Chimerical Ascension - Cover

Chimerical Ascension

Copyright© 2016 by Oldwolf

Chapter 5

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5 - An Ancient God, forgotten by Man and Time, gives his Spark of Divinity to a mortal who he meets. Now, if the young man can just figure out what's going on... Codes will be added as the story progresses.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mind Control   Paranormal   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Slow  

In the morning, Peter slowly floated to consciousness with a pleasant feeling emanating from his crotch. As his conscious mind started to piece things together, his body was flooded by a euphoric blast. A moment later, he looked down and to his dismay, his suspicions were correct. There was a Sunshine Blonde head in his crotch with his dick in her mouth. “Destiny,” he growled out, “just what do you think you are doing?”

The young woman was smirking as she sat up, letting her naked boobs sway, until she noticed his tone and the fact that he was scowling at her, “Um ... wakeup call?”

“Did I or did I not make perfectly clear last night that this sort of thing was not to happen?”

Destiny licked her lips, partly from nervousness and partly because she was enjoying the taste of his cum, “You said you didn’t want to take advantage of me. This way, it’s all on me. You couldn’t take advantage if you tried.”

He sighed, he could see the logic in that argument, but he could also see how even her ambushing him could be made into his taking advantage by her damaged psyche. “We will be discussing this later. For now, out. I need to get dressed.”

“Why? I’ve already seen all you’ve got, and you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

Instead of responding verbally, Peter simply pointed, firmly, at the door.

The young woman had a pout on her lips as she stood up, confirming that she was actually naked, before she strutted out of the room. She smiled slightly as she felt his eyes on her ass.

Peter sighed as the door closed, Destiny’s little show had left him hard as a rock despite her ‘wakeup call’. Teenaged hormones plus general fitness combined to pit his body against his Will. He briefly considered taking the problem ‘in hand’ as it were, but quickly decided he did not need to give Destiny any more ammunition than she already had. He tried to put Destiny’s naked body out of mind as he got dressed, and wasn’t that an experience. He knew Destiny had a fair amount of experience, but in her current mental state, he wouldn’t put it past her to if not lie then at least exaggerate. On the other hand, he knew from Heath Class (shudder) that the average American male was roughly six inches in length while he was a bit beyond that.

John Bell smiled at his son as the young man walked into the kitchen, “Good morning Pete.”

The young man eyed his father suspiciously, “What’s going on dad?”

The elder Bell chuckled, “Oh, I was just up a bit early and saw a very frustrated young lady leaving your room. Bounced her did you?”

“Yes,” Peter said with a sigh.

“Want to talk about it?”

“I won’t go into details dad, that’s her story to tell, but suffice it to say, Destiny’s not been well treated by men.”

“I’d guessed as much.”

“Thought so,” Peter said. “Anyways, I don’t want her thinking that she has to sleep with me, or anyone else for that matter, to be allowed to stay here.”

John sighed, “And you said something along the lines of ‘not wanting to take advantage of her’, right?” When his son nodded, he sighed again, “That would explain this morning’s misadventure. She was trying to ‘prove’ that it was all ‘her’ idea. You’ll want to tread carefully for a time longer, and I’m going to want to talk with her at length.”

Before Peter could respond, they heard the sound of a door opening and Destiny walked out wearing the same jeans and tee-shirt from the day before. She smiled brightly at the two men, “Good morning.”

Peter eyed the young woman suspiciously as he set about making breakfast for three, something he was sadly out of practice at. He was somewhat surprised at the intensity with which she was watching him.

John could tell that the kids needed to talk so as soon as he finished his meal, he stood up and said, “Hey Pete, I’m going to head over to Jonny’s to shoot some hoops and catch the game.”

The younger man nodded, “Sure dad. Just remember to stretch or you’ll be paying for it later.”

Destiny eyed the elder man as he left before turning her attention to Peter, “Is it just me or does your old man give you a lot of deference?”

“Like I said, he’s only on day three on the wagon. For the last couple of years it’s been mostly me who’s been paying the bills and keeping the house in order. Plus, I’m the one who knocked some sense into him,” he added with a shrug. “Dad’s a good man; he just needed a little shock to the system to sort him out.” He sighed, “Now for the not-fun part of this discussion. I am unhappy about what happened this morning.”

Destiny worried her lower lip as she looked down and found her hands clasped in her lap. In a very small voice she said, “Are you going to throw me out?”

Peter shook his head, “No. I’m not happy, but I’m nowhere near that upset. I do, however, want an explanation. I thought I’d made it perfectly clear last night that I wanted nothing sexual to happen between us as yet.”

“You said you didn’t want to take advantage of me. Well, I figured that was the best way to show that it was entirely my idea.”

The young man mentally sighed, “Chalk one up for dad.” He took a moment before he said, “You’re right that I don’t want to take advantage of you, but relatedly, I don’t want you to think you have to sleep with me or anyone else, or much of anything else, to stay here.”

Destiny smiled, “Oh, I figured that out when you tossed me out last night despite how much you wanted to fuck me. May I have my say without you interrupting?”

He arched an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair before he waved his right arm in an inviting manner.

Her smile brightened, “Thank you.” She took a deep breath to steady her nerves before she said, “Yes, I’ve been fucked and fucked over by guys. Have I dealt with it? No. Am I dealing with it? Yes. I know you’re trying to do what’s best for me long term; you don’t want me to end up hating you down the road because you used me when I was in a fragile emotional state. Honestly? I appreciate it. However, and pay attention here, I am fully in control of my faculties. The only reason I’ll be pissed at you is if you don’t start ‘taking advantage’ of me pretty quickly.” She was huffing slightly by the end which did ... interesting things to her chest.

Peter looked at her for a moment before he cocked his head.

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