The Parties - Cover

The Parties

Copyright© 2020 by richardthomas666

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - One wild party in England leads to an even wilder orgy in Paris, which leads to...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Teenagers   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Shemale   Fiction   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   Light Bond   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Fisting   Sex Toys   Squirting  

It was like a dream – I couldn’t believe my luck. I had been working late – my boss wanted some papers for the next day’s board meeting finished, and when I finally completed them, he gave me £100 and said to go and have a drink at the bar next to the offices – I deserved it. As I walked in, there she was on a bar stool, looking unbelievably sexy, and smiled towards me as I moved towards the bar.

“You look as though you’ve had a long day,” she said in a very cultured voice. “Let me buy you a drink.”

To say this was exciting was putting it mildly. She was sex on legs, about mid-30s, magnificent figure with breasts to drown in, slim legs that went all the way up to her arse and lustrous red hair which had clearly been cut by a true professional. Whilst for myself, I was a tender 22, had recent got a job as PA to a dynamic entrepreneur and had, so far in my life, bedded only two young women with very limited degrees of enthusiasm and sexual skill. She looked as though she needed at least two lovers a day.

She bought me the drink – and several others – we laughed and chatted and somehow, two hours later, I found myself in a high rise apartment in the City, both of us stark naked, with me riding her magnificent body as she screamed with pleasure and begged me to do all the things I had long desired to do with an enthusiastic lover.

She was magnificent and sexually insatiable – I think we finally fell asleep about 4 am, but at 6 in the morning, I slowly woke up to find her greedy mouth sucking my cock whilst she had inserted two fingers up my arse. Once my erection was vertical and throbbing, she climbed onto me and rode me for the next two hours as though her life depended on it. I finally managed to persuade her that my new job depended on removing my now aching cock from her anus and getting to work, and she let me go.

I could barely stay awake that day – my boss asked if I was OK, and I assured him that I was fine.

Her name was Joanne, she was married and had a husband who was something in the City, but they had an open marriage. She told me that she liked to have a couple of young lovers to meet her sexual needs, and wanted me to be one of them – I agreed readily, the sex with her was unbelievable, but the knowledge that I would not have to satisfy her all the time was almost a relief. However, a condition of our relationship was that I was exclusively for her, no other lovers were allowed. And because she abhorred condoms, she paid for me to be tested once a fortnight at a local STI clinic. She would ring me every week or so, and we would get together either overnight or occasionally for a weekend away together. The sex got better and better, I could now sustain an erection without cuming for at least three hours.

Then, one day, came a surprising call. She said that her husband and her were having a party the following Friday – would I like to come? I was stunned, but she assured me that her husband knew all about me, and was also bringing his young mistress. I asked what sort of party, to which she replied, “Dinner, nudity, fucking, swinging, buggery – all the usual things you have at a party – you’ll love it, Tom.”

The following Friday she sent a taxi to pick me up at 7 o’clock – it was a large people carrier, with darkened windows and a suited chauffeur. He opened the rear door and I climbed in, then he got into the driver’s seat. I heard a ‘clunk’ as the central locking engaged, then the chauffeur spoke over an intercom.

“Miss Joanne requests that you remove all your clothing, and on the seat you will find leather bracelets you are to fit to your wrists and ankles, and a leather collar to fit around your neck. You have 30 minutes before we arrive.” I was stunned and sat there for a few minutes as the car started its journey, but eventually realised that I might as well go along with the idea, and so I did as I had been told.

Eventually we arrived in the country in Buckinghamshire and swept down a long drive to a huge Georgian mansion set in beautiful grounds. In front of the house were half a dozen expensive cars. The car stopped, and the chauffeur opened the door for me and I climbed out, buck naked and feeling very vulnerable. “Stop!” he said sharply, and he reached forward and clipped a gold chain onto the ring on the front of the collar. “Now, follow me!”

As he led me up the steps the magnificent figure of Joanne opened the front door and moved towards me. She was wearing a magnificent low-cut evening gown of blue silk which showed off her curves.

“Thank you, Charlie, I’ll take him.” He passed her the chain, and she drew me to her and her tongue was in my mouth before I could realise what was happening – and my cock reacted immediately and embarrassingly to her embrace. She reached down and stroked my rising erection. “How lovely – come and meet our fellow guests, they will be impressed with this fellow.”

She led me into the house – and to my horror, I found myself facing my boss, Sir Henry. He was wearing evening dress, and in one hand he had a chain like mine, the other end of which was attached to the collar of a delicious young blonde, like me wearing leather bracelets and stark naked. She could hardly have been more than 17 years old, with slim hips and sweet young perky breasts. She was quite unfazed by the encounter and grinned at me and licked her lips lasciviously.

“Let me make the introductions,” said Joanne calmly. “Henry you know of course, it was he who recommended that I seek you out as he spotted that you would be perfect for me as a lover – he is never wrong.” Joanne moved to Sir Henry and kissed him passionately and stroked his crotch with her fingernails. Then she turned to the young girl. “And this is Tabitha, Henry’s mistress – isn’t she lovely? I chose her for him – sometimes he lends her to me for the night, which is extremely pleasurable.” Joanne put her arm around the girl and fondled her breast, then greedily kissed the girl, who responded enthusiastically by sticking her tongue right down Joanne’s throat.

“I should explain that Henry and I have always had lovers, but we always make a point of knowing them and have no secrets from each other. Now then, our guests are here and waiting for us in the conservatory, so let’s just go into the drawing room and I’ll explain your duties.”

Joanne turned and moved quickly into a room on the right, and I followed, drawn by my chain. The enormous room had a number of large sofas and chairs arranged around the edge of the room, but the centre of the room consisted of an astonishing array of BDSM equipment, which I had only ever seen in magazines or on porn sites. Tabitha and I were told to sit on one of the sofas, but the proximity of her naked body meant that my erection was out of control, despite my attempts to conceal it. I saw Joanne laugh.

“Don’t worry, Tom, Tabitha’s body has that effect on everyone, particularly my husband. If you are good this evening, you’ll get to stick that beast of yours into whichever orifices of hers you want to.” I heard Tabitha giggle beside me.

“Now then, my lovely naked young friends, to business.” As she spoke she moved forwards and removed the chains from our collars. “In a few minutes, you will join half a dozen swinger friends of ours to party the night away. You will both help to serve champagne to our guests, then join us for a supper in the dining room. Once I decide we are ready, I will bring you in here and arrange you on this equipment, and then our guests will join us and your bodies will be available until the early hours of the morning. Tabitha knows how much fun this can be, but please don’t think I will allow any slacking – if I detect that you are not putting your hearts and souls into this, you will be hung up and whipped severely and we will never meet again. You are to do anything that Sir Henry, myself or any guest requests. Everyone present has been tested at a sex clinic in the last 48 hours, so every part of you will be available to them without protection. Do you understand? Any questions?”

I saw Tabitha shake her head, so I did too. “Excellent!” said Sir Henry. “Put on a good show tonight Tom, and I might lend you Tabitha for a weekend – that’ll straighten your pencil!!”

I looked towards Tabitha and it was quite clear that the prospect of my cock in her nubile young body appealed greatly to her. My prick made it quite clear that it was looking forward to the party.

“Come then, lovers, our guests are waiting,” Joanne said, and took us both by the hand and led us through the house towards the conservatory. As we approached, the noise rose, but as Joanne opened the doors, the room went silent as all the guests turned to inspect us.

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