At a Price - Cover

At a Price

Copyright© 2016 by Kris Me

Chapter 10: Battening Down the Hatches

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10: Battening Down the Hatches - Martian was sent to negotiate the mining rights on Mary's Cattle Property. He didn't enjoy doing old ladies out of their property, as it always came at a price. The last thing he expected was to fall in love with a woman three times his age. However, Mary wasn't your typical old lady next door.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Magic   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Slow  

The puppy came too and happily watched them working.

Mary separated some items into another box and grabbed a tool belt. She emptied a box of screws into a pouch and grabbed a battery drill from her tool bench.

“The windows for the basement don’t have shutters like the rest of the house and the sheds. I didn’t replace them last time I did some renovations. They should be okay. However, I prefer to play safe like Andy, in case I can’t convince Pam to go play elsewhere. She is a bloody big cranky cyclone,” she told him.

Marty helped her carry the shutters that she had ordered. They were made to her specifications to fit the windows. They started installing them and the lockdown bolts. Marty held them in place while she fastened the hinges. They then lined up the bolts, screwed them in place and locked the shutter.

It took them until dark to get finished. The last two had been a pain as the wind, and the rain had swirled around them and drenched them. The also had to kneel in the mud. They were both shivering by the time they had put the tools put away and got inside out of the weather.

The pup had been smart enough to head for his nice warm bed as soon as the rain started in earnest. He watched them strip off on the back veranda. They hung their clothes on the undercover line on the veranda and made a beeline for Mary’s shower.

Marty was grateful for the hot water to be sluicing over his chilled body. They hugged and kissed under the water and washed each other. As they warmed up, so did the action. Before he knew it, he found her on his cock with her legs wrapped around him and her back pressed into the shower’s wall, and he was coming in her again.

He seemed to lose all sense of time and reality when they started fucking. He just got lost in the sensations she created in his body and his desire to please her. Going by the blissful look on her face, he achieved his goal. When they got out, they helped dry each other.

Mary gave him a man-sized, soft cotton dressing gown to wear, so he didn’t have to brave the front veranda to go downstairs. He wondered how many other men had worn it before him and had the pleasure of enjoying Mary’s charms.

He then thought about the two old guys that been vying for her attention when they were shopping. If they had memories of her coming as she just had for him, he couldn’t blame them for wanting her back.

Although he wasn’t sure how they would handle her now, he was a hell of a lot younger than they were and she wrung him out. He thought that they would probably have heart attacks trying to please her. He chuckled to himself at the picture in his head.

‘What a way to go!’ was his next thought.

“What are you grinning about?” Mary asked him.

“I was thinking of the old guys fucking you and trying to keep up with you,” he said and grinned at her surprised look.

“You were thinking about the other men I’ve been with,” she said incredulously.

“Well not all of them, just those two blokes. I thought you’d give them both heart attacks if you fucked them the way you do me. I barely keep up with you,” he qualified.

She raised her eyebrows at him, and he grinned again. “I was feeling a bit sorry for them, but I wasn’t planning on them getting their wish, not as long as I’m around anyway. I don’t share well, and you are not a lady any sane man would want to share.”

She gave him a small, sad smile, and he wondered what he had said that had made her sad. He hoped it wasn’t the fact he wouldn’t share. He bristled at the thought of anyone touching her while she was his. Normally he wasn’t the jealous type.

He had walked in on his longest girlfriend of six months fucking another bloke in his bed. He’d just got back from three weeks on a proposed new mine site. He had grunted at them went and got a beer and went and worked on his computer until the guy left.

When she had appeared, he had simply told her to pack and be out by the weekend. She had cried, sobbed and begged for another chance. Strangely, he hadn’t really cared. He hadn’t been impressed, but it didn’t do his head in. He didn’t really miss her after she was gone either.

Yet, he had only been with Mary one day, and he found that in her case, he cared a hell of a lot more. She made his heart race just by smiling at him. Her touch, her scent and her smiles made him want to wrap her in his arms and not let go.

He followed her out to the kitchen and made them drinks while she defrosted some containers of stew from her freezer. Marty watched her move around the kitchen and thought some more about what being with her meant to him.

He’d not had any girlfriend for longer than six months in the nine years he had been sexually active. He just couldn’t seem to find a woman who both satisfied him, and he wanted to be with after the sex.

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