely as they left the store and noticed a distinct relaxing of the shoulders. As they climbed into his vehicle, she said, “Hey, what’s up?”
“Just glad the guy didn’t ask for ID back there. I’ve rarely been more grateful for looking older than I actually am,” he added with a smile.
With a growing sense of dread, she asked, “How old are you?”
Peter chuckled as he started the jeep up, “I turn eighteen tomorrow.”
Destiny breathed a very minor sigh of relief that she hadn’t stepped too far over any serious lines.
Still chuckling, he asked, “How old did you think I was?”
“Honestly? Twenty, maybe as high as twenty-two,” she said hesitantly.
Once they were back at the house, Peter sent Des to start her clothes to wash. As he was considering what to do with himself, there came a knocking at the door. Curious he went and answered. He found a guy, maybe a year or so older than himself, roughly the same height, with brown hair, brown eyes, and broad shoulders, “Can I help you?”
“You needed me sir?”
The voice was slightly familiar, but he couldn’t place it, “I hate to ask, but who are you?”
“I’m Alan sir, your assigned follower,” he said with a wan smile on his face.
Understanding flashed through Peter, followed almost instantly by rage. He hissed out, “What are you doing here?”
Alan swallowed nervously, hoping that he wasn’t about to be blasted out of existence, “I could sense that you needed me sir, so I came.”
The blond took several deep breaths before he calmed down enough to deal with the issue rationally. He opened his eyes and said, “Alright, kitchen’s that way.”
Alan stepped through the door cautiously and followed his host’s instructions he walked to the kitchen area and calmly stood by one of the chairs as he turned to his master and silently looked to him for instructions.
Peter looked at his ... guest? follower? He wasn’t sure what the right term was. He sighed as he sat down, “Alright, start talking. Somewhere close to the beginning would be nice, but where it is actually relevant would be better.”
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