Chimerical Ascension
Copyright© 2016 by Oldwolf
Chapter 4
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4 - An Ancient God, forgotten by Man and Time, gives his Spark of Divinity to a mortal who he meets. Now, if the young man can just figure out what's going on... Codes will be added as the story progresses.
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mind Control Paranormal MaleDom Oral Sex Sex Toys Slow
Peter took a deep breath to quell his emotions, and his arousal, as he heard the shower turn on. He chuckled slightly as he moved to an empty section of floor to start doing pushups. Despite himself, he was drained from the emotional rollercoaster he’d been on since meeting Destiny. He mentally snorted, “Meeting my Destiny is more like it.” Oddly enough, the trite comment did amazing things to restore his mental balance as he started doing triangle pushups. “On the other hand, if I ever meet that unmitigated bastard...” he cut that thought off before the rage could really get going. “I almost wish that dream were true. I could really use a hand keeping an eye on Destiny until He shows up.”
The young man never even noticed the tingle in the back of his head as he thought that. He also never questioned why he was so sure that the male who’d hurt Destiny would show up.
He let the repetitiveness of the pushups lull his mind into a trancelike state until he heard the shower turn off. He stood up, idly noting that his arms were sorer than he’d expect just from doing pushups while Destiny showered. At least, that is, until he saw that she’d apparently been showering for far longer than he thought she’d take. After all, even his mother hadn’t needed more than half an hour for a shower whereas Destiny had taken a shade over an hour. He went to the kitchen to grab a drink while waiting for Destiny to come out. He sighed as he considered how he was going to tell his dad about what Destiny’d gone through. The old man’d already guessed that she’d been abused, but Peter really wasn’t looking forward to trying to tell him just how bad it was. He quickly derailed that line of thought; that way lay Rage. He heard a door open behind him and turned as Destiny walked out.
Her hair, as it turned out, was closer to Sunshine Blonde than actually Dirty Blonde and her skin had a healthy glow to it from being very thoroughly scrubbed.
He chuckled, “Feel better?”
“Worlds,” she said with an answering grin. She’d tucked the shirt into the sweat pants and cinched them as tightly as she could. She put her hands over her head and stretched, deliberately arching her back. She grinned slightly as she caught him looked at her tits. “Anyways, where’s your washer?”
Peter visibly shook himself, “The washer is in the basement. Grab your things and follow me.”
Destiny was wondering at his slight emphasis when he said ‘the’ as she went to get her things. As she picked up her panties she almost dropped them again as she realized what he meant. “Holy fucking hell! He’s saying that I live here. He’s giving me a place in the house.” Unsure how to handle the situation, she gathered up the rest of clothes and grabbed her hoody from the door rack before following Peter down to a finished basement.
Pete waited patiently as she loaded the washer, somehow knowing that his help would be unappreciated. He idly noted she was depressingly competent at the mundane task, not in the least bit surprising given her upbringing. He sighed as she finished, “I hate to bring this up, but in the morning Dad’s going to want an explanation on why you’re here. He’s already gathered a bit about you and I’d really not be the one who told him the entirety of the truth.”
Destiny winced, but nodded, “I can understand that.” She looked at him pitifully, “But could you at least be there when I tell him?”
The young man nodded, “Of course. Dad won’t be upset with you. He may want to murder your father, but then again, so do I, so I’m not in much position to say much.” He noticed she was looking at him oddly, “What?”
“It’s just that, well, no one, erm...”
He sighed, “You’re not used to dealing with highly protective men. I get that. I hate to say it, but it’s something you’re going to have to acclimate to on somewhat short order. There’s also one other thing. I exercise on a regular basis. Dad’s just started joining me. I’d like it if you would as well.”
Destiny gave him a suspicious look for a moment. “If you want to see my tits bounce, all you have to do is ask,” she said with a faux smile.
Peter completely missed the subtle trap, “Nothing like that. I just want to make sure you can take care of yourself.”
She couldn’t help it; she blinked at the reminder that he actually was a good guy. A pervert, maybe; or at least a healthy male. But it looked like he wasn’t just setting her up to fuck her; literally or figuratively. “Although, I wouldn’t mind fucking him,” she thought. Between his broad shoulders and tight ass, he made her wetter than she’d been in a long time. When he took his shirt off to dump in the hamper next to the washer, she nearly melted at the muscles she saw. He wasn’t huge like a bodybuilder, but he was as well cut as any of the meatheads she’d seen on TV for that ninja show. She unconsciously licked her lips, before saying, “Um, yeah, I can do that.”
“Good. In that case, we’ll go shopping tomorrow. I wouldn’t want you to pull anything,” he said with an overdone grin that she couldn’t help but laugh at.
“Alright, first things first buster,” she said as she poked him in the chest. “There’s going to be a trade going on here. While you’re getting me in shape, I’m going to be teaching you to charm the panties off of any bitch that catches your eye, clear?”
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