Chimerical Ascension
Copyright© 2016 by Oldwolf
Chapter 2
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2 - An Ancient God, forgotten by Man and Time, gives his Spark of Divinity to a mortal who he meets. Now, if the young man can just figure out what's going on... Codes will be added as the story progresses.
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mind Control Paranormal MaleDom Oral Sex Sex Toys Slow
In the morning, Peter rolled out of bed and stretched, his dick slapping at his thighs as he did so. He was surprised to smell food cooking. He quickly threw on a pair of boxers, blue jeans, and a heather tee-shirt before he went to investigate. To his immense surprise, he found his father already in the kitchen making scrambled eggs and sausages. He nodded cautiously to the old man, “Morning.”
John smiled tentatively at his son, “Good morning.”
The teenager was shocked to not only find his father awake before ten, but his eyes were crystal clear; not a single sign of the booze anywhere in his gaze. “Surprised to see you at this hour,” he said as he sat down at the table.
The elder Bell licked his lips nervously as he put a large plateful of scrambled eggs on the table along with a platter of sausages. Since he’d set the table before he started cooking he seated himself opposite his son. “More like still up,” he said with a small grin. “I spent pretty much all night thinking about what you said, and I hate to admit it, but you’re right. I am a fuckup. But I’m a man, I can change, and I’m going to at least try to.” He gave his son a sad smile, “I know, I’ve said that before, but this time, I’m not going to make any extravagant promises; just that I’m going to try, and keep on trying, until I get it right.”
Peter looked at his father, really, truly, looked at him, before he nodded, “Alright Dad, if you’re serious this time, I’m here to help.”
With that the two men tore into the food. The food disappeared surprisingly quickly, or not, all things considered.
After the dishes are loaded into the washer, John said, “I think I’ll join you for your exercises this morning.”
Peter shook his head, “No, you won’t. I’ve been working up to my current level for months. If you try to jump straight in, you’ll just hurt yourself. You’ll need to start at the basic level, just like I did.”
The father smiled sadly at his son’s astringent tone, “Alright, I guess I’ll have to trust you. After that,” he sighed, “it’s time to start looking for work again.”
Peter frowned at his father for several seconds before saying, “Com’on, I’ll run you through the exercises.”
John was panting like an old dog by the time they were through. The toe touches hadn’t been too bad, his beer gut had made the crunches more of a challenge then they should have been, and the partial pushups weren’t all that tough. However, the running in place and the jumps had almost killed him.
The teenager patted his father on the shoulder, “I’m proud of you Dad.”
The old man managed to pant out, “Why? The last part damn near killed me. I hadn’t realized just how out of shape I was.”
“Maybe, but you finished. You didn’t quit and you didn’t give up. Now, go, grab a shower and get dressed for work. I’ll have a word with Mike. He owes me enough to get you hired and on my crew.”
John swallowed nervously as his son pulled into the construction site. He’d worked for Mike Stern in the past and the other man knew about John’s alcohol issues. He wasn’t sure how his son was going to talk the hard headed businessman into taking a chance on a newly recovering alcoholic.
Pete nodded to his father, “Stay here until I talk to Mike.” With that, the young man went to find his boss.
Michael Stern was a hard man in his late fifties. He’d weathered war and hardship to build up his company. He smiled as his youngest, but more productive, team leader walked up to him. “Hey Pete, ‘ he greeted warmly, “what’s up?”
The young man nodded, “Heya Mike. I hate to do this, but I need a favor.”
The elder man barely blinked, “If I can. Whatcha need?”
“There’s a new guy that I need you to assign to my team.”
This time he blinked for a second. “I haven’t hired anyone new,” he said confusedly. Then he started to nod slowly, “Which means you not only want me to hire them, but to make sure they’re assigned to you.” He suddenly fixed the young man with an intense look, “Who?”
Pete sighed, “My dad.”
This time Stern scowled, “Any why, pray tell, would I allow him not only onto my jobsite, but onto any of my crews?”
The teenager held up his right hand with his fore and middle fingers extended. “Two reasons,” he said calmly, completely unaffected by the glare that had made hardened construction workers quiver. “First,” he used his left hand to tap his right index finger, “it’s his first day on the wagon. Second,” this time he tapped his middle finger, “you just got your ten year cake.”
At that, Mike winced, “That’s a cheap shot, and you know it.”
Peter grinned, “Yeah, but it worked didn’t it?”
Mike sighed, “Yes, it did. Have him talk to Stacy. I trust you’re going to be keeping an eye on him?”
“I’m going to be having the entire team keeping an eye on him,” Bell said with a respectful nod to his boss. He then strode back over to where his father was fidgeting.
The corner of John’s mouth was curled up in the beginnings of what could be a hopeful smile, if he wasn’t relatively sure that his hopes were about to be dashed. “So, how’d it go?”
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